Welcome to my attempt at a tutorial for Total Extreme Wrestling 2010. There is a lot here to go over, and honestly, I am learning as I go as well, so my examples may not be the best to show off everything. However, as I learn, so will you, and honestly, watching someone else flub around might be more interesting than having to do it yourself. What follows is a week working as the head booked for Babes of Sin City, a sleezy little promotion that is just one step away from strip club status, but one where the owner wants to actually incorporate more wrestling. While the first show is not really moving towards that goal, it does go over quite a few important concepts and decisions. It will also end with an actual show and give results for the next week, which will be another tutorial where I plan on showcasing more advanced features in the game.
Day 1 – Setting Up
Welcome to Total Extreme Wrestling 2010. Since this is a tutorial, we are going to try to keep it as simple as possible. While setting up the game will be the same, once we start the tutorial, things will deviate quite dramatically. However, the basics of what we are doing will remain the same, even if you don’t always do exactly what I do throughout the guide.
Go ahead and click the new game button at the top of the TEW2010 screen. It is the blank folder on the far left side os the screen (you can hover your mouse over each icon to find out what it does). After the game begins, it will check the database for errors. Since this is the default database (Cornell Universe), there shouldn’t be any. Once this is finished, click the button and we’re presented with the Country Select and Game Name screen.
To minimize a lot of the database, deselect all countries except the USA. We’re going to take over booking for Babes of Sin City, an entertainment company that is just this side of a strip club that wants to change its image into an actual wrestling organization. It’s a small company that has very little going for it, so we’re going to take up the challenge to make things better. I’ve named my game Sin City USA. Please feel free to come up with something better for your own game, but know that you only have 12 characters to use to for a name. Once you have that, click Done.
Another screen will show that they world has been initialized with your choices, so take the default of one player and click continue. Now you get to choose and setup your Avatar. This is the character that will represent you in the game. You can choose whichever of these you wish, but I chose The Grand Avatar, a shadowy figure in the background who manipulates things to his satisfaction. Once you do this, click the User Talents button, put five points in each of the four categories and then click save. Also, click the user preferences and deselect show stats as grades rather than numbers. Now you will get a percentage representation for character and company stats. A much easier way to see how these stats rate against one another. Save this and then click Done. Once we get into the game proper, we can make changes to the Avatar’s Name and Descriptions.
Now we are at the Company select screen. As I said earlier, we are going to take over booking for Babes of Sin City and we’ll attempt to turn it into a real wrestling promotion. You can look at the other companies and view their rosters to get a small idea about your competition. While the skill ratings may appear as grades right now, once inside the game, they will be shown as pure numbers. Once you are finished looking around, select Babes of Sin City and click Done. You’ll be taken to the splash screen, and once you lick Done, you’ll be taken to the web page for TotalExtremeWrestling.com. Welcome to your first game of TEW2010.
At the top of the screen you’ll see the above bar. The icons are as follows (from left to right): Web Page, Control Room, Companies, Characters, Dojos, Media, Game World, Game Options, Advance, Back to Main Menu, Help, Notepad, Save Game, Exit Game. For now, Advance the game one day by clicking the Advance button.
Day 2 – Company Basics
A new web page comes up, giving details around various things going on the game world. You can read them if you want, but there is probably not much information you can use at the moment, butfeel free to read any you want. However, in the upper right corner, you will see a light bulb that is ‘on’. Either click that or click the Control Room button on the top bar (Telephone) to go to your control room to find out what is new.
First, you will have gotten an email. Click the email button to find out that you have gotten some goals set by the promotion’s owner. Go back to the Control Room and click Business in the Corporate quarter. First, you need to find out what the owner has as her goals. Click Owner Goals and find out what you need to avoid doing if possible. I’m sure what you see will be different, but just to show what may come up, here is what I was given as goals.
Goal #1: BSC Must not have fallen below Small size after 23 Months, 3 Weeks (Critical)
Goal #2: You can’t hire any wrestler who is classed as being on MMA Crossover (Average)
Goal #3: You cannot hire or extend the contract of anybody who has an Industry Reputation of less than 35 (Average)
The biggest one right now is keeping the company from falling below small size after two years. If everything goes according to play, we won’t have a problem with that. Next, go back to the Business screen and select Product in the second grouping. This will give you an idea of how the company should give presents itself. My game has BoSC set at Las Vegas Glitz, a very Risque Comedic T&A show. For now, we’ll leave it like this, but as we move forward we’ll try to change that by quite a bit.
Now we’ll check out our Finances, which is in the third section. We are starting with $100,000 in our coffers, which is a good bit, but we have to take into account the contracts of the wrestlers and things like production, merchandising, and other intangibles. For now, it is safe to note that we’re probably good for a few months without any actual money being made. Now, head back to the Control Room and let’s start making some choices.
Check with the Assistant again, and notice that there is a light bulb next to the Extreme Eye. Click on this and you will be given some things you need to take care of immediately. First, you need to put your avatar on the roster. Second, you’ll need to make at least one storyline to keep your fans happy. Both of these are fairly easy, so no worries there. Head back to the Control Room and select Roster in the Creative quadrant.
Once in the Roster area, you can view the members of BoSC. Almost every member is an entertainer type, which means they know very little about wrestling. As I said, this is just one step shy of a group of strippers tussling in the ring. We only have a single lady with any wrestling talent, Tamara McFly, the current Queen of the Ring title holder. We’ll work on bringing more actual wrestlers to help the other ladies as we move forward, but now click on your Avatar to fix them.
The icons are Character Details, PushDivision, Turn, Gimmick, and Manager. Click on Push/Division to get things started. I chose Authority Figure as my current Push and Villain as my Division. I plan on using The Grand Avatar as guy who wants things to stay the same while letting the owner look good at trying to change things. So, I’ll keep my Turn as Heel for now, and will select Man on a Mission as his Gimmick. I don’t see a need for a Manager for now. The last thing I’ll do is create my actual Alter Ego. Click on the Character Details button to be able to change your name, nickname, and description that is read when you select the character in the roster. I renamed my character Sammy Valdano, and while I did not change the default description for now, I did make sure his name replaced The Grand Avatar’s in the description. When you click the save button, you’ll be asked if you want to save the description as a new Alter Ego. I chose no, but you can make it a separate Alter Ego if you want in order to bring the snake out of the darkness slowly. Now that we’ve taken care of the first item on our list, it’s time to take care of the second one, the storyline.
Day 2 – New Title and Tournament
For our first storyline, we’re going to create a new title. In the Creative quadrant, click Titles. You’ll see the current titles that are part of Sin City as well as who holds them. Here you can modify, retire, vacate and, the one which we are interested in, add a new title to your promotion. Click Add Title and let’s create the Assets Champion Title Belt.
First we’ll name the title BOSC Assets Champion. It’s a singles title, Female only of course, and only for Very Small to Lightweight weight classes. It’s a Midcard title that has a normal function and no particular brand at the moment. However, this will be a tournament title to be fought for in January. Now, if you click on the picture, you can select the belt graphic you want to use. In this case, I chose Generic_Womens02 which really seems to fit the whole point of this championship.
Click save and you’ll have a new title ready for a tournament storyline.
Head back to the Control Room and select Storylines in the Creative quadrant. Click Add Storyline and select Eight Man Tournament Ver1 from the list. We’re going to start with a generic storyline for this one, as there is plenty here to chose from. We’ll write a full on storyline later on.
Give it a simple name and either auto fill the basic description or give it one of your own. Now, we need to decide who we’re going to have in the tournament, who will be the eventual winner and in what order the other seven will leave. The rounds are in order, so 1 will face 2, 3 will face 4, etc. You can look at the plot points to figure out when they people will lose, and the storyline even shows when people will leave the tournament although it is a little more confusing looking there. As it is, for this tournament, I want Dharma Gregg to win the whole tournament, so I’ll select her for the Eventual Winner spot. In a lot of tournaments, you’d see a heel and a face in the final, but I want to be different with this one. I’m going to Leave Alexis Lee Littlefeather in the Losing Finalist spot. Everyone else we’ll be changing.
The second spot, and first one out will be Vampella. For the second match, we’ll place Sister Beth Mercy and Sprite in a match, with Sister Beth Mercy taking the win there. In the third match, we have Roxy Kitten going against the eventual Winner Dharma Gregg. The final match will actually set up a second storyline, pitting sisters Jen Neptune and Kathy Neptune against each other, where the younger sister will lose in the first round and begin to split from her older sister in order to make her own name.
Once we have all that down, we can hit Select and we’ll have our first, and so far, only storyline to go with. Head back to the Control Room and let’s set up a new schedule.
We’re going to set up a weekly event called BoSC Saturday Nights. Click on Schedule under the Corporate quadrant. Select Add event and put the name in at the top. It’s going to be a small event, 1 hour in length and set on a weekly schedule on Saturday. Nothing else should change. Click save and you’ll have an event scheduled for Saturday night.
Now, let’s give our new show a little hype with the first two matches of our tournament. Click Advanced Booking in the Corporate quadrant. Select Add match, put Alexis Lee Littlefeather and Vampella in as the participants, make sure BoSC Saturday Night is the event (as it is our only one, it should be) and hit save. Do the same for Sister Beth Mercy vs. Sprite and save again. Now we have a spotlight on the beginnings of our tournament.
Day 2 – Negotiations
Alright, we have our first night of wrestling set up, we have our people in place and a new tournament to get some hype. Now, we need to find some wrestlers with some actual experience to help the roster some.
First, go back to Business in the Corporate quadrant and click Owner Goals. Make note of what your owner does not want in her promotion. In my case, no MMA crossovers and no one with and industry rep under 35. Click the Characters button at the top of the page to bring up all the people in the game. This is the main reason we started with only the USA. There’s enough people with just one country. With all of them, this list is ridiculous. Since we are an all female roster, you can start by clicking filter and setting the gender to Female. Click close and only the female talents will be shown.
We’re going to be looking for about 3 new ladies with actual wrestling experience (ie, someone other than entertainers). Keeping in mind the restrictions that your boss has placed on you, locate at least one very small, small and lightweight wrestler to open negotiations with. Select a wrestler you want to look at and click View Worker Profile at the bottom. You can see their skills by clicking Skills on the left. Look for wrestlers with decent starting skills (at least over 60 to start). Not everyone will be good in everything, but choose someone that has good skills in their wrestling type.
Amber Allen has decent Technical Skills, and decent performance skills. Her backstage is a bit low, but hopefully we’ll be able to get those up as she wrestles. Once you find you ladies, click Negotiate for each one, either after viewing their worker profile or once you have selected the wrestler on the main screen. You won’t immediately enter into negotiations, but they will be started. I chose Amber Allen, Geena the Warrior Princess, and Kinuye Mushashibo. We’ll see what happens with them after a few days.
Well, after all this, let’s advance another day to see what happens next.
Day 3 – Another Storyline
Alright, third day in and the only new thing I have is another goal from the owner.
Goal #4: You can’t hire any wrestler who is classed as a Japanese Junior (Average)
I haven’t seen anyone classed as a Japanese Junior yet, so I am probably ok here. I think I am goin to do another advanced booking for Saturday’s show. IN the Creative section, there is a Teams button. Click on that to get an idea of what tag teams are together at the moment. We have four, and since two of the teams have wrestlers in singles action this Saturday, We’ll use the other two just to add another match to the card. We’ll put Sweet as Candy (Lindsay Sugar and Coco De La Soliel) vs the Neptune Twins (Jen and Kathy Neptune). We won’t add a new Team yet, although this is where you woiuld do that later. However, neither of these teams have finishers. Perhaps we should give their finishers names and see how those work. Sweet as Candy, let’s call their finisher the Candy Crush, and the Neptune Twins the Twin Rings. I know, they are not too creative, but we’re just giving them something to put in the match record for now.
With the show only being 60 minutes, we’ve probably added enough matches, so we’ll not worry about those anymore, but we will go ahead and set up the next storyline to begin the breakup of the Neptune Twins. We’ll start with Tag Team Split And Feud Ver2 for now, but we’ll probably make some minor modifications along the way to help get the story along as we want it. Set up Jen and Kathy Neptune as the Splitting Tag Team and Coco De La Soliel and Lindsay Sugar as the Winning Tag Team. Name it and Autofill the Description. Click Select and you’ll have a second storyline to progress through.
Go ahead and advance another day.
Day 4 & 5 – Before the Show
Nothing new today, but I got a little tidbit on the website about one of the wrestlers I’m negotiating with. Seems Amber Allen doesn’t like working opening matches. We will have to remember that for later. We really have nothing else at the moment, and we’re not adding any more matches to Saturday night’s event, so advance again.
Again, nothing new to work on, so we’ll advance once more to move us to Saturday.
Finally, Saturday is here and we have quite a few things that popped up to review. Always seems to happen on match days. I have a new email, so I’ll check that first. Seems like Golightly has thrown me yet another curve ball.
Goal #5: When the time expires, BSC must have gained popularity in America
Oh well, hopefully I’ll have that one figured out by then.
Now I need to go make a few decisions. Hopefully some of my negotiations have paid off. We’ll start with Amber Allen. Click Enter Negotiations to get to the negotiation screen Amber’s looking for at least $100 per appearance, and since we don’t have a full contract system yet, we’ll continue to use a per appearance fee. However, we would like a few actual wrestlers, so we’ll start her at $150 an appearance on a 12 month basis. We’ll offer her a midcard spot (since we know she doesn’t like openers) and make her a Face at the beginning (she could easily start as a Heel as well). We won’t promise anything else at the moment and see how that goes. Click make offer and see what she says. In my game, she easily accepted that contract. Do the same with any other wrestler that you have the option to Negotiate with and make at least one a Heel (I had to offer Geena the Warrior Princess Travel Expenses to get her to come on as an Upper Midcard Heel).
With that, everything is ready to start the first event for Babes of Sin City. Click Advance.
Day 5 – The Show Must Go On!
We’re now ready to book the show. The first page you will see is the backstage area giving you the basic information for you to peruse. First thing we need to do is select a Venue. Click the world button at the top of the screen. We’re only expecting about 100 “fans”, so we need a small venue in the Southwest. Since we made the event in the Southwest, that should already be selected, so scroll through the list of venues. There are two that fit our needs.: The Piper Casino and The Simmons Center. We’ll choose the Piper Casino since Vegas is a part of the promotions heritage. Select it and Assign it at tonight’s venue, the click the Booking icon (the Pen).
For now, we’re going to go ahead and make our three ‘wrestling’ matches. Both of the singles matches will be eye candy matches, so click Add Match at the bottom of the booking screen, then filter Match Style as Eye Candy. The Asset Title is more about the acting and skin that is shown rather than wrestling, and this will lead into the actual wrestlers using it as a platform to rebel against the Shadowy Figure in the background of the promotion, your avatar. Click on Lingerie Match and then Create Match.
If you click on Advance Booking, you can select your first match, Alexis Lee Littlefeather vs. Vampella. Make the match 7 minutes and then click Change under the Road Agent Notes. Alexis Lee Littlefeather should be the winner, the workers should get the crowd going, and the match should end with a submission… nothing like a lady stretched out in a half boston crab to get the sleezeballs hooting, right?
Once you have all the information set up, name it Assets Championship Match 1 and save the match. Do the same with the second match between Sister Beth Mercy and Sprite, although this one should be a Bra and Panties match. 7 minutes for the match, with Sister Beth Mercy being the winner and have the pair work the crowd some more. Name it Assets Championship Match 2.
The Final Match will be the Tag Match, so Filter for Match Type as 2v2 and Match Style of Eye Candy. This time, we’ll set it up for a Foam Party Match, just to make things interesting for the end. This time, for the Road Agent notes, we’ll need to add not only a Winner but a Loser, so we’ll let Lindsey Sugar Win the match and have Kathy Neptune Lose the match. We’re also going to say this will be a decisive finish and it should end in a pinfall. Make it an eight minute match and name it Twins and Candy 1 before saving.
So far we have 28 minutes of our 60 minutes books. We need to add some Angles to the show to finish things off. We’ll even add a few things to the pre and post show, just to add to the fun.
First things first, we’ll set up a couple of quick vignettes about some of the ladies getting ready. We’ll give each of the ladies in the singles matches a quick Diva Getting Ready segment, so click on Add Angle. In the top of the three drop downs, select Diva to clear out a lot of the fluff from the list. Click Diva Getting Ready and press Select. Select Alexis Lee Littlefeather, Auto name it, Leave the length at 1 minutes and click Save. Do this again for Vampella, Sister Beth Mercy and Sprite.
Now we are going to hype each match before it takes place, So, change the first search category to Hype and find Match Announcement – 1 vs 1 and hit select. Set Alexis as the first wrestler and Vampella as the second, name it Hype – Assets Championship 1, select Pre-Show and hit select. Create a second one for Sister Beth vs Sprite, and then select Match Announcement – 2 vs 2 Ver1 for the tag battle between the two teams, making sure they are both set to pre-show.
Now we’ll set up celebrations for each match. They’ll last two minutes each, something simple, something sexy. This time we’ll set the search to Transitions, and select Post Match – Sexy Dance (Singles) and assign it to Alexis Lee Littlefeather. We’ll do the same for Sister Beth Mercy. And finally we’ll make a Post Match – Sexy Dance (Tag) for Lindsay and Coco, but click Post show for this one. We’re at 36 minutes out of 60 now.
Finally, let’s make each participant make better than a standard entrance. For the Singles, make sure you choose Pre-Match – Singles Entrance and the Tag Teams select Pre-Match – Tag Team Entrance. Each one of these should be 4 minutes in length, no more. This should put us at exactly 60 minutes.
Now, I know this is not the most original of booked shows, but it is a start, and we are not trying to get real wrestling over yet. We’re trying to get some people in the seats, and we’re hoping this will be how we start. We’ll bring in more wrestling after this show.
Now, you will notice that the the angles are out of place. Simply select the angle you want to move and click Move Segment Back until it is at the point you want it. Here is my order:
Pre Show 1: Hype – Assets Championship 1
Pre Show 2: Hype – Assets Championship 2
Pre Show 3: Hype – Candy vs. Twins
Segment 1: Alexis Gets Ready
Segment 2: Alexis Enters
Segment 3: Vampella Gets Ready
Segment 4: Vampella Enters
Segment 5: Assets Championship Match 1
Segment 6: Alexis Celebrates
Segment 7: Sister Beth Gets Ready
Segment 8: Sister Beth Enters
Segment 9: Sprite Gets Ready
Segment 10: Sprite Enters
Segment 11: Assets Championship Match 2
Segment 12: Sister Beth Celebrates
Segment 13: Candy Enter
Segment 14: Twins Enter
Segment 15: Twins and Candy 1
Post Show 1: Candy Celebrates
Once you are satisfied, click Showtime and see how things flow.
Day 6 – First Show Aftermath
While it wasn’t a spectacular success, it wasn’t a failure either. Originally I was supposed to bring out only around 93 fans. I brought out a few more at 106, which helps, and the headlines show a increase in popularity. That’s good. However, I noticed quite a few issues during the matches. My referee is not the best, but hopefully she’ll continue to evolve. I might pick up a second one for the actual wrestling matches and use Hope exclusively for these T&A matches. Also, long matches of the Diva type are not good. They don’t keep the crowds interest and really show the weaknesses of the ladies.
By clicking on Results and view results, you can see how well or poorly your booking did. My show rating did a very low 33 with the matches barely breaking 20 at times, but the celebration dances all hit around 60. If these were set to grades, all I would see would be F or F-, without any real information about just how bad those F’s were.
If you click on Storylines, you can select a storyline and see what parts have been completed. So far, we have two steps in the Assets Championship completed and one step in the Neptune Twins Split storyline.
And so ends our first week as booker. Stay tuned for another week where we’ll dive into more advanced features, like creating our own storylines and angles, setting up different matches and even working on designing new Alter Egos for charcters.