this a guide on how to use a Watermark tool, to add a crosshair to your screen, as to cercomvent the targeting system of NGB and so doing make non lockon targeting not only easier for all players but also viable for online play.
Step 1: Downloading the Watermark & NGB Crosshair Tool,
First use the link (HERE[drive.google.com])
It will take you to My Google Drive with the Downloadable Tool,
click download and download the entire file, and Save to your Desktop,
Once downloaded, right click, and extract the File(also to desktop)
Inside you will find the (CustomDesktopLogo.exe)
starting the program will add the water mark to your screen,
Start NGB and continue to the Main Screen,
Step 2: NGB Crosshair Watermark Calibration,
First inorder for the Crosshair to appear in game NGB cannot be in Fullscreen-mode,
the Crosshair to appear in both will appear in Boarder-less, and Windowed-mode,
when you get to the main screen it will appear next to the computer monitor & the wall screen,
for players using Windowed mode please make sure the Blue Dot(Center Alignment Dot)
is in the right position, on the edge of the computer screen, almost at the top,
the Blue Dot also represents the absolute center of the screen,
the Crosshair is off set as the Gunpla’s gun is always in the Right arm & also offset,
all the projectiles fired from ranged weapons will land within the circle,
Step 3: Testing in game,
Its important to note your movement will affect where in the circle the shots land,
moving left will cause the shots to land more to the left, as your character drifts left,
moving right will cause the shots to land more to the right, as your character drifts right,
this is due to how your Gumpla moves and Drifts in NGB,
its also important to note your Gunpla will at times hide your Crosshair,
especially when you stop moving, to keep your Crosshair clear, keep to horizontal movements,
stopping after horizontal movements will allow your Crosshair to stay mostly clear,
its best to keep moving this will keep the Crosshair clear the most,
it also it a good strategy to avoid being hit by ranged attacks,
Step 4: Closing NGB Crosshair Tool,
At the bottom right of most screens their are the Task Bar Icons,
you should see a yellow flower like icon(Custom Desktop Logo Icon),
if its not displayed there, it will be under a Tab listed: show Hidden Icons,
right click on the icon and mouse over, and click Quit to exit the application,
this will end the NGB Crosshair Tool, and remove the water mark from the Screen,