The friends of Ringo Ishikawa Guide

The Friend of Ringo Ishikawa Guide 2021 (Part 2 of 2) for The friends of Ringo Ishikawa

The Friend of Ringo Ishikawa Guide 2021 (Part 2 of 2)


1. SettingZ = PunchX = KickC = BlockMove = ^ Sprint = Double click left or right bottomJump = Z + xCrouch = Z + press down buttom (v)Punch While Walking = C + ZKick While Walking = C + XPick up = Press down button (v)Smoking = X (while not in combat)Sit = press up or down in chair2. FYI1.1 How to collect 100000 yen ?1. Get an A in every exam (Reward = 10000-15000 yen)2. Collect money from red shirt (80-400 yen)3. Don’t buy or eat food 4. Saving money5. Fight a maximum of 2-3 times per day6. Sell bag (600-1600 yen)7. It’s take 25-30 days to collect 100000 yen1.2 How to team up with green shirt gang ?1. So basically Ringo gang and green shirt gang made peace on the first day2. Never attack green shirt (because it will cancle truce between them)3. Whenever Ringo gang fighting other gang, there is 30% chance that green shirt will help you at fight (especially when fighting red shirt gang)4. Attacking green shirt gang will cause an event (so be careful)1.3 One Hit KO ?1. At level 7 there is 10% chance you can one hit anyone 2. At level 8 is 20%3. At level 9/10 is 30% ( you can watch it from my video Who has the most money ?1. In the past (2019/2020) the purple shirt had the most money, but now the red shirt has the most money2. Red shirt (80-450 yen)3. Brown shirt (75-270 yen)4. White shirt (50-150 yen)5. Purple and green shirt (less than 100 yen)1.5 Pro tips 1. Always have 10% each theory for the first exam (to get 100% score) 20% for the next exam, 30%, etc2. Never fight 1 VS 3 at lvl 7 or lower3. Never attack green shirts because they will only waste your time and they don’t have much money4. Always go with your gang (Masaru, Goro, Shiro)5. Green shirts are always in front of your school, forest path, in front of shops and at stations (usually 1-4 people)6. Purple shirt are always on the street and playground (usually 1-3 people on the street and 2-3 people on the playground)7. Brown and white shirts are always found in the Abaddon House, Bar and Ricefields (usually 3-8 people)8. Red shirts are usually on the factory wall (usually 4-6 people)9. You can cancel the event on the first day by going out of the house before 6 or 7 am10. You can also cancel some events by bringing all your gang members or avoiding certain places(Yes, it’s possible to skip the 60th day by canceling certain events and you can play until day >65)(You can also have a cat in this game, unfortunately I don’t know how)ALRIGHT, THANKS FOR WAITING 1 YEAR 🙂 AND READING THIS GUIDE……………………………………………………………………………………….さよăȘら……………………………………………………………………………………………..

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