10.8更新b站视频攻略地址(walkthrough video link):https://www.bilibili.com/video/av33308238只玩了一周目,如有疏漏还请见谅。+++地图包含了除电池和护符外所有任务道具和建筑构件的位置。图例里如有两三个道具连在一起,指开锁、解谜或焚烧一道具后会解锁其余的道具。—部分随机道具的位置虽然尽可能标注上了,但无法保证。玩梦境迷宫的时候本人怂了,死了10来次还是记不住地图,求放过。I’ve only played once, so mistakes are expected.+++This map contains the locations of all quest items except for batteries and amulets.2 or 3 quest items linked together means one of them need to be unlocked/solved/burned to get the others.—Some of the quest items’ locations are random, sorry no promise.I got too scared while playing the maze … … well, u’ll see.
The images are compressed by steam, try downloading.
1F 一层地图
2F 二层地图
3F 三层地图
B1+B2 地下一层和二层地图