Shadow Empire Guide

Tank Design Calculator for Shadow Empire

Tank Design Calculator


Ladies and Gentleman’s… We’re proud to present to you the first Shadow Empire Tank Design CalculatorCurrently the only thing “left” to get “right” its the oil/energy consumption and add L/H Walker class units.It was done in excel and it works in regular excel from MS and the LibreOffice version. The results are 99% accurate to the final design in game, if you find any errors don’t hesitate to report them 🙂

How to use it

The steps to calculate a design:

1.- Select the unit Type
2.- Select the weapon type and size (take into account design limitations, for example light max gun its 60mm)
3.- Select armor type and thickness
4.- Input the design rolls, if its your first model, leave them at 100
5.- Select what techs you have researched, leave it at “0” if you don’t have them or a “1” if you have them already
6.- If you have some progress into the applied science techs, write its percentage, if you don’t, leave it at “0”.


V1.5 – Added the size movement penalty, changed the logic of the formulas for Tank destroyers and removed the 200mm armor option for assault guns (20/03/2021)

Credits, bug reports and links

If you have further questions you can ask here or in the unofficial shadow empire discord[]

Big thanks to DTurtle since he deciphered most of the in game formulas and helped me to organize better the excel formulas.

Link to the excel calculator[] (you need to download it to use it)