Everything you may discover or know about The Crypt!
See the larger and more complete Guide below:
The Book of All
If you don’t want to risk seeing them, I recommend not reading it, or browsing through it looking for something specific.
English is not my first language, so spelling errors can occur. As this guide must be very long, I may not find these errors in the future. Personal to you, if you find one, report it in comments or privately.
It’s mainly because i added too many screenshots… maybe a little bit too much… and selected them to fit the whole screens, instead of half width…
How to use “The Crypt (Advanced Overview)” properly
This Guide is mainly to be used by desktop users.
On mobile things can get a little bit wild… Images on the wrong place, the wrong size, sticking out of the screen, and the fact that this Guide is simply too huge for a small screen makes navigation through it a pain in the poopoo.
Use the Search Tool to find specific information (Ctrl + F).
The reason behind this is that this Guide is BIG (as explained in the previous section why), and that you will probably have to use the search tool to find some specific information in the middle of the Guide, which also includes unnecessary information and that many you already know about.
I also leave a tip, if you think that an image is too small and you have to see a detail of it more closely, just click on it.
The images are this size so they don’t take up much space where you could have more information (in addition to being the standard size on Steam).
Another very easy, useful, fast and above all recommended thing is to use the Guide Index, where you can click on the name of a Section of interest, and so you are sent directly to it.
If you are already in the desired Section, but are looking to browse faster, remember, you not only have the middle mouse button, you also have a Scroll Bar.
It’s much easier to just click once and drag the bar down or up, than having to roll the MMB 20 times.
About “The Crypt (Advanced Overview)”
The purpose of this guide is to store all the information I find and confirm (by testing it 1 or more times) about “The Crypt of 10000 Prayers“, either by finding it myself, or by receiving information from other sources.
And by that I mean ALL the information that I remember or find and feel like putting it here. From the most useful, incredible and unknown, to the most useless, boring and that everyone knows because it is very obvious.
Also, this guide is not primarily focused on telling how to do a walkthrough (since there are already 2 or 3 guides for that), but it is included on it.
Its more about the “Extra Knowledge” Section (Even tho its smaller).
I will literally thrown everything you could have discovered for yourself and experienced in your face.
What is “The Crypt”
The Crypt is an underground structure, exclusive to Hordes Mode, which is locked by a carved stone hatch that (currently) requires 6666 666 shots to be opened. (PS: Ammount changed in a past update)
It is mainly made up of tunnels/corridors, similar to a small maze, and is quite dark inside, so you need to walk with the flashlight on.
Within it there are several rewards: 3 Hats and 1 Secret Character.
However to progress through it, you have to open 3 locked doors, which need 3 digit numbers.
(Optional) Play on Easy if you only want the rewards and/or want to be fast.
(Optional) Start with 10 Boxes of Milk, to fast things up when you need to break Pumpkins and collect Ammo and Milk Boxes from them.
(Optional) I always opened The Crypt alone (because I’m a lone wolf, obviously).
But i strongly recommend to bring friends with you. It will surelly be much, much more fun and faster.
Alone I generally open The Crypt after HALF AN HOUR. And it’s very boring (but i dont really care). (PS: Due to an update, now its much faster, but still, bring friends if possible)
But with friends the fire rate would be so damn faster that you could open it in less than 10 minutes, while having fun with them.
(Almost Obrigatory) Do not go out with just a pistol. Neither with the shotgun. You would be 80 years old when you finish opening it, and you trigger finger would’ve fallen off from all the clicking you did.
(My personal recommendation) Pick the Uzi and Revolver. Why?
Trust me. All Full-Auto Primary weapons have the same fire-rate and reload time, i tested it. The only thing that does change is the magazine capacity.
So the Uzi wins that one, because it has 60 bullets, meaning that you will have to lose less time reloading. Actually just pick any Full-Auto you like, the changes is simply too small. But the Uzi is still the best for >this< job
And the Revolver is for the enemies, when you run out of Explosive Ammo.
(Why Not?) Shoot the 3 Skulls Inside the Barn. Surelly you’ll get something a little bit helpful.
Basic Intel
-This is the map of the Crypt:
As you may have noticed in the image above (and read in the “What is “The Crypt” section), there are 3 locked doors, marked in orange, that must be opened with 3-digit codes.
These codes can be obtained through 3 Blood Writings written on a wall of the White House, in 3 specific Waves.
See below which are the Waves, which are the Blood Writings and which are the codes:
Now that you know how to transit inside the Crypt, it’s time to start your long journey to open it’s hatch.
WalkThrough (Video)
I recorded this video showing how to do it correctly and i recommend to watch it.
It is very usefull, explain most important things and its 20 mins long (Comparated to my other videos that have generally 1 hour)
WalkThrough (Screenshots)
The hatch is located “South” of the Barn (his door being the North).
When everyone leaves the Barn the game will begin and enemies will spawn.
The hatch cannot be opened while enemies are alive.
Kill all enemies and, during the “Clear Pumpkins” break, try to collect as much ammunition as possible for your primary weapon, but without breaking many Pumpkins, otherwise another Wave will start.
After collecting the maximum amount of ammunition (1200 is recommended, if possible), approach the hatch.
You should see this:
As you can see, the hatch is locked, and a message appears on the screen when you look at it: “6666 666 PRAYERS BIND THEE“.
What you have to do, to open it, is shoot the hatch… 6666 666 times.
Thats why you should use a Full-Auto gun, so you don’t hurt your fingers.
Thats why i recommend the Uzi, because you will lose less time reloading your weapon.
Thats why i recommend you to collect 1200 rounds each Wave, that way is way faster, and all you’ll have to do is sit and keep the fire button pressed.
It will take 4-7 Waves, if you collected ammo from Pumpkins, and from the Grinder too, that actually is a big helper.
After you shoot you last shot at the hatch, it will slide open, revealing a stair.
Go down the stairs, and you will be entering The Crypt.
Continue ahead and you will see this:
In case you cant see it because of the darkness, its a “T” intersection. You have to decide to go Left or Right.
If you look to the Right you will see something golden shinning in the darkness.
Its a Golden Key. Go for it.
After you collect the Key, you will unlock a hat: the Elf Hat
Dark/”useless” images now will be Half Width
Turn back, and continue ahead.
You will see the Door 1, that is locked.
If you approach it, you will see that there are 3 “buttons” with the number 000 on it.
You are supposed to shoot those “buttons”, to input a 3 digit code/password, and open the door with it. Each shot makes the button’s number you shoot go up by 1.
In case you don’t remember the code, (or didn’t even read the “Basic Intel” Section), it is: 594
After you insert the code, the door will swing open.
Continue ahead, and you will face a wall, and you will only be able to go to the Right.
After you turn Right, go ahead. At the end, you will meet another “T” intersection.
If you look to the Right, you can see another Golden Key. Go fot it.
You will unlock a hat: The Sun Bonnet
Turn back, and go ahead.
You will eventually see the Door 2.
You already know what to do.
In case you don’t remember the code, (or didn’t even read the “Basic Intel” Section), it is: 666
After it opens, go ahead, and you will meet a wall and will only be able to go Left.
After you turn Left, you will able to see a Golden key at the end of the corridor. Go ahead.
At some point you will see a ” |- ” intersection, being able to choose between continuing ahead or turning Right.
Continue ahead to collect the Golden Key.
You will unlock a hat: General’s Macarthur.
Go back and turn Left. You will see a door.
You know what to do.
In case you don’t remember the code, (or didn’t even read the “Basic Intel” Section), it is: 712
After the door swings open, you will see this:
Aproach it...
A option to interact with it will appear on your screen
Uppon interating with it, a scream will sound (like when you interact with some character tombstones), and you will unlock and become a secret character: the Golem Gogo.
Extra Knowledge
If you are the host and leave the game (return to the Main Menu), all Crypt progress will be lost, except for the rewards you have already taken (that means that the entry door will again require 6666 shots to be opened and the 3 code doors will ask for passwords again.).
However, you don’t have to worry about dying and/or having to restart, because that doesn’t reset it.
This can be useful if a friend loses connection and Crypt is more important than the Waves progress, just restart and he can enter the lobby again, and you can open or enter Crypt again.
PowerUps effects (Boar Milk and Bulkify) are reset within the Crypt, so don’t spend them for nothing.
You still can use Grenades and BounceBack inside The Crypt
You cannot access the third person, or edit cameras within the Crypt.
If you die inside the Crypt, a blood puddle will appear on surface:
If you die inside the Crypt, your third person camera will appear on the surface.
Freecam after you die spawns on surface, and can’t go through the ground.
The Door 3 opens slower than the other 2, to give more suspence.
The sound effect from when you shoot the buttons becomes progressivelly deeper from Door 1 to 3.
Bullet casings that were on top of the Crypt’s hatch floats when it is opened.
After you open the Crypt’s hatch, if you restart, or another Wave start, it will close again.
But dont worry, after you kill all enemies again it will only require 10 shots to be opened.
The hatch can be opened from very, very far away (if your shots hit it atleast, even if it wouldn’t do any damage to a enemy).
After you clear most Pumpkins, a new Wave starts, but before that, a 5 second timer appears on screen, and only then a Wave starts.
When the timer reaches 0 and a Wave starts, the Crypt’s hatch closes. And with that i mean that it instantly respawns, with no animation, whatsoerver.
That also means that you can break the final Pumpkins, and get a 5 seconds window to get inside the Crypt before it closes.
When it happens, the hatch instantly respawns, and you are teleported to the surface.
You can’t open the hatch while there are enemies alive.
The Crypt of 10000 Prayers were added in this Update: [link]
At the start, it really needed 10000 shots to be opened, but the dev made it easier after time passed, and now its 6666. (Update: Now its only 666 times!)
The Codes were updated many times over the first months in an attemp to make it “Guide Proof”, but the dev gave up after players just telling the codes over and over again.
Door 1: 666; Door 2: 491; Door 3: 783
Door 3: 873
~31/10/2017 (probably a troll)
Door 1: 708; Door 2: 806; Door 3: 716
Door 1: 666; Door 2: 492; Door 3: 873
Door 3: 712
Door 1: 594; Door 2: 666; Door 3: 712
It also appears that the Codes were ramdom at some point, except that atleast one door would have the code 666 (or atleast thats what some people said it (but i believe that it was the developer repeadly updating the codes))
This is a screenshot that The Developer gave to me, that shows what The Crypt looks like for him in his engine:
Updates Section
Date Format: (DD/MM/YYYY)
Guide Created, it’s Hidden because it’s too incomplete.
Created a map of The Crypt.
Create basic Guide “layout”.
Transfered some things from my other Guides “The Book of All” and “All Blood Writings” to here.
Took a bunch of Screenshots.
Created “Preparation” Section.
“About “The Crypt (Advanced Overview)”” Section Created.
Created “What is The Crypt” Section.
Small update in “WallThrough” Section.
Changed “Preparation” Section name to “Recommendations”.
Created “Basic Intel” Section.
Completed “WalkThrough” Section.
Created Thumbnail.
Published it for testing Thumbnail.
Updated “Extra Knowledge” Section.
Updated “Rewards” Section with Golem’s image.
Did a lot of formatting (most of bold texts of the Guide).
“Completed” Guide.
Visibility set to Public.
Informed about the change from 6666 to only 666 shots necessary to open The Crypt where it said that.
Changed “WalkThrough” Section name to “WalkThrough (Screenshots)”.
Created “WalkThrough (Video)” Section.
Added a WalkThrough Video.