In this Guide I explain everything you need to know about Test Your Luck Towers and the Secret Meteor Tower.
Test Your Luck
In this Guide I will guide you through everything you need to know about Test Your Luck Secret Tower introduced with Kombat Pack 2 or Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate.
And the Newly discovered Secret Meteor Tower that rewards a 100% chance for a single Kombat League Skin every 2 Hours.
What is Test Your Luck
Test your Luck is a Summoned Tower in Towers of Time, to get the key for it you must first complete any other Summoned Tower.
This is the Test your Luck Key Icon.
Test Your Luck Platform consists of 8 Towers, 4 are 4 fights vs 4 different characters (1 Round wins) and 4 are Boss Fights.
You cannot use any modifiers in these fights and the AI has a ton, thankfully the ai is between medium and hard difficulty, also on the boss fights the bosses have armor at about 20% life.
These Towers are Survival Mode Towers so you have 1 life bar for each 4 Fight Tower.
Once a Tower is completed with a high enough score you unlock the Brutal Difficulty of that tower
In order to do a tower in Brutal Diff you must resummon the entire platform, because these towers can only be done once per key. However the 1st Boss fight in this platform rewards a Test your Luck Key so you can chain them easily.
Test your Luck Platform Stays for 720 Hours, so you have plenty of time to fiddle with them.
Each 4 Fight tower after the 1st one will cost you currency to attempt:
The 3rd Tower is 1Million Coins.
The 5th is 9000 Souls.
The 7th is 2500 Hearts.
Test Your Luck tower “DO NOT” allow the use of AI fighters nor any Konsumables.
Test Your Luck Rewards
Test your luck will reward a new Consumable called Elixir that turns you completely invincible, but that’s not the good reward, the good rewards are Auspicious Rewards which can even be Kombat League (Gear and not Skins) rewards for either random or specific characters, also you get a ton of lvl 4 Augments including Jinsei lvl 4 augments. Finally the best rewards are the 2 Blood Augments one called Luckality and the other Lucky Blows these augments will give you 2/4/6/8% chance to insta kill on Brutality move or Krushing Blow move respectively.
Luckality :(Character-Specific) Your Brutalities have a 2/4/6/8% chance to trigger automatically and Instant Kill. You earn no Gear XP.
Lucky Blows: (Character-Specific) Your Krushing Blows have a 2/4/6/8% chance to Instant KO. You earn no Gear XP.
Elixir: Gain full Invincibility for a shot duration. (3 Slots)
The Augments and Gear you Win will be for the Characters you beat in the Specific Tower.
So once you launch the Tower look at the fighters and see if the Character you are hunting for is in any of the Towers. And if not Launch a new Key and replace the characters.
The Player you select has no impact on your rewards in my testing so far.
Augment Builds
This is the Best build I’ve found so far in order to beat these towers.
4 Dragon Blood Augments
Fit to Kill: You can perform your Krushing Blows once per Round. Your Krushing Blows deal 50% less damage.
Smoke and Mirrors: Your Krushing Blows deal no damage. You can perform Krushing Blows without limit.
Luckality: (Character-Specific) Your Brutalities have a 2/4/6/8% chance to trigger automatically and Instant Kill. You earn no Gear XP.
Lucky Blows: (Character-Specific) Your Krushing Blows have a 2/4/6/8% chance to Instant KO. You earn no Gear XP.
1 Soul Augment
Lucky Rabbit’s Foot : Increases your Luck by 100%.
This augment does the following: It greatly increases your chances of obtaining level 4 augments. We’re getting level 4 augments constantly, especially since playing 6Character Towers Brutal difficulty. Also, it decreases the a.i’s. chances of hitting you with Krushing Blows, Konsumables, performing perfect blocks, and more.
1 Order Crystal
Armor Clad: You start each Match with 1/2/3/4 hit(s) of Recharge Armor. Your Recharge Armor regenerates 1 hit every 10 seconds.
Using these 6 Augments just Spam your Brutality and Krushing Blow Moves and you will get through it in no time. You can just Spam Uppercut in a loop til AI dies.
If you want to have a bit more fun and cheese less you can use the 2 Nether Flame Augments
Fire Sale: Your Offensive Gauge costs are 12.5/25/37.5/50% cheaper.
Free Refill: Your Offensive Gauge refills 25/50/75/100% faster.
Instead of the 2 Krushing blow augments and spam big comboes using your Offensive Bar.
If you are having trouble staying alive use one of these 2
Pumped Up: You have 250/500/750/1000 more Health.
Elder God Armor: You are immune to Mighty, Vampiric, Confusion, Oppression, Shock, Pull, Ignition, Chill, Slow, and Toxic effects. Your attacks cannot trigger these effects.
For Jinsei Augments I would use one that would help your character do a Brutality, for Example 4 more tick on Scorpions Toasty will give you 4 more chances to proc the Brutality.
Or check my Jinsei Guide to see what your options are
Meteor Secret Tower what is it?
The Secret Meteor Tower is a Summonable Tower in Towers of Time.
To Summon this tower you need to input a set code “AT” and “IN” a specific time frame while the “Meteor” in Towers of Time is passing.
The Meteor passes at 12:10 am / 2:10 am / 4:10 am / 6:10 am / 8:10 am / 10:10 am
12:10 pm / 2:10 pm / 4:10 pm / 6:10 pm / 8:10 pm / 10:10 pm
The code you need to input is : Up > Left > Up > Left > Right > Left > Up > Up
I’d advise using your keyboard for the input so that you don’t hit diagonals by mistake.
Once you input the code while the meteor passes, you will get a prompt saying:
“Hidden Event Triggered!”
You have summoned a random tower platform. Would you like it to replace your currently
summoned towers with a random one?
You must then Accept. This WILL replace your summoned tower, so make sure you have finished your previous Summoned Tower or DO NOT care about loosing it.
Once you hit Accept a New “1 Fight Tower” will replace your current Summonable Tower.
This tower will be a Random Tower from a pool of “128” Possible Towers. (At least)
Each possible tower will be a “ONE” fight only tower versus one of the previous Kombat League Skins.
These Tower Stay for ONE hour only.
These Towers DO NOT have a Brutal Difficulty.
There is a Currency Requirement if you want to play the Summoned Tower:
-250,000 Koins
-500 Hearts
-2,500 Souls
You can see the rewards before paying any of the currency, once you’ve payed you can loose without having to pay again unlike the TYL towers.
This Tower Allows the Use of AI / Modifiers / Luckality & Lucky Blows Augments.
The Augments Build is the easiest way to do these towers, However if you don’t have all these augments you can use the Modifier Build, I included the Forge recipes for all needed Konsumables.
If you leave Tower of Time Menu your summoned Meteor Tower will vanish so make sure to finish it before leaving ToT menu.
Meteor Tower Rewards
Each of the 128+ Possible Towers has it’s own reward.
Winning this Tower the 1st time on each summon gives you 4 rewards:
-One Unique Kombat League Skin (the one you will be fighting against)
-One Level 4 Jinsei Augment (of the character you will be fighting against)
-One Gear / Kosmetic / Augment (for your selected character)
-One Skin / Augment (for your selected character)
There are 16 Kombat League Seasons (so far) and each season has 2 skins for 4 characters.
I’m going to Use Kombat League 1 as an example, these are the 8 skins for Season 1 the “Season of Blood”
Let’s say you Proc a Tower with the Red and Black Scorpion Skin your reward will be the Red and Black Scorpion skin you will not also receive the white version of that KL Skin.
If you Run this Tower again after beating it the first time (for each summon) the rewards will be:
-One Gear / Kosmetic or Augment (for your selected character)
-One Level 3 Jinsei Augment (for the character you will be fighting against)
Modifier Build (Meteor Tower)
The Meteor Towers allow the use of Modifiers I suggest you use all 3 of your slots.
I recommend choosing Two of these Damaging Modifiers, the Kunai and Missile are my favorite.
And choosing One Defensive Modifier.
AFK Farming Koins / Souls / Hearts
These Towers cost a ton of currency so here are the best or fun ways for farming.
I’m going to split this category into 2 sections:
– AI – AFK farming
– Manual – Not AFK Farming
In order to do any AI farming without loosing your mind you need one of 3 tools:
-A Macro Script
-A Macro Button on your Keyboard / Mouse / Controller
-A Turbo button on your Keyboard / Mouse / Controller
You need to set your button to press “Enter” every second.
Some people found creative ways without those tools but very elaborate set ups, I saw a person glue a Pen to his Rotating fan and placed his controller in the fans rotating path so everytime the fan did a 180 it pressed the X button on his PS controller.
To let the AI play the match for you you need to press “Square” (PS controller) / “X” (Xbox controller) on the character select screen.
The Tower to do this on would be the “Survival Towers” in “Klassic Kombat” on “Very Easy Difficulty”.
Your AI needs a little more then 30 Minutes to do the entire Survival Tower.
What you need to do is Launch the Survival Tower with the AI playing on Very easy, press your macro button then AFK, come back 30 minutes later to turn off your macro. Repeat.
Now this by itself will net you Koins Souls and Heart. However we can augment the Rewards Tremendously using “Whole Tower Konsumables” and “Augments on your character”
Fast Buck: Earn 1000/2000/3000/4000 Koins for getting the First Hit in a Match.
Stage Presents: Earn 1500/3000/4500/6000 Koins for each Environment Interaction you perform.
Blood Money: Earn 2000/4000/6000/8000 Koins for every Fatal Blow you land.
If you are using
“Blood Money” you can combine it with
Quick Kill: You may execute your Fatal Blow at any time. Your Krushing Blows are disabled.
But be aware:
-That you can use only 1 “Whole Tower” Konsumable.
-That the “Quick Kill” augment disables Krushing Blow. (This becomes important later with the Krushing blows Augments).
With Koin Farming you have an intresting choice to make you can Turn all the “Hearts” you win into “Souls” and can turn all the “Souls” you make into “Koins” with the following Augments:
Dark Magic: Konvert each Soul you earn into 250/500/750/1000 Koins.
Heart and Soul: Konvert each Heart you earn into 5/10/15/20 Souls.
Good Souls: Earn 40/80/120/160 Souls for winning a Flawless Round.
Spoils of War: Earn 5/10/15/20 Souls after winning a Match.
Spirit Collector: Earn 10/20/30/40 Souls for each Krushing Blow you perform.
If you are using
“Spirit Collector” combine it with
Smoke and Mirrors: Your Krushing Blows deal no damage. You can perform Krushing Blows without limit.
Pure and Simple: Your Krushing Blows have no requirements. Your Fatal Blow is disabled.
Be aware:
-“That Smoke and Mirrors” disable Krushing Blow damage.
-“That Pure and Simple” Disables your Fatal Blow.
Remember you can turn all “Hearts” earned into “Souls” with
Heart and Soul: Konvert each Heart you earn into 5/10/15/20 Souls.
Perfect Kombat: Earn 7/14/21/28 Hearts for winning a Flawless Match.
Death Benefit: Earn 3/6/9/12 Hearts for each Fatality you perform.
Brutal Heart: Earn 5/10/15/20 Hearts for each Brutality you perform.
Luckality: (Character-Specific) Your Brutalities have a 2/4/6/8% chance to trigger automatically and Instant Kill. You earn no Gear XP.
This is my personal build that I use to just have a Balanced amount of all 3 currency:
Spoils of War: Earn 5/10/15/20 Souls after winning a Match.
Spirit Collector: Earn 10/20/30/40 Souls for each Krushing Blow you perform.
Good Souls: Earn 40/80/120/160 Souls for winning a Flawless Round.
Perfect Kombat: Earn 7/14/21/28 Hearts for winning a Flawless Match.
Death Benefit: Earn 3/6/9/12 Hearts for each Fatality you perform.
Fast Buck: Earn 1000/2000/3000/4000 Koins for getting the First Hit in a Match.
I also run the AI in the character towers in ToT in order to unlock gear and skins at the same time but you have to come back every 3 minutes to set the next fight, because the fights are a max of 5 fights I do not use any whole tower Konsumables, however when I get blocked by the character tower requirements I use the Survival Towers and Use either the Tarkatan Hand, Contract or Heart of Argus Tower Konsumables.
Manual Farming Koins / Souls / Hearts
If you are intrested in Manually farming and having FUN doing it these are the main differences from the AI Builds you can make:
Have Mercy: Earn 10/20/30/40 Souls for showing Mercy.
Selfish Mercy: Showing Mercy grants 20/40/60/80% more Health to your opponent. Earn 200/400/600/800 Gear XP after winning a Match each time you showed Mercy. You may show Mercy as often as you like.
The Idea here is to do infinite “Mercy” in the same fight until you get bored.
The only caveat is that using this method will not let you farm any Hearts effectively.
In order to stay alive I use:
But you can use any of the Health replenishments available in game
Build 1 Strategy: Spam Environment Interactions > Mercy > Heal up > Repeat
Have Mercy: Earn 10/20/30/40 Souls for showing Mercy.
Selfish Mercy: Showing Mercy grants 20/40/60/80% more Health to your opponent. Earn 200/400/600/800 Gear XP after winning a Match each time you showed Mercy. You may show Mercy as often as you like.
Stage Presents: Earn 1500/3000/4500/6000 Koins for each Environment Interaction you perform.
Half Life: Your Defensive Gauge costs are halved. You have no Offensive Gauge.
Second Wind: Spend Health instead when your Defensive Gauge is empty.
Cheap Tricks: Your Defensive Gauge costs are 12.5/25/37.5/50% cheaper.
Build 2 Strategy: Spam Krushing Blows > Mercy > Heal up > Repeat
Have Mercy: Earn 10/20/30/40 Souls for showing Mercy.
Selfish Mercy: Showing Mercy grants 20/40/60/80% more Health to your opponent. Earn 200/400/600/800 Gear XP after winning a Match each time you showed Mercy. You may show Mercy as often as you like.
Dark Magic: Konvert each Soul you earn into 250/500/750/1000 Koins.
Spirit Collector : Earn 10/20/30/40 Souls for each Krushing Blow you perform.
Smoke and Mirrors: Your Krushing Blows deal no damage. You can perform Krushing Blows without limit.
Pure and Simple: Your Krushing Blows have no requirements. Your Fatal Blow is disabled.
Build 1 Strategy: Spam Krushing Blows > Mercy > Heal up > Repeat
Have Mercy: Earn 10/20/30/40 Souls for showing Mercy.
Selfish Mercy: Showing Mercy grants 20/40/60/80% more Health to your opponent. Earn 200/400/600/800 Gear XP after winning a Match each time you showed Mercy. You may show Mercy as often as you like.
Spirit Collector : Earn 10/20/30/40 Souls for each Krushing Blow you perform.
Good Souls: Earn 40/80/120/160 Souls for winning a Flawless Round. (Remember to top off to max before actually winning the match the last time)
Spoils of War: Earn 5/10/15/20 Souls after winning a Match.
Smoke and Mirrors: Your Krushing Blows deal no damage. You can perform Krushing Blows without limit.
Pure and Simple: Your Krushing Blows have no requirements. Your Fatal Blow is disabled.
Build Strategy: Brutality your opponent as fast as possible!
Brutal Heart: Earn 5/10/15/20 Hearts for each Brutality you perform.
Perfect Kombat: Earn 7/14/21/28 Hearts for winning a Flawless Match.
Luckality: (Character-Specific) Your Brutalities have a 2/4/6/8% chance to trigger automatically and Instant Kill. You earn no Gear XP.
Fire Sale: Your Offensive Gauge costs are 12.5/25/37.5/50% cheaper.
Free Refill: Your Offensive Gauge refills 25/50/75/100% faster.
You can Use anything you like for the 6ths Slot
I’d use Jinsei Augments that reduce the amp cost for moves that can Brutality
Don’t forget to use
I’m going to give you a full Scorpion Heart Build with the Best combo possible, this is the fastest way I have found to Farm Hearts and is enjoyable!
6ths slot is
Armor Clad: You start each Match with 1/2/3/4 hit(s) of Recharge Armor. Your Recharge Armor regenerates 1 hit every 10 seconds.
Hellbound: Reduces the Amplify cost of Hell Port by 40/50/60/70%.
Netherrealm Fire: Increases the range of Demon Breath by 25/50/75/100%. Hold Demon Breath to extend its duration up to 0.5/1/1.5/2 second(s).
Nimble Ninja: Reduces the Amplify cost of Spear by 40/50/60/70%.
Kombo with 21 Chances of proccing the Brutality!
What Scorpion will do is:
Sword Slice > Teleport amp >
Sword Slice > Spear amp >
Sword Slice > Tele Amp >
Sword Slice > Spear amp >
Sword Slice > Toasty amp
Make sure to Hold Down while Teleport Amp / Hold A while Entire Toasty roast.
Finally the last thing you can do if farm the Krypt and then use the Forge to craft what you need
Thanks to Ptycons Guide for the awesome Forge Guide, check it out if you ever need any Forge stuff.
Thank you for Reading
Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.
Feel Free to ask me anything in the comment section.
I’m also trying to loot
Rampant Inflation : Increases all Koin earnings by 25/50/75/100%.
It’s a Kollector Jinsei was wondering if it doubles everything, but alas it never drops for me, so if anyone with this augment can do some tests and report back to me I would appreciate it.
EDIT: Thanks to Ptycon he tested the Jinsei and found that it only adds to the in fight koins gain, like kombos etc .. so not worth farming especially with Kollector