The Forest Guide

Surviving The Forest for The Forest

Surviving The Forest


A quick guide for anyone starting to play the game, or someone having trouble surviving the first couple days. Goes pretty indepth on how to make the best of the first couple days.


Sup, I am Nightmarishghost and I have been tracking this game for a couple months, and bought it as soon as I could when it came out. I have had a blast on it so far, and have made it to about a week into the game being my farthest time made (The game randomly crashed, so thats how it ended). The game can be difficult, and overwhelming at the beginning, but I am here to give you a few tips to making it past the first couple nights, and possibly longer.

The Map

Few quick screenshots showing the map.

Plane Crash

OH ****, the plane just crashed, and a naked man just took my son, now what?

1) Collect EVERYTHING on the plane. There will be food, booze, cloth, medicine, an axe (think that is all).
2) Go collect stuff on the ground around the plane. The luggage cases are locked, so you can hit them with the axe to break them open. Also there are circuit boards on the side of the plane, 2 of them, get them both. At this point though, the most important thing are booze and cloth. Combined they make molotovs, your best friend in the beginning of the game.
3)You will want to get as much as you can then run the heck away. The mutants swarm the plane site within a couple minutes, and if you are there, they will beat your face in. Try to figure out where the mutant group is, and run the opposite way.

Surviving the First Day

I escaped the crash site, now what?
1) Craft the molotovs now. The game DOES NOT pause when you are crafting, so you MUST have made the molotovs before you are being attacked by the mutants, or it is too late for you.
2)You will want to find an area that is near trees, as you will be crafting a lot of stuff using them, so you don’t want to be running very far, and is also near food. The best source of food I have found are the lizards. The lizards provide constant food, as long as you kill and cook them, and they also provide armor with their skin. You can wear their skin to gain armor (acts as bonus hp).
3) You will want to make a hunters shelter as quick as possible, and then procede to make a fire. The fire will keep you warm when it rains, and will make it so you are able to cook food.
4) You will almost certainly have mutants around by now, so all you have to do is whip out the molotovs that you made, and let them come to you. The molotovs do 4 procs of damage, and the last proc will kill a mutant.
5) Use your trusty axe, and dismember the bodies, and craft a small effigy in your camp. The effigy will keep the mutants away for awhile. You will need some sticks, and mutant limbs to craft it.

Surviving the First Attack

Ok so I managed to survive the initial mutant attack, now what do I do?
1) Build up some defense. You should be safe for a couple days, but be assured, you are not save forever. The mutants will come back, and be stronger than before. By the point they begin attacking, you can have a log cabin, some walls around it, a small garden, and some other odds and ends, but overall you should be survining well (constant supply of food, fire nearby, etc.).
2) By now you should have a firm grasp of the game, and should be able to figure out what to do depending on how the game is playing out.

My first log cabin <3

So You Were Captured

After you ‘die’ once, you get an extra life pretty much. It is your one redo at life, so don’t waste it. Once you spawn in the cave you will see bodies hanging from all over the ceiling. In front of you will be a table, it will have a real axe, food, medicine, etc. Behind you there is a a corner, you will have to crouch down to go into it, but there is a flare gun back there. This will help you whenever you get caught off guard as you can just shoot the natives and let them burn to death. As you walk through the cave you will most likely, not always, jumped by 2 to 4 natives that fall from the ceiling. After that, you can just walk through the cave, and if you already had your home made, can just follow the icon back home to continue your day.

Some of the things you may find in the cave if you explore it some. By what I have tried and what I have read, you CAN NOT kill them, but if you get close to them THEY WILL kill you.

^^^Not Friendly

Random Tips

1) The first time you die, you will spawn in a cave. The cave will have all sorts of treasures, a real axe, a flare gun, food, medicine, and other things. After you go into the cave a bit, mutants might jump from the ceiling and attack you, so be ready. If you die a second time, it is game over.
2) When you are wielding molotovs and switch weapons, the molotov you were holding falls to the ground, so make sure you are moving backwards so your are not lit on fire.
3) Fire will help keep the mutants away.
4) When you hear the mutant screams, find out where it came from, don’t let them sneak up on you.
5) Tree cutting, you must keep clicking the mouse, and I found that it helps if you circle around the tree after you hit it a few times.
6) Try to base in a small clearing. The mutants can jump from tree to tree to sneak up on you.
7) You can carry two logs at once.
8) Don’t let trees fall on you.
9) Game DOES NOT pause when you press esc 🙁 learned that while I was writing some more tips.
10) When you cut down a tree the logs from the top of the tree will normally jump about 20 feet into the air, don’t let them hit you.
11) Near ponds and stuff you might find mud on the ground, if you use it you will put it on yourself and it will help camouflage you from the mutants. P.S. I seem to find a lot of it as it is or right after it finishes raining.
12) So far the only way I have found to remove blood off of yourself is to be rained on; going into ponds and such seems to have no effect.

Random Recipes

Molotov = Cloth + Booze
Hand Made Axe = Stick + Rock
Bomb = Coins + Circuit Board + (Either cloth or booze, can’t remember atm)

Random Funny Things

NOOO!!! Not my suitcase 🙁

Bugs to Watch Out For

1) Dismembering a body can sometimes, only happened to me once, send you 50 feet into the air and you will die falling back down.
2) Apparently, from what I have heard, bushes will sometimes get angry if you hit them and knock you 50 feet into the air too, so be careful.


-I will update this guide I learn more about the game or as they add stuff to it. Feel free to post comments on things I can add, or if you have any questions.
Good luck surviving 🙂