A guide about the stupid mistakes tankers make, tank tactics, and helpful tips.
A Tankers main Objectives
A tankers’ main objectives have no symbol or icon on a map. Instead, a tankers’ goals, are infantry support or destroying other tanks. In order to achieve these goals communication and teamwork between armour and the common foot soldier are key. This guide about infantry and tank tactics and stupid mistakes tankers make on the battlefield.
Tanks in Urban Enviorments
Tanks in Urban Warfare are often vulrnerable to anti-tank teams, snipers, and even the infantry man with the shovel (Yes shovels can be deadly). The urban evnviorment can be a tough world for infantry; Each building and street can be a battle itself. In order to be successful both tank and infantry squads need to work together.
Infantry leads the movement through the town while the tank lingers back closely watching the infantry. When the infantry encounters enemy resistance (Such as an enemy held building)
the tank can provide supporting fire with machine guns and HE shells. If there is fierce small arms fire the infantry can take cover behind the tank. Just as the tank protects the infantry, the infantry must protect the tank from anti-tank infantry teams. In order for this to happen the infantry must not leave the tanker alone for too long. It is the infantry squad leader’s job to spot sniper positions, enemy strongholds, defenses, and obsticals that the tank might get hung up on.
Tanks can also provide transportion and infantry suppily kits, ammo, or panzerfausts, which is most helpful to the infantry.
Here is an example of infantry taking cover behind a tank(Yes I know its a modren tank):
Crossing Open Fields or Bridges
When crossing an open field or bridge infantry become vulnerable to small arms fire such as snipers and machine guns. That is why armour needs to spearhead the assult either by providing support fire or moving up with the infantry on an enemy position. If there is small arms fire such as snipers or machine guns infantry can seek shelter behind the tank. However the tanker needs to drive slow enough to allow the infantry to do so. Inorder to do this communication is key (this is why we need voice chat) also the the tanker needs to practice driving slow. Inorder to do this the tanker must practice how long to hold down “W” to get the apropreate speed holding “W” too long the tank will speed up and the infantry will not be able to keep up leaving them exposed. Also you need to be careful because bridges are often mined, you can disable them by using you machine gun to shoot them till they blow up. Here are two pictures showing the two infantry-tank tactics discussed above.
Anit-Tank Infantry
Anti-tank infantry is probably the most annoying thing you will encounter on the battlefield. From mines to panzerfausts these infantry can be deadly. This section details all things anti-tank and how to prevent being killed by enemy anti-tank infantry.
Panzerfausts are a single shot, one-time-use anti-tank warhead. They can be potientally deadly if your tanks is critically damaged or if the enemy has multiple panzerfausts at hand. However, panzerfaust have a terrible range up to 60 meters and very poor accuracy.
Anti-Tank Grenades are like regular grenades execpt when attached to your tank they blow it up. No matter what type of tank or the grenades placement your tank will be destroyed. Making these things a major problem for tankers.
Recoilless Antitank Rocket Launchers are another type of anti-tank weapon. They are similar to panzerfausts however they can be fired multiple times and have better range and accuracy. However refilling ammo is costly.
Anti-Tank Mines are mines that are triggered by a tank/vehicle driving over them or being shot after being placed. Anti-Tank mines can be easily be avoided by driving around them, firing a shell at them, or shooting your MG at the mine. Enemy infantry will also place mines near your tank and blow them up by shooting them with their gun. Two ways to prevent your tank from being destroyed by mines is to avoid strange objects in the road and if you hear the clunk of a mine being placed you can A. Get out and shoot the guy or B. Get the heck out of there.
Shovels Probably the most ridiculous form of anti-tank weaponry if used in a certain way. The enemy infantry will jump on top of the tank and hit the hatch with the shovel until the tanker opens the hatch then BAM! he’s dead. If you do need to open your hatch use the control button to halfway open your hatch to minimize the chance of getting killed.
You can stop your tank from being destroyed by anti-tank weapons by using your machine gun in both the turret and the hull to quickly mow down the enemy. You can also shoot mines with your machine guns or shells. Close cordination with tankers and infantry can also protect your tank from anti-tank infantry.
Common Tanker Mistakes
This is a list of common tanker mistakes and solutions
A. Sticking your head out for too long and getting shot:
A tanker should only open their hatch when they are certain there are no enemy troops around. NEVER EVER OPEN THE HATCH WHILE IN COMBAT. The only reason you should open the hatch during combat is if your tank is stuck on something like a log.
B. Stopping on a Bridge:
A tanker should never stop on a bridge because it stops all traffic on the road and there could be a soldier with some nice anit-tank grenades hiding near by.
C. Firing in an Open Field or Road:
I see this a lot when I play as a light tank, tankers will just sit totally exposed and shoot at random targets. Instead try to camoflaug your self by driving your tank into some bushes.
<= Right
Both positions that I drove my tank to had the same field of fire but where I positioned my tank in the 2nd picture I was able to destroy three enemy tanks without the enemy spotting me. Here is the what the enemy would have seen from both places.
D. Facing directly forward in Tank to Tank battles:
I have seen many instances of this in game. Tankers will face straight forward towards an enemy tank. Instead try to have your tank at angle to increase the chance that the enemy’s shell will bounce giving you the upperhand.
E. Exposing the Entire Hull of Your Tank
Try to avoid exposing the entire hull. Instead, find places on the map where you can only expose the turret of your tank.
F. Staying Still for Too Long:
Allways keep your tank moving unless you are in a well camouflaged positon.
Firing position:
Reloading Position:
Here is another Example:
The End
I hope this guide has helped you to be a better tanker please be sure to rate this guide.
If you have any suggestions, additions, feedback, ect. please post them in the comments. My h&g name is grumpyhobo. Also if you want some more good tank tactics the World of Tanks Website has alot of good ones that can be used in this game. Enjoy the meme. Later…..