Cry of Fear Guide

Surviving the Nightmare Pt. 1 for Cry of Fear

Surviving the Nightmare Pt. 1


This is simply some advice on how to start your journey throuhg nightmare mode in Cry of Fear. (Note: This guide will cover the start of the game up untill the “Train Crash” chapter, that’s going to be for part 2.)

Step 1: Essentials

Here’s a list of the items that you will need in order to survive. I reccomend that you have everything on this list (and yes, I’ve already unlocked them.)

1. The Camera
(Obtained by completing the game with any ending on any difficulty in under 2.5 hours.)

2. The Axe
(Obtained by killing a twitcher with the axe in the secret ending)
(There are other guides out there that show how to get the secret ending.)

3. Night Vision
(Obtained by completing Doctor Mode.)

4. Syringes
(Lots of them).

Step 2: When to Save???

Yeah… For those who don’t already know, you have to use a casset tape in order to save when playing nightmare mode; & you only have five saves… welp, guess it’s called “nightmare mode” for a reason, right? Anyway, here’s a list of the (in my opinion) best places to use the casset tape.

1. Before the “Sawer” boss battle.
(Reaason: One-hit kills.)

2. Before the “Mace” boss battle.
(Reaason: One-hit kills.)

3. Before the “You Will Not Survive” maze.
(Reaason: One-hit kills, starting to see a pattern here?)

4. On the train after you place the two fuses and watch the long cutscene.
(Reaason: Do you really want to go through that maze again? I know I don’t!)

(Disclaimer: Again, this only covers the first few chapters of the game, there will be an updated “part 2” to this survival guide.)

Section 3: Some Last Minute Tips.

[Refer to title.]

1. Always keep night-vision on.

2. Use the camera as much as possible.

3. Carry only the bare essentials.

4. Don’t be afraid or hesitant to use syringes when low on health.

5. Just escape the Carcass battle.

6. Use the axe only when absolutely necessary.

7. Avoid as much unnecessary conflict as possible.

8. Just use the camera on the sawrunner (at a safe distance) whenever it shows up, it works every time on any difficulty.

9. Don’t die… (Best tip ever XD)