Kingdom Come: Deliverance Guide

The Bird Nest Necklace for Kingdom Come: Deliverance

The Bird Nest Necklace


The location of a necklace in a nest worth just over 1,000! I stumbled upon this very early in the game, just as I was doing the first quest in Rattay. I did just a little bit of research and couldn’t really find any other guides online or on Steam about this. Not sure if this is found in like every nest or whatever, but my apologies if this is already well-known.


I’ve done very little research about if this was already known or not, but I didn’t seem to find anything. If it is well-known, my apologies. Also, I’m not sure if the nests are randomly generated or not, so this might not work for anybody else. I haven’t been playing the game long enough to know all of this. This is the first nest I’ve encountered, but I have encountered other ones later on. Some of them are extremely high up in tall trees, and I have no idea how to reach them. If anybody can provide any further information on this, it’s hugely appreciated!


Here’s the location of the necklace, not very far from Rattay:

You will see a birch tree kind of by itself near a dirt path.

The nest:

Sorry if anything is messed up, I’ve never made a guide before and wanted to do this really quick. Enjoy the loot!


Here are the stats! When I equip it, it only brings my charisma up from 10 to 11. I’m a very low level, by the way.

I know this isn’t very thorough. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I’ll be sure to respond. Enjoy your loot!