Tired of missing shots? Follow the mentioned tips and get that godly aim and never lose a match again!
What weapon to use?
“Everything depends mostly on your fighting style. If you like to be in the frontlines, it is recommended that you equip an automatic weapon. If you’re a sniper, hang back and keep your team’s flanks clear.”
This is what you hear in almost every game. War Brokers has a HUGE arsenal of weapons. There are at least 5 automatic guns, and knowing which one to use makes the difference for the people. In this section, I’ll cover all the basics of weapons and when to use what?
The AR rifle is an automatic gun which holds 30 rounds. It has a moderate recoil which is pretty easy to control. Its damage fall-off is less at longer distances as compared to its counterparts. This makes it an amazing weapon for long range encounters.
It also damages vehicles slightly, and can be used effectively against APCs at close range due to high fire rate. These factors make the AR rifle a really versatile weapon.
- Use the AR rifle when you are engaging in intensive fire fights at mid/long ranges.
Just like the above mentioned AR rifle, the AK 47 also has 30 rounds and can also damage vehicles.
It has somewhat higher damage fall off than the AR rifle, making it a poor choice at long ranges. However, this is compensated by its higher damage to both vehicles and foot soldiers.
This gun has almost the same rate of fire as that of AR, but larger recoil. Not recommended for new players.
A semi automatic rifle which is magnificent for long distances. Really low damage drop off, high rate of fire, brutal headshot damage, and a 6x scope make it a deadly weapon in the right hands. Some of the more hardcore players even swap an auto gun for this. A low recoil makes it a handy tool.
Recommended for people who want to keep an explosive weapon in the secondary slot as it serves as both, a close range nightmare, and a stinging wind for snipers.
The RPG is a classic in any game. In War Brokers, it is the go-to weapon when you want to take down a group of tanks. It does IMMENSE damage to vehicles, but has a low splash, rendering it ineffective for infantry. The RPG has a huge sway and a long reload time too, making it a bulky weapon. It’s effectiveness is highly debated as most of the players go instead for the minigun.
Shotgun in the game is not actively used. Although it can kill enemies in a single shot at close range, its lethality decreases at mid and long ranges. Due to slower rate of fire, a skilled player with an automatic weapon would have no problems in taking down a person using this gun. Guerrilla warfare is mostly employed by players while using this gun.
It is however, highly effective in maps like Office and City Point, where sneaking up on enemies is easy. Aiming is a bit difficult with this due to the fast paced nature of the game. Hence, the gun is recommended only for seasoned players.
The classic AWM has found a place in War Brokers. A highly revered sniper rifle, it comes with an 8x scope making it the perfect killing machine for long ranges. A headshot is one-tap, and it takes two bullets to the body to deliver that killing blow. Its super high damage and scope makes it probably the best sniper in the game.
The sniper however, is bulky, and the movement speed is less than when you hold an automatic gun. It has a slow rate of fire, which is however compensated for by its damage. Due to its heavy mass, the sway is more while moving. Flick shots are possible with this gun, but only seasoned pros can do it. Check this video out to see how it can be used at close ranges.
Check out the “Aiming” section to know how to calculate the bullet drop.
The SMG is a variant of MP5. It has a deadly rate of fire, really less weight, high damage, and very slight sway. This makes it really amazing for close range battles.
The SMG has terrible damage fall off though, which makes it ineffective at longer ranges. Moreover, this weapon cannot damage vehicles. These are the points where the other automatics prevail over this weapon.
- HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for close range battles.
A self guided missile which does moderate damage to vehicles. It gets locked on the target and follows it. Highly recommended when you are being pestered by Helicopters or Jets. Although the aerial vehicles can deploy flares to escape this, they get only three. A group of coordinated homing missile launchers can take down any vehicle in almost no time.
Freaking deadly at close range. This gun is highly underrated in the game. It has a moderate rate of fire, and insane headshot damage. Two bullets to the head are more than enough to take down the enemy.
New players may find its recoil too hard to cope up with, but once mastered, this weapon can be quite deadly at all ranges. It also comes with a scope to tackle enemies at long distances. However, it is not preferred due to its damage fall off.
The biggest magazine in the game. Hundred rounds of pure terror make this gun a force to be reckoned with. It melts through the armour of vehicles, and does proportional damage to infantry.
The movement speed its terribly slow due to a LOT of weight. It also has a looooonnnnng reload time.
The GL comes with a six shot mag and is used generally for taking down tanks and APCs and for crowd control. I have found this to be very effective in taking down enemies from a height. Predicting the trajectory is a challenge, but it is a really powerful weapon once you master that.
It has a long reload time, and heavy recoil. It is bulky so you can movement is an issue. Some players try to gang up on an automatic user with this weapon. This is a highly debated strat, as it works in some cases, and does not in other.
The 50. cal is an anti-tank rifle, dealing 150 points worth of damage. It deals substantial damage to players. However, it does not come with a scope, making it literally impossible to compensate for the bullet drop. It is a heavy weapon, and it is recommended only for the experienced players.
The amazing Russian compact sniper is the latest addition to the WB armoury. With a capacity of 20 rounds, highest firing rate, and insane damage, this weapon rules at close ranges. I will not say much about this piece of art here. Check out this guide to find out more!
Now, you know which weapon you are going to use. I’d advice that pick a weapon that suits your playstyle. Don’t pick the one which all the big names are using. Instead, go for your own taste! It is pointless to keep an SMG equipped if you are sniping from the backlines. Instead, swap it for homing missile and keep the vehicles at bay! In this section, I will explain how exactly you can get that godly aim.
ADS stands for “Aiming Down Sights”. While most players tend to go ADS as soon as they jump into a firefight, I recommend against it. The problem with going ADS on guns like AR/AK/VSS is that they have a really big scope. That way, you are not able to see the close ranged area clearly. An opponent may pop out of your sight of view and end up at an angle from where you cannot see him while ADS. It reduces your angle of view, and hence, not recommended for the above mentioned weapons. (Only at super close range)
Some players prefer to hipfire the VSS, while the ADS fans look to SMG here. The SMG is not scoped, and going ADS in it does not decrease your view angle. This is the reason that guy killed you almost always 😉
- Going ADS is highly recommended for mid/long range encounters. While ADS, you can see the area in which your bullets will spread. Not only does going ADS do that, bit it also reduces.
- Recoil control is better while ADS. I strongly recommend it if you’re tackling an enemy at mid/long ranges.
An unscoped VSS.
A scoped in VSS.
Again, it depends on where you are, and where your enemy is. The game has bullet velocity. i.e. Bullets take time to go from A to B. To see how much of a factor it really is, see this video:
So, if your enemy is moving towards you, you may want to aim straight at his head, but if he is strafing, adjust your aim and try to predict where his head will be when the bullets hit him. It all depends on the distance. If you’re close enough, you may not even need to compensate for this, but horizontal compensation is paramount at longer ranges.
The game has projectile ammo as opposed to hit-scan style. As a result, the bullet takes time and loses altitude as it travels. Although you may not notice it in close quarters combat, it becomes very evident at longer ranges
- Note that VSS has terrible bullet speed. You need to account for this factor even at close range.
Follow these instructions:
Combine this and compensate for movement to achieve these impossible flick shots!
- Learn recoil control. It is paramount in the game. Drag your mouse down with appropriate speed to compensate for recoil.
- If you are having troubles in it, aim at the chest and let the gun work its way up to the head.
- Try to use AR/SMG if you’re new and cannot control recoil.
- Outgunned? Regroup with your team-mates. It is much easier to take down 5 enemies with 3 on your team rather than you alone.
- Use the ingame chat to coordinate. Press Enter to write or shift to use quick chat.
- Try all the weapons and find which feels best for you. Use it for an eternity.
General Strategies
Tips on parachuting:
- Always dodge/move
- Pick spots away or close to people depending on what you are trying.
- Pick spots with high elevation.
- You can always use the default spawn button.
Tips on Positioning:
- Elevation is always good.
- Never stop moving or sit still if you can.
Tips on Firing:
- Recoil control (drag down on mouse, move mouse left/right to center target on head).
- Running/jumping/turning increases aim sway making it harder to hit.
- Third person firing has aim sway (represented by size of circle making it harder to hit.
- Crouching reduces aim sway making it easier to hit but harder to dodge.
- Hold breath steadies aim in zoom view. (Use shift).
- You run faster with knife out. Use it to run between two points where you do not expect an enemy.
- Learn the “jump off the ladder/tower/building and knife someone climbing up the ladder to get you” trick.
- Space bar does e-brake in APC for quick turns.
- You will hear a thunk sound a few seconds before it hits and the incoming missiles a second before it hits. Learn the sound so you can move before they come in.
- Smoke is good for approaching a position, or escaping a position. Press 5 to toggle between smoke and frag.