The Chaos Engine Guide

The Chaos Engine - The basics for The Chaos Engine

The Chaos Engine – The basics


In this guide i try to describe most of the stuff thats in the game. This is my first guide ever. I owned The Chaos Engine for the Amiga and the CD32 and played it on other systems aswel. English is not my native language so i apologize for any errors that might and will occur… This guide is work in progress and will become bigger and better as i go.The other guide got too crowded with stuff that most of the experienced users won’t need to play the game or even wanna look it up. But to keep it suitable for new players of The Chaos Engine or the lesser experienced players i like to show this stuff too.I hope this is a good decision, tell me if you like it or not!

About the game

The game features 4 worlds with 4 levels each, 6 characters out of 3 classes, lots of weapon power ups, specials, loot and hidden stuff. It is going to be a real challenge if you wanna reach 100% in a level.

This game is a remake or better a port of the 1993 Amiga classic by The Bitmap Brothers. I loved this game and had it on several platforms. It is the first coop game i ever played and it is still very much fun to play!

That being said The Chaos Engine is best played with a coop partner. The CPU offers mediocre gameplay at best and most of the times your partner will be dead by level 2-2. It costs a lot of money (500£) to revive them and has to be done everytime after each level. If you plan on playing alone and dont want the CPU grabbing your extras and money, simply select the 2 player local game and have the 2nd player killed.

Please let me know if there is anything i should add or in case you found a mistake i made.

Differences to the old version(s)

The only new feature in the steam version i found so far: You can shoot and move in 16 directions now instead of 8 in the Amiga versions (i am using the analogue stick of the xbox360 controller). That gives you a major advantage because enemies can only move and shoot in 8 directions. Although you have to move a lot less to get a good angle to shoot an enemy, you should make use of that as often as you can.

I also found a big disadvantage compared to the Commodore versions, in order to use the special you have to hold the button. That means you have to time your special very well because you cannot move while holding the button. (If i remember correctly you could use the special rightaway if you had a 2 button joystick – maybe that goes only for the AGA or CD32 version)

Another thing i found is the game saves your progress every level, despite the fact it gives you a code only every world. That makes it much easier to complete the game because you can simply repeat a level after loosing too many lives or missing out on something particular. Just pause the game, select exit and start again – you will be at the bginning of the current / last level you left off.


There are not many settings for the game but there are some:

If the game is in windowed mode (Alt+Enter to switch) you can change some stuff in the menu bar, under <Options>:

  • Joystick bindings (Alt+J)
  • Smoothing (Alt+S)
  • Bloom Effect (Alt+B)
  • 360 Degree Movement (Alt+M)
  • Subtitles

In <Window>:

  • Fullscreen (Alt+Enter)
  • Scale 1x -6x (Alt+1 to Alt+6)
  • Scale Up (Alt+=)
  • Scale Down (Alt+-)

Under <File> you can close the window and in <Help> you can find an about (copyright, version number etc.)


There are 6 characters in this game from 3 different classes, they are:

Class (cost):
Name (special)
Further specials

Allrounder (2750£):

Average speed, can hold 3 different specials (after purchase), decent weapons

Mercenary (bomb)

2nd special ability: Ground Mine

Brigand (pipe bomb / shotburst)

2nd special ability:

Heavies (3000£):

Slow speed, can hold only 2 specials but tough weapons

Thug (molotov)

2nd special ability: Ground Mine

Navvie (dynamite)

Brainies (2500£):

Fast speed, can hold up to 4 specials, they have the weakest weapons but their shots travel through enemies and therefore can hit several aligning targets with one shot.

Gentleman (map)

2nd special ability: Distract Monster

Preacher (1st aid)

2nd special ability: Map
3rd special ability: Shield

Each character has its own special from the start but more can be bought later on in the shop. Note the special slots for each class limit the amout you can equip at the same time. With character progression new slots will be unlocked.

Character selection

This is the character selection:

Here you can see:

Top left
-Image of your character

  • Skill
  • Health
  • Speed
  • Intelligence

Bottom left
-Weapon upgrades
-Special slots
-Current special
-Bought specials

Top right
-Images of purchased characters
-Wallet (you start the game with 6000£)
-Price of the character (2500£-3000£)
-Select Player number (1 or 2)

Bottom right
-Character selection

Character stats

Those are the character stats:

As you can see it consists of the four stats:

  • Skill
  • Health
  • Speed
  • Wisdom

(from top to bottom)

Wisdom is related to the AI and therefore can only be purchased for CPU controlled characters. The stats can be trained and raised for money in the shops according to the color of the bar.

Blue = purchasable
Orange = obtainable
Green = obtained
Black = unreachable

There is a maximum for raising the stats relative to the level you are in (number top right to your character portrait?).

Worlds and Levels

There are 4 worlds in The Chaos Engine:

World 1: The Woods
World 2: The Workshop
World 3: Fortesque Mansion
World 4: The Cellars

Each world got 4 levels, i gonna refer to those as 1-1 (for first level in world 1) or 2-4 (for 4th level in 2nd world) etc.

1-1 The Beginning
1-2 Mud Rivers
1-3 Rings
1-4 The Rockies

2-1 Maze
2-2 Traps
2-3 Steam
2-4 Quarters



This Game is from the era of pc’s without hard drives (hard to imagine i know), although the steam version saves your progress after each level you will be given codes for each world. Those codes do not include your gear but you get money equivalent to the things you collected. Though most of the times you have to to cut back on something…

Each level got a number of beacons or nodes in it that have to be activated in order to open the exit. In later levels there is more than one exit, depending on how many nodes you activated you can chose between them. This will result in a better starting position in the adjacent level with more loot or a secret “room”.

The only end boss is the chaos engine itself and will occur in 4-4.

Heads-up display (HUD)

Once in a level you will find the HUD on the bottom of the screen. It contains several important informations.

From left to right:

  • 1. Image of your character
  • 2. Number of lives (1)
  • 3. Points – from shooting monsters (530)
  • 4. Health (below #2 and #3)
  • 5. Selected special (Bomb)
  • 6. Number of specials left (0)
  • 7. Nodes till exit opens (2)
  • 8. Ammount of money collected this level (350)

And then #1 to #6 again for player 2.

The ammount of money is collectively gathered by both players and halved after each level. There is no need to rush ahead for a coin that your partner also could get so you can concentrate on shooting monsters instead.


The maps will be extended later on, this is just for starters:





none yet…



General tips and tricks:

There are stronger versions of enemies that take twice as many shots. They look exactly the same and thus cant be spotted. Memorizing is the only way to know for sure or use extreme caution!

Also there are versions that move quicker or can leap twice as long (frogs f.ex.).

It’s wise to shoot first and then ask the questions but dont rush in like a madman this only will get you killed.

Retreat often! This is a nice strategy to not get overrun by enemies. In the swamp f.ex. use the bridges to bundle up enemies.

When retreating watch out for enemies spawning behind you, they often try to trap you.

Let the enemies bring their gold to you, but dont let them get close enough to hurt you! This way you dont have to run out to collect the gold.

You can use the enemies as a trace for your route through the level. What i mean: you shoot one enemy from where you stand, run to get the gold, from there shoot the next enemy and so on…

Most of the enemies dont move if they are out of the screen, you can use that to your advantage.

Clear out bunkers without destroying it, this will get you the maximum amount of gold from it.

Try to collect as much gold as you can, but dont risk your life for it. Health goes quick and an extra life is expensive.

There are certain areas in which enemies wont drop loot, f.ex. stairs and if they are not fully out of their spawner (holes in the walls). Sometimes your shots will bounce them back into the spawner and they also wont drop loot.

Keep the enemy moving, they cant fire and move at the same time – and remember they can only shot in 8 diretions!


There is a lot of items in this game, I am going to list them all here with a little description for each one. Devided into the folowing sections:

  • Money
  • Keys
  • Food
  • Special Items


Silver coins, worth 5£ (each)

They are lying around in the levels, often in groups. Sometimes they get spawned by keys and certain monsters. Patterns of silver coins may lead you to special areas.

Silver coins (rotating), worth 5£

They get dropped by smaller enemies, they disappear quickly so you have to be fast to grab them.

Golden rings, worth 10£

They appear in the levels, sometimes in groups. Sometimes they get spawned by keys and certain actions. Patterns with golden rings can occur, they may trigger enemies upon collection.

Golden coins (rotating), worth 10£

Bigger enemies drop those, they disappear quickly so grab them fast.

Diamond, worth 100£

Very rare, most likely to be found in secret areas and or guarded by stronger monsters.


Silver keys

They spawn smaller bridges and stairs or open paths. Most of the times they are needed to complete the level.

Golden keys

They spawn loot or open secret passages, sometimes more than one is needed to open an area.


Small food can

It can be found in most levels, sometimes it’s hard to find – especially when you need it… It restores a little bit of your health.

Large food can(s)

Can be found mostly in secret or hidden areas. It restores a larger bit of your health.

Special items

Player save

They kinda lead the way to the exit, you gonna respawn at the last one you picked up instead of the start of the level (only if you got lives left of course).

Special power

Fairly common item, you gain one special power to a maximum of 6 per character. In single player with CPU you can use the slots of the computer controlled player too which makes it 12 slots. Also you can use the special of the CPU by switching to it.

Node activator

Sometimes you cant activate a node yourself, look around and you might find such an item. Collecting it will activate a nearby node. But there might be another way to activate it if you cant find one of those…

Weapon power up

Quite common, they upgrade your weapon by one slot regardless of your skill level. If you play a 2 player game make sure to share them.


It teleports the 2nd player to the phones location. Sometimes it has different uses, like moving a wall or an item.

Golden first aid

Very rare, they completely heal the both of you…

1up / extra life

Gives you 1 life extra, probably the most valuable item out there and also very rare.

Party power

It maxes out both your player stats including weapon upgrades, so basically you become a terminator for a short time (5s). But watch out you are still vulnerable.


Makes you invulnerable for 5 seconds, no need to shoot anymore just run into the enemies. But be careful when it runs out!

Primary special abilities

Each character has its own special ability, after collecting a special power up you can use it. Later on you can purchase more and different specials in the shop.

Brigand’s first special

I call it the pipe bomb, it looks like the maxed out brigand shot fired in a 360° circle. Very good if you are surrounded by a lot of enemies.

Gentleman’s first special

The map, it is not very detailed but you can see your own position, the positions of deactivated nodes and the exit. Useful in unknown areas, i try to add maps for each level later on too.

Mercenary’s first special

As of now (v1.01) this special may be broken. The bomb explodes with minimum range. Very hard to aim and very little to no damage. Aditionally it can be thrown up or down one level of ground altitute and therefore can activate unreachable nodes.

Navvie’s first special

The dynamite flashes the screen and destroys every enemy on it. Very powerful and very handy. In addition it can be thrown up or down one level of ground altitute and therefore can activate unreachable nodes.

Preacher’s first special

The silver first aid heals approximately 1/3 of the Preacher’s health, which isnt very much. So you need 3 special power to fill up the Preacher’s health to the max again.

Thugs first special

Once thrown the molotov coctail expands into a burning ring of fire (and it burns, burns, burns …). It continues on in the direction the player was facing while throwing it. Aditionally it can be thrown up or down one level of ground altitute and therefore can activate unreachable nodes.

Scattered special abilities

Throughout the levels you may find items looking like a special of a character. It pretty much does the same thing as when you use that special on the character. But sometimes its a little different, I am going to give a closer look on how they behave:


Flashes the screen and destroys every enemy and aditionally every bunker actually displayed on it.

Shotburst (most of the times referred to as pipe bomb)

Does a 360° roundabout shot with your maxed out primary shot.

Flying special (not sure if this thing actually has a name)

It basically does the same 360° shot as the pipe bomb, but it takes off from the ground and flies up before it does.


The bomb flashes the whole screen, explodes into 8 fragments destroying every enemy upon contact with those fragments. Hard to aim but a good help in close situations nevertheless.


Does the same as the Gentleman’s special, it displays the map of the current level with the position of the players, node and the exit.

Golden first aid

Very rare, and different to the Preacher’s special it completely heals the both of you…


In here I will show the stuff that is in all levels, like nodes, exits, spawners/bunkers, etc.


Inactive node
Is needed to open the exit of each level. Activate them by shooting at them until they become an…

Active node

An active node drops the node counter (center area at the bottom of the screen) by one. If the counter is at 0 the exit will open, but it doesnt mean there are no more nodes in the level. You may find more nodes and they will open special exits (marked by the letters A, B, C over the exit).


The shop will come up every two levels you finish, so after 1-2, 1-4, 2-2 and so on…

In the shop you can upgrade your character for the money you collected through out the levels. You can purchase the following stuff:

Item (price)

Extra life (500£)

Skill (300£)

Health (75£)

Speed (250£)

Wisdom (80£)

Complete training (price depends on the training)

Weapon power up (250£)

Special power (150£)


Later on you can buy different special abilities for your character. Each character has its own set of specials, to see which ones look in the ‘Characters’-section of this guide.

Distract monsters (475£)

Ground mine (425£)

Map (500£)

Shield (550£)


There are the following 34 achievements in this game. Most of them are pretty much self explanatory, anyway i gonna make some annotations where necessary.

First One is the Hardest
Kill your first enemy
(Easy, can’t be missed)
Cleared The Forest
Clear world 1, The Forest.
(Can’t be missed during playthrough)
Cleared The Workshops
Clear world 2, The Workshops
(Can’t be missed during playthrough)
Cleared Fortesque Mansion
Clear world 3, The Fortesque Mansion
(Can’t be missed during playthrough)
Destroy the Chaos Engine
(Can’t be missed during playthrough – kill the final boss)
Double Chaos
Destroy the Chaos Engine with 2 players alive
(Means nobody can die in this battle)
You can earn this trophy playing 2 players local, If you start battle a single.
Bullet Dodger
Kill 20 enemies in a single run without losing any health
(This is easy and can be obtained in 1-1 before the first silver key / door scene)
Bounty Hunter
Collect 10000 money in a single play through
Use 50 Specials from your inventory
(Any will do)
Kill 500 enemies in a single play through
(Easy, because continued sessions count towards it)
Fully upgrade the Brigand character
Fully upgrade the Gentleman character
Fully upgrade the Thug character
Fully upgrade the Mercenary character
Ultimate Weapon
Fully upgrade the Navvie character
Fully upgrade the Scientist character
Use the Molotov Special from your inventory 50 times
Be Gone!
Use the Shotburst Special from your inventory 50 times
Death from below
Use the Ground Mine Special from your inventory 50 times
Use the Bomb Special from your inventory 50 times
Use the Dynamite Special from your inventory 50 times
Back to the ice age
Use the Freeze Monster Special from your inventory 50 times
Here boy!
Use the Distract Monster Special from your inventory 50 times
Use a first-aid kit 50 times
Fully upgrade a single statistic for any character
Find 28 gold keys in a single run
Hard Nailed
Complete the campaign in a single run
Learning Curve
Die 100 times
No “I” in Team
Resurrect 10x dead characters in co-op games
Six Shooter
Complete single-player campaign playing as all six characters
Super Frog Killer
Kill 500 Frogs
Root of all Evil
Collect 50000 money

And two hiddens achievments
Perfect Day
Play the game for 24 hours in total.
Reach game over with less than 1000 score.

Coop Gameplay

General tips and tricks:

Dont get your teammate in trouble by rushing things. Most of the times collecting an item spawns monsters around you. Plan your steps wisely!

Divide loot equally! It is important that both of you are well equipped.

Try to get as many hidden objects and as much gold as you can, you will desperatly need it later on.

Work out a strategy, maybe one of you will use more specials than the other – collect items accordingly to your strategy.

Memorize and be careful!


Passwords for 2 player local with dead 2d player (Solo)

World 2

World 3 Fortesque Mansion
9 Lives
Full Skill

World 4 The Cellars
13 Lives
Full Skill

World 2 The Workshops
4 Lives

World 3 Fortesque Mansion
11 Lives

World 4 The Cellars
16 Lives

World 2 The Workshops