The non-technical newbro’s guide on our primary weapons, what to buy and what to modify.
The Basics
Congragulations Comrade! You’ve been lucky enough to be conscripted into the glorious Soviet Red Army! I am here to instruct you on what your job is and it’s pretty simple. Your job is to die. We Russians have entered the war late and as such most of our armies a comprised of cheap infantry such as yourself. We drown facist and capatalists in bodies and we do it well. You will NOT camp that hill or that base and you WILL charge head long into the objective because that is how we shall claim VICTORY!
NOW onto your standard issue gear!
Your Rifle and You
Stalin has been very kind into giving you Soviet stronk SVT-40 Semi-Auto Rifle. Unfortunately it is worse then three day old hooker. Slow as average donkey and kicks like jealous girlfriend. This is worst semi, like cheap american vodka, you’d be better of with a big stick. Thankfully there are plenty of Germans and Americans willing to donate their rifles to the communist cause!
Soviet doctrine: Have more bullets then they have bodies; Also more bodies then they have bullets
Stalins gift to mankind! The PPD-40 is the best teir one smg amongst all nations, able to bust down a Nazi at 50 yards and unleash 71 glorius rounds in room to room fighting! Brings back memories of Stalingrad.
Unfortunately those 71 rounds do you no good sitting in the magazine so modding the Rate of Fire is a nessesity. Able to reach 600 RPM with just a trigger and over 720 RPM with a new spring this is the poor mans PPSH. Speaking of which:
GODS GIFT TO STALIN and through Stalin, us. Without a doubt the best SMG in the game. 71 rounds emptied at the blistering rate of 714RPM STOCK you can and will out gun fully modded MP40s and Thompsons and go on to kill four of their best friend before running out of bullets. If you truely want to be sadistic a full ROF PPSH can reach 1014 RPM empting the all bullets in just under a second.
I run this stock because it is supurb as is, but it can be modifed to be the definition of bullet hose or with added stability and accuracy to produce a solid mid range firearm perfect for gunning down those fleeing Germans and Americans who tremble at the sight of our SHEER NUMBERS!
One ridiculously oversized bullet, one kill
Where other nations, have decent semi-automatic weapons to grind for a bolt action, we do not have the fortune. So instead soviet engineers had to get creative in getting us easy access to one shot kill rifles. After much though and testing they brought us this:
Unlocked through blowing up tanks the PTRD is the STONKEST infantry weapon in the game, this will tear off limbs and punch holes through tank armour. No one on foot can survive a shot from this no matter where it hits because that part of their body ceases to exists. This comes at a cost though, the gun must be hand loaded after every shot. Believe it or not, it is not only easier to unlock this then the mosin but cheaper then fully modding the negant to one shot power without having to scarifice range or deal with extreme repair costs.
This gun can be modded but it really does not need to be, that being said the only viable mods on this thing are accuarcy and range buffs.
What are you waiting for take these MINES AND UNLOCK THIS BEAUTFUL CREATION
A note on AV
We get shafted in almost every single way here. Zookas are nearlly double priced from the americans. All the AT grenades are up priced. Our only saving grace is the TM-35 mines. For just over 2k for 60 saturating an objective with a mine field is a completly viable option. They’re most efficiently used when running up to tanks and suicide detonation them, but they really are our only cost effective option for killing TDs, heavies and mediums reliably.
Purchase and Upgrade Order
Unfortunately Comrade, the Soviet Union does not run on sunshine and rainbows so you will have to purchase any gear besides your standard issue club. My recomendation is:
1) PPD-40: 11200 Credits
Don’t argue. Buy this ASAP, slap ROF mods on and go to town. We are an SMG nation dont fight against that truth.
2) TM-35 Mines: 2130 Credits
PanzerFaust your way to it, this is how you’ll be unlocking your PTRD. Run up to a tank, slap this down next to it, then shoot the mine till it explodes. Oh so satisfying and makes a huge diffrence on the battlefield.
(Optional) GAZ-67: 14200
The worst jeep in the game, ♥♥♥♥ handling and no gun. But mobility wins games, the faster you can arrive on the front lines the less likely the enemy is to break through.
3) PPSH: 170,400
Your first big buy. Its worth every penny. Just do it.
4) PTRD: 234,300
Your next big buy. Allows you to demolish infantry at ranges that would make a sniper jealous, destroy light armour and make mediums and TDs constantly paranoid.
5) Up to you
By now you’re a vet of the soviet struggle, you dont need me telling you what to do or what to buy. work on a new soldier, get a para or a pilot or a tanker.