STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ Guide

SWTOR Datacrons - TARIS (Empire) for STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

SWTOR Datacrons – TARIS (Empire)


Here is a step-by-step guide for locating the SWTOR datacrons for the Empire. The SWTOR Datacrons Taris video is also included along with a fully detailed written tutorial. There are a total of 5 datacrons to collect on Taris which are 3x Mastery +4, Presence +4 and Endurance +3. The Taris datacron locations are much more difficult to locate, as most of them require quite a lot of precision jumping across many beams and broken pipes on ruined buildings.

SWTOR Datacrons Taris Details

Below is a breakdown of all the SWTOR Datacrons on Taris including datacron type, location, codex entry and more:

Codex Entry
Endurance +3
Republic Resettlement Zone
-1513, -255
Galactic History 23: The Sith Order Begins
Mastery +4
The Sinking City
444, -772
Galactic History 50: Basilisk
Mastery +4
Abandoned Pirate Cave
-643, 1606
Galactic History 52: Exar Kun Faces Korriban
Light Blue
Mastery +4
Tularan Marsh
1049, 454
Galactic History 49: Exar Kun
Presence +4
Transport Station 5
1187, -136
Galactic History 51: The Krath Cult Strikes

SWTOR Datacrons Taris Video

Please follow the directions in the below video for a detailed guide on how to find all the SWTOR datacrons on Taris:

Specific Datacron Timestamps

Endurance +3

I recommend that you watch this video for this SWTOR datacron as it can be quite difficult to reach. The video link is timestamped prior to starting the datacron for convenience.

Begin at the Crater Command Base speeder and head north along the path as shown in the screenshot below until you reach the coordinates (-1367, -208). Here you will find a large beam from a ruined building with a ledge against wall. Follow the ledge as shown in the below screenshot. Keep left following the ledge passing 3 more beams and a grated metal platform. When you see a second grated metal platform, stop and look to your right. You should see a long twisted mental beam pointing towards a large red pipe/tunnel. The metal beam branches off two ways, take the left path (this side is much thinner than the right path), and jump onto the rusty red broken pipe/tunnel. Facing north is a bent broken pipe attached to the larger red pipe/tunnel you are now standing on. Jump onto this pipe and across the break until you come to the end of it. Look down and you will see a ledge which you can drop to. Follow the ledge, jumping up a bit at the raised part and back down to the much narrower ledge on your right. Ahead and below you will see a platform with a broken roof opening. Jump down to the platform go through the opening and proceed along the big red pipe with the grey walkway atop it. The datacron is at the edge of the break in the red pipe.

  • Receive: Endurance +3
  • Location: Republic Resettlement Zone
  • Coords: -1513, -255
  • Codex Entry: Galactic History 23: The Sith Order Begins

Mastery +4 (Orange)

Begin at the Imperial starting point for Taris, ‘Toxic Lake Garrison’. Follow the path south then west to the Abandoned Pirate Cave (-767, 1192). Continue through the cave until you see an elevator to the Republic Mines. Jump onto a forklift at (-643, 1543) and jump onto some scaffolding to the left. From here, hop along the boxes and pipes lining the edge of the wall until you reach a large stack of shipping containers. The datacron will be on the scaffolding below you.

  • Receive: Mastery +4
  • Location: Abandoned Pirate Cave
  • Coords: -643, 1606
  • Codex Entry: Galactic History 52: Exar Kun Faces Korriban

Mastery +4 (Light Blue)

Begin at the 75th Legion Forward Camp. Travel north up the path and then east to a large pipe (1170, 285) that leads from the ground to the upper walkways as shown in the screenshots below. Walk up the pipe and drop onto the platform below then head south east. Continue along the twisted beam on the right and jump onto the ledge next to the wall. Run across that and drop onto the large metal platform below. Cross it to the next section of ledges south and jump onto the outcropping, then follow that further south. Hug the wall where the vertical support beams are to avoid falling. At the end of the ledges, look down to see a walkway jutting out of a pillar, Jump down to it. Follow the beams and broken platforms around as they head back northward. There are several small openings to jump over, look out for these. The datacron is on the north side of the final vertical beam’s ledges.

  • Receive: Mastery +4
  • Location: Tularan Marsh
  • Coords: 1049, 454
  • Codex Entry: Galactic History 49: Exar Kun

Presence +4

Begin at the Border Assault Post speeder and head north following the path to the Transport Station 5 tunnel (389, 6). Continue all the way through the tunnel travelling north east until you come to an exit. Keep travelling until you see some scaffolding (1134, -575) and jump onto it, then to the next fallen piece of scaffolding. The datacron is located just ahead.

  • Receive: Presence +4
  • Location: Transport Station 5
  • Coords: 1187, -576
  • Codex Entry: Galactic History 51: The Krath Cult Strikes

Mastery +4 (Purple)

I recommend that you watch this video for this SWTOR datacron as it can be quite difficult to reach. The video link is timestamped prior to starting the datacron for convenience.

Begin at the Forward Outpost Alpha speeder and head north until you arrive at (360, -910) a large broken beam. Travel up the broken beam until you arrive to the right of a wall edge, move under the beam and jump to the next wall. Move over this new wall and then jump to another one to your left that leads to the another beam. Be carefull tho the walls are broken, edges are twisted and it is a long way down. Once you reach the beam go around it to the right, and then to the twisted beam. Then you need to jump down to the beam that will lead you to next pillar. You should not die from falling but better to restore HP before moving further. Finally go around new pillar, jump to the twisted part of the floor, move to the wall, turn left and just move straight to the datacron jumping over small cracks.

  • Receive: Mastery +4
  • Location: The Sunken City
  • Coords: 444, -772
  • Codex Entry: Galactic History 50: Basilisk

More SWTOR Datacrons (Empire)
