The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Guide

TBoI Boss Ideas 3 for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

TBoI Boss Ideas 3


So I know that, realistically, I should’ve made the 2nd part to TBoI Boss Ideas 2 first since that’s how numbers work, but I couldn’t resist making this thing and it ended up overtaking the 2nd part in terms of progress, so I might have to return to it later.As usual, this isn’t a guide and is only here because this is generally a good place to organise information, sorry if you thought this was a guide on existing bossesAnyways, hope you enjoy and onto the bosses


So, there are 2 main big things that are important for this that are different from the other TBoI pages up to this point:

1. Sprites
I make Terraria sprites for those pages, and I feel that it would overall improve the quality of the page and make it more professional if I was instead trying to sprite in an Isaac style instead of just making MS Paint doodles. Trust me some of ’em were fun to make, but this just looks better (mostly).

Please note I’m still new to Isaac-style sprites, so some of them don’t probably look very good and some have 1 or 2 small bits recycled from existing bosses, but I tried to limit that as I went along.

2. Theming
Unlike the other two pages which thus far do not have a central theme, I challenged myself to give this page a consistent theme or path for all the bosses.
Effectively, like with Repentances’ Corpse path, it’s a Post-Mom alternate route that features ‘twisted’ versions of existing bosses. There are some familiar faces, but none of them are quite what they used to be.
I’ll try and explain it more as I go along, but I think you’ll get the idea just looking at the bosses honestly

Also I came up with this a little bit before Repentance came out, but decided to instead incorporate the new DLC aspects as opposed to dropping the page entirely, despite some initial theming similarities.

Also, a quick spoiler warning as this page mentions a lot of Repentance DLC content
Anyways, onto the bosses

0A – Flowing Hourglass (Item)

Not a boss, but a secret item used to activate the Old Bones fight and access to the Remnant floors.

It is unlocked after defeating Mother at least once. Unlike the Mysterious Door there isn’t an achievement (yet) to reveal it is unlocked and remains mostly secret.

The item can be found within an additional, extra secret room on Depths II (or its variants) on an item pedestal. The room is otherwise barren, aside from a foggy overlay. The room’s location is also automatically revealed after Mom is defeated, making it easier to find so long as the player can escape the Mom room.

Picking up the hourglass will cause the screen to shake and fade to white. After a few seconds the screen returns to normal, however the entirety of the Depths floor will now have a foggy overlay and all the enemies will be absent from all the rooms, even uncompleted ones. The shop room, arcade and challenge rooms will also be open, but completely empty.

Going to the Mom boss room will trigger a fight against Old Bones; a skeletal boss that acts similar to Mom. This can still be activated even after Mom is defeated, allowing the player access Boss Rush and the Polaroid/Negative normally before they start this route, so long as they can exit the Mom boss room.

This path can be cancelled by going to the Mysterious Door north of the starting room or using some means to enter the next floor, such as We Need to Go Deeper. It will automatically overwrites the Corpse floor if activated, due to the Old Bones boss fight taking place in the Mom room.

Note that, like with later chapters, all fights beyond this point deal a full heart of damage.

01 – Old Bones

Appearance: A posthumous version of the usual Depths II boss, being made entirely skeletal. The only part that isn’t skeletal are black high-heels worn by the foot.

Health: 700
Found: Depths, Necropolis, Dank Depths, Mausoleum, Gehenna
Room: 1×1

Acts very much like the regular Mom boss fight, though with all its attacks enhanced
-It may stomp its foot down from above the player. One of two additional effects may occur afterwards:
–It may drag the heel backwards, creating a lingering line of rock spikes once the foot rises again
–It may create a ring of rock spikes around itself upon landing
-One of its hands may appear at a door, doing one of two actions depending on Isaac’s relative position:
–If Isaac is close it will slam down the hand before retracting it through the door
–If Isaac is out of reach it will spawn an enemy. The enemy pool is different from Mom’s and mainly incorporates skeletal enemies, such as Boneys and some of the Mines/Ashpit enemies.

-The screen darkens the the usual ‘Isaac’ shout is heard similar to defeating Mom normally. The leg and any hands present explode into skeletal gibs.
-A hole opens at the top-middle of the room, surrounded by rib-like bones. Going down this hole leads to the Remnant floors, continuing this path.

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-Old Bones, due to being a posthumous version of the Mom fight, is one of the only other bosses to appear on the same floor as its non-posthumous counterpart.
-Old Bones, despite only technically still being a Chapter 3 boss, will always deal a full heart of damage with its attacks similar to enemies in and after Chapter 4
-It is recommended to not pick up the Flowing Hourglass until after the player has completed the floor and defeated Mom, allowing them to get the items the player wants from the shop as well as getting the Polaroid or Negative in order to have their benefits for the upcoming Remnant floors.
[Added: 8/6/21]

0B – The Remnant (Chapter/Floor)

The main group of floors that this path occurs on. The Remnant is a mixture of rotten tissue and bone, comparable to the Corpse floor. However, while Corpse is more flesh-y, Remnant is more bone-y, making it something of a counterpart.

Unlike other floors, Remnant is actually broken down into 3 floors as opposed to the usual 1 or 2. However, the third floor is almost exclusively reserved for the final bosses.

Remnant’s enemies include almost every undead or skeletal enemy, most of whom receive a new palette exclusive for the chapter. There are still some non-undead enemies present, such as Globins, Vis, Leeches, and Oobs.

Remnant 1 and 2 are fairly standard floors, following most of the usual Chapter 4 floor generation quirks. Remnant 3, however, has a predetermined layout consisting of a sideways ‘H’ of room layouts, the middle rooms being empty and the side rooms being treasure rooms, with a shop attached to the southernmost empty room and both boss rooms stationed north of the empty rooms.

Each one of the three floors has bosses specifically unique to each floor.

02 – The Blister

Appearance: A corrupt version of the Blastocyst boss. Its body is skeletal and encased in a yellow ooze that also houses a few Small Maggots.

-460 x1 (Phase 1)
-180 x2 (Phase 2)
Found: Remnant 1
Room: 1×1

Phase 1:
Blister slowly hops around when not attacking the player directly. Attacking Blister may cause it to sometimes release Small Maggots, even when idle.
-It may compress its body, creating a damaging yellow creep puddle beneath itself and spawning 1-2 Small Maggots
-It may jump off-screen before dropping down on top of the player. As it lands it releases a burst of 12 shots around itself.
-It may hop around frantically, though remaining in the same general area. As it does so it releases shots in random directions
Once the large Blister runs out of health, it will split apart. While splitting it creates a small puddle of damaging creep, launches a few shots outwards randomly, and leaves 1-3 Small Maggots on the ground

Phase 2:
It splits into 2 smaller Blisters in this phase with different attack patterns. They do not retain their former ability to spawn Small Maggots, nor do they have any of the Phase 1 attacks passed down.
Both of them attack individually and are unaffected by the actions of their fellow Blister
-It may jump off-screen and land on the player, releasing 4 shots cardinally as it lands
-It may distort and ‘vomit’ a cluster of shots towards the player
When a Phase 2 Blister is destroyed it does not break into a smaller version, instead becoming a Bony Blister
Bony Blisters are functionally identical to Carrion Princesses.

Splitting will cause it to squish itself downward before splitting apart. When breaking out of Phase 2 it acts much the same. The Bony Blisters simply become small piles of bony gibs, like with other skeletal enemies.

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-Blister’s 2nd phase acts very similar to the red champion Monstro, being as there are 2 smaller version of a larger boss that each have similar attacks to Monstro itself.
-Originally Blister was supposed to contain a Carrion Princess. This didn’t happen purely due to internet issues not allowing me to get a Carrion Princess reference when I needed it, thus causing the creation of an entirely new enemy.
[Added: 8/6/21]

03 – Sad Sack

Appearance: A greyish brown posthumous Bloat, which is itself a posthumous Peep. Sad Sack’s teeth are pointier and it has two yellow eyes peering from its sockets. Its body, mainly its arms and stomach, appear cracked and brittle. Its eyes are yellow and wrapped up in fleshy tissue.

Health: 655
Found: Remnant 1
Room: 1×1

Doesn’t move much when not attacking, though notably leaves a pile of damaging creep even as it squirms about. Like with Bloat both its eyes begin already freed, bouncing around the arena walls.
-It may open its mouth and suck in both the eyes. After a short delay it will spit them at the player, one at a time. The eyes keep travelling quickly until hitting a wall, where they shoot a stream of 5 shots at the player each before returning to normal movement.
-It may fire a brimstone shot downwards before rotating it 90 degrees. The orientation of the rotation depends on what side of Sad Sack the player is.
-Closes its eyes, shakes, and then launches 2 brimstone lasers towards the player
-It may bounce twice in-place before leaping off-screen, eventually trying to land on the player. Leaves damaging creep with each bounce and drops creep even when off-screen.
-It may suck in both of its eyes and begin bouncing around frantically. Each bounce creates a larger puddle of creep beneath it and releases bursts of 9-12 shots each. On the final bounce its eyes pop out of its mouth again and continue normal movement.

Flails in-place for a few seconds before shaking and exploding.

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-Sad Sack being a double-posthumous boss isn’t a unique case. Haunt and Polycephalus also have 2 posthumous variants each, being the Forbidden and the Heretic and the Stain and the Pile, respectively.
[Added: 8/6/21]

04 – Spindle

Appearance: A posthumous Daddy Long Legs. The main differences aside from colouration are its x-ed eyes and the lack of a visible jaw, with Spindle leaving its tongue drooping out at all times.

Health: 600
Found: Remnant 1
Room: 1×1

Spindle stays in-place when not attacking. All of its attacks will cause it to rise up and out of the player’s reach, sometimes off-screen while other times simply just moving until it is about 2 Isaacs in height away from the floor.
-It may rise off-screen and then, over the next few seconds, attempts to slam its head down on top of the player 4-5 times. The last slam attempt also causes it to release 12 shots around itself, and all of the slam attempts leave lingering slowing creep.
-Rises up and stomps 8 random locations around the arena with its legs, indicated by 8 shadows appearing on the ground.
-It may spit out either an Eggy or a large group of Swarm Spiders from its mouth
Once below 200 health Spindles will slam 3 of its legs down randomly around the arena that break through the ground. As the legs rise they may carry random enemies from the floor which it drops into the arena. The holes remain as hazards for the remainder of the fight. This attack is only performed once.

Pulls a face at the player and tries to retreat to the ceiling, though explodes into gibs just before it does so.

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-Spindles acts as both the stand-in for Daddy Long Legs and Triachnid for this floor. Certain Triachnid aspects, such as the slowing creep, were this incorporated into its moveset.
-Despite being a posthumous Daddy Long Legs, it is generally impossible to encounter them both within the same run.
–This is because Daddy Long Legs is exclusive to ‘normal’ Chapter 4 boss rooms, the void, or other paths whereas Spindle is reserved only for Remnant, which overwrites the main floor it spawns on and stops the player from returning to the main path.
[Added: 8/6/21]

05 – Stitches

Appearance: An alternate posthumous version of Loki. Its body is now dark grey and is stitched down the middle, though like Sad Sack seems to have become brittle and cracked down the right side. Has a generally unhappy expression, unlike regular Loki.

Health: 880
Found: Remnant 1
Room: 1×1

Acts a lot like regular Loki in terms of movement, including its frequent teleporting. As with regular Loki there are often traps such as Grimaces in its boss room, though Stitches takes reduced damage from them if hit.
-It may pose, releasing a burst of 6 shots. It will then quickly pose again to release a burst of 8, and then finally slam into the floor to release a burst of 12. Each burst moves faster than the last.
-It may release 2 Red Boom Flies that fly away in opposite directions from each other
-It may slam onto the ground and release a burst of 4 shots in the ordinal directions before sliding towards the player, creating a damaging trail of creep during the slide and releasing a bursts of 4 shots cardinally upon hitting a wall.

Squishes down, shakes, and explodes into gibs

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-As with Sad Sack, Stitches is technically a double-posthumous boss due to Lokii’s existence.
-Using the Meat Cleaver on Stitches will break the stitches down the middle of its body, making it resemble Lokii. Aside from being a reference this is purely visual and has no actual effect on the fight.
[Added: 8/6/21]

06 – Mr. Rattles

Appearance: A posthumous version of Mr. Fred; left only as a skeleton. Features such as its visible front teeth and large eyes can still be seen in its skeleton.

Health: 865
Found: Remnant 1
Room: 1×2, 2×1

Mr. Rattles, like Mr. Fred, remains in the centre of the 2×1 or 1×2 room. 4 Clickety-Clacks spawn around him initially that Mr Rattles immediately sends after the player with a shriek. After all the Clickety Clacks are killed or 8 seconds pass Mr. Rattles will begin attacking on his own.
The Clickety Clacks Mr. Rattles spawns will not revive on their own and must be revived by Mr. Rattles himself.
-He may launch a large projectile towards the player. It has a rubber cement effect and can bounce off walls, leaving creep along its entire travel path until it bursts.
-He may revive 1-3 Clickety-Clacks. This does not force him to wait to attack the player like the initial spawns did.
-He may burrow into the ground, re-emerging and releasing 10 shots in a burst. Unlike Mr. Fred he will move and try to re-emerge beneath the player, staying in his new position until he burrows again
-He may shoot several continuum tears. It always launches them to the farthest corners of the arena and always at 45-degree angles, with an R U A Wizard-like effect

Shudders, then explodes into skeletal gibs. The Clickety Clacks, once all broken, will also be destroyed once Mr. Rattles is defeated.

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-As with Spindles, the player cannot encounter Mr. Fred and Mr. Rattles in the same run without use of the Debug Console.
–As with before this is due to Remnant overwriting the normal Chapter 4 stages where Mr. Fred can be found, and because it does not link back to areas like Void.
[Added: 8/6/21]

07 – Cestode

Appearance: An alternate, debatably posthumous Scolex. Its body is grey and cracked, with a single segment with a large hole through the side. It appears to be a lot longer than either Pin or Scolex, however.

Health: 800
Found: Remnant
Room: 1×1

Phase 1:
Cestode, unlike Scolex, will actually start the fight coiled around the walls with its long body. Most of its body is immune to damage, aside from a single segment that is partially broken open which can be attacked.
If its vulnerable segment is attacked too much it will squirm around the walls, moving the location of its weak point and taking a new vantage point to attack from.
-It may screech and summon 1-2 Para-Bites
-It may spit clusters of shots at the player from both its head and weak point
-It may spit a 3-4 Ipecac shots from its mouth at the player. The shots leave small puddles of quickly-dissipating creep
-It may squeeze the walls, causing spikes to rise from the floor randomly around the room. These spikes retreat again after a short delay.
Once reduced to <300 health it will enter Phase 2, snapping its body in half and burrowing into the ground
Phase 2:
Cestode now acts like Scolex; being mostly invulnerable aside from its tail segment. Its attacks are mostly carried over, with mild changes
-The Para-Bite attack does not change
-The shot cluster attack will either be from the head or the tail, based on which side emerges from the ground
-The Ipecac attack is always launched from the head
-The spike attack now just summons spikes near to Cestode instead of randomly around the room

The body, after Phase 1, will all explode into gibs segment by segment
After the head and upper body are defeated in Phase 2 they explode into gibs

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-This boss, similar to Mr. Rattles and Spindles, will not be encountered in the same run as its non-posthumous version for the same reasons
-Cestode borrows some elements from the Mama Gurdy fight, most notably the fact it clings to the walls and due to the spike attack
[Added: 8/6/21]

08 – Grim Growth

Appearance: A boss similar to Fistula and Teratoma, but not necessarily a posthumous version due to the nature of these bosses.

-380 x1 (Large)
-160 x3 (Medium)
-30 x6 (Small)
Found: Remnant 1
Room: 1×1

Erupts from the north wall of the arena, then begins moving around the arena like the other Fistula-esque bosses. However, unlike those bosses, the Grim Growth has its own attacks
Phase 1:
Grim Growth, in its normal state, bounces around the arena, ricocheting off of the walls like similar bosses.
-Its eye may look directly at the player before charging directly towards them, only stopping upon hitting a wall. Grim Growth itself actually takes 15 damage upon impact with the wall. After it hits the wall there is a very short delay before returning to normal.
-It may drop out of the air and hit the ground, lobbing several tooth-like projectiles in random directions. Grim Growth also takes 10 damage from the attack.
Once the main, large body is broken it will split into 3 smaller pieces; two regular chunks and a third with an eye, entering an effective Phase 2

Phase 2:
The three pieces will now move around the room as before, though perform different attacks each.
-Both Growth types have the ability to charge at the player, but no longer take damage from hitting a wall
-Both Growth types may launch tooth projectiles in random directions, stopping briefly to do so
-The Eye Growth may charge into one of the other remaining Growths, causing the two to temporarily get stuck together and bounce around the room rapidly. After a few seconds the two separate, launching a burst of 6 teeth in all directions

Breaking either type of medium-sized Growth causes it to break into 2 small Growths. These do not have their own attacks or abilities, but the medium-sized ‘eye’ Growth may still combine with them temporarily for the charge attack.
Once these are broken they release bursts of 7 teeth and also release small clusters of Small Maggots

Explode into gibs. Some teeth are present among the gibs but are purely decorational

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-Due to the fact that all the Fistula bosses aren’t technically ‘alive’ it is hard to debate whether Grim Growth counts as a properly posthumous boss
-As Teratoma can spawn in some Chapter 3 floors it is possible to encounter Fistula, Teratoma and the Grim Growth in the same run.
[Added: 9/6/21]

09 – Grim

Appearance: An alternate version of Death, with the main difference being the addition of a large black cloak. Death’s left eye also appears cracked, while his right eye has a glowing white pupil at the centre. There are a few other differences between Grim and Death, though many are more obscure or subtle, such as the darker bones and the single yellowed tooth.

-750 (Death)
-100 (Horse)
Found: Remnant 1
Room: 1×1

Phase 1:
Grim starts out riding his horse, like most Harbinger bosses. He floats around randomly when not attacking.
-He may disappear briefly before re-appearing next to the player and slashing at them with a scythe. He then charges off-screen horizontally and re-enters at the same height as he was at before the attack
-He may dismount the horse briefly, slamming into the ground and creating 4 rock waves in the ordinal directions. His horse charges horizontally across the arena along 3 paths before returning to Grim.
-He may throw his scythe at the player that moves in a wide arc shape before returning to Grim, like a boomerang
-He may summon 8 scythes around the arena; 4 halfway along each wall and 4 in the corners. Grim will let out 2 shouts after this; with the first making the ones in the corners accelerate towards the player and the second making the ones halfway along the walls accelerate towards the player afterwards.
Once at ~300 health Grim will enter Phase 2, dismounting his horse permanently for the rest of the fight
Phase 2:
Grim will retain all of his Phase 1 attacks, though notably cannot dismount the horse anymore and thus instead just jumps into the air and lands hard on the ground.
Grim’s Horse simply charges down the arena along 3 lanes, like Death’s normal horse, until destroyed.
-Grim gains a new attack where it can jump and land in the centre of the arena, sending rock waves in the cardinal directions
-Grim gains a new attack where he summons 2 Bone Knights. Only 2 may ever be active at a time, however.

Grim’s Horse simply explodes into skeletal gibs
Grim’s body shatters when defeated, exploding into gibs, but his cloak swirls together and flies upward and off-screen

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-Due to Death being, well, Death Grim cannot be a properly posthumous boss, much like the Grim Growth
-As Death can be encountered in the Boss Rush it is possible to encounter both Death and Grim within the same run
[Added: 9/6/21]

10 – The Infested

Appearance: A posthumous version of the Matriarch boss, using the posthumous variants of both the bosses Matriarch is normally made from; with Teratoma replacing Fistula and Carrion Queen replacing Chub

-500 (Infested)
-300 (Terachnid)
Found: Remnant 1
Room: 1×2, 2×1

Phase 1:
Infested moves around the room in a manner like that of Matriarch most of the time; shuffling or hopping to move.
-Infested’s Carrion Queen may charge at the player, breaking free of the body temporarily. Upon hitting a wall Carrion Queen will freeze and the Teratoma ball will sprout long, spider-like legs and jump to Carrion Queen and re-fuse into Infested. Damage dealt to either Carrion Queen or Teratoma will count as damage to Infested directly
-It may release 1-2 small Teratoma pieces from its body
-It may launch 8 Teratoma-like clumps in the cardinal and ordinal directions, each attached to webbing. They disperse away from Infested before being pulled back into its body
-It may reveal its spider-like legs again and jump off-screen, landing on the player shortly after. It may release up to 2 Spiders upon landing.
-It may spit out 2-3 Big Spiders
Once the Infested runs out of health it will enter Phase 2, splitting separately into Carrion Queen and the Teratoma clump with spider legs, dubbed Terachnid

Phase 2:
Carrion Queen acts as she normally does
Terachnid retains almost all Phase 1 attacks, aside from no longer being able to launch Carrion Queen at the player anymore. Its spider legs are always visible now, and it now moves by scuttling or hopping.
Killing Terachnid will release 2 medium-sized Teratoma pieces.
Carrion Queen, Terachnid and any of its Teratoma clumps need to be defeated to end the fight

The Phase 2 transition simply has Carrion Queen burst from Terachnid, but doesn’t destroy it like in the Matriarch battle
Terachnid shudders and squishes downward before breaking into the smaller Teratoma pieces
Carrion Queen and the Teratoma pieces have their normal death animations

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-Unlike the usual Matriarch fight, this fight occurs in a double-sized room in order to compensate for the second phase effectively throwing 2 bosses at the player simultaneously
-Infested technically has the most total health of any Remnant 1 boss, with 500 in its first phase, 350 from Carrion Queen, 300 from Terachnid, and an additional 62 from any compulsory Teratoma pieces spawned, and 52 from the Spiders these spawn
–In total, this comes to a combined 1,264 health
[Added: 9/6/21]

11 – Overseer

Appearance: A posthumous Mama Gurdy. It has more of a visible body than Mama Gurdy does, but most of this is heavily obscured by shadows in-game. She sits within a hole in-game that prevents the player from seeing much of her aside from her face and hands.
She also has a flail-like weapon consisting of a Fistula tied to a lengthy piece of black and yellowish string, though what the string is made of isn’t too clear.

-340 (Fistula Flail)
-750 (Overseer)
Found: Remnant 2
Room: 1×2

The player can only access the lower two thirds of the arena, as the Overseer’s top third is blocked and inaccessible even with flight. The floor of the walkable ground is made of several skeletal platforms strung together.
Phase 1:
The Overseer herself is invulnerable in this phase. She will attack using the Fistula Mace often, which must be attacked and defeated to progress the fight.
-Overseer may vomit a barrage of shots upward that begin raining down around the arena for a few seconds
-She may swing the flail in an attempt to get it to crush the player. All the platforms around where the Fistula Flail lands will flip over to a spiked side that the player cannot walk on without taking damage. She will then pull the Flail back and, after a few seconds, the platforms will turn over to their safe sides again.
-She may swing the flail without much force. It still tries to land on the player, but does not flip the platforms. She will drag it over the platforms towards herself again, which can deal contact damage while also spawning Chargers and Small Maggots
Once the Flail is broken the Overseer will become angry and begin attacking herself, moving forward out of the shadows a little more.
Phase 2:
The Overseer is now vulnerable and can be damaged by the player. She gains a whole new attack pattern for this phase.
-She may slam one of her fists on some of the nearby platforms, causing random platforms to flip over around the arena. As usual, these return to normal after a few seconds.
-She may slam one of her fists down more aggressively, flipping all cardinally-aligned platforms over.
-She may shoot 6 arcs of shots towards the player, each consisting of 5 projectiles each
-She may spew a random volley of brown projectiles towards the player that decelerate and drop out of the sky. Some of these can spawn Small Maggots upon hitting the ground.

Sinks into the darkness. After a short delay one of her hands will break through one of the walls at the sides of the arena before slipping back through the hole. After this the fight properly ends.
The player cannot enter the hole created by the Overseer’s hand.

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-The Overseer is a posthumous Mama Gurdy, and the only posthumous version of any Gurdy forms currently in the game
-The Overseer is the only boss from Chapter 4 not to appear in Remnant 1, instead being one of the Remnant 2 bosses
–Overseer is thus the only Remnant 2 boss to not be from the Corpse floors
[Added: 9/6/21]

12 – Trasher

Appearance: An alternate/posthumous Rotgut, fused with the back wall of the arena instead of the floor.

-500 (Head)
-350 (Giga-Globin)
-400 (Heart)
Found: Remnant 2
Room: 1×1

Phase 1:
The player faces Trasher’s head, fused to the back wall of the arena.
-It may launch 3 very wide arcs of 20-24 shots each. After the 3rd arc he opens his mouth and sucks all the shots back in again. The width of the arcs means the outermost projectile from each are effectively launched a little under 90 degrees either side of Trasher, letting them cover the whole expanse of the back wall.
-It may vomit a large barrage of shots towards the player. Among the regular shots there may also be some Globins and Small Maggots
-It may spit out the Husk. Only 1 instance of Husk can be alive at any time, and all of Trasher’s shots will damage Husk as well.
-It may vomit long strings of shots at the player 3-4 times in succession. As these shots land smaller shots may be released from them.
Once Trasher’s head runs out of health he will scrunch up his face and spit out a large, black pile of Globin Goo that forms into a large, more powerful Globin

Phase 2:
Trasher is invulnerable and remains inactive in this phase, forcing the player to focus on killing the Giga-Globin he summoned.
The Giga-Globin will pursue the player, like a normal Globin, but has a range of its own attacks that it can use.
-It may release regular Globins from its body, usually 1-2 at a time.
-It may vomit a tightly-packed barrage of shots at the player. Rarely a Globin will be released alongside them
-It may jump up off-screen before landing on top of the player. As it lands it briefly breaks down into Globin Goo and leaves damaging creep before reforming and continuing its pursuit
Once the Giga-Globin is defeated it will melt back into Globin Goo. Trasher will open its mouth and suck in the remains of the Giga-Globin, as well as the player. The player must enter Trasher’s mouth to continue the fight

Phase 3:
Similar to Rotgut, this phase takes place on a 2D plane, contained within a single room. Above the player are Trasher’s heart in the middle of the room and two faces either side of it on the walls; one of the Giga-Globin and the other a smaller version of Trasher’s. The floor has some ladders and small platforms at either side of the room.
-The Giga-Globin face may spit a cluster of shots towards the player, as well as a single Globin
-The Giga-Globin face may launch 4 arcs of shots at the player, each consisting of 5 shots
-The Trasher face may spit large shots at the player. Upon hitting the ground these erupt into shots that fly upwards before raining down nearby. Up to 3 of these large shots are launched at the player in succession
-The Trasher face may release 4-5 wide arcs of shots, consisting of anywhere from 12-25 projectiles per arc. Many of these can fly off-screen or be made ineffective due to the room’s 2D environment
-The Heart may drop down, releasing 20 shots around itself in a burst upon landing. It remains grounded for a few seconds before rising to the ceiling again
-The Heart may drop a large shot downward that explodes into 2 horizontal brimstone lasers upon hitting the ground, forcing the player to use the ladders and platforms to avoid them

The room with the heart will shake and the faces on the walls disappear. Trasher then spits the player out into the boss room before closing its eyes and grimacing

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-Due to the nature of the Corpse bosses it is unclear whether Trasher is a posthumous version of Rotgut, or even a proper relative of it or not
-As with some of the Remnant 1 bosses, it is normally impossible to encounter both Rotgut and Trasher in the same run as they are exclusive bosses to single floors on different alternate paths
-Trasher’s 2nd phase is entirely different to Rotgut’s, utilising a modified Globin as opposed to a modified Spitty
–Notably, however, they both still do incorporate buffed versions of regular floor enemies for their second phases
[Added: 9/6/21]

13 – Mega-Mix

Appearance: A posthumous/alternate version of the Chimera boss. Most of the features of the boss are similar, though more worn-out than its Corpse counterpart. The most notable change is that Mega-Mix uses Monstro II’s face instead of regular Monstro’s, and that the lower body appears both cracked at the bottom and split open at the top.

-500 (Fused)
-400 (Head)
-400 (Body)
Found: Remnant 2
Room: 1×1

Phase 1:
The duo are fused together and thus only the head actively attacks.
-It may spew out an array of Inks and Suckers. Doing so will also cause it to spawn slowing black creep beneath itself
-It may charge at the player, stopping only when it hits a wall. Releases Small Maggots upon hitting the wall, as well as releasing rock waves in the ordinal directions and leaving a puddle of slowing black creep beneath itself
-It may spew 6 ipecac shots at the player. Upon landing they release damaging green creep and poisonous gas briefly.
-It may jump off-screen and try to land on the player. Upon landing it releases rock waves cardinally, as well as a burst of 12 shots in all directions
Once the fused form’s health is exhausted the head will detach itself from the body, beginning the 2nd phase

Phase 2:
The Head and the Body attack separately and can be damaged separately in this phase. They cannot hurt each other with any of their attacks.
-It may charge at the player, leaving a stream of black creep throughout the charge
-It may vomit a cluster of shots towards the player
-It may charge at the player 3 times in succession, with the 3rd charge leaving a stream of damaging green creep
-It may hop in the air, releasing a burst of 8 shots upon landing
-It may launch a brimstone laser cardinally that pushes it back into the wall. Upon hitting the wall the brimstone stops, but leaves a stream of black creep where it was
-It may launch ipecac shots around itself
-Jumps towards the player, creating rock waves in the ordinal directions upon landing
-It may squash its body, releasing poisonous gas around itself as well as a large puddle of slowing black creep
When either member of the duo is defeated the other one will gain increased attack speed for the duration of the fight

Both parts, when defeated, will seem to melt away into the floor.

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-This boss heavily utilises creep in its attacks, making flight very powerful
-Mega-Mix manages to perform two other actions in its design
–Firstly, it is another posthumous Gurdy variant, along with the Overseer
–Secondly, it provides a posthumous version of Cage, giving Mega Fatty a double-posthumous variant
—All 3 of them can also be fought in the same run, with Mega Fatty in Chapter 2, Cage in Chapter 3, and Mega-Mix in Chapter ‘4’
—-The Boss Rush can also be accessed to encounter them, debatably making it the easiest boss to fight both other variants within the same run
[Added: 9/6/21]

14 – Igore

Appearance: A posthumous/alternate version of Scourge. It has its signature hooded design, though has a skull in the centre instead of an eye. The other major difference of note, aside from colouration, is a skeletal hand tied to the stringy material around its neck, almost like some sort of scarf.

Health: 1,000
Found: Remnant 2
Room: 1×1

Igore will begin the fight by pointing its finger at the player and screeching. After this he will float around the room, attacking every few seconds. Like Scourge, Igore’s arms and claws have damage resistance, with only 20% of damage dealt to them affecting Igore himself.
Igore will additionally slowly gain new attacks as he loses health, but lacks a distinct phase transition
-He may shriek at the player and dash at them rapidly, similar to Lamb’s head’s dash attacks
-He may stab 2 large claws into parts of the wall, pinning the player between them. He will then begin moving the claws closer together while shooting at the player, alternating between arcs of 3 shots and streams of 4 shots. After a while, or if attacked enough, it retracts its arms from the wall
-Stabs a claw into a wall and begins firing a stream of shots towards it. After a short delay he will rotate the shot stream 320 degrees, keeping the claw in-place. The shot stream is rotated either clockwise or anticlockwise, based on the player’s relative position
-Sucks shots towards it that appear from off-screen in 3 distinct, spiral-like patterns. Once all the shots are absorbed it launches a large clump of shots at the player that splits apart as it makes contact with the arena walls. Small Maggots can be spawned from the larger clump or from the smaller clumps as they break up. This attack can be used when Igore is under 75% health
-He may stab a claw into a corner of the room and drag it across to the wall to an adjacent corner. As he does so shots are launched from the wall randomly, and Small Maggots are spawned frequently. This attack can be used when Igore is below 60% health
-Vomits large clumps of shots either side of the player as well as some Small Maggots directly towards them. As with before the clumps of shots split apart upon hitting a wall. This attack can be used when Igore is below 40% health

Igore’s cloak burns up and he shrieks to the sky. Once the cloak burns away he drops only his skull and his skeletal hand. Both the skull and hand can be bombed, but this just pushes them away from the explosions and does not destroy them.

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-Igore technically has the lowest health of any of the Remnant 2 bosses, with only 1,000 across his entire battle
–Despite this, Igore has the highest health of any single phase or segment of a Remnant 2 boss due to his lack of phase transitions, even surpassing some endgame bosses on other floors.
-Igore makes a few references to the Scripulous Fingore meme.
–Firstly, the skull and the finger are almost exact replicas of the Isaac version of the meme, which is why Igore even has a skull and why he only has one hand.
–Secondly, the misspelling of ‘Igor’ is meant to resemble the ‘Fingore’ part of the name.
–Both of them are also undead enemies, but this applies to almost everything in Remnant so may not be directly intentional
[Added: 9/6/21]

0C – Remnant III (Floor)

As mentioned previously, Remnant is unique in that it has a third floor as opposed to the usual one or two seen in other chapters. This third floor is entirely dedicated to the final two bosses of the path.

This floor is always laid out in an identical manner, regardless of seed. The starting room and the rooms above and beneath it will be empty, with the lower room linking to a shop from below and 2 treasure rooms at either side. The upper room will link to 2 more treasure rooms, as well as a boss room above it. There is also a 2nd boss room stationed above the first that can only be accessed once the first boss is defeated.

(A quick mockup of the map, though due to me being locked out of the Isaac wiki again I couldn’t use the actual map tiles so these’ll have to do, sorry)

As with most boss floors, the boss layouts are consistent across playthroughs and seeds.

Other notes:
-The shop will always stock 7 items; 2 collectables and 5 pickups
-The treasure rooms contain one item each, unlike Hush’s, unless the player has an effect that causes more pedestals to spawn
-Using The Emperor will teleport Isaac into the first boss room, not the second
–Using The Emperor? will do the same
-The Moon will teleport Isaac to the starting room
-Random teleportation effects are prevented from teleporting Isaac into the second boss room until the first boss has been defeated

15 – Isaac?

Appearance: Appears as a pale version of Isaac with no teeth or eyes and a large, permanent frown. All of the sounds it makes are similar to the player’s, though are quieter and have an echo.

Health: 1,500
Found: Remnant 3
Room: 1×1

Alternates randomly between staying still and firing at the player, walking around randomly while firing, or chasing the player directly while firing slower.
Isaac? does not have distinct, separate phases, and instead will ‘summon’ items temporarily throughout the fight. This is signalled by him holding up an item and gaining a different appearance, and the item’s effect and visual changes will wear off after a few seconds of attacking.
Isaac? currently has 25 different items it can use, each with its own specifications. They cannot be stacked and are used one at a time:

-<3: Isaac? will quickly flop forward, launching a burst of 14 shots and leaving damaging green creep beneath itself.
-Anaemic: Isaac? will begin rapidly chasing the player, releasing short-range shots in random directions and leaving a trail of damaging green creep
-Blood Bag: Charges at the player 3 times, then spits an arc of 6 shots at the player
-Common Cold: Chases the player, leaving poisonous clouds behind him. When the item expires Isaac? spits out a cluster of shot that leave damaging creep where they land
-Cricket’s Body: Remains stationary while releasing a large tear at the player that splits into 4, then the smaller ones split into 4, and then those split into 4 as well. Can do this up to 3 times.
-Gamekid: Chases the player while invulnerable. Noticeably has trouble with momentum, sliding around when trying to turn
-Infamy: Walks around randomly, charging at the player whenever they are cardinally aligned, like the Mask of Infamy
-Inner Eye: All shots launched while in effect will be triple shot. Shoots less frequently while in effect
-Ipecac: Remains stationary while launching a stream of ipecac shots at the player. After 20 shots the item expires, signalled by Isaac? vomiting a trail of damaging green creep
-Number One: Shoots a lot more often, but Isaac?’s attacks have less range
-Shoop Da Whoop: Follows the player, launching brimstone lasers whenever it is cardinally aligned to the player. The laser is always launched cardinally and has a slight delay before being fired
-Spoon Bender: Stays still, firing a stream of shots towards the player that have a homing effect
-Tech X: Stays still, launches them in bursts of 4, alternating between being launched cardinally and ordinally.
-Continuum: Fires long-range continuum shots towards the player while stationary. They have enough range to loop around the room 1.5 times length-ways
-Lump of Coal: Shots rapidly grow in size while in effect
-Technology: Becomes stationary and fires a laser that sweeps 360 degrees around the room, starting aimed at the player
-Monstro’s Lung: Hops towards the player, then vomits a cluster of shots. Does this up to 5 times in succession
-Chocolate Milk: Walks around randomly, charging up shots. Launches shots whenever it is cardinally aligned with the player. The size limit of the charge shot is far greater than the player’s and it charges much faster. Launches a final shot as the item expires, even if not aligned with the player.
-Tractor Beam: Walks next to the arena walls, firing towards the centre of the arena.
-EotO: Stays in-place while firing cardinally in the player’s general direction. Due to how the Eye works each subsequent shot causes them all to turn, possibly trapping the player between the shots.
-Strange Attractor: Shoots slower, but the shots are larger. Isaac?’s shots also pull the player towards them as they travel.
-Cursed Eye: Walks around randomly, charging and firing streams of 5 shots. Hitting Isaac? has a chance of causing them to teleport to another part of the room.
-My Reflection: Walks around randomly, firing more often. Shots eventually reflect back towards Isaac? after roughly a second
-How to Jump: Rapidly jumps towards the player 3 times, gaining distance each jump. Isaac?’s form doesn’t change during the attack.


Will appear to pick up MissingNo., causing it to become warped and deformed. Slowly begins glitching out as it lets out a shriek that becomes gradually deeper. Eventually the glitching Isaac? disappears, followed by a few gibs appearing in its place after a short delay.

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-Originally, there were plans to allow it to use any collectables, but this was scrapped due to both spriting problems and likely glitchiness
–There were also plans that it would mimic the player’s items, but this was also scrapped for similar reasoning
-Isaac? initially only had 13 transformations, going from <3 to Spoon Bender in the list, as well as How to Jump. More were added later to make the fight more interesting
[Added: 10/6/21]

16 – Hardened Heart

Appearance: A posthumous/corrupt version of either Mom’s Heart. Its body is grey and cracked, far more noticeably than with other bosses with a similarly-brittle effect. Something akin to a face and hands can be seen protruding from within the heart, and a sword can be seen stabbed into its base.

-1,000 (Heart) (Has 40 Armour Points)
-4,000 (False) (Has 100 Armour Points)
Found: Remnant 3
Room: 1×1

Phase 1:
The Heart remains beating at the centre of the room, similar to It Lives!.
-It may summon Dead Isaacs (the enemy spawned rarely by Mother) that burrow up from the walls and corners of the arena. The Heart rises to the ceiling, becoming invulnerable, while the Dead Isaacs congregate at the centre of the room beneath it. Once they have all gathered the Heart drops down; crushing them and creating a burst of shots depending on how many were beneath it, as well as some rock waves released in the cardinal directions.
-Rapidly begins releasing bursts of 12 projectiles in succession, creating a tight spiral-like pattern of shots
-Releases 4 bursts of 16 shots each that rotate as they disperse; the 1st and 3rd rotating clockwise and the 2nd and 4th rotating anticlockwise. Once the 4th roughly reaches the walls all 4 bursts return to the Heart, still rotating
-Launches a stream of shots towards the player. While doing so other shots are released in random directions
-Begins releasing bursts of shots, alternating between 6 shots, 4 shots launched cardinally, and 4 shots launched ordinally. While doing this, the Heart will also launch a stream of small ipecac shots at the player
-Launches a large clump of shots towards the player that leaves a trail of damaging creep. Upon hitting a wall the clump splits apart, with the smaller pieces sometimes dropping small puddles of creep as they travel. May launch a 2nd one after the smaller broken-up pieces begin hitting the arena walls.
As the Hardened Heart loses health its beating slows down, but its attack speed doesn’t. Once out of health, the Heart return to the ceiling and begins cracking before breaking open. The sword will drop to the ground, as well as a faceless robed statue, dubbed ‘the False’.

Phase 2:
False will walk around the arena when not attacking, dragging the sword behind it. Sometimes it walks around randomly while other times it walk towards the player
-It may slide towards the player a little, slamming its sword downward. 6 rock waves are released from the sword in all directions
-It may slam the sword down and use it like a pole vault, launching itself towards the player. Creates a ring of rock spikes around itself upon landing
-It may leap off-screen and land in either one of the corners of the room or at the centre. Upon landing it creates 3 rings of rock spikes around itself, as well as launching 4 rock waves out in the cardinal directions
-It may launch a beam of grey light from its head. Several beam of grey light will begin appearing randomly around the room
-The crack in False’s head may glow before releasing 3 volleys of lasers randomly, similar to Dogma’s Phase 2 laser attack
–There is also a version where 8 lasers are released in a burst cardinally and ordinally, though there is only 1 volley in this case.
Once reduced to half health, False will shudder before a pair of stony wings break out from its back, beginning the fight’s 3rd phase. False’s stone sword will also shatter as the wings break out, as does part of False’s back.

Phase 3:
False now flies around, usually following the player more directly than in Phase 2. Once again, his attack pattern will also change considerably
-It retains both its laser/beam of light attacks, as well as the ‘leaping off-screen’ attacks from Phase 2
-It may fly off-screen, summoning a wave of beams of grey light, similar to the Isaac boss’s Phase 3 attack
-It may dash at the player 3 times in succession, creating grey beams of light along its movement path
-A shriek-like sound may emanate from within its head, causing it to stay still while summon several bursts of rotating shots. Each burst has 12 shots, but the direction they rotate in and the speed they rotate at is random
-It may release several grey lasers that travel across the room horizontally and vertically, creating a grid-like pattern of lasers. The paths of the lasers are revealed to the player by faint grey lines before the lasers are fired
–This also has a diagonal variant that acts much the same way

A large beam of white light will strike False, shattering its wings and causing it to fall to the ground. Upon hitting the ground initially, its legs smash and it falls forward, shattering entirely upon contact with the ground. All that remains is its cracked, stone halo which can be bombed.
A chest that ends the run will also appear. Like with Mother the Void portal cannot spawn here.

Champion Variants:

Extra Info:
-The boss’ main theme was idolatry; the act of having someone/thing more important than God, hence why the Hardened Heart revealed only the False when it was broken open
–This was more evident back when False was named ‘The Idle’ instead, but the name was changed later
-Both of the Hardened Heart’s forms have damage scaling and are thus the only TBoI Boss Ideas bosses to do so at this point
[Added: 10/6/21]


Yes, I made some little achievement icons to go along with the bosses and unlocks. If I expand this to a second part I’ll also elaborate on what the items do, but for now it’s just loose descriptions

Character-Related Achievements

Stone Dice – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Isaac
Heart of Stone – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Maggie
Convincing Counterfeit – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Cain
Inky Heart – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Judas
Brain Rot – Defeat the Hardened Heart as ???
Bird Food – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Eve
Stone Chisel – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Samson
Bloody Mary – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Azazel
Fading Light – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Lazarus
Ichor – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Eden
Heart of Light – Defeat the Hardened Heart as the Lost
Pet Rock – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Lilith
Spiked Pockets – Defeat the Hardened Heart as the Keeper
Rekindled Hope – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Bethany
Grim Twin – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Jacob & Esau
Fossilised Bone – Defeat the Hardened Heart as the Forgotten
Lil’ Triachnid – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Apollyon

Tainted Character-Related Achievements

Greed’s Crown – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Isaac
Burst Bag – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Maggie
Swag Bag – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Cain
Bloodsucker! – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Judas
Exoskeleton – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted ???
Bird Egg – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Eve
Beefy Worm – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Samson
Blood Bubble – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Azazel
Maggots – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Lazarus
Stone Tablet – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Eden
Ghostly Worm – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Lost
Chunky Fly – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Lilith
Golden Guillotine – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Keeper
Crying Blood – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Bethany
Sawblade – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Jacob
Lil’ Boney – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Forgotten
Worm Mound – Defeat the Hardened Heart as Tainted Apollyon

Misc. Achievements

Stone Halo – Bomb Hardened Heart’s Halo
Cracked Sword – Defeat Hardened Heart as any character
Mirror Image – Defeat Isaac? while he is under the effects of an item the player has
Negative Card – Attempt to use the Chaos Card on Hardened Heart’s 2nd or 3rd phase
Scrupulous Searcher – Use bombs to arrange Igore’s head and hand in a specific way
Bony Boy – Complete all 3 Remnant stages without taking damage

Extra Info:
-For some reason, the Negative Card’s achievement uses the tainted characters’ splatter effect. Despite this, it can still be unlocked as any character
-Cracked Sword will always be the first achievement related to the Hardened Heart that can be unlocked, yet is still placed after Stone Halo, which would be the 3rd achievement unlocked at the earliest
–Similarly, Mirror Image can be unlocked before Hardened Heart, yet is placed after all the non-tainted Hardened Heart unlocks
[Added: 9/6/21]

[Final Notes]

I… don’t have anything funny or silly or cool to say at the end of this one to be honest, sorry 😛

Like I mentioned above I’m new to spriting in the Isaac style so some of the sprites might not be up to scratch. Also because Repentance came out after some of the concepts were added a lot had to be changed, and I also know that there’ll naturally be a lot of similarities to the Corpse floors due to the initial concept, but I’ve tried my best to make-do

Not sure what project I’ll be working on next, honestly. Might finish the 2nd Isaac page from before or I might do a part 2 to this due to the achievements existing and stuff, but I’m not sure at the moment.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed scrolling through a bunch of sprites and designs and text and stuff, maybe see you next time 😛