Some Cool Tips and Tricks for the unit creater in TABS
If you want to make even more cool things in the UC download the UCM mod.
Here’s a list of things you can do with it.
1: Use more unit bases like raptors and horses.
2: Allows you to resize hats to allow you to make almost anything.
Here’s some helpful things to know for UCM.
1: Things like longships and catapults are actully unit bases, to get them to Work go into the weapons tab and look for the weapon the siege weapon needs. Example: catapult rock, tank barrel and other stuff like that.
2: To get siege weapons to have operators, select a rider, the rider will be the operator.
3: Dont press anything in the webtabs part IT IS A RICKROLL
Heres a download: [link]
Cool Combos
1: If you use the lady red jade spin with enrage When the enrage kicks in the unit will permenitly be a tornado
2: If you stack multible Kicks on a unit they will merge into 1 super kick
3: You can make units summon other units by giving them the monkey king staff and giving the unt a rider, what ever the unit riding on it will be duplicated
4: If you combine crow throw and enrage, the unit will throw out around 50 crows at once when activated. Submitted by *****roller
1: You can change a units skin color by equiping the skeleton suit and balaclava and coloring them
1: To get more than 5 abilities, you can left-click and right-click on an ability for the unit to get it twice! Do this when you already have 4 abilities, get another ability of your choice, then delete one of the copies. Submitted By Dinotron
1: If you give the bullet rain to a Minigun you can make a Semi-working Tractor Beam
Thats it for now
I will be adding more to this later. Also give me suggestions in the comment section if you know of any more things! If you liked this please remember to leave a like
The epic thank you’s
Wow Thanks For all of the awards, I can finally get the gmod watermelon emote. Thank You!
Almost 1,000 views on this, Thank You!
I have a youtube channel and here it is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfuLSK2761FIgGcTA87fmHQ
my mic sucks and im young but its cool I guess