Portal 2 Guide

The Basics of Portal 2 for Portal 2

The Basics of Portal 2


This shows the basics of completing Portal 2’s puzzles.

Portal Gun

The portal gun is the tool that you use throughout the game. You press LMB to shoot a blue portal, and RMB to shoot an orange portal. This tool helps the player navigate through the test chambers.

Blue Portal

Orange Portal

Cubes and Buttons

The primary mechanic used in the test chambers are cubes and buttons. You can use a cube to put on a super button.

Cube on a super button
Cubes can be used for many other things, such as blocking lasers, or you could jump on them to get to a high place.
Normal buttons can control anything, such as cube dispensers, excursion funnels, hard light bridges, or auto portals [if you have not acquired the portal gun.

Normal Button

Lasers and Reflection Cubes

A laser, or a thermal discouragement beam, is an important part of a test chamber. You use your portals to move the laser beam to kill turrets, get the beam to the laser catcher, or just to troll your friends in Co-Op.

You can also use a reflection cube, or a discouragement redirection cube to redirect lasers to other places. This is useful when there is a laser in a test chamber and the end of it isn’t a portalable wall, you can use a reflection cube to make the laser do what I already said in the paragraph about lasers.

Reflection Cube


Turrets are obstacles in test chambers, scaring the heck out of players, as they lock their guns on the player and start shooting. The turrets also talk saying things like:
“Hello,” “Can I help you?,” “Are you still there,” or “I’M FLYING!!!!!!!”

Turret attacking a player
The turrets say many other things, too. Those were just examples.
You can knock them over, throw them in toxic goo, cover them in repulsion gel, or burn them with a laser to kill them.

Hard Light Bridges

Hard light bridges are common mechanics in test chambers, as they give you a surface to walk on, so if there is toxic goo below you, place a portal at the end of a hard light bridge, and put another portal where you need to walk on. Easy!

Hard Light Bridge
You can also use them to block turrets so they can’t shoot you.

Toxic Goo

Toxic goo is a test chamber obstacle that can be on the floor of a test chamber. If you step in it, you die immediately. You can stop that by using hard light bridges or excursion funnels. You can also kill turrets if you throw them in the goo.

Toxic Goo

Excursion Funnels

Excursion funnels, or tractor beams, are mechanics in test chambers that if you jump in them, it pushes you forward, or it can be reversed so it can pull you backward.

Excursion Funnel
They are like hard light bridges, and if a tractor beam is over toxic goo, jump in it, and you won’t fall into the goo. They also carry gels to different places. They can even carry cubes or turrets.

Reversed Excursion Funnel


Gels can do many different things. Repulsion gel makes the player bounce higher, propulsion gel makes the player run faster, and conversion gel creates portalable surfaces if it’s applied on a non-portalable surface. Cleansing gel, which is actually water, cleans up gel that is not needed, or it can wash repulsion gel off a cube so the cube will no longer bounce.

Orange- Propulsion Gel

Blue- Repulsion Gel

White- Conversion Gel

Clear- Cleansing Gel [Water]

We’re done here.

So, I hope all of you enjoyed this guide and maybe learned a thing or 2 if you are a beginner at Portal 2. We’re done here.
