Max Payne 3 Guide

The Best of Max Payne 3 Quotes for Max Payne 3

The Best of Max Payne 3 Quotes


The Best of Max Payne 3 Quotes


“So I guess I became what they wanted me to be…a killer. Some rena-clown with a gun who puts holes in other bad guys. Well that’s what they had paid for so in the end that’s what they got. Say what you want about Americans but we understand capitalism. You buy yourself a product and you get what you pay for. And these chumps have asked for some angry ♥♥♥♥♥♥ without the sensibilities to know right from wrong.”

“The way I see it there’s two types of people, those who spend their lives trying to build a future and those who spend their lives trying to rebuild the past. For too long I’d be stuck in between, hidden in the dark.”

”Listen, if you think I can still do a job, what have I got to lose? Apart from the weight. Very funny… Ha ha… Yes, that is a fake laugh, you jerk.”

“I had killed more cops than cholesterol”

“I had a hole in my second favorite drinking arm.”

”I knew this was a bad idea, but in the absence of any good ideas, I continued forward”.

“i had chosen to be here, i wanted this. Was it redemption? Not really, just pathetic desperation, and not much else”

”I’d been sitting at the bar for three hours, or five years depending on how you looked at things”

“I tried not to look at things. I tried not to think about when it was that my existence became less about the things that make up people’s lives, and more about the holes that losing those things leave behind… but I wasn’t doing a very good job at it.”

“One of my bullets is buried down there with her. I tell myself it was a tragic misunderstanding, an awful mistake. I tell myself a lot of things. All of it crap.”

”If someone had told me six months ago this was where my life was headed, I’d have ordered a double of what they were drinking, drunk it, then blown my head off.”

“This kind of place made me want to puke. I needed a real drink to cope with the electronic music and robotic people.”

“I wrote the book on bad ideas, but Passos sure wasn’t afraid to quote from it.”

“I ain’t slippin’ man. I’m slipped.”

“This place has more smoke ‘n mirrors than a strip club dressing room”

“Time was a luxury I couldn’t afford.”

“I was a dumb American in a place where dumb Americans are less popular than the clap”

“The guy was smoother than a oil slick on an iceberg, and about as toxic”

”A barely recovering alcoholic and an unarmed pregnant woman. We were hardly a SEAL team.”

“.. and what kind of people were they? People who knew if they’d drink enough, they wouldn’t have to feel guilty about their good fortune.”

”I’m surrounded by music i can’t stand, I’m 5000 miles from home, I’m armed, and I’m drinking. I don’t think you’d like my advice.”

”For you? I’ll tell you what I got. I got a gun and if anybody thinks they’re gonna take it from me they’d be dead wrong!”

“Hey look, there’s a light at the end of this tunnel”
“There ain’t no light at the end of this, and it ain’t a tunnel, It’s A HOLE!”

”I wouldn’t know right from wrong if one of them was helping the poor and the other was banging my sister”

“They Didn’t help with my sea legs but they sure as ♥♥♥♥ felt good”

“I opened the door to the next circle of that low rent hell”

“Time moves forward and nothing changes”

”My problem? Wanna know what my problem is? You’re turning humans into glue! That’s what my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ problem is!”

“The mission was screaming suicide but I didn’t give a damn, at least I’d die being a pain in the ass… “

“Were you drinking?” “You bet your ass I was!”

”So what am I, the button pusher?”

”Dumb sport… ”

”You’ll walk… WITH A LIMP!”

”Look who it is, Mr. Strip Club Scumbag!”

”Fancy seeing you here!”

”Saying goodbye is painful. ”

”The Imperial Palace Hotel was a five star, bonafide ♥♥♥♥ hole. ”

“These guys made the NYPD look like Hare Krishnas”

”Look at me, i’d been contracted to protect two people, one was being held in some hole and the other was sitting at his desk with a bullet in his head, and the company that had it’s logo on my pay check was burning on top of my head. ”

”So much for a lazy Sunday afternoon. My next trick would be a high wire act, with a fiery pit for a safety net, it was nice that no one was shooting at me for a change, but i’d take a shot in the head over a slow roast on a spit any day of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ week.”

”My own private welcoming party.”

” I needed to get to my unhappy place.”

”Place was like Fort Knox.”

” I’d been shot more times than I could remember, but this felt different. Maybe fate was sending me a message. Trying to tell me my luck was finally about to run out. Or maybe I just severed an artery and was bleeding out like any number of fools who got shot playing with guns. Either way, I was failing fast. ”

”Vinnie Gognitti. I didn’t think there was anything left of him to fill a grave. The poor ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. His antics had brought the once great house of Punchinello to its knees. And they were still struggling to stand up.”

“Do you think a pile of ♥♥♥♥ feels popular because it’s surrounded by flies?”