Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) Guide

SWBFII (Classic, 2005), Basics for playing on Hero Assault Servers for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

SWBFII (Classic, 2005), Basics for playing on Hero Assault Servers


This is a little guide about the hidden Hero Assault mode on Mos Eisley for beginners. It tells you something about the unique attacks of the Jedi/Sith.This guide isn’t completed yet. I will complete it in the next days.For advanced players I recommend you to read this guide: you for reading and have fun.

Maul Shield

With your 3rd hit while using a combo with your Lightsaber Attack hold down the attack button (default mouse button 1) to make Darth Maul create a lightsaber shield around him dealing huge damage to everyone running into it.

Sprint attack

While performing a sprint attack, you regain stamina.

General Grievous’ sprint attack

Hitting the Lightsaber Attack button (default mouse button 1) twice while sprinting (default W (2x) / default W + default SHIFT) extends Grievous’ sprint attack.

Ki-Adi-Mundi’s sprint attack

You can split Ki-Adi-Mundi’s sprint attack up into two phases. The first phase is when he does a frontflip, the second is when he finishes his sprint attack with a final blow. Both hits reduce the enemy’s health bar around 50% (not including characters with a higher health bar like Darth Vader and General Grievous). You can continue the frontflip attack by repeatedly pressing the Lightsaber Attack button (default mouse button 1) up to 6 times or until Ki-Adi-Mundi’s stamina runs out.

You also can alter the radius of this attack by shifting it towards the sky or behind you by simply looking up. Now if you’re attacking an enemy up front with the sprint attack while doing so, perform an 180°-turn. Now you can hit your enemy, but he most likely won’t see you hitting him despite taking damage.

Mace Windu’s sprint attack

Windu’s sprint attack differs from the other sprint attacks and you have to get used to it. In my early playtime I didn’t like it because I never landed a good hit on a target. Later when I gained some experience he was my favorite hero character in duels.

The sprint attack consists of two strikes, the first when you attack while sprinting, the second when Mace Windu stops charging forward. With a bit practice you can land both hits on the same enemy. After this you can merge this sprint attack with the last strike of Mace Windu’s Lightsaber Attack by using the Lightsaber Attack again (default mouse button 1). In short, just keep pressing the attack button after the sprint attack and you will finish off your enemy.

Mace Windu’s jump attack

I think this information is almost unnecessary for those that played Mace Windu before, but Mace Windu’s jump attack is a one-hit finisher if you’re right above your enemy. This doesn’t include Darth Vader and General Grievous, since they have more HP than other Sith.

Yoda’s first strike

A little tip for those who like playing Yoda: Yoda’s first attack consists of three strikes with the last dealing the most damage. If you’re hitting an enemy with those strikes, he will suffer more than 80% damage. After that you can of course continue with the 3-hit combo.

I don’t think you can null with Yoda’s strikes.
For more information about nulling read guide for advanced players.

Yoda’s sprint attack

Yoda’s sprint attack contains of three strikes. To unleash the third strike you have to press Lightsaber Attack (default mouse button 1) a second time while performing your sprint attack. Most Sith don’t survive from suffering all three hits.

Luke Skywalker’s sprint attack

Luke Skywalker and Yoda use the same sprint attack with the same pattern. The only difference is that Luke’s third and last hit while performing a sprint attack finishes off every Sith except Darth Vader and General Grievous.

Following sections will be added soon

Individual sprint attacks:
Darth Sidious / Emperor + Count Dooku (double dash)

Basic Guide on Jedi/Siths [German]

Here’s my guide I wrote years ago when I played as a member of -=[Un|Perfect]=- while old friends were part of the Mainfield.* Clan.


It contains the basic hero attacks including damage and how to use them. Since we were a german community the guide also is written in german. It will be translated into english if I have enough time or some volunteer is eager to do it.