A bit of everything table top ai scenarios a how to put them together, battle groups AAR, research that kinda stuff needs a bit (a lot) of editing (writing style experiments a wip progress while not moding) so also a bit of translation into human atm
Chronicles from the IA front line – ‘It was 6 minutes to B’
‘It was 6 minutes to B’ plus another 4 seconds on that for Total Victory!
Chronicles from the IA front line also known as Autopsy by Ai an AAR review of the blood shed
Design stuff first yep like it says these are little monsters now so here i shall put some of their antics the funny and the foul
[i[strike]]The next Mission Question[[/strike]/i]
– design good test decks to beat the pulp out me and try not to make allies that are terminators
– to truly see how much pain the ai can dish i gota face full 1944 Top Shelf Pain that means Soviet and Wehrmacht Armoured air and the works — sorta scary with these settings.
So either a Kurskish scuffle for a true apocalypse vs King Tigers and all that fun or a similar setup but as Axis receiving 10 Stalins organs in the face when you hit start button and the sky disappearing or maybe an Arhnem to feel if SS Panzers vs Piats and a cup of tea was like in the movies… 3 options for extreme pain delivered by IA (as they shall be know)
So tempted – a Bridge to Far, days ticking down before a patch destroys everything (which is fine and nec) coded in Sydney in July 2021 as it will remembered in books – nothing could go wrong Monty says – very thematic
plus its the only character i can make on fun writing and not offend pple to much as its was ‘my team’ back then as it were and can do the accent
Always found that mission fascinating as well also bit metaphoric the folly of war an all that stuff . A good insite for of all that sacrifice for nothing in the end for naught that all side felt at times and sometimes alot more but essentially were just like you and me (enough of that but yea i like Arhnem)
Tone and humour may a bit Tarantino at times but times dictate that around here at moment
– one thing on every battle field thru history almost was stories how loud the swearing was – not all but most – curiosity fact
mission time 44 hours – (sure there no tanks there Monty?)
– btw all this yarn is was relating to the 2.6 RnD of TRL and is covered in health warnings and soon will be but zeroes and ones again [link]
Observing these things is fascinating (for me) now just for that what the hell are they going to do next factor
So if AI Koruk Tigers doing donuts in their Soviet Speztzna type opponents spawn area, the Soviet responding with 6 off maps until half the map juss wasn’t their anymore – it worked well and was quite thematic… well if that stuff interests you as well, feel free to read on these weary correspondents scribbles
A pair of allied spitfires spawn camping my air corridor in tight formation waiting for my Avro (2nd time they done that)
Smoking my AA – arty smoke on my AA – not sure if it was co ordinated but it gave me a surprise and a giggle, the Speztnas were droppin alot like its useful for (sometimes)
The poor IA Mig Hero proto who gained a Star promotion just spending the entire game after my jet
and the sad tale of why pilots should not show off to much in very expensive un-insured toys …..
Victory carried by 2 out 3 ai allies and the odd nine 88mm’s at deployment
Lessons from the field to aid survival
– most important – you can never have to many 88’s SD2 scripture (but its feels bit like cheating sometimes and may may not last)
– Low morale troops actually have a pretty smart plan often and can increase ai difficulty hit and run attackers in particular – almost tempted to use it a proper separate skirmisher irregular class and low morale a different bane as it were cause 70% its good for ai
however …
low morale do not like meeting my Mauri bros in Forested Hills – amazing how fast those guys will de-axisify an ‘up close and personal terrain’ region and running dont seem to help at all
– Ai allies fight better than me most the time felt a spectator or at least a sub commander – but that s actually same in vanilla ^^
….but every story should start at a beginning
The Batlle of the Lake
Observations from the Front – It was 6 minutes to B – plus another 4 seconds after that for Victory
So game was at 6 minutes and 4 second to total victory and 6 minutes to B and i wondered what the hell was going to happen and what the hell the ai would do……
The Enemy IA Air and Infantry heavy A phase saw my sides seven or so 88mm last game (A complete breach of the pre agreed design scenario rules and conventions but victors get to write the justice and history)
So they just didn’t rock up.
Some Mossies had melted my nice shiny Panzer turret things but na nine 88mm by then the AI says stuff this and were at the pub with 4 flags – but they were saving their pennies as well.
Some more Mosquitoes later a few less very expensive and very hard to replace things melted or blown up later the timer ticked to… B
And the Victory in 4 seconds ticked over to the new Victory time of 59 minutes
ah thats going to be a problem said the 3 Maverick Division Axis Commanders that spent everything on 88’s when income was peanuts every 2 minutes – C could not be optimal was the consensus
*//design note – AI will not fall on suicidal AA But that caution seems to decay back to the story
‘Luckily’ didn’t have long to let that worry the mind as alot of noises started getting closer and closer from up north…..
maybe to be continued when i need not getting destroyed by ai time – i hope this isnt helping skynet happen
actually crossing to our Soviet correspondent some small battle that will never be remembered over there seems to be occurring…..
New Rewrite Update – absolutely nothing happened over in the East i’ve been informed by most reliable sources
Yes the Moscow Beurea is not picking up the phone so we have switched our telegraph service to here [link]
For the best It was all going a bit Market Garden here anyway – think this one needs a clean a tiny purge maybe
*so wip if u cd call it that (implies its a work of something) but,maybe vaguely Interesting stuff for me ai behaviours and maybe if you have any curiosity in ai an stuff as well. So stuff may appear here as i see the emergent behaviour of soon to be new Bosses appear always really badly typed spelt grammer the works i try to turn into earth language slowly ^^
The idea
Basically just using battle group exports of special customs built decks and map settings to ‘simulate’ different scenarios from 1914 to 1950 so far, of course dramatic licence is needed but any1 who played with soldiers as kid, tabletop or has a bit of imagination will be used to that. The theme the setting and feel of certain scenarios is the main goal.
Not a substitute or as good as the many great custom units mods for sure but a fast way to try lots of different engagements.
Have a ton of these and need to write them down so here it is writ.
You may need three things, some dlc if you wish to play certain battle-groups, a very small amount cutting and pasting from the guide to SD BG import menu then just following the guide and a bit of Imagination.
Pusan Pocket Korean War 1950
6 United Nations Battle Groups ‘relatively’ historically armed with some licence – out numbered big time by 6 KPA North Korean Divisions – requires Back ot War, D Day of owning SD44 to make up all of them but can do with a few cloned.
– this one is actually a link to its own guide i did awile ago
The North Korean forces, background and codes are on a google doc im updating it live here.
The Great War the Swavian’s and the Pravian’s
(a slightly dadaist, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang take on the great conflict like the author Maurois did)
This is the sorry tale of two proud nations Pravania and Swavania.
It was said you could not meet a more dependable loyal type then a Pravanian Prusīns nor a more jovial or friendly soul than a Swavian Gentilhomme. Yet for some reason these two great nations just couldn’t get along
Scholars still debate the origins of the hostilities, rumours of Pravian engineering breakthroughs with land battleships, whispers of outrageous Swavian technology that defied gravity fueled the growing tensions. Yet consensus has it down to the 1913 Pan Europe Beer Fest and a kerfuffle over who made the best beer.
So in the 1914 War broke out. But this was to be like no war seen before – man became second to the machines, and both sides gathered all the great bothins of the realm to design new weapons of destruction to turn the tide.
The Great War of Swavia and Pravia began with a massive Swavian invasion, with weapons so new and outlandish that surely the Paravians shall submit.
This first scenario is set as part of the great Swavian Offensive ōperācija ebwarewīngi azardan – ‘Operation Victorious Gamble’
So Begins a slightly alternate WW1 BG export and setup guide inspired by the satirical works by Andre Maurois book as a kid. A veteran of the trenches himself i do believe.
(*Design notes on DLC required atm quite alot it turns out ,Fate of Finland, Burning Baltics, Black Sunday and Death of the Vistul – sorry bout that, bit hard to tell what belongs to what when i make these things up as i have the all the dlc but il try and find some wider divs for more options)
Battle Groups and more Info here on Google Doc like Pusan Perimeter (loking for some that dont require all dlc).
The Great War* [docs.google.com]
As Pravians Krupa these settings ok but its a long stroll, i got minced.
*IMPORTANT- Battle group import no longer works from desktop or doc with Ctrl + C. You must RMB then slct copy copy and it will paste into clipboard and into in bg SD2 import menu – its a glitch but easy when you know what to do
– Assault scenarios with trenches and barb wire and MGs a plenty.
– Long timer each phase a new tech might arrive. Those Pravian’s will never guess, a canon on an armoured tractor
– Winchestor Off (so planes wont auto evac) you want those flying machines most are multi role.
# Questions
– Is it 100% Historically accurate ? hmm
– Is it balanced ? – trying to make it but also putting some deliberate holes in defences tech for
certain phases, strength weakness etc.
– Do they have the right Helmets ? – no sorry, nor flags nor accents.
– With No transport isnt it a heck of a long walk ? – sure is plan ahead like 15 minutes ahead,
– Why do Pravian’s get armour in A not C ? – Only time something suitable was available so their
prototypes like the ‘air reconnaissance flying machine’ look after em.
I made a mod to give inf a bit of love that i use you may wish to use it or a mod called stealth mod either will increase the fire fights a bit longer – main thing its slows stuff down as well.
fine ftm
Pegasus Bridge – Operation Dead Stick
This one has its own guide and its here
A small humble tribute to D Day an is why i made the mod in the first place
Assault maps – list and pics
actually just a guide for me but for any1 if it helps
Listing maps starting with Assault as thats what im doing to looking up close to choose for scenario helps for picking Infantry or Armour Divs and design etc
– all from [link] So salute their work – maybe missing one or two of the new ones not sure
Just posting them now no arranging fancy stuff, map versions are of it on largest settings mainly
Orsha, east.
Orsha, north.
autobarn – never played this map, maybe as infantry player it just sounds unhealthy
Naratch Lake – the scene of the last AI massacre
so thanks the pple who did it on fanwiki and they help me pick a good map for the right divisions and might do for others
For instance a Slursk Kursk 2.0 maybe before i go full Monty as it were – best place to meet an AI King Tiger (that i reluctantly must do) is i think with an IS2 and the mighty soviet air force behind u rather than a couple of PIAT’s and a dodgy radio (and lots of tea) – sound like a plan and should Kursk settings should also test performance to 11
ah found it and of course where was it it was here on steam from the peiople who made it in higher res – a few days to patch a bridge to far nothing could go wrong Map – voted by many as worse i really like it
Gora Kalwaria on large – 30th Corp turning up some time in C and Red Devils with the wonder of British inventions the Piat vs the Odd Elite SS Panzer Div till then – nothing could go wrong at any level
Battle Groups of IAHeroes – Ai test stuff
Inspired by cheesy old films – ‘trying’ to put together as an impossible A Team ai (or IA as they our soon be master call themselves in the code) to beat up the player basically swinging for as hard an ai defence match as possible simples
Have to face i mean test some for Wehrmacht whack packing the King Tigers and toys so have to make a Kursk like BG setup that may appear here – no historical accuracy just an ai firepower test – on me and need new section lol
The middle mob of ai test groups
– lost Kelly added some Fusiliers Marins and their borrowed wheels for A and a bit of armour for later on, some riff raff RAF types tag along + Maoris insisted at another run, wont argue with them and the soviet bought more off map so their along
For Axis made each ally actually useful but flawed except the natural born killers Koruck 559, they come late so they are the rescue force, also get one good Inf Div and their one an only 88mm a twin Nordland Div for 4 big guns’ An a boss basically bought everything off the top menu but forgot a division – lots of toys but not much of a structure div
Between that and the mod think should increase difficulty a little
With the RaF as well took 8 minutes to be down 11 vs 15 – that was their recon and a sky full of panes just erased anything that was seen, thats problematic to victory
Think the plan is put the 352 on Maverick or Vanguard and hide behind them and wait for the cavalry
the first run before the extra beans
The first Mob needed some revision and some chips – they got em so below is before the changes the 1st run – the Maori and Spetznas qualified for another go and a tweak
Chose Nordland for the fancy stuff Panzer turret thingys the jet etc
Setting it as hard for the ai as can to test it (with me as an opponent) – a river assault vs axis without much armour vs 3 88mm on a small map counting on air was a good test for the ai i reckon so a kinda AAR (after action report) follows the BG’s on some of the ai antics
The last mob off AlI Commandos heavy on Elite Infantry some Armour was sort of interesting – on dirt poor settings and i was lucky to live
Assault map Player Axis Defender Probably 3v3 heavy DlC but varied or can make own easy
I used 0.5 income, 1.5 Time, Cash Start 375, Map Bobr took till B to get an officer.
Since the Soviet IA Heroes scoff and the need for tanks they scored Hard ai – same and medium but +10% cash and they have a hobby and a grudge.
Ai dont deploy so well in Assault skirmish games atm so i found less cash at start is less messy i found , also thats often why i take the transport, they walk in A, good to make sure their Commanders do no go little Red Riding Hood iin the first 1 minute as well
– it actually helps the ai some maps but have to experiment so wiggle it they find cover real fast on foot Low cash also puts the the vice on the old player family jewels early too.
Most Hero BG’s like Soviet Spetsnaz types have some of the modified planes so its for the toys as well, Howard missed out because his been showing off too much but his had come goes too
Chose that group as has the iron Defences and the newly re engineering Secret Weapon of the Reich plus rubbish allies were on sale but the skys are not very safe now
So Hard coded the difficulty changes in TRL_RnD2.6b* version for it to give the ai ‘a bit’ of a nudge for this assault – gets a bit fruity each phase tick over, designed for IA to grind you over 70 minutes so they are not hasty …. stuff will continue to appear and change here
just demo screens – to have really good AI matches i found always better to tailor a deck to opponents for a map sometimes an income and a theme. Weave a few Div’s together for some synergy a weakness or strength , that and the mod for a difficulty control and kinda rough but easy scenario editor
In version test last mod version an 80 minutes and 1 second game – 375 start cash- and a 1 flag win – seems of my supposed to be weak allies was a little, eager
So the 1st was The ‘Secret Weapon’s Base’ team
The ‘player the villain whatever – You’ – Nordland i took for toys or whoever you choose
With what was meant to be weak Allies but actually turned out to be Cold blooded killing machine w that carried the team
Low morale is actually very beneficial often – so easy to build a meat grinder by mistake i found
353 Infantry – not sure if these guys are really going make my game harder so they get saved for Axis Heroes BG natural born killers
Koruck 559 – these guys didnt like the Soviets – doing Tiger donuts in their spawn after a push kind of dont like much. But i must say the Soviets Spetznas did have a very fine solution
The aliies the one who were supposed the damage dealers
Kelly Heroes – US 2nd Inf – they disappeared after the gold and left 30 x 50 cals for the shiny new avro in the drive-away, didnt help the paint – they can miss next party and im sure they would anyway – time for to call Howard and some of our Free French Comrades i think
Some true Heroes of the Soviets rolling Spetsnaz style – name are a wip – Morskaya
– these guys did not enjoy the tree 88mm nor the Infantry mince meat grinder i accidentally made but 6 off-maps later their was no more – that side of the map – very soviet style solution worked a treat – but them and the Koruk they got issues…
– need work but they will overcome with more off map probably (and yep they got more) – also they did enjoy chasing the avro as did about 10 other fightesr every time it launched
Some mix of Bomber Command a bit of armour and alot of Mauri visitors – hakka hakka they ripped me a new one twice but the air just couldn’t get thru and old Sherman III’s they just dont like anything with the numbers 88 either. Not sure great Infantry but need 1 heavier tanks i think – they stay
– really only thing i did was buy an 88mm at start and some defences if they had gone full air it would be grim 3 x 88m that map ya tall order – didnt get an officer till 30 minutes dirt poor settings luck i has a serial killer as an ai ally – axis IA Hero company born
For Axis i (tried to) make them weak infantry support, fighters aint going to last, AA looking not so hot either but apparently its hard to make a weak ai
but from that gathered for Commando stuff
– ai allies needs some air can openers, and some better armour spearhead for the inf divs
– ai axis, less 88’s they is deadly still, less blood firstly Koruck they are eat infantry for snacks
Heaps depends on the maps each map had set buy strategies for different types of divisions so can vary so does start cash and income
Kursk kinda 3.2 (Air grounded for weather)
Ok found 4 contenders from Axis for the new IA (ai) to dish some traditional level Wehrmacht 11 pain to test subject – the player (me) and some poor Soviet defenders – i mean test certain ai parameters in a harmless environment
*may also serve as a – how not to, run a Soviet division guide, in a monster battle – have a feeling – *edit – it did and it does
Just screenies but could be interesting kinda of a mesh of incomes and strengths
No accuracy to kursk except axis assault KT’s and some extreme pain machines
– one weakness they have but il try make Soviet flat balanced – (actually 75 % random rolled the dice and see) *edit – no weakness i can find yet
– supply is mainly attached to anything that moves so as an army they wont run out of ammo – they didnt
– curious to see what happens in C if the skies aint friendly – (*edit – need to live to C to see it)
now just need to make 3 Soviet Divs to save by skin or dignity at least – the Off map club lads say maybe a t-34 is a suitable manly match vs a KT but dont mind missing out on this one.
So not sure about them… their off map hobby on my team, defending im not sure at all – they were champs i sucked
time to read up on Soviet military vs that lot or practice my German for surrender
ok got a map large for 4v4 should be hectic
When i said hectic i forgot to look at the incoming income i think that warrants a promotion to quiet hectic ^^
Sadly as my hero inf get hard so then should the Faslgren and their phase C party – oh dear it dont look pretty (Hero inf say yea they will use tanks if any spare) – Those lads were using off map like it was well quiet alot,- my best Hero last match a was Maxim Bunker
first mistake deploy on correct side of battle Blue should attack – all fixed glad that wasnt live ^^
From the front line take 2
It just like when i played soccer at school – the smart good ones the -ai (IA) put the useless ones – me – on the wing
But well at least at one that’s one safe direction that wont be nebbing me
After 1st try – Well insert Russian swear word here – wasn’t looking good in any direction but ‘the let gets some ammo look at supply tab and no supply in A (with 20 minute phases) sealed the deal whatever kind of pre made div that was – the knackers yard is more humane rather than fight in this mod so morte that run
So need to build a Soviet air support deck for me and some hard boyz to actually carry the team
Because i found if you hold your ground (ie stack deployment with 88 or 85’s and fudge the internal ai calculations) the ai shifts attack to some other poor sod left you live !
After one push the ai left me alone but doubled up and rolled the other flank to spawn – so sounds like a good way to stay alive – Im sure the orders said left flanks was mine…..
– as luck would have it no supply but that have an 88 an 85 will do a i scores 2 of them at deployment so HAL2000 left me alone in the sky – until i went for fly
But got to see the skies in B before i cremated it – they is extremely unfriendly
– very adverse flying weather – lead rain upwards
– plus im not used to a Luftwaffe with actual planes and lots lots and lots of fighters to much western front stuff…
– Eastern front was the big guys match thats for sure
– Ai used smoke against my AA AT emplacements thats was snazzy
– the IA Speznasi Hero deck (no idea on spelling) they got to let off some off map as usual, probably fried some digital squirals
– Luftwaffe i believe set up a tent sale somewhere high above our air corridors – turning off planes vacate after main load in the code makes alot of unemployed fighter bombers shall i say and they get roudy when bored. I think il buy alot of them now understand more how they work
A pictorial history must accompany so with some brief captions
Squirel hunting Russian Special forces style
More Emergent behavious as the AI smoke my stuff
The not my flank i have a screen shot to prove it situation a short time into B
Compare to this glorious front of the Motherland my flank – after adopted the i score two 85’s at start so fudge the ai threat code so it wont attack me strategy and…
Probably caused that situation in the previous pic but look Im alive and i held my flag ! its almost B and and they said they had it, not my prob bro
Take 3 – over top (after the fun news figures listen)
…… air war over Kursk this may melt something
1.0 income turning it up and the Luftwaffe will get ti as well, that could get hectic i gave them a lot of 88’s sadly as well, bad day to be a pixel Soviet pilot
*everything ive said about 88’s is inverse when so is the end your on. Add to that the changes i made to arty accuracy so they couldnt hit a zeppelin at point black are starting ‘itch’ when trying to dis-wade those 88mm’s of death from mincing anything in the air – i know smoke like the ai is teaching me thats the solution maybe, see the ai is smarter (than me)
Used to King Tigers with full air superiority over there in the west – don’t really wish the reverse not good for the MotherLand chances i suspect my IA Soviet Superior Commanders agree some logistical re-shuffle and perhaps a plan is in order rather than just random battle groups and none of the later
– lots of air, Is-2 and 85’s sound like a start….and the odd dozen katyusha across the army of 4 divs for 1 phase to clean up the map a bit with some ai off map of course – that low level mig will earn his reubals
Ok this is a least 2 dependable and some others to hold the line
the map set the income is up and i post the pick for sorry sight of how those incomes go
seems may ai orders have arrived – its time – if its curious might stick it on the tele (like thats not going to go wrong)
*you may notice the dress code and menu for C is ‘Kaytusha’ with IS-2 Jugger Salad (off map from a reliable fan of it – they didnt hav any) it might work i really have very little to do with events on the field really *edit it really didn’t work except the off map ai
oh well here goes two things that could all go very pear shaped – didn’t manage too buy a plane yet for an air war broadast from an AIr Div didnt manage a tank either ^^ but im sure it will be busy anyway
and,,, Got the 85’s to make the ai do it sums and kill some1 else except …….. have to survive while they do the sums, could be a very short broadcast
Further public notices will carried on my the Pravda correspondent below
stuck on the ground War at Kursk
Kursk continued
– the typewriter ran out of ribbon above so need a ready space for quick dispatches from the front
And because its real dangerous down there on the ground and maybe up here i can hide and test. Just watch the carnage – though I have no idea what up there with me yet…. (edit not pretty)
2 problems 3 problems 4 Problems
– couldn’t afford any planes (for an air war demo) or tanks or anything just Defences AA and some eyes to survive 1o seconds and a Command network !
– not sure if wise investment but thats the point of the changes in the mod hard calls – (edit bad call)
– And before i was on flank, now they expect(ed) me to hold the middle bit – that’s gonna be tricky, when KT are in fashion – and im sure Wehrmacht will add add an essays worth of problems as well (try more a PHD of pain)
– for an Air War generally you need an Air Force some time – i didn’t have one (well not in one piece) whole game they ate anything that went up with fighters. Then they went to the ’88mm ‘s are us’ sale and it got distinctly worse. Those 88 bouncers just said no-way you you getting into this club in those clothes and my poor little Planes just turned around with that little green writing every time – try again maybe
* design note – tried starting again, got same spot , (dam wanted a corner to hide) but also the ai moved some of its defences around, everything else 100% the same so some little random stuff even in deploy phase is good, cause in my book unpredictable with a glitch or 2 is way better than simple and predicable
oops knock at the door
just some gents with a lot Smg’s asked me to put this up first before i continue, no prob Bob
So its the Pravda from the the Front – now im told, wont argue with nice NKVD man
[i[So i slightly suspect future reports may be coloured with the slightest tinge patriotism for the Mother Land over taking precedent over any mention of other counter revolutionary ideas, enemy rumours or facts, especially when it comes to any military set-backs, im just guessing but it is for peoples good of course[/i]
oops said something better print a patriotic poster
yes my morale is boosted i will never fall back.,……. (edit you should have fallen back buddy)
Postscript – ok 56 minutes and that’s a decision by from the great Victory SD2 Engine and that shall certainly not make tomorrows Pravda
They say a picture tells a thousands words so here a few pics, you will get the picture (actually since Corbis got sold then nuked your pics aint worth nothing buddy)
Well u you saw how it started….the thin Red line of the Red Mother Land
At plus 40 something minutes notice anything about the colour, it takes awhile sometimes ….it could be the monitor but sadly it was not
When your best heroes are a bunker and you end with as many flags as the attacker started it ain’t a real heroic day for the comrades of Div P
and they didn’t enjoy the pay increase for long…..
All i can say is IA Morskaya Hero loves the old off map – think it helped too but needed a nuke or six – replay should be fun
last one was worth 10 kayaks a double tap of two side by side – those are were just the one i noticed… they just move them up and erase bits of map True IA Heroes !
– was a mighty fine Yak Pilot on the team – but i lost his pic and i don’t think he will be collecting any medals and of course the maxim bunker boys – 3 star performance they get the cover
– and the IA Avro very effectively blew stuff to atoms at random times then disappeared into space or somewhere
An inglorious defeat but bonkers and gonzzo fun – end of AAR
Hmmm may be someones promotion or a free holiday to a homely artic region for the family, best sign off now, have another thread to attend.
Da butt i minor setback for the Generals all a Ruse
Thanks champ – my morale was faltering – think we need more off map next time i know will be a suggestion from someone
Spare passport photo and dosh
Oh im just holding this stuff for one of those correspondent dudes up there somewhere
In case needs to be somewhere else, fast…..
under renovation
– also known as the battle of Sopot River
– a scaled down, partisan, a-symmetric scenario.
A tough scenario inspired and based on the Wehrmacht encirclement operation that took place near the village of Osuchy in the Solska Forest on 25–26 June 1944 during the German anti-Partisan Operation Sturmwind II. One of the largest battles between Regular Wehrmacht and Partisan forces of the War.
*Not going for 100% accuracy but more a scaled down unique scenario based on a famous historical battle. Apologies for all the names i mucked up my Polish friends
– These are battle group exports you just cut* and paste them in the battle-groupe menu to create. Just need Vistula for the AK. If dont have any dlc can use Bataliony Chłopskie but better with both of course.
*IMPORTANT- Battle group import no longer works from desktop or doc with Ctrl + C. You must RMB then slct copy copy and it will paste into clipboard and into in bg SD2 import menu – its a glitch but easy when you know what to do
Player team – Partisan, no air, no armour and outnumbered, but well trained and motivated irregulars.
Zamosc – 1st Kompania – Armia Krajowa (Vistula dlc)
Zamosc – Bataliony Chłopskie – Ist Battalion (no dlc needed)
Zamosc – Bataliony Chłopskie – Half strength Battalion (no dlc needed)
– these guys are bot allies for for your team to play VS medium ai an increase the odds – more about why and how medium a.i at end
– Armia Krajowa requires Death on the Vistula Dlc,
– Bataliony Chłopskie is a core game BG export from 184-ya Strelkovy,
– Can use just 1 but better with both i play AK and let ai play the Chłopskie because it simulates the real thing how they didn’t always coordinate so well.
– I upped there veterancy (harsh training and to reduce numbers) so you dont have many – as was the case. It sounded grim.
* i may tweak these codes and screens may lag i updating
Wehrmacht – Ai – historically comprised of these forces
– 154th Reserve Division
– 174th Reserve Division
– 213th Security Division
– 4th Panzer Army
– 115 Country Rifleman Regiment
– Air support from Luftflotte 4
– But ftm im just setting setting Custom battle-groups and get a good mix of Infantry and Mechanised, No more than 1 Armour, changing from custom to pre-made swaps the group out, till you get what you need. Custom Ai seems better often but up to you,
– Might Design 4 Axis Divs suited with plenty of Infantry and see how they go hard.
Map and Settings
*change from pic use medium ai it has quirks il make a 1/2 strength Bataliony Chłopskie BG to stick on the players team that will give the ai a hand and numerical superiority.
Large and Forested 4v4 Low Income Tac settings -for Medium AI i use 1 or 2 1/2 strength battalions[/b] to increase difficulty – Defence, close combat, and meeting all quite hard in that order and go up in that order.
From tests this plays a bit better slower and stealthier for my tastes so this is the mod i wrote to make it so – a mod that increases stealth and slows stuff down cause im slow an like a cup a tea in my battles, but im sure would be still be a challenge in vanilla or with other mods.
[link]*oh – Bataliony Chłopskie has 1 point left don’t spend it on tanks and planes – that’s cheating, i gave you trucks at least, was seriously thinking Phase A no wheels for the irregulars.
** Ai will still be a bit it stalky with tanks- these setting you notice it big – looks like they magic sonar sometimes , and they will run into the forest toward you or ram your building. Seems an AI thing cant do much about it atm but pump up the stealth. Medium ai seems less ot it.
*** Added a half strength Battalion to put on your team with ai control to give German superior numbers on medium AI. Its s tanks mainly problem on hard but ai infantry, mech divs could be a good challenge on hard.
fine ftm.
in the pipe
Whats Brewing
perhaps more…
hmm with HG Wells and the Dr was pondering about broader threats…..
and the lovely folks at Eugen confirmed it ok to mod off lore … evil cunning smile emoji (if i knew how)