Hello! This is a guide made to be referenced while playing Bug Fables. If you have a question, this guide is your place to go! This guide covers most if not all the side-content in the game while also giving some tips I found useful by playing. Some of the information was provided by the Bug Fables Wiki so if you want more in-depth explanations, please check them out!
Welcome to Bugaria!
Hello fellow Bug Explorer! Welcome to the Bugaria Ultimate Explorer Guide! This guide is an overview of Bug Fables’ Side-content, and is meant to be referenced when you are stuck or require a helping hand. I tried to cover every single question a player might ask but I might have missed something so just comment with any questions. If you are new, head on over to the Early Game Tips portion of the guide to start you off. I will try to be as spoiler-free as possible but some instances require me to mention things later in the game.
Early Game Tips
Here are some early game tips to help you out.
- Hard Mode awards you with badges everytime you defeat a boss. If you are not doing a Hard Mode run, they can be bought from the Traveling Caravan (The shop with the giant snail) after finishing the boss.
- Not all quests can be completed as soon as you get them, some require you to use abilities you can’t get until later or go to an area you have no access to.
- The “Bug Me Not” medal can be found in the Ant Kingdom’s Residential District. It is a very useful medal, specially in Hard Mode where you can potentially be overleveled for the area.
- Save your berries. Only spend if you need to, and save the rest to put in the bank. The bank gives interest every 30 minutes and can give you even MORE interest if you reach 500 berries in the bank. Money is scarce in the early game, and one of the best ways to gain money is locked till you finish Chapter 3 or even Chapter 5 if you don’t wanna pay for early access.
- The most important thing to spend on is the Ant Tunnels. This cuts backtracking in half and is an extremely convient way to get to Sidequests.
- MP is extremely important in the late game so spend some levels on HP and TP at the beginning, and just spend the rest on MP.
- Level Grinding is non-existent as long as you fight almost every enemy in your way and complete any sidequests you have available to you.
- The Berry-Trader in Defiant Root has very useful stat-boosting items.
- Do not bother too much on the Cave of Trials or B.O.S.S. By the time you unlock them, you will either not have enough badges, MP, or progression to completely finish it.
Anyway, now for the Guide!
Quests become available to you upon starting Chapter 2. Some quests are not able to be completed till you gain certain abilities or access new areas. There are certain quests that are not listed here and are listed in their own sections of this guide, namely the Spy Card quest, the Lore Books quest, all of the bounty quests, and all of the character quests as these quests either revolve around collectables or are more important than most quests.
Inn Review Required
Start Chapter 2
Sleep at the Ant Kingdom’s Inn
Honey Drop
I want a New Taste
Start Chapter 2
Go to Chuck’s Hut near the road leading to Snakemouth Den. Give him a Hearty Breakfast (Mushroom + Aphid Egg)
Medal: Mighty Pebble
Lost Toy
Start Chapter 2
Find Tod’s ball inside of Golden Cave. It is located in the top right side of the room in a spot behind a bush
Medal: Sleep Resistance
Awful’s Beauty
Start Chapter 2, 3, and 5
Find the 3 “Bad Books”. They are located in these places.
– Atop Muse’s House(Use the spring next to her house),
– Jaune’s room in The Hive,
– On the top floor of the Wizard’s Tower (Head down from FG’s Tunnel and dig under the treebranch to reach the Tower).
35 Berries for each book you turn in
Book Return!
Start Chapter 2
Talk to Ali in the Ant Kingdom’s Residential District and return the book to the Anthill Palace Library
15 Berries and a Lore Book
Parts Delivery
Start Chapter 2
Take the package from Eetl to an Ant in Bugaria Pier.
Medal: Crazy Prepared
Cable Car Bodyguard
Reach Golden Settlement
Talk to the technician in Golden Path’s second screen and defeat 3 waves of enemies.
10 berries and access to a Super Block+ Medal
Hydration Crisis!
Finish the Golden Festival
Give 3 Clear Waters
Medal: Heavy Sleeper
Dropped my Hat!
Finish the Golden Festival
Find Bomby’s Hat behind a bush near the Aphid Pen in Golden Settlement and give it back to him.
Medal: Favorite One
Theater Help Wanted!
Start Chapter 3
Go to Ant Kingdom’s Theater and defeat 3 waves of enemies
30 berries
Requesting Assistance
Start Chapter 3
Head to Golden Cave and defeat Monsieur Scarlet
Access to the Underground Tavern
I Wanna Get Better!
Reach Defiant Root
– Danger Spud – Poison Seller
– Succulent Berry – Defiant Root Caravan
– Spicy Bomb – Cook a Hard Nut + Spicy Root
– Abomihoney – Cook 2 Honey Drops
Crisbee Donut and Crisbee will now cook it for you.
My Specialty
Reach Defiant Root
Deliver a Tangy Berry (Buy them at Metal Island or dropped from Golden Saplings) to Kut.
Tangy Carpaccio and Kut will now cook it for you.
A Smiling Dish
Finish “I Wanna Get Better!” and “My Specialty”
Deliver a Crisbee Donut and a Tangy Carpaccio to Fry.
Queen’s Dinner and Fry will now cook it for you
Team Snakemouth…
Finish “I Wanna Get Better!” and “My Specialty”
Show a Queen’s Dinner to Aria and give it to Venus.
Medal: Prayer; Heal for 5 berries at Venus’ Buds.
Power Plant Investigation
Complete Chapter 3 and talk to Queen Bianca
Enter the Power Plant in Golden Settlement and defeat Broodmother.
40 Berries; Shortcut to Far Grassland’s Ant Tunnel Crossroads
It’s Too Hot
Start Chapter 4
Bring Eremi one of the following:
– Magic Ice – Drops in the Sand Castle or buy it from the Magic Ice Merchant after he appears in Defiant Root.
– Shell Ointment – Find it inside the main floor of the Bee Factory or buy it in the Termite Capitol
– Leaf Umbrella – Get it from Madeleine after finishing “Butler Missing Again!”
– Magic Ice: 15 Berries
– Shell Ointment: 30 Berries
– Leaf Umbrella: 50 Berries and Medal: Reflection
(You can still get the medal if you gave her a different item by giving the umbrella to her in front of the Museum)
Butler Missing!
Start Chapter 4
Talk to Madeleine in Golden Hills and find Seb in the northeast section on a small island surrounded by spikes.
A Lore Book
Bandit Hunt
Escape the Bandit Hideout
Defeat a total of 20 bandits (Bandits, Thieves, or Burglars)
Medal: Freeze Resistance
Stolen Item
Escape the Bandit Hideout
Find the Stolen Silk. Give it to Kali and fight Kabbu and Kali.
A Lore Book
My Brother is Gone
Escape the Bandit Hideout
Talk to Leby in Bugaria Outskirts and save Dib in Snakemouth Depths.
A Lore Book
Explorer Check!
Escape the Bandit Hideout
Go to the Ant Kingdom’s Commercial District and talk to Gen and Eri. Then defeat Cenn and Pisci south of the Explorer’s Association.
A Lore Book
Talk to Tanjerin at least once and escape the Bandit Hideout.
Find the Orange Horn in the Bandit Hideout’s Cafeteria and return it to Tanjerin. Return to the boulder near the Ant Tunnel and watch Tanjerin lift it.
Medal: Mightier Pebble and access to Whack-a-Worm
Ore Wanted
Escape the Bandit Hideout
Find the Rare Ore in Stream Mountain(Take the Northwest route from the entrance of Lost Sands).
Medal: First Plating
Lost Item
Escape the Bandit Hideout
Find the Mothiva Doll inside of the 1st floor of Sunset Inn. Return it to ??? in Defiant Root’s Market near the Charmer’s tent.
A Heart Berry
Want to Relive Memories…
Complete Huuuuuuuuuu…!!! and talk to the Whack-A-Worm shopkeeper
Talk to Defiant Root’s Mayor, then get a score of at least 20 points in Whack-A-Worm.
Desert Key(Use it behind the Mayor’s House to get a Lore Book and a Dark Cherry)
Helpers Needed at Once!
Start Chapter 5
Talk to Malbee in the Overseer’s Office and find and defeat the 3 menders in the Honey Factory
Medal: Power Exchange
Help me Get it Back!
Start Chapter 5 and approach Mun in Bugaria Outskirts at the east of the Explorer’s Association
Talk to Mun in the Ant Kingdom’s Residential District. Go to the treasure room in Bandit’s Hideout and defeat the bandits there.
20 berries and Medal: Leaf Cloak
Quests 2
Butler Missing Again!
Start Chapter 6
Talk to Madeleine at the entrance to Wild Swamplands. Find Seb at the area where there are a ton of Lilypads (Madeleine will comment when you’re in the room).
A Lore Book and a Leaf Umbrella; Entrance to Madeleine’s House
My Mecha Claw
Start Chapter 6
Find Engira’s Metal Claw in the area behind a large boulder to the right of the Far Grasslands’ Ant Mines and return it to him.
Medal: Reflection
They Took Her…!
Start Chapter 6
Talk to Bumble on Metal Island and then the Far Grasslands’ entrance. Talk to Rebelle Outside the Wasp Kingdom Hive.
Medal: TP Plus
Find the Ingredients!
Talk to the Wizard twice in the Far Grasslands
– Squash – Forsaken Lands or Termite Kingdom’s Store
– Aphid Dew – Golden Settlement’s Shop
– Magic Ice – Drops in Sand Castle or buy it from Defiant Root’s Market.
Skill: Frost Relay
Sweets From Outside
Defeat Riz and talk to Rizza
Deliver a Nutty Cake to Rizza (Buy it from Crisbee’s Bakery or cook a Hard Nut + Bag of Flour) .
A Crystal Berry
Rare Item Wanted
Obtain Vi’s Fly ability
Use Vi’s Fly to reach an area above the doors leading into the Snakemouth Lab. Find the petal there and deliver it to Isau
20 Berries and Medal: HP Core
It’s Time…!
Obtain the submarine
Defeat 10 Water Striders (Metal Lake or Stream Mountain)
A Lore Book
Best Friend in The Fog!
Obtain the Submarine
Talk to Layna in front of the Termite Kingdom’s Inn. Go to the fog-filled room south of the pumpkin patch in the Forsaken Lands (Layna will comment when you reach the Pumpkin Patch). Navigate it to find Nero at the end.
A Lore Book and access to a Crystal Berry
Can’t Sleep…!
Obtain the submarine
– Drowsy Cake – Cook a Numbnail Dart + Bag of Flour or buy one from the Merchant in Golden Settlement.
– Shock Candy – Cook a Shock Berry + Bag of Flour
Medal: TP Plus
Lunch Delivery!
Obtain the submarine
Deliver the Wrapped Lunch to Yatanta’s Brother in the room west of where the Primal Weevil was fought.
Medal: HP Core
In Search of Paint
Obtain the Submarine
Talk to:
– Artia
– Tennent in an alley in the Termite Kingdom
– Artia again
– Reed in the Underground Tavern
– Tennent again to obtain the Blackest Paint
– Deliver it to Artia.
A Crystal Berry
In Search of Something
Talk to Elom in the cave near the entrance to Golden Tunnel
Enter Golden Hills and talk to Tekci. Return back to Elom.
A Lore Book
Seedling Hunt
Obtain the submarine
Defeat a total of 50 seedlings (Seedlings, Underlings, Acornlings, Cactlings, Flowerlings, Plumplings, and Golden Seedlings).
Medal: Seedlings Affinity
Complete Chapter 7
Talk to Maki at the Ant Palace’s Bridge. Enter the area behind large boulders in the Far Grasslands to the right of the Ant Mines (Where you find the Metal Claw) and fight off several waves of leafbugs.
A Power Pepper and an Iron Seed; Maki, Kina, and Yin can now be fought in front of the Ant Palace’s Bridge.
Finishing all the quests unlocks the “Helping Hand” achievement.
These Post-Game quests were introduced in Update 1.1. Since they just came out, a lot of the requirements are vague right now aside from being them post-game quests. If there is anyone who can confirm if the requirements for the quests are correct, please comment!
NOTE: Finishing the 1.1 quests is now necessary to get the “Helping Hand” Achievement. If you already got the achievement before the update, it should still be completed regardless if you finished the 1.1 quests or not.
Loose Ends
Defeat the Everlasting King, Defeat False Monarch(?)
Talk to Rebecca in the Anthill Palace, go to the Ancient Town in Forsaken Lands, and fight 3 waves of Mothflies and Mothfly Clusters
Heart Berry
A New Hope
Defeat the Everlasting King
Talk to the roach in the Wasp Kingdom Throne Room, escort him to the base of the Refridgerator in Giant’s Lair, and defeat 3 Deadlanders
Bond Berry
Getting Bored
Defeat the Everlasting King(?), Finish all the Bounties
Talk to the quest givers in the Underground Tavern, fight the quest givers
75 Berries; You do not need to beat the quest givers in order to finish the quest, just die to the quest givers and the quest will be completed.
About the questgivers…
The quest givers are the hardest boss in the game. IT’S HARDER THAN THE GAMES’ ACTUAL SUPERBOSS. You’ll absolutely need so much preparation, it’s crazy.
Here are some of the lovely things that make the boss such a lovely boss:
– COMPLETELY NEW STATUS EFFECT: Unable to use items.
– 3 Defense stat and 2 defense stat.
– BOTH are able to apply a buff that makes them take 2 turns.
– Revives one if the other is still alive.
On the bright side, they ARE able to be inflicted with freeze. Just don’t even bother doing this in HardMode.
Party Quests
Party Quests focuses around the 3 Party Members and their backstories. These are unlocked as you progress through the story and bestow upon you powerful moves.
These are the requests in the order they appear:
Leif’s Request
Start Chapter 3
Use the Peculiar Gem to access Upper Snakemouth and complete the area. Then go to Muze’s house.
Skill: Frost Bowling
Despite unlocking the quest in Chapter 3, it is impossible to finish the quest until you fight Chapter 4’s Boss as he is the one that drops the Peculiar Gem required to get into Upper Snakemouth.
Upper Snakemouth is located behind the 2 big doors in Snakemouth Den (The ones you see open up during Chapter 1 after Kabbu drops). Use the Peculiar Gem on the stool to open it up.

Upper Snakemouth is a huge area, rivaling a chapter dungeon like the Golden Hills. It is filled with Zombie Enemies! Be prepared with items!
The boss for the dungeon is Zommoth, a giant zombie moth.
Here are a few tips to deal with it:
- Leif will be inactive for the first phase of the fight. He becomes active once Zommoth uses his huge laser move. However, retrying the battle allows you to have Leif active from the start.
- Leif will ALWAYS block the FIRST giant laser attack for the entire party. Use that to your advantage to deal damage instead of shielding or to heal during that turn.
- Freeze-locking the moth, like all other early bosses, is a very effective strategy.
- Zommoth’s laser is kind of hard to block. Use Leif’s Bubble Shield during the turn the moth charges up.
Finishing the quest allows you to use Frost Bowling, a very useful AOE skill that can help you in the Cave of Trials or just in general against groups of enemies.
It also unlocks the “The Truth” achievement.
Vi’s Request
Complete Chapter 3
Talk to Jaune, a bee in Defiant Root’s market, Ann in the Ant Kingdom plaza, and the toy seller on Metal Island. Chain trade the items received until obtaining the Red Paint, then give it to Jaune.
Skill: Sharing Stash
Vi’s Request cannot be finished until you unlock Metal Island. There are two ways of unlocking Metal Island:
- Pay 300 Berries (or 90 berries if you have the filled card from the Spy Card quest) at Bugaria Pier.
- Unlock the submarine and head to it for free.
However, it is a better idea to wait to unlock the Submarine instead of paying to go there as it is REALLY expensive to go to Metal Island early.
This quest is very straightforward and easy to finish. The reward is a skill for Vi called Sharing Stash, a skill that heals the party over the course of 3 turns. Personally, it is a pretty underwhelming skill since there are items that can do the same thing without wasting TP but that’s just me.
It also unlocks the “Reconciliation” achievement.
Kabbu’s Request
Finish Chapter 7
Go to the Wild Swamplands area where you fought The Beast. Investigate the area.
Kabbu’s Request is the easiest out of the party quests. Just go to the area where you fought The Beast. Pretty straightforward. You don’t get anything out of it, just a nice bookend to Kabbu’s arc.
Bounty Quests
Bounty Quests are unlocked after unlocking the Underground Tavern. They are the hardest bosses in the game, some even rivaling the final boss. These are fights that are not to be taken lightly and need preparation for. Here are the bounties, their locations, and some overall tips while fighting them:
Seedling King
Location: Seedling Haven
Seedling King can be found by heading left from the Explorer’s Association and using Leif’s Icicles or Vi’s Fly to head across the river and go behind the bushes. It is the easiest to fight out of the bounty bosses and he unlocks Seedling Haven for you to farm Golden Seedlings.
- Seedling King is airborne for half the fight. Vi is the only one able to attack him so have Leif buff her while Kabbu takes care of any enemies he spawns.
- Seedling King spawns a bunch of enemies. Frost Bowling is a very useful skill to have while dealing with him
- Seedling King will never attack while on his minions. Use this knowledge to plan ahead.
Location: Upper Golden Path
Devourer can be found by heading right from Golden Settlement and using Vi’s Beemerang to lift the elevator to the high path. Continue moving through the upper area till you find him at a clearing surrounded by spikes. It is arguably the hardest boss out of the bounties and a contender for one of the hardest bosses in the game.
- Devourer summons flytraps to help them fight.
- Devourer eats one of your party members and keeps eating them till they faint. Watch out for that.
- Devourer poisons your party too so any badges that help while poisoned is recommended or any status heal items.
- Medal: Last Attack
- 50 Berries
Tidal Wyrm
Location: Stream Mountain
Tidal Wyrm can be found by heading to Stream Mountain. In the first room where you can change the water level, drain the water and go through the cave opening. Continue till you reach a room with a giant puddle, a Venus Bud, and a Save Crystal. Head to the center of the puddle to start the boss.
- The Tidal Wyrm has 2 parts: the head and the tail. Taking out the tail, stuns the head for 2 turns.
- Tidal Wyrm is immune to being frozen. You can’t stunlock the boss like you can with the others.
- He can summon a Water Strider or a Diving Spider to help him fight.
- If the tail hasn’t been taken out, it will shoot a water orb that lands 2 turns later. This happens everytime the head performs an action.
- Medal: Last Attack
- 50 Berries
False Monarch
Location: Forsaken Lands
False Monarch can be found in an old ancient town in the leftmost area of Forsaken Lands. To reach the town head west from the room filled with pipes shooting wind where you’re supposed to use Vi’s Fly. Keep heading west till you arrive at the town. There is a Venus Bud at the “Inn” to the left, and a save crystal. Go into the house at the top of the town to fight False Monarch.
- FM can deploy Mothflies. As long as you’re good at blocking, they’re pretty much nonexistent. However, they can heal FM so keep an eye out.
- FM can occasionally swarm members with Mothflies and can even swarm members with poisonous mothflies.
- When in a bind, they can charge up for a turn and then unleash a massive swarm. Use Leif’s Bubble Shield!
- Medal: Last Stand
- 50 Berries
Peacock Spider
Location: Peacock Island
Peacock Spider is located in Metal Lake inside of Peacock Island. Travel southeast from Metal Island until you arrive at the island. Use Vi’s Fly to fly behind the waterfall. Then, use Leif’s Icicle Platforms till you reach the top of the waterfall. Approach the spiderweb to start the fight.
- PS will ALWAYS spawn a Jumping Spider or a Diving Spider at the first chance it can. In Hard Mode, it will always spawn a Diving Spider.
- After spawning the spider, it will buff said spider with a variety of buffs. This all constitutes 1 turn for PS.
- Focus PS as much as you can. The real threat is PS itself, the spider they spawn is second to it.
- Medal: Last Stand
- 50 Berries
Beating all the Bounties unlocks the “A Better Bugaria” achievement.
Spy Cards
Spy Cards is a card game mini-game based off the various “Spy” logs you can get from enemies. It is an extensive card game featuring a bunch of mechanics that I can’t really give any tips for, as I mostly brute-forced my way throughout the entire sidequest. I recommend reading this guide as it goes super in-depth with Spy Cards and all it’s cards as well as meta decks you can use to steamroll your opponents. You can find the guide here:
For now, I can show you how to finish the Spy Quest quest.
Card Masters of Bugaria
Defeat Carmina in a game of Spy Cards in the Underground Tavern
Defeat Chuck, Arie, Shay, and Crow. Then win the Spy Cards Tournament on Metal Island.
150 berries, a Crystal Berry, and the Card Trophy.
This Quest requires you to have completed at least Chapter 3 to fully finish it.
Before anything, you need to have access to the Underground Tavern by finishing the “Requesting Assistance” quest.
Defeating Crow will give you the Filled Card, allowing you to access the Spy Card Tournament on Metal Island. It will also allow you to get a discount on the Boat to Metal Island from 300 berries to 90 Berries.
The Spy Card Tournament is a 3-round gauntlet that rewards you with 150 berries, a Crystal Berry and a trophy for your house in the Ant Kingdom. After beating it once, you can retry the Spy Card tournament for the price of 25 berries. This is the best way to grind berries as you get 125 berries per win for little time if you have a strong deck.
Crystal Berries
Crystal Berries are collectables you can find in the World of Bugaria. These Crystal Berries can be traded for great medals from the Underground Tavern. They can be found from quests, interacting with the environment, or finding them in the Overworld.
Getting the “Detector” medal from doing B.O.S.S can help you in your search for these items.
If you’re not sure which Crystal Berry you’re missing, check with the Fortune Teller in Golden Settlement.
These are the Crystal Berry locations as well as the chapter you can get it:
Chapter 1
Burgaria Outskirts
Outside Snakemouth, behind a bush.
Snakemouth Depths
On the left-hand side of the underground lake room.
Snakemouth Depths
Near the big mushroom to the left of the 2 big doors, behind a ruined wall.
Anthill Palace
Deliver the mask to Queen Elizant II.
Chapter 2
Ant Kingdom City
Go into the Theater and hit the musical cylinder with Kabbu.
Bugaria Pier
Hidden behind the dock.
Golden Path
At the entrance, cut the shrubs and use the bounce shroom.
Golden Settlement
Inside the windmill. You can open it right after getting Vi’s Beemerang Halt.
Golden Path
In the room right before Devourer, up on a ledge to the right.
Golden Hills
On the first left screen from the first room of Golden Hills, up on a ledge. Climb the flytraps.
Anthill Palace
Return the Ancient Tablet to Queen Elizant II.
Chapter 3
Lost Sands
Defeat the bandits ambushing the caravan.
Honey Factory
In the Ice Puzzle Room with the honey geyser, on a ledge at the top of the right-hand side of the room.
Honey Factory
In the storage room. Reached by climbing on top of the crates and crossing the bridge. Use Vi’s Beemerang Halt to hit a lever and move a crate that blocks access to the Crystal Berry.
Anthill Palace
Return the first half of the Ancient Key to Elizant II.
Chapter 4
A lot of the following Crystal Berries require the use of the Dig ability on certain mounds. They look like bumps in the soil if you want to look for them on your own.
Bandit Hideout
Dig spot in the east jail cell.
Bandit Hideout
Dig spot behind the cafeteria counter. Use the bounce shroom and platform your way to the counter.
Ant Kingdom City
Dig spot right of the inn.
Ant Mines
Dig spot at the end of the meeting room.
Bugaria Outskirts
Dig spot on top of a rock next to Madeleine’s house (The house at the right-hand side of the Explorer’s Association).
Golden Settlement
Dig spot surrounded by a cluster of rocks near the Ant Tunnel.
Golden Settlement
Dig spot inside the Aphid Pen.
Golden Settlement
Talk to the fortune teller from behind by digging under the fence.
Lost Sands
Dig spot in the ruins where the Heavenly Key is found. Inside the ruins at the left of the statue.
Ancient Ruins
In the moving ice platforms room, on the right side where the spikes are popping out.
Ancient Castle
In the rolling rocks room, use Leif’s bubble shield in to cross the spikes into a room between two pillars at the right side of the room.
Chapter 5
Upper Snakemouth
In the button room where you get Leif’s Freeze+ medal, place a zombieant on the red and yellow buttons.
Far Grasslands
Dig spot in the entrance area, immediately left of the gate.
Far Grasslands
Go up the trunk in the room to the left of the entrance area.
Wild Swamplands
Dig spot in the room with a large spike pit, underneath a boulder.
Wizard’s Tower
On top of the bookshelf in the Wizard’s Tower.
Bugaria Outskirts
Behind Chuck’s hut. Smash the large boulder
Fishing Village
Complete “Sweets From Outside!”.
Chapter 6
Bugaria Outskirts
In the screen south of the Explorer’s Association, use Vi’s Fly to reach a dig spot.
Snakemouth Den
In the first room, use Vi’s Fly to reach the far right pillar. Then use her beemerang to hit a vine and drop the berry.
Lost Sands
In the room where the caravan was ambushed, use Vi’s Fly to cross the sand pit, and climb the rocks to reach a dig spot.
Termite Capitol
Behind the steps in the Termite Throne Room.
Termite Capitol
At the Termite Port, use Vi’s Fly near the catapults to reach a pillar in the bottom right of the room.
Metal Island
Near the restaurant, use Kabbu’s Dig to go under the fence next to the restaurant and use the spring to reach the top of the restaurant.
Metal Island
Win the Spy Cards Tournament.
Forsaken Lands
Finish “Best Friends in the Fog”. In the room you find Nero in, go up to the hole and drop an item. A spider will come in and drop the berry.
The Hive
Complete “In Search of Paint”.
Chapter 7
Giant’s Lair
Dig spot in the second screen of the area. Immediately South after entering.
Giant’s Lair
In the fridge, behind a milk carton.
Anthill Palace
Find 10 discoveries.
Anthill Palace
Find 15 discoveries.
Anthill Palace
Find 35 discoveries.
Anthill Palace
Find 40 discoveries.
Anthill Palace
Find 45 discoveries.
Anthill Palace
Collect all the Lore Books and return them to the library.
Finding all of the Crystal Berries unlocks the “Crystal Collector” achievement.
Lore Books
Lore Books are items containing the lore of Bugaria and its inhabitants. They can be gotten from quests or collecting them in the overworld. Collecting all of the Lore Books gives you a Crystal Berry for your efforts. You can return it to Brooke at the Anthill Palace Library.
Lost Books
Start Chapter 2
Find and return every Lore Book
A Crystal Berry
if you’re missing any Lore Books, you can ask the fortune teller for any ones you’re missing.
Anthill Palace
Behind the far-right bookcase in the library.
Golden Settlement
Found behind a cuttable bush behind the Sunset Inn.
Defiant Root
Found behind a crate directly left of the museum
Bandit’s Hideout
Found in the treasure room
Fishing Village
Near the save crystal
Golden Path
Dig spot under a boulder in the room directly east of the Golden Settlement
Termite Capitol
In between some boxes outside the Colosseum.
Ant Kingdom City
Dig spot near the entrance to the Underground Tavern
Forsaken Lands
Found in the room with the winds. Near the bottom of the room with the boulders blocking the windy pipes, fly left of the Mothfly Cluster.
Far Grasslands
Found near the entrance to the Wasp Kingdom, around the lake.
Forsaken Lands
Go immediately left from the entrance.
Bugaria Outskirts
Inside of Madeleine’s House after completing “Butler Missing Again!”
Termite Capitol
Fly right from the roof of the Inn into an apartment balcony.
Bugaria Outskirts
Dig spot inside Monsiuer Scarlet’s secret room inside the tunnel between Golden Path and Bugaria Outskirts.
Defiant Root
Inside The Mayor’s locked storeroom. Get the key after finishing “Want to Relieve Memories…”
Forsaken Lands
Dig spot inside the Ancient City(Where False Monarch is fought). Right of the entrance.
Defiant Root
Go to the Inn and ask the Innkeeper, “Are you okay?” Talk to the Termite on the 1st floor of the Termite Capitol’s Inn. Return to Defiant Root’s Inn and find the book in the room above.
Golden Settlement
Talk to Kenny(The black beetle) in this order:
– Golden Settlement
– The Hive
– Defiant Root
– Ant Kingdom City
– Termite Capitol
– Golden Settlement
Quest Rewards
Chapter 2
Finish “Book Return!”
Chapter 4
Finish “Butler Missing!”
Chapter 4
Finish “Stolen Item”.
Chapter 4
Finish “My Brother is Gone!”
Chapter 4
Finish “Explorer Check!”
Chapter 6
Finish “It’s Time…!”
Chapter 6
Finish “Best Friend in The Fog!”
Chapter 6
Finish “In Search of Something”
Medals allow you to unlock add new ways of playing the game. Some buff, some have tradeoffs, and some make your game harder. The main way to gain medals is through buying them from the medal vendors. However, some of the rarer badges are found in the overworld or from the Caravan.
If you’re missing any of the overworld medal, you can ask the fortune teller for any badges you’re missing.
Here is a list of the available medals and their uses. They are categorized into Medal Shops, Overworld, and Hard Mode badges.
Merab’s Medal Shop
Price and Availability
Hard Hits
Enemy attacks are boosted by 25%. Block and Super Block do not mitigate damage.
30 Berries; Chapter 2
HP Plus
Increase an ally’s HP by 2.
45 Berries; Chapter 2
TP Plus
Increase the party’s TP by 3.
55 Berries; Chapter 2
TP Plus
Increase the party’s TP by 3.
55 Berries; Chapter 5
Sleep Resistance
Decreases an ally’s chances of falling asleep by 50%.
30 Berries; Chapter 2
Freeze Resistance
Decreases an ally’s chances of being frozen by 50%.
30 Berries; Chapter 4
Numb Resistance
Decreases an ally’s chances of being numbed by 50%.
30 Berries; Chapter 3
Poison Resistance
Decreases an ally’s chances of being poisoned by 50%.
30 Berries; Chapter 2
Heal Plus
Healing items used by the equipped bug will heal 1 more HP.
30 Berries; Chapter 4
The equipped ally’s “Do Nothing” command recovers 2 HP as well.
30 Berries; Chapter 6
The equipped ally’s “Do Nothing” command recovers 1 TP as well.
30 Berries; Chapter 4
Status Relay
When relaying, the equipped ally will transfer ALL statuses and charges to the relayed ally.
50 Berries; Chapter 5
Poison Needles
Grants poisoning power to Vi’s Needle skills.
65 Berries; Chapter 3
Sleepy Needles
Grants sleepy power to Vi’s Needle skills.
60 Berries; Chapter 6
Secure Pouch
Enemies cannot steal items. Berries are not lost when fleeing
30 Berries; Chapter 3
Shades’ Medal Shop
Price and Availability
HP Plus
Increases an ally’s HP by 2
2 Crystal Berries;Chapter 3
EXP Booster
Reduces the party’s attack by 1 but experience gained is increased by 50%.
2 Crystal Berries;Chapter 3
Super Block+
Increases damage blocked with the Super Block by 1
4 Crystal Berries;Chapter 3
Power Exchange
Boosts an ally’s attack by 1, but reduces their defense by 1
5 Crystal Berries;Chapter 3
Defense Exchange
Boosts an ally’s defense by 1, but also reduces their attack by 1
5 Crystal Berries;Chapter 5
Front Support
Boosts an ally’s front defense by 1
5 Crystal Berries;Chapter 6
Poison Attacker
Increases an ally’s attack while poisoned by 1.
5 Crystal Berries
Poison Attacker
Increases an ally’s attack while poisoned by 1
5 Crystal Berries;Chapter 5
Poison Defender
Increases an ally’s defense while poisoned by 1
4 Crystal Berries;Chapter 5
Poison Touch
If the equipped ally is directly attacked while poisoned, the attacker has a chance of getting poisoned.
3 Crystal Berries;Chapter 5
Status Booster
Grants a higher chance to inflict status effects on enemies with the equipped party member
3 Crystal Berries;Chapter 3
Electric Needles
Grants numbing power to Vi’s nee
5 Crystal Berries;Chapter 6
Luckier Day
Replaces all Action Command reactions with UnBEElievable!”. Doesn’t actually help in battle.
2 Crystal Berries
Hard Mode Badges
These badges are available from Artis in the Explorer’s Association after defeating their corresponding boss. These badges can be bought from the Traveling Caravan if not playing in Hard Mode.
Hard Mode
Enables Hard Mode changes enemy stats and increases EXP by 12%. Artis will reward you with medals as rewards for fighting bosses.
HP Plus
Increases an ally’s HP by 2
Cenn and Pisci
TP Plus
Increases the party’s TP by 3
Mothiva and Zasp(Chapter 6)
Block Heal
If the equipped ally performs a Super Block, they heal 1 HP.
Triumph Buzz
After a successful battle, the party recovers 2 HP.
Antlion Jaws
Boosts an ally’s basic attack, making them ignore 1 point of enemy defense.
Resist All
Decreases an ally’s chances of receiving bad status effects by 50%.
Primal Weevil
Reverse Toxin
Being poisoned heals the equipped ally instead. However, it reduces defense by 1 while poisoned
The Beast
Life Stealer
Reduces ally’s attack by 1, but attacks heal the equipped ally by half of the damage dealt to an enemy. Skills with action commands between hits heal each hit. If Life Cast is equipped, only 1/4 of damage dealt is healed.
Monsieur Scarlet
TP Core
The party recovers 2 TP every 2 turns.
Mother Chomper
Miracle Matter
If the equipped ally falls in battle, they will revive with 2 HP in 2 turns.
Broodmother, The Everlasting King
Random Start
The equipped ally starts the battle with a random status buff/condition for 2 turns.
Hard Charge
Allow the equipped bug to use “Hard Charge” skills, which grants maximum charge in exchange for HP.
Dune Scorpion
Medals 2
Heavy Throw
Grants Vi the skill “Heavy Throw” which can deal high damage and lower defense.
Kabbu and Kali
Spiky Bod
Successfully blocking an attack that makes contact with Kabbu deals 1 damage to the enemy on a normal block and 2 damage on a Super Block.
Venus’ Guardian
Deep Taunt
Kabbu’s taunt will now reduce enemies’ defense by 1, but increase their attack by 1.
Grants Leif the “Empower” skill, which boosts an ally’s attack for 2 turns.
Heavy Drone B-33
Grants Leif the “Enfeeble” skill, which reduces an enemy’s attack for 2 turns.
The Watcher
Grants Leif the “Break” skill, which reduces an enemy’s defense for 2 turns.
Mothiva and Zasp
Quick Flea
Reduces the Flee Command to require 3 inputs.
Berry Finder
Increases berries found after defeating enemies.
Quest Rewards
TP Plus
Increases the party’s TP by 3.
“They Took Her…!”
TP Plus
Increases the party’s TP by 3.
“Can’t Sleep”
Last Attack
Increases the equipped ally’s attack by 1 when below 5 HP.
“Bounty: Tidal Wyrm”
Last Attack
Increases the equipped ally’s attack by 1 when below 5 HP.
“Bounty: Devourer”
Last Stand
Increases the equipped ally’s defense by 2 when below 5 HP.
“Bounty: Peacock Spider”
Last Stand
Increases the equipped ally’s defense by 2 when below 5 HP.
“Bounty: False Monarch”
Power Exchange
Boosts an ally’s attack 1, but also reduces their defense by 1.
“Helpers Needed at Once!”
Sleep Resistance
Decreases an ally’s chances of falling asleep by 50%.
“Lost Toy”
Heavy Sleeper
The equipped ally won’t be awaken by attacks. Healing increases from 2 to 6 per turn and damage taken is halved while asleep.
“Hydration Crisis!”
Freeze Resistance
Decreases an ally’s chances of being frozen by 50%.
“Bandit Hunt”
Numb Resistance
Decreases an ally’s chances of being numbed by 50%.
“I Want a Souvenir…”
Favorite One
The equipped ally’s defense is decreased by 1. When attaccked, all other members gain 1 charge, up to 3 charges.
“Dropped my Hat!”
Leaf Cloak
Camouflages the equipped ally, making them get targeted less often by enemies.
“Help Me Get it Back!”
HP Core
The equipped ally recovers 2 HP every 2 turns.
“Rare Item Wanted”
HP Core
The equipped ally recovers 2 HP every 2 turns.
“Lunch Delivery!”
TP Core
The party recovers 2 TP every 2 turns.
“Bounty:Seedling King”
The equipped ally’s “Do Nothing” command recovers 2 HP as well.
“Team Snakemouth…”
The equipped ally’s “Do Nothing” command increases defense for 1 turn.
“My Mecha Claw”
The equipped ally’s “Do Nothing” command increases defense for 1 turn.
“It’s Too Hot!” (Give her the Leaf Umbrella)
First Plating
The first hit dealt to the equipped bug does no damage in battle.
“Ore Wanted”
Mighty Pebble
Grants Kabbu the Pebble Toss skill, which can target an airborne enemy.
“I Want a New Taste”
Mightier Pebble
Grants Kabbu the Boulder Toss skill, which can target airborne enemies.
Crazy Prepared
Prevents enemies from striking first outside of battle.
“Parts Delivery”
Seedling Affinity
Increases the chances of encountering a Golden Seedling in a fight from 1% per seedling to 2.5% per seedling (7.5% to 18.75% in Seedling Haven).
“Seedling Hunt”
Bug Me Not!
Enemies that no longer give EXP are instantly defeated upon touch.
Atop Alex’s House in the Ant Kingdom’s Residential District.
Extra Freeze
Increases the time Leif can freeze enemies in the overworld.
Upper Snakemouth, in a capsule in the room with the buttons that lift the blocks.
HP Plus
Increases an ally’s HP by 2.
Snakemouth Den, on a pillar at the entrance.
HP Plus
Increases an ally’s HP by 2.
Behind a waterfall near the Cave of Trials. Use the beemerang..
HP Plus
Increases an ally’s HP by 2.
Found in the Lost Sands on a pillar near the Bandit’s Hideout entrance.
Super Block+
Increases damage blocked with the Super Block by 1.
Ride the cable car to the top after completing “Cable Car Bodyguard”.
Defense Exchange
Boosts an ally’s defense by 1, but also reduces their attack by 1.
Complete wave 30 in the Cave of Trials.
Back Support
Boosts an ally’s back defense by 1.
Found in the Golden Hills in the western area, behind a bush.
Victory Buzz
After a successful battle, the party recovers 4 TP.
Find 25 discoveries and report to the blue ant in the Anthill Palace Library.
Antilion Jaws
Boosts an ally’s basic attack, making them ignore 1 point of enemy defense.
In Stream Mountain’s highest room, on a ledge.
Reduces a frozen ally’s damage taken by half, and gives a chance to freeze the striking enemy upon contact.
Ancient Castle. Dig through a crack west of the central room.
Shock Trooper
The equipped ally receives no damage while paralyzed.
In a hidden area in the Honey Factory’s Storage Room. Drop into it from atop the boxes.
Medal 3
Poison Resistance
Decreases an ally’s chance of being poisoned by 50%.
In Snakemouth Depths, in the mushroom pit before the boss room of Chapter 1.
Poison Defender
Increases an ally’s defense while poisoned by 1.
Snakemouth Depths to the east of the large door, in some ruins.
Weak Stomach
Items that heal will poison the eater for 3 turns. Doesn’t work with Vi’s healing skills.
Talk to Chubee after the Golden Festival’s eating competition. Lose the eating competition. Buy from Caravan.
Eternal Venom
The equipped ally will not naturally heal from poison.
In the Ice Puzzle room in the Wild Swamplands. Place a ice block in on the ground button, and place another ice block on the elevator. When the elevator is raised, move the ice block on the button on top of the cliff. When the elevator comes down, freeze a the water drop to break the ice block and raise the elevator.
Heal Plus
Healing items and skills used by the equipped ally will heal 1 more HP.
Talk to a stick bug in the Fishing Village.
TP Saver
Reduces an ally’s TP costs by 1.
Complete 40 waves in the Cave of Trials.
Life Cast
The equipped bug will use HP instead of TP but all skils cost 1 less point to use. Skills cannot be used if it would drop the user’s HP to 0.
Found in a cave, west of Patton’s Hut.
The equipped ally’s “Do Nothing” command recovers 1 TP as well.
In the Lost Sand, 2 rooms east of the Traveling Caravan.
Strong Start
The equipped ally starts the battle with an extra turn, but their exhaustion ramps up quicker.
In the Lost Sand, 3 rooms south of Traveling Caravan.
Increases an ally’s attack by 3, but makes them unable to use Skills, Blocking, Items, Relay or be relayed to.
Dig through a crack at the far left side of the Chomper Cave.
Tardigarde Shield
Grants the equipped bug the “Sturdy” skill, which increases defense and grants status immunity for 1 turn.
In the Lost Sand, 1 room north of the Bandit Hideout’s Entrance on top of the pillar.
Status Mirror
If the equipped bug gets a status effect, the caster gets that effect as well.
Giant’s Lair. In the section with the toy crane, head south and fly over the abyss.
Grants Leif the “Break” skill, which reduces an enemy’s defense for 2 turns.
On top of Defiant Root’s Inn. Use Vi’s Fly to reach it.
Charge Up
Grants Leif the “Charge Up” skill, which increases an ally’s attack by 1 until their next attack. Stacks 3 times.
After buying the house in the Ant Kingdom, use the spring and access the top of the Inn.
A.D.B.P. Enhancer
A Medal by Prof. Honeycomb. Increases the amount of times some Beemerang skills can hit.
Talk to Prof. Honeycomb after finding the Tardigarde Shield Medal and the Heavenly Key.
Spy Specs
HP of enemies in battle is visible even if they have not been added to the bestiary. Spying costs no turns and will not have any action commands.
Complete 3 waves in B.O.S.S. after getting the Detector Medal.
When enetering a screen with an unobtained Crystal Berry, Medal, Key Item, or Discovery, an iccon will display..
Complete 3 waves in B.O.S.S.
Grants Leif the “Empower+” skill, which boosts the entire party’s attack for 3 turns.
Purchase from the Termacade for 120 tokens.
Grants Leif the “Fortify+” skill, which boosts the entire party’s defense for 3 turns.
Purchase from the Termacade for 120 tokens.
Grants Leif the “Enfeeble+” skill, which reduces all enemies’ attack for 3 turns.
Purchase from the Termacade for 120 tokens.
Grants Leif the “Break+” skill, which reduces all enemies’ defense for 3 turns.
Purchase from the Termacade for 120 tokens.
Charge Up+
Grants Leif the “Charge Up+” skill, which boosts the entire party’s power by until their next attack. Stacks 3 times.
Purchase from the Termacade for 120 tokens.
Collecting all the medals unlocks the “Medal Collector” achievement.
The Bestiary is a glossary of every enemy you use the Spy skill on. All of the enemies have their own spys that reveal more information on them as well as the character’s thoughts on it. You shouldn’t have any issues filling out the bestiary as long as you fight every enemy.
If you’re missing any boss tattles, you can talk to a bug in the Underground Tavern and buy spy logs off him for 10 berries. You can also use B.O.S.S and the Colosseum to get finish any remaining boss spy logs.
Here are the enemies in each area. Compare this list to any missing spy logs you’re missing and head to each area:
Bugaria Outskirts, Golden Path, Golden Hills, Snakemouth Den
Golden Path, Golden Hills
Bugaria Outskirts, Lost Sands
Far Grasslands, Wild Swamplands
Forsaken Lands
Golden Sapling
1% chance of replacing any seedling-type enemy(2.5% with Seedling Affinity); 7% chance in Seedling Haven(18.75% with seedlingg affinity).
Snakemouth Depths, Upper Snakemouth
Upper Snakemouth
Upper Snakemouth
Snakemouth Depths, Upper Snakemouth
Upper Snakemouth
Snakemouth Den, Snakemouth Depths
Honey Factory
Wild Swamplands
Golden Path, Golden Hills
Forsaken Lands, Golden Path
Golden Path, Golden Hills, Lost Sands, Bugaria Outskirts
Golden Path, Golden Hills, Lost Sands, Chomper Cave
Chomper Brute
Chomper Cave
Wild Chomper
Far Grassland, Wild Swamplands
Golden Path, Golden Hills
Lost Sands, Ancient Castle
Arrow Worm
Lost Sands, Ancient Castle
Lost Sands, Bandit Hideout
Lost Sands, Bandit Hideout
Lost Sands, Bandit Hideout
Rubber Prison
Honey Factory
Security Turret
Honey Factory
Honey Factory
Honey Factory
Ancient Castle, The Fridge, Giant’s Lair
Ancient Castle, The Fridge, Giant’s Lair
Haunted Cloth
Ancient Castle, Giant’s Lair
Leafbug Ninja
Wild Swamplands
Leafbug Archer
Wild Swamplands
Leafbug Clubber
Wild Swamplands
Far Grasslands, Wild Swamplands
Jumping Spider
Far Grasslands, Wild Swamplands
Mimic Spider
Forsaken Lands
Diving Spider
Metal Lake, Stream Mountain
Water Strider
Metal Lake, Stream Mountain
Golden Path(Tunnel), Stream Mountain
Forsaken Lands
Mothfly Cluster
Forsaken Lands
Wasp Scout
Wasp Kingdom Hive, Rubber Prison, Metal Lake
Wasp Trooper
Bugaria Outskirts, Wasp Kingdom Hive, Metal Lake, Rubber Prison
Wasp Bomber
Wasp Kingdom Hive, Rubber Prison
Wasp Driller
Wasp Kingdom Hive, Rubber Prison
Venus’ Bud
Golden Settlement, Golden Hills
Acolyte Aria
Golden Settlement
Golden Hills, Colosseum
Golden Hills, Colosseum
Bandit Hideout
Dune Scorpion
Lost Sands
Primal Weevil
Forsaken Lands, Colosseum
Snakemouth Depths
Venus’ Guardian
Golden Hills
Heavy Drone B-33
Honey Factory
The Watcher
Ancient Castle
The Beast
Wild Swamplands
General Ultimax
Wasp Kingdom Hive, Rubber Prison
Bestiary 2
Rubber Prison
Mother Chomper
Chomper Cave
Golden Settlement’s Power Plant
Upper Snakemouth
Seedling King
Bugaria Outskirts; Seedling Haven
Tidal Wyrm
Stream Mountain
Peacock Spider
Peacock Island
False Monarch
Forsaken Lands
Bugaria Outskirts
Bugaria Outskirts
Monsieur Scarlet
Golden Path(Tunnel)
Ant Kingdom City
Ant Kingdom City
Dead Lander α
Giant’s Lair
Dead Lander β
Giant’s Lair
Dead Lander γ
Giant’s Lair
Wasp King
Giant’s Lair
The Everlasting King
Giant’s Lair
Filling in all of the Bestiary unlocks the “Field Researcher” achievement.
Recipes can be discovered by cooking items at the 4 major chefs in the game. The chefs are mechanically identical aside from each having 1 unique recipe only they can cook (Except for the microwave as it has no unique recipe).
Note: The chefs will only cook their unique recipe once you finish their associated quests.
The chefs are listed here:
Unique Recipe
Ant Kingdom City
Queen’s Dinner – Tangy Carpaccio + Crisbee Donut
Golden Settlement
Tangy Carpaccio – Tangy Berry
Defiant Root
Crisbee Donut – Glazed Honey + Bag of Flour
Termite Capitol
Metal Island has a recipe seller in front of the restaurant. You can buy missing recipes from him like spy logs.
Now as for the 70 recipes, please check out this great guide. It lists all the recipes as well as the shops that sell the items necessary to cook them.
Remember to save up a ton of berries for all the item shopping!
Unlocking all the Recipes unlocks the “Cooking Maestro” achievement.
Discoveries is an information glossary of the locations and characters of Bug Fables. There are 50 total Discoveries in the game and can be easily found throughout the story if you are constantly exploring the towns. However, some require you to interact with certain objects in the environment to count as completed. The Detector Medal can help you immensely in finding missing discoveries.
With enough discoveries, you can gain rewards by talking to the blue ant next to Brooke in the Anthill Palace Library. Here are the rewards for the discoveries:
Discoveries Filled
While most discoveries are relatively easy to find if you’re constantly exploring new areas when they open up, some are harder to find. Here is a list of a few that are harder to find:
The Roaches’ Village?
Examine the statue at the beginning of the room with the large doors in Snakemouth Depths.
Inn Foremothers
Examine the Painting in the Inn.
The Ants
Elizant II’s Throne Room. Examine the stained glass.
The Bees
Elizant II’s Throne Room. Examine the stained glass.
The Termites
Elizant II’s Throne Room. Examine the stained glass. Available Chapter 5.
The Wasps
Elizant II’s Throne Room. Examine the stained glass. Available Chapter 5.
Queen Elizant I
Examine the painting in the Anthill Palace Library
Aphids and Cochineals
In the farm area of Golden Settlement, talk to the Aphid farm keeper.
Honored Employee
Examine the portrait of the overseer in the Honey Factory.
Sand Castle Mural
Examine the mural on the Ancient Castle’s second floor.
The Power Plant
Examine the machinery in Golden Settlement’s Power Plant.
Termite Kingdom
Examine the Termite Kingdom on the high rock structure, south of where the Primal Weavil is fought.
Termite Colosseum
Observe the Colosseum from the roof of the Bomb Shop in the Termite Capitol.
Peacock Island
Examine the sign at the back of the Peacock Island
For a complete list of the Discoveries, please check out this guide:
Discovering all of the discoveries unlocks the “Pro Explorers” achievement.
Cave of Trials and B.O.S.S.
The Cave of Trials
The Cave of Trials is a 50-stage gauntlet rewarding you with berries, medals, and items depending on how well you perform. The player can choose to heal up to 2 times every 10 waves and they cannot change their badge layout until they quit or are defeated. All items used are replenished once finished. However, any HP or TP lost during the gauntlet is not recovered. If an enemy hasn’t been filled in the Bestiary, they will be shown as a black silhouette.
The Cave of Trials can be found on the path to Bugaria Pier and Lost Sands. Placing the Mysterious Piece received from Professor Neolith on the pedestal inside the cave and showing the Explorer Permit activates the Cave of Trials.
The cave has multiple rewards depending on the amount of waves you beat:
B.O.S.S is a machine located in H.B.’s Lab inside The Hive that allows you to fight previously defeated bosses and fight in a boss rush gauntlet. It is unlocked after chapter 3 and after presenting the Explorer’s Permit. All items used are replenished and it fully restoring the party after finishing.
B.O.S.S has 2 modes: Single Battles and Boss Rush.
Single Battles allow you to choose and challenge previously defeated bosses. If you missed any Hard Mode achievements, you can challenge these bosses again in Hard Mode by having the badge equipped. Note that 3 of the bosses are missing, those being the superboss, the Primal Weevil, and the termite guards. The Primal Weevil and the termite guards can be challenged again by visiting the Colosseum. The superboss can be challenged by finishing “Confidential”.
Boss Rush is a gauntlet of bosses that allow you to heal up to 3 times per Boss Rush. There’s 2 types of Boss Rush: Mini-Boss and Boss, allowing to challenge their corresponding bosses. Beating 3 waves rewards you with the Spy Specs medal, beating 6 waves rewards you with the Detector Medal, completing 9 waves rewards you with EX Mode, a harder version of the Boss Rushes. Fully completing one of the Boss Rushes rewards you with a little trophy for your house.
Menu Codes
The Menu Codes are codes you can unlock by beating certain conditions and talking to certain NPCs. These affect the games values in certain ways such as making the game harder or randomizing medals.To activate the codes, type in the code in a blank savefile. Once typed in at least once you can use the tattle button on a blank file to bring up a secret menu with all your input codes. While these can be inputed without finding them, I highly recommend you go an search for these yourself as they’re supposed to be secret. Of course if you don’t want to do that, here’s a list of the codes, the effects, and their locations:
Code Location
Makes the game harder than Hard Mode.
Beat both highscores in the Termacade and talk to the Prize Exchange Termite.
Increases EXP required to level up.
Get a score of 30+ in Whack-a-Worm
Reduces the window for blocking.
Talk to Shades after buying out his shop.
All Medals are randomized in locations and cannot be revealed until picked up.
Talk to the bug next to Merab’s Shop after buying out the shop.
No EXP is gained, MP can be leveled up by talking to Eetl, and all medals that cost MP now cost 1 MP.
Talk to Eetl after completing all quests.
Changes every characters’ sprite into Tanjerin.
Identical to activating FRAMEONE, HARDEST, RUIGEE, and MOREFARM.
This section is dedicated to any side-content, not listed anywhere else in the guide. This also covers some of the other records required for 100% completion.
Music Collector
Samira is in every major town. You can buy songs you’ve heard from her and she can play them for you. Each song costs 2 berries to buy with a total of around 40-60 songs in total. Most of the songs can be unlocked through playing the main story but some are unlocked from optional areas and can be missed.
Superboss Destroyer
The superboss is the team of Maki, Kina, and Yin. The superboss can be unlocked after completing the “Confidential” quest. They are the hardest boss in the game and are the gatekeepers for the “Ultimate Team!” achievement. This fight requires a lot of preparation and Super Blocking is almost required to even survive.
Here are a few tips:
- Queen’s Dinner is a very good item to bring but it can be expensive. The recipe is unlocked by finishing his quest.
- Medals that can buff your Super Block can help a ton.
- Take out Yin first as she can buff her other party members. Kina revives if you defeat Yin after her.
- Taking out ANY enemy member buffs another. Just keep that in mind.
- Yin does not attack, only buff. She will always go last though.
Defeating the Superboss gives you 100 berries and the achievement.
Chompy is an extra “party member” you can recruit. She can be recruited by beating Mother Chomper in the Chomper Cave. After defeating her, go to Prof. Honeycomb and she will be available to join your party.
Chompy is a support character of sorts. She deals base 2 damage and has no HP. Her stats can be altered by giving her ribbons whenever she is inside the giant tube in Prof. Honeycomb’s lab or in the petbox inside of the purchaseable house in the Ant Kingdom.
Here are all the available ribbons:
Pretty Ribbon
Increases Chompy’s attack power by 1.
Buy it for 50 berries in The Hive.
Drowsy Ribbon
Chompy can now use the “Drowsy Bite” skill for 3 TP. It has a chance of inflicting Sleep.
Purchase it from the Termacade for 90 tokens.
Shocking Ribbon
Chompy can now use the “Numbing Bite” skill for 3 TP. It has a chance of inflicting Numb.
Purchase it from the Termacade for 90 tokens.
Venom Ribbon
Chompy can now use the “Venom Bite” skill for 3 TP. It has a chance of inflicting Poison.
Purchase it from the Termacade for 90 tokens.
Team Ribbon
Recovers 1 TP each time Chompy deals damage.
Finish the 50 waves of the Cave of Trials
Recruiting Chompy also unlocks the “Plant Enchanter” achievement.
Termacade is unlocked once you obtain the submarine and ride it. It features 2 minigames and a prize exchange counter. Playing the games requires tokens which can be exchanged for the prizes, notably being the Status+ medals and Chompy’s ribbons. You can also exchange 1 token for 3 berries which is the best way to get the prizes if you’ve been saving up berries through Bank Interest. It features 2 games: Flower Journey and Mite Knight. Each has a highscore to beat and is required to beat both highscores to get the “Gamer” achievement.
Flower Journey is a Flappy Bird clone and the harder of the 2 games to beat the high score. You control a bee flying through logs and wasps to collect flowers. Here are a few tips:
- This game is essentially RNG since the placement of the flowers and the wasps can mess with you, ruining your perfect run. Just keep trying.
- FLOWERS ARE IMPORTANT. Flowers give you base 25 points but the points multiply whenever another flower is collected. Chaining the flowers is imperative as missing 1 flower resets the multiplier.
- Try to beat the highscore before your bee starts moving too fast. Again, flowers help!
Mite Knight is a dungeon-crawler. You control a mite going through a 3 floor dungeon while fighting enemies off. Here are a few tips:
- Killing enemies while being fast increases your score. You are scored on time and how much HP you finished with.
- Sidestepping can be done by shielding and moving left or right.
- If surrounded by enemies, you can spam shield and slowly take them out one by one.
- A compass showing where the next objective is shown when you stay still for a few seconds.
Beating both highscores rewards you with a menu code as well when talking to the Exchange Counter termite.
Green Bug Ranger Plushie!
During Chapter 2, you can head into the Ant Kingdom’s Theater and buy a Bug Ranger Plushie for 40 berries. This plushie is hands-down the best item in the game. It has extra dialogue with almost every single opportunity where you need to show a key item and the dialogue is extremely entertaining as well. It holds no gameplay purpose otherwise. However, the plushie IS required for an achievement.
Once you’ve beaten the Colosseum once, talk to the termite sitting on a box on the outside of the Colosseum. You can give him the Bug Ranger Plushie and you’ll unlock the “Good Deed” achievement.
Max Level
The level cap is Rank 27. This is actually very easy to achieve if you fight every enemy in your path in Hard Mode. However, if you are playing in Normal Mode or have been skipping a lot of battles, you can use the EXP Booster medal and farm Giant’s Lair to cap your rank easily. Reaching Rank 27 unlocks the “Battle Ready” achievement.
The House
Upon beating Chapter 3, you can buy the key to the red house in the Ant Kingdom’s Plaza from Beette in The Hive. It is a bit pricey, costing 150 berries, but it is a REALLY good deal. Buying the house allows you to sleep in it for free, which pays off in the long run since most of the Inns charge upwards of 20 berries to heal in it. It also has a petbox for changing Chompy’s ribbons and a display case for when you get a trophy.
Thank You!
Thank you for reading my guide! Again, I tried covering all of the questions someone might ask but I could have skipped some. All of the pictures used in this guide are from the Bug Fables Wiki. A lot of the information was also taken from the Wiki such as badge locations, collectables, and quest rewards so please go support them. I tried giving credit whenever possible so please comment if I missed anyone.
Here’s the link to the Wiki:
This is my first time writing a guide so I tried my hardest to write a guide for this game since there isn’t an all-inclusive guide in the guide section. Hopefully, you enjoy this game as much as I do. Thank you! Goodbye!
Game Update 1.1:
– Added a section “Post-Game”
– Edited the Badge section to include the new Final Boss HardMode Badge
– Edited the Recipe Section to include the new Recipe NPC
Guide Update 1.1:
– Added “In Search of Something” to the Quest List
– Added the “In Search of Something” Lore Book to the Lore Book List