Total War: WARHAMMER Guide

The Empire: So you want to rule as Emperor? (UPDATED) for Total War: WARHAMMER

The Empire: So you want to rule as Emperor? (UPDATED)


Empire basics, how to maximise Reikland, and how to prepare for the End Times through Diplomacy and Conquest.Guide was written for Easy/Normal/Hard difficulties, it may work on VH/Legend or only be good as a rough outline for them.

Introduction and Basics

The Empire: a collector of squabbling Elector Counts in need of a good Emperor. This guide will help you create an efficient, unstoppable Reikland province as well as forming a proper Empire.

April 6 2017 update: due to the title, the guide is for playing K.FRANZ specifically, but I will try including Volkmar strats as well since I will now be writing this guide under the assumption that you have bought the [seriously worth the money please buy it if you play Empire] Grim and Grave DLC.

Here is a link to my mod collection with SIMPLE mods (i.e no overhaul) that improve/fix things CA need to do themselves but have not. Example: RoR gaining XP and being affected by Lord traits! …why does this need to be modded in? Idfk. But we shouldn’t gimp ourselves with a ‘purist’ mentality when systems, and even AI, are wonky af.
Commissar’s Mod Collection

First things first, the Empire unit buildings. T2, T3, etc denotes our Capital/Town level.

  1. Training Field T1: Swordsmen, Spearmen, Free Company Militia
  2. Rally Field T2: Shielded Spearmen, Crossbowmen, Halberdiers, Flagellants
  3. Barracks T3: Greatswords, Handgunners, Captain (hero)
  1. Stables T2: Pistoliers
  2. Livery T3: Empire Knights, Outriders, Grenade Outriders
  3. Menagerie T4: Demigryph Knights, Demigryph Halberd Knights
  4. (standalone) Reiksfort T3: Reiksguard, [2 Reiksguard Garrison]
  1. Gunsmith T3: Mortar
  2. Foundry T4: Great Cannon, Helstrom Rocket Battery
  3. Engineer’s Workshop T5: Steam Tank, Helblaster Volley Gun
Altdorf Conclave -> Altdorf College
  • T4: Battle Wizards (heroes)
  • T5: Luminark
Shrine -> Temple -> Cathedral of Sigmar
  • T3: Warrior Priest (hero)
  • T4: Witch Hunter (hero)
Support Buildings
  • Blacksmith -> Armoury
  • Warhorse Breeder Stables (Grunburg only)

What does What?

The Empire are a bit tricky, in that some unit buildings allow you to recruit better units from other unit buildings. With a little planning, we can maximise this! They also allow their Lords to take Offices which can provide useful bonuses. I recommend your first non-Emperor Lord to be the Castellan to build your province(s) faster.

  • Halberdiers
  • Empire Knights
  • Greatswords
  • Reiksguard
  • Demigryph Knights
  • Demigryph Halberds
  • Steam Tank
  • Knights of the Blazing Sun (Talabheim only!)
  • Handgunners
  • Outriders
  • Grenade Outriders
Engineer’s Workshop
  • Volley Gun
  • Steamtank
  • Luminark

  • Castellan-Engineer: -10% arty upkeep (lord army), -10% build cost (local region)
  • Arch Lector (lvl5): +3 PO and +5 reduction (local)
  • Treasurer: +5% building income and +25% tradeable resources (factionwide)
  • Spymaster (lvl5): -50% hero action cost (local) and -5% enemy success, +5% hero success (all)
  • Reiksmarshal (lvl10): +2 exp Reiksguard units (lord), +1 local recruit capacity
  • Patriarch (lvl10): +18 power reserve, +2 wizard rank (local)

Fortifying Reikland

Now that we’ve discussed the building chains and how they operate with each other, let’s take a look at how to best optimise our home province of Reikland!

After getting to Turn 55 in my first Empire game, I realised I had made a…few…errors for getting to endgame troops. Upon restarting I really took my time and developed what should be an impenetrable bastion capable of producing the best units the Empire can hope to field!

A little background: I am on turn 65 in this screenshot, and decided to build the Altdorf College to recruit Gelt and another Wizard, before building a Gunsmith. After that, I demolished the building to start the Gunsmith tree. This was a personal decision, and if you don’t care for Wizard heroes (or can’t spend the gold) then skip this step. Do NOT expect Reikland to be making your money. You need The Wasteland province for that.

Altdorf priority is the Blacksmith as well as the Livery. You don’t need to really worry about the Shrine until turn 45–but do prepare a slot for it.

Helmgart will be your impenetrable fortress when finished, with the Reiksguard stationed there. This was mainly to ward off any sneaky Southerners from trying to flank me, but more importantly it gives us the ability to recruit arguably the best cavalry unit in the game. You’ll definitely want them when you need more staying power than the Knights, but don’t want to shell out for Demigryph Lancers.

Eilhart became my Barracks town when I realised I did not have enough spaces to do everything in Altdorf because of the port. Since the Barracks is the ONLY unit building that can be maximised outside of the provincial capital you need to move the original one.

Grunburg is like the packing foam that makes everything fit in nice and snug. I used the Cattle Pens for growth up until everything was maxed–then convert it to income building. This town is a bit too far from the other three to not have a garrison for me, and especially with the unique building I would highly recommend protecting Grunburg for the Warhorse Breeder Stables. What do they do? Well…

Yes, you read that correctly. Bronze 3 starting rank for ranged cavalry that are better than Handgunners. I also take the Reiksguard over Demigryph Lancers because of the inherent Bronze 2 for Knights and Reiksguard; save your upkeep for Demigryph Halberds so you can slap down Chaos monstrosities. Do not rush this building until you have your Armoury and Reiksfort; the Menagerie should quickly follow.

The next section will cover when to build, when to upgrade, and when to focus on expansion.

How should I start?

When first starting out, you get a set of beginning missions for the Empire. Definitely follow these first, as they give you more gold towards setting up your buildings.

Turn 1: Engage the Enemy

Our first quest to defeat an army of Secessionists. Start the Rally Field in Altdorf, then move Karl towards the border to Grunburg, but sit and recruit 1x Swordsmen and 2x Free Company. If you sit in the position below, there is a 99% chance the Secessionists will attack you first:

Turn 2: Capture Grunburg

With the enemy army retreated near/INTO Grunburg, we can march in to siege the town. I would recommend fighting this battle in order to keep Karl’s health at a reasonable level. The battle should be an easy win regardless of your choice. Occupy the town, and recruit Sigmar’s Sons, 2x Spearmen, 1x Swordsmen.

Battle of Bloodpine Woods: The next quest you get after your first capture. SAVE this quest, as you want to lock Reikland down first AND have Military Access with Talabecland. Karl should be Rank 3 when you get this quest–I highly recommend putting one point into each trait line, and then focusing on Inspiring Presence (red) line first. The “Honest Steel” perk is invaluable at any stage in the game.


  • NAP+Trade+Access with Talabecland
  • NAP+Trade with Nordland
  • NAP with Karak Norn
  • NAP with Middenland
  • Trade with Ostland
  • Trade with Stirland
  • Trade with Wissenland
  • Trade with Kislev

Turn 3

Build Grunburg’s T2 straight away. Starting the Rally Field turn 1 gives us access to technologies quickly. The first one you want is State Troop Sergeants for that extra punch!

Now it’s time to GAMBLE. Usually, Skarsnik will have moved out from the mountains…if he does, and if he’s in Forced March stance? It’s time to stomp his face in to prevent a huge headache after consolidating Reikland.

Quick Save, then ask Karak Norn to join their war against Skarsnik for some bonus +opinion. Your army comp thus far should allow for an auto-resolve win, but feel free to fight the battle! Chase and finish the goblin scum off. Pop into Encamp stance. Merge your inevitably battered Spearmen. Recruit Stirland’s Revenge, 1x Flagellants, 1x Crossbows, 1x Shielded Spearmen.

Turn 4

We don’t want to raze Azgaraz just yet, as the Secessionists are still building up their forces. Start a second army at Grunburg and appoint that Lord as the Castellan-Engineer. Move up as far as you can with Karl, but still Encamp for replenishment. Recruit 1x Flagellant, 1x Swordsmen for Karl, and 1x Free Company for 2nd Lord.

Turn 5

Rush Karl straight into sieging Helmgart. You should have 19 units and be able to take the city easily. KEEP the Training Field in Helmgart, and do not build their T2.

Recruit 1x Spearmen, 1x Swordsmen, 1x Crossbowmen for the 2nd army.

I am usually able to get Military Access from Wissenland, and Trade with Bretonnia at this point as well. Do not form any Defensive Alliances yet! Only accept NAPs.

Turn 6

Build a Weaving House in Grunburg. Then move the 2nd army towards Eilhart by cutting through the forest; recruit 1x Swordsmen, 1x Free Company, 1x Crossbowmen. Move Karl towards Karak Azgaraz, which should have a small army again.

Turn 7

Move the 2nd army into Helmgart province, recruit 1x Swordsmen and 1x Spearmen to push into Eilhart next turn. Move Karl to besiege Azgaraz, which you will want to fight because of the garrison there. SACK the city for extra income to build Altdorf T3 next turn, and it also allows Karak Norn to (hopefully) swoop in to reclaim their Hold. Back up Karl to your territory for replenishment.

Turn 8

Eilhart is within our grasp! Take the city and eliminate the final Secessionist Elector in one fell swoop. Dismantle any building that is not a Weaving House. With Reikland now under your control, use Host Festag Commandment to work on that negative Public Order. Leave Karl in Encamp stance near Azgaraz, just in case Karak Norn doesn’t eliminate Skarsnik next turn.

Turn 9

Karak Norn should, for all intents and purposes, take Azgaraz during their turn. This means we can finally move Karl towards the Battle of Bloodpine Woods! Build a Weaving House in Eilhart, upgrade Helmgart to T2. Quick turn. Keep rejecting those Defensive Alliances :'(

Turn 10

Generally you get a free Witch Hunter around this turn. Move him towards Helmgart to scout for Beastmen coming over from the Dukedoms. Recruit 1x Swordsmen and 1x Flagellants in 2nd army to gear up for sieging Marienburg. Karl will now fight the other rebellion via his first Quest.

Battle of Bloodpine Woods is a simple ambush mission. Use your Reiksguard or Blazing Sun to negate their artillery first, then rush your melee units in to catch them before they meet up with the reinforcing army. Take your spear and ranged units to form the contigent that will fight with the reinforcements until your main force can swing over.

After you have the Battle Wizard, move him towards Marienburg and then deploy to reduce building Eilhart’s T2 and upgrading Grunburg’s Weaving House.

Turn 11

Your first tech is finished; Swap to Standard Bearers! Kazrak usually shows up near Helmgart around this turn- move your 2nd army from Eilhart to Helmgart for Defense! Move Karl to the middle of Reikland. Recruit 1x Spearmen for your 2nd army.

Turn 12

Dismantle Altdorf’s barrack while upgrading Helmgart’s, and build a Blacksmith in Altdorf. If you don’t have the money, make sure you do for turn 13 so you don’t stall your tech. Skull-Takerz may show up from the East; move Karl into Grunburg for defense. Use your 2nd army to attack Kazrak.

Turn 13

Defending your province is the main priority, second is getting over to capture Marienburg. Hopefully you can build a Blacksmith by this turn, which will allow you to contunie teching even if other towns get sacked or razed.

Ending Notes

With the additions of Beastmen, Bretonnia, Wood Elves, and Norsca it can be really hard to judge what happens (or what to do) after this point, especially with the AI mod in my linked collection. My main advice is to capture Marienburg ASAP, and then go after the Vampire Counts.

**Anything you’re even considering replacing, do not upgrade past rank2 (can be rank1 for PO or garrison buildings)**

Now that we know when and how to focus our home province, let’s take a look at managing the rest of the Empire.

Elector Diplomacy (aka “I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND”)

A big note about Empire, always always ALWAYS try for NAPs, Trade Agreements, or Military Access every turn after you capture Grunburg. Taking on the Secessionists really helps your rep with the Elector Counts. You should also do this for the Knightly Realms as well as the Dwarf Holds once you start meeting other factions.

Talabecland and Stirland are generally your “core” allies. Don’t worry about the other Electors just yet–we need to eliminate the Secessionists before really deciding who to work with.

Marienburg needs to be eliminated, as The Wasteland is your goldmine province. There are a couple tricks into baiting and capping them, but with Beastmen and roaming orcs this can be a bit harder to cap them (if Bretonnia doesn’t do it first).

As for Kislev… they’ll either like you before Chaos invades or they will not. Don’t waste gifts on them.

Most of the Electors want you to raid, assassinate, or eliminate one (or more) of their rivals. This leads to lots of petty infighting, bickering, and a huge sense of being The Dad-Emperor Franz. This has been lessened due to Beastmen and Norsca, but is still there. Here is a list of the (usual) best options for each Elector:

  • Talabecland
  • Stirland
  • Marienburg
  • Hochland
Defensive Ally
  • Nordland
  • Middenland
Confederate or Ally
  • Wissenland
  • Averland
Ally or Conquer
  • Ostland
  • Ostermark (comes with Ostland)

Elector personalities
  • **WARNING** Talabecland is often a huge ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and will drag you into wars with Dwarves and other Electors if you have a Military Alliance with them. These ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ were “Defensive” traited in both my Empire games and BOTH times they dragged me into unnecessary wars.
  • Wissenland does not like Stirland, and you need Stirland because of the Vampires. You’ll probably end up conquering Nuln more often than not.
  • Hochland is an enemy of Midden and Nord, but may Confederate when besieged if they are not eliminated by their enemies. Fight them to speed up alliances with Midden and Nord.
  • Ostermark and Ostland are just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in general, and usually get Imperial Distrust. Don’t bother with them until you’ve Confederated twice and/or taken out the Vampire Counts.
  • Stirland, Averland, and Talabecland (best allies) are ironically the worse culprits for fighting Dwarven Holds. Wissenland does as well, but again you probably won’t have an alliance with them for long.

Other helpful tips:
  • If the Electors are dragging you into unnecessary wars, then only keep NAP/Trade/Access with them. You can semi-easily have Military Access traties without being Defensive Allies now!
  • However, you CAN use the Confederation option to stop your ally from being annihilated–or to stop them from waging constant wars.
  • Small gifts to the Electors may help sway them towards Alliances over time. Once in a Military Alliance, you can easily Confederate if you can handle it.
  • When you do decide to Confederate, have Host Festag ready on all provinces, as well as making sure you have enough PO buildings. Captains are your friend!
  • The Diplomacy can get seriously weird, and even frustrating, so don’t be afraid to restart if you get caught up in a civil war before even taking back The Wasteland.

Dealing with Other Factions

The best part about playing the Empire is you will have around 10 trading partners in the mid-game, and can choose which rising factions from each race you want to ally with for the coming Chaos invasion!


  • Dwarves: ally and trade, don’t bother fighting them. Be careful with Defensive Alliances on Electors, that may drag you into Beardling wars.
  • Wood Elves: you literally should never have to even see them, but NAP and don’t fight regardless.
  • Bretonnia: Trade and ally when you can! Otherwise, kill them except the playable factions.
  • Estalia: Trade if you can, until they’re destroyed by Bretonnia or Beastmen.
  • Tilea: Trade, leave room open for allying.
  • Border Princes: you really, really want to ally with them so you have a buffer between Greenskins and yourself.

Some tips for fighting the Brayherds:
Actually fighting the Beastmen is a lot less scary in practice (Praise be unto Sigmar). The only units with real armour are the Bestigors (you will annihilate Herds before they tech these) which means even our lowly Militias can cut down most of these ungodly fiends with ease!

  • Focus fire with your ranged units in order to waver their main line.
  • Focus your cavalry for their Tuskgor and Centigor units. Trap them closer to your line to flank with spearmen.
  • Their Lord has the highest LD, so routing or wounding them caves the rest of the Herd.
  • Expect at least 1/3 of your army to die: even half-stacked there’s still A LOT of Beastmen per unit.

Some tips for fighting Bretonnia:
You better be sure you have a bleep ton of armor-piercing anti-large or you will hate yourself for even bothering to attack them. Waiting until you have artillery and/or guns is necessary, because their cavalry will obliterate yours. As long as you can handle their knights, everything else they have is outmatched by Imperial might.

Some tips for fighting Wood Elves:
Don’t?? Oh god where are the arrows coming from why did you DO THIS?!? They aren’t even aggressive!!! (seriously I never bother because why would you?)

Some tips for fighting Norsca:
Norsca have a lot of low armor units, but their monster roster means you still need a hefty amount of artillery, cavalry, and anti-large units.

  • abuse the block formation, but intersperse swords and spears
  • lure their flankers towards your handgunners/free company, then smash with cavalry or spears
  • artillery should be focused for anti-large since their infantry are more easily handled than Chaos
  • Warrior Priests are a must for auras, and Fire wizards will demolish their trolls

Technology Advancement

Technologies in the Empire are unlocked through their specialized buildings. I will discuss what technologies I rushed, as well as secondaries you may want to use first depending on your playstyle.

This screenshot is at Turn 14 as Karl Franz, with the tech having started 1 turn late.

My Priority Order
  1. State Troop Sergeants research turn 3
  2. State Troop Standards turn 11
  3. State-Issued Infantry Armour turn 20
  4. Volley Fire turn 30
  5. Draft Irregulars turn 40

After turn 40, the tech us up to you; you’ll have the Livery, Armoury, and possibly the Menagerie to choose from. I did Warhorse Breeding, The Inner Circle, and Full Plate Mail Forging.

For non-military buildings, you can even pick from the Imperial Harbour or Shrine of Sigmar trees. I recommend Fishing Fleet for the downtime you should have in-between military techs if you get caught up in wars and cannot grab the Livery or Armoury quickly. Ecclesial Writ and Purge Dark Cults are both great techs, and choosing between them is dependand on whether you have your Corruption under control or you want to focus on Hero Actions.


The Empire has four Hero types: Captains, Warrior Priests, Witch Hunters, and Wizards. Each has a different skillset that can be used to help the Empire and hinder its enemies. Each building capable of creating heroes will increase the number allowed by +1; some may even give you another +1 and even +rank when upgraded!

I HEAVILY recommend having one campaign-map-only Hero per type, however Wizards generally end up attached to armies regardless. Towards endgame, even your combat Heroes should have corruption decreasing and replenishment increasing traits.

  • from Barracks
  • increases PO deployed in own territory
  • decreases PO deployed in enemy territory
  • great for reducing recruitment cost
  • solid combat support in armies
  • invaluable for taking walls during sieges (dismounted)

Warrior Priest
  • from Shrine of Sigmar
  • increases growth deployed in own territory
  • decreases growth deployed in enemy territory
  • great for eliminating Corruption
  • great for increasing local province replenishment (any army within)
  • good combat support options when traited
  • better on campaign map

Witch Hunter
  • from Shrine of Sigmar rank 2
  • decreases enemy agent success deployed in own territory
  • decreases income deployed in enemy territory
  • can increase local province income
  • decreases corruption well
  • your main Assassin hero on and off the battlefield
  • best on campaign map

Wizard (Fire, Celestial, Metal, Light, Amber)
  • from College of Magic
  • decreases build cost deployed in own territory
  • decreases Winds of Magic deployed in enemy territory
  • great army additions due to support and damage spells
  • invaluable when upgrading to final settlement/building tiers
  • use within armies until you need to upgrade buildings

Example Army comps

The name of the Empire’s game is Balance and Tactics.

There are no monstrous creatures or endless hordes to throw at your enemy.

YOU are the bulwark against Madness and Chaos.

YOU are the Light in the Darkness, the slayer of Daemons and Vampires alike.

Your armies should reflect this. They should be equal parts Hammer and Anvil. Where infantry falls short, cavalry are honed to a diamond edge. Where cavalry fails, artillery should surely smash through. But sometimes, the lowliest soldier equipped with nothing but a breastplate and a spear will bring down the most vile of beasts–do not underestimate them either.

Your first two armies will be more infantry specific than your later ones. However, more than 10 cavalry per army is not recommended from my experiences, and more than 5 artillery in one army is just a wasteful hoard. If you can make those specializations work for you, awesome! But I haven’t liked cavalry-heavy armies since Parthia in Rome2 😉

As for HEROES! They are really up to you. I have not used an army with more than a Lord+Hero. I see no reason as the Empire, since your fielded units can hold their own and most of the time you deploy the Heroes for boosts. Use the Witch Hunter you will get during the Chaos incursion event as a campaign assassin. I do like the Lord+Captain/Priest+Wizard combo for battling Archaon’s invasion though.

Example army composition pictures:

Basic Franz early game stack (starters: 1x Reiksguard, 1x Handgunners, 1x Halberdiers)

If you can’t get the Blacksmith easily, replace the recruited Halberdiers with Shielded Spearmen. You can also opt for another melee unit instead of a fourth Crossbowmen.

Volkmar DLC early game stack (starters: 1x Tattersouls, 1x Blazing Sun, 1x Flagellants)

This is my favourite starting stack ever. Seriously the DLC is 8$ for amazing regular unit additions AND the Regiments of Renown too. But cap yourself to 1-3 RoR per army stack! *If not Volkmar, I’d replace one of the normal Flagellants with Swordsmen.

Basic endgame infantry stack

Replaceable units: 1x Hangunner, 1x Crossbowmen, both Spearmen, both Pistoliers. Replace with your preference / what your upkeep allows. Replacing Spearmen with Heroes is always nice.

Basic cavalry focus (mid to endgame)

This is the cavalry comp I am most comfortable with fielding. You can replace the Swordsmen/Crossbowmen with more cavalry (and get Shielded Spearmen), but I’d always keep 4 or 5 infantry units for the AI to focus on. Lord MUST be mounted here too.

Basic arty focus (mid to endgame)

The last slot can be a double of an existing arty or a Hero, but I prefer to save it for a STEAM TANK! Obviously you can swap any of those arty pieces for multiples, instead of a variety.

I created these within Custom Battles fairly quickly, but they are based on campaign armies I have fielded in Normal and Very Hard modes.

Basic Tactics

Unit groups are your best friend! Select the group you want and hit Ctrl+1…9 (personally I don’t go past 6) to form a unit group. Click the LOCK to set the units into a fixed formation. This is how you will form your main line.

My unit groups:
1, 2, and 3 I save for groups needing to be micromanaged the most (shock cav, ranged cav, ranged units, or specials)
4 is usually my main formation (melee units ONLY, ranged are separate)
5 and 6 I keep to Lord/Heroes if I need it.

Here I will show you the formation I have found most effective for myself, using a pretty basic mid-game stack with the following contents:

  • 1x Karl Franz
  • 1x Celestial Wizard
  • 3x Empire Knights
  • 1x Halberdiers
  • 1x Handgunners
  • 3x Crossbowmen
  • 5x Swordsmen
  • 2x Shielded Spearmen
  • 3x Spearmen

This formation works against any enemy army, aside from artillery-heavy comps. Your main line will take more casualties with ranged-heavy or monster-heavy comps, but should still prevail. The main idea is to fold your stronger flank into the rear of the enemy’s main line.

I stack all of my cav on one flank, and bolster the opposite one with more of my infantry. However, my three rear echelon Spearmen are able to move to either flank if necessary–OR cover a full flanking attack by enemy cav. Front line is completely shielded (sword and spear) against missile troops, with crossbows close behind for maximum range shots. Now, you can march your army like this if the enemy is defending–just remember the lock button!!

The next two pictures will detail your troop movement once the battle is joined. The Knight battalion is Group1, Crossbows are Group2, my entire main line plus Heroes was Group3. Closer to the battle, you can break up your main battlegroup into more manageable portions.

*Red lines indicate aeas of attack, Blue lines indicate areas to support/fill/defend, and Green lines are repositioning*

The Knights are poised to catch enemy cav, flank their ranged/arty units, and/or simply fold behind their main line to crush them. All three rear Spearmen can engage on either flank or help the main line with monsters, and your Halberds can position to catch monsters or cav on their designated flank. Your Handgunners should be squished in-between melee units (usually anti-large for your flanks) so they can reposition themselves to decimate the enemy’s mainline from the flank. (**this also works with FC Militia, as well as Thunderers for the Dwarfs**)

This is how I move my ranged units around once the main lines have engaged each other–you need to move your ranged line for a better LOS to minimize friendly fire. Your units will be shooting across from their positioning, so left (green2) fires at the right (orange2) and vice versa. You can also see the Field of Fire that the Handgunners get if they can be moved into their optimal flanking position! And yes, if the battle allows for it you CAN move those Crossbows all the way out to the flanks where the Handgunners are. Make sure to keep their rear covered with Spearmen though.

Once any flankers/cav/monsters have been taken care of, your Spearmen and Halberds can fold into the rear of the enemy’s main line. Game, set, match. Make sure to kill their Lord 😉

Closing Thoughts

That about wraps up playing the Empire! This guide will continue to be updated and added where I see fit. Heroes will be next, as well as Endgame once I finish it.

My Advice for Players
  • Don’t be scared to restart. The game doesn’t “really” begin until turn 50.
  • Take chances on Alliances, but don’t be afraid to break them OR Confederate the culprit/victim.
  • Never piss off the Knightly Realms. You don’t need to deal with any of that.
  • Don’t do the “X Elector wants you to do [thing] to Y Elector” unless Y is a hopeless cause.
  • Please don’t fight the Dwarven Holds unless 150% necessary. If you’re dragged in by an ally, you can usually Peace Treaty after 5ish turns.
  • Don’t let Mannfred get too powerful…he has a bit of a slow start if the other Electors don’t ♥♥♥♥ up badly. Use it to your advantage.
  • Find an army comp style that fits you, stick to it, rule with it.
  • Split your Heroes between combat agents and campaign agents. Try not to have more than 1 Hero of each type per army, I find that it doesn’t really help as Empire–even at Turn 100.

My worst experiences so far
  • Marienburg getting sacked by an Orc army I waited to deal with.
  • Being sucked into Elector politics to get a little extra gold.
  • Getting stuck in civil wars and choosing between Electors.
  • Accepting Talabecland’s Military Alliance only to have them drag me into TWO wars in as many turns, one being my trading partner Zhufbar.
  • Having to backstab Talabecland in said game because the alternative was giving Mannfred VC territory in the middle of the Empire.
  • Kislev refusing to do anything but NAP me until turn 85ish, after I defended them from 3 Chaos armies (while trespassing).

Tons of silly and awesome things have happened, but I hope you see them for yourself and I wanted to list a few reasons why you should NOT feel bad about restarting. You can easily get to the Chaos Incursion (starting turn 45) in about 3-5 hours.

This concludes my first guide ever 😀 Tips, criticism, and questions welcome!

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