Just a simple list of all white animals Planet Zoo can offer, including DLC animals!
Welcome to my little guide about the shinys we can see in the amazing world of Planet Zoo!
Before we start with the pictures of these beauties, I have to say a few words:
1. How to get albinos yourself.
Breeding them is kinda random and cannot be planned unless you already have at least one or two albinos in your zoo. Only both parents being albinos guarantees you getting some shiny babies.
For a more detailed “How To”, check out my guide on How to breed albinos yourself!
2. Not all of these are actual albinos!
Just look at the iconic white lions, who are in fact no albinos and just have white fur (not making them less fancy though). The eastern brownsnake however is clearly a case of albinism, visible within it’s red eyes. Luckily, the game leaves a note at the animals color gene if it’s an albinism, melanism and more, which I have added to the notes beneath the screenshots!
3. Not all animals have such a variation.
We can by now confirm that the animals not present in this guide have no special variation such as an albino form. That might change in the future with new updates and likely more DLCs comming down the road.
I’ve added pictures of the normal looking animals, because for some it is a little difficult to see the difference without direct comparison. Also, due to the high amount of animals and needed screenshots, splitting the Enclosure Animals category was necessary.
With that said, enjoy the beauty of Planet Zoos incredible shiny animals!
Enclosure Animals A-I
With the update on general color variation, you may see slight differences between the screenshots and your animals.
Albino: A true albino with its red eyes!
Albino: A white sheep in a black herd.
(help by @BrisbaneZoologicalPark)
Albino: Just a little brighter than other Elephants.
Albino: Like a moving pile of sand!
Albino: Extra fluffy!
Albino: Do you hear it chirping?
(by @BrisbaneZoologicalPark)
Leucistic: Not that good in hide and seek. :/
Albino: White is the new black. B)
Albino: It has lovely sky blue eyes!
Albino: Those magical eyes!
(by @BrisbaneZoologicalPark)
No markings: Almost spottless.
Leucistic: As fast as their friends, but shinier!
Albino: They are now everywhere!
Albino: Maximum level of brightness!
Leucistic: My favorites!
(by @BrisbaneZoologicalPark)
Albino: Perfectly hidden in the snow.
Albino: Pre-Acrtic DLC Polar Bear.
Leucistic: Hide it in the shades to
prevent sunburns!
Albino: More pink than white.
Leucistic: Less colors, same beauty!
Enclosure Animals J-Z
Albino: Looks like my little Popcorn!
White Nyala: A hint of silver and a hint of gold.
Amelanistic: Stripes or no stripes.
That’s the question.
Albino: Actually quite cheap on the market!
Leucistic: Less than 20 in the wild!
Leucistic: Not a true albino.
Albino: The secret star of any zoo!
Leucistic: Well hidden in the snow.
Even with the stripes! (by @BrisbaneZoologicalPark)
White Springbok: Super cute and super fast!
Leucistic: Is it you, Kimba?
Albino: The big snowflake in the trees!
(help by @BrisbaneZoologicalPark)
Albino: Taking “Silverback” to another level!
Exhibit Animals
An unseen beauty! (by |KPF|Nightowl)
Ain’t it cute for a small killer?
More an Eastern Whitesnake.
Argh! Fear me! (by Sidca)
From an islands white beach!
(by dropxofxpoison)
Shiny pufflepuff! (by SSupersnake)
Like a yellow diamond!
No touchy, just looky!
(by NamiraWilhelm)
No special variations
Enclosure Animals
- African Wild Dog
- Bactrian Camel
- Bongo *cries*
- Chinese Pangolin
- Formosan Black Bear
- Galapagos Giant Tortoise
- Greater Flamingo
- Himalayan Brown Bear
- Indian Rhinoceros
- Japanese Macaque
- Mandrill
- Okapi
- Red Panda
- Red Ruffed Lemur
- Sable Antelope
- Snow Leopard
- Spotted Hyena
- Timber Wolf
Exhibit Animals
- Amazonian Giant Centipede
- Brazilian Salmon Pink Tarantula
- Brazilian Wandering Spider
- Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion
- Giant Forest Scorpion
- Giant Tiger Land Snail
- Gila Monster
- Golden Poison Frog
- Goliath Birdeater
- Goliath Frog
- Lehmans Poison Frog
- Titan Beetle
DLC Animals
No special variations:
- Komodo Dragon
- Pygmy Hippo
- Thomson’s Gazelle
No special variations:
- Arctic Wolf
- Dall-Sheep – found in the changed section!
- Polar Bear
White Reindeer: Rudolph?
(help by @BrisbaneZoologicalPark)
No special variations:
- Red-Eyed Tree Frog
Leucistic: A magic monkey!
(by @BrisbaneZoologicalPark)
Erythristic: It’s a little brighter.
(By SadisticViolence)
Melanistic: Ma boys! 😀
(help by Sol)
New version of special coats!
More about them in the changed section.
No special variations:
- Dingo
- Eastern Blue Tongued Lizard
- Eastern Cassowary
Albino: Look up in the trees! (by Kaitrosebd)
Leucistic: Snowwhite Boings!
No special variations:
- Diamondback Terrapin
- Giant Otter
- Grey Seal
- King Penguin
Albino: IT’S PURE SUGAR!! (by VixenCherry99)
No special variations:
- Babirusa
- Binturong
- Clouded Leopard
- Dhole
- Giant Malaysian Leaf Insect
- Malayan Tapir
- Proboscis Monkey
- Sun Bear
- Fennec Fox
- Meerkat
- Sacred Scarab Beetle
- Southern White Rhino
Brown coat: Made out of cappuchino!
Bugged, removed or changed
Here we’ll go through the few animals whos special variations aren’t working as intended or went through some changes.
The Dall-Sheep used to appear as albino/leucistic in the market place. When buying one of these and placing them in an enclosure however, the special animal never showed another color variation and appeared as normal looking sheep. By now, this color variation seems simply removed.
The Llama got hit by the coat variations update the hardest, providing by far the most variations in coat patterns. Sadly, its leucistic coat (here shown thanks to @BrisbaneZoologicalPark) was never to be seen again since then.
Therefore we got another version of special coats. The all brown Llama icon in the market place shows spottless animals that stand out from the rest and is a little less common than the spottet Llamas. Note that they are not titled as melanistic or such!
South-Asia Animal Pack
Due to the 1st of April and it’s gummi animal April Fools shortly happening after release, the animals of the SA DLC sometimes appeared all white from the first day on and were mistaken for albinos/leucistic animals. A close look to the eyes shows that something was wrong with these coats. The bug got fixed and so far we have no special coats found so far. As example we have a Babirusa from the one and only Hamsterpresident themself!
Some final words
Collectiong all albino/white/shiny whatever variants in Planet Zoo is a lot of fun and I enjoy every moment of introducing these beauties to my zoos. And with the great amount of animals in Planet Zoo it’ll take me quite a while to get them all for this guide. But you can guess it, I’ll be having fun on doing so!
By the way, I’ve used my fotoenclosures for the screenshots, which I’ve build for purposes like this. You can find my collection in the workshop for just 2 imaginary money and use them for your own fotosessions.
A huge thanks to…
– @BrisbaneZoologicalPark on Instagram
– SSupersnake
– Sidca
– Sol
– |KPF|Nightowl
– NamiraWilhelm
– dropxofxpoison
– SadisticViolence
– Kaitrosebd
– VixenCherry99
– Hamsterpresident
… for allowing me to use their screenshots and therefore helping me fullfilling the guide a little more! You guys are amazing! 😛
And a special thanks to Papyrus from the guides discord server for helping me out on making sure we have all animals for this guide!
Any questions? Just leave me a comment here and I’m glad to help out if I can. 🙂
And don’t forget to visit the Albino Guide Box[discord.gg] to send in your screenshots once you get an animal that’s missing here.
Thank you and stay hydrated!
-Datlen Ohana