A comprehensive list of the greatest Star Wars Battlefront 2 mods for the PC version of the aforementioned game.
Mod List
I decided to create a guide with a list of the mods which I think are the best for this game. Since I still play this game and I have a variety of mods installed I think I can give you some great ones.
(The mods arent in order of preference)
You need the version 1.3 patch for the mods to work properly (if you install it and the game keeps saying v1.1, that is totaly normal). You can find it here: Click
To the authors of the mods and to those who took some screenshots I use in this guide
You will not get any virus from downloading any of these mods!
You can use several mods at once, just respect the 500 mission limit
DEV’s Clone Wars Extended Era Mod
★ Adds new maps, units, sounds and a new era;
★ Adds all the Clone Legions and their respective Commanders;
★ Allows you to play the default campaign with this new era (overpowered units allow you to make the campaign easier);
★ Download: Click
Dark Times 2: The Rising Son
★ Adds new maps, units, sounds and a new era;
★ Allows you to play the default campaign with this new era;
★ Has its own campaign (using Galactic Conquest mode);
★ Improves lightsaber fighting and introduces new abilities;
★ Download: Click
Battlefront Extreme
★ Adds new units, sounds and 2 new eras;
★ Available on stock maps and on some custom maps;
★ Units are more fun to play because each one has its own abilities and its not boring like playing with the default units;
★ The units are represented exactly as you see on the movies and with the respective planets where they appear.
★ Download: Click [www.nexusmods.com]
Ultimate Battlefront: The Clone Wars
★ Adds new maps,units sounds and a new era;
★ The different Clone Legions available on this mod spawn randomly on every map which is cool;
★ Allows you to fight the enemy leader/hero;
★ Quick battles;
★ Download: Click
DEV´s Side Mod
★ Adds new units,sounds,maps and a new era;
★ Some of the maps from the Conversion Pack are available to play with this mod;
★ Interesting units;
★ New era: “Mandalorians”;
★ Download: Click [www.nexusmods.com]
Battlefront Zero
★ Adds new units, maps, sounds and a new era;
★ Awesome new maps;
★ Adds a “Mandalorian” era;
★ Download: Click [www.nexusmods.com]
Conversion Pack
★ Adds improved units, new modes, sounds, it brings back the SWBF1 maps and it also introduces a new era: KOTOR;
★ Variety of maps and modes to play;
★ If you are a fan of Hero Assault you now play it not only on Mos Esley but on the most of the maps;
★ Adds new units, sounds, vehicles, turrets and it replaces the stock Galactic Civil War with a new era;
★ Modifies the Campaign and the Galactic Conquest;
★ Inspired in EA’s Star Wars Battlefront;
★ Download: Click
Mass Effect Unification
★ Adds new units, sounds, maps and new voices and soundtracks;
★ Modified game menu and Hud;
★ Great mod for Mass Effect fans;
★ Download: Click
Pax Empiricae
★ Adds new units, sounds, maps and a new era;
★ Good abilities for the units and very interesting to play;
★ Like Dark Times 2: The Rising Son it revamps both Rebels and Empire’s units;
★ Download:
Battlefront Republic Commando
★ Adds a new era where you can play as the famous Republic Commandos with their notorious weapons and it adds some new modes to play.
★ Modified Hud and improves the 1st person.
★ Download: Click
SWBF3 Legacy
★ Adds new maps, units, characters, sounds, abilities, weapons, animations, 2 new eras and new and polished textures;
★ Includes space to ground combat with really large maps (Corucant, Dantooine, Cato Neimodia , Death Star 2 and Bespin);
★ Based on the cancelled Star Wars Battlefront 3 project;
★ Introduces a new Hud, also based on that cancelled project;
★ Download: Click
Note: In order to run the mod well you will need a PC with higher specs.
The Old Republic Remastered
★ Adds new units, abilities, sounds, weapons, animations and characters;
★ Based on the Star Wars The Old Republic MMO trailer;
★ Includes heroes like Satele Shan, Jace Malcom, Darth Malgus,etc;
★ It is available on the stock maps and also on Hero Assault,on Mos Eisley;
★ The classes for the Old Republic and for the Sith Empire are all done from scratch and based on the numerous cinematic trailers for the MMO;
★ Download: Click
Rezzed Maps and Realistic Maps by Harisonfog
★ Retextures the stock maps and replaces its normal textures for more polished and realistic ones;
Sol Map Pack
★ Adds new units, sounds and 5 new maps: Earth, Luna, Venus, Mars and Titan;
★ Its is based on our own Solar System;
★ Support for Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War and Mass Effect;
★ New soundtrack for each map;
★ Several new units including Shadow Guard, Asajj Ventress, Rahm Kota,etc;
★ Game mode support for Conquest, 1-Flag CTF, 2-Flag CTF and Hero Assault;
★ A new Hero Assault soundtrack, set to selections from “Holst´s The Planets,Op 32”;
★ Download: Click
Battles Of The Storm
★ Adds 5 new maps (Geonosis: Zero Battle, Kashyyyk:The Storm, Kashyyyk Cataclysm, Mygeeto:Storm Force and Mygeeto: Final Thunder);
★ This maps are truly giant and the only available modes are Advanced Assault and Advanced Conquest, which are basically an Advanced Campaign;
★ Really immersive campaign;
★ Useful teammates: the AI can capture objectives;
★ Download: Click
Dark Space
★ Adds new maps, new models, missions and two dynamic eras with custom sides;
★ It is a large mappack and its maps are compatible with the Dark Times mod.
★ Download: Click
In-Game Skin Changer
★ This mod adds new commands to the 1.3 patch’s fake console, which will allow you to change the appearance of units in-game (such as changing the legion of clone troopers).
★ Download: Click
★ Torfront is a mappack and mod about the Old Republic era of Star Wars lore, with focus on the Great Galactic War, Cold War, and Second Great Galactic War time periods;
★ Currently this project has 5 maps; Alderaan: Treefall, Belsavis: Icebound, Makeb: Broken Paradise, Dromund Kaas: Labyrinth, and Coruscant: The Works;
★ Download: Click
Galactic Civil War 2
★ GCWII is an era mod that adds a lot of new content to the game, content wich you can see in the Force Awakens movie;
★ With this mod, the factions are totaly updated.Each faction has 4 basic units (rifleman, rocketeer, sniper and pilot); 2 special units (heavy artillery stormtrooper, flametrooper, resistance crew member, resistance spy) and 2 hero units available on every map;
★ The weapons are brand new and inspired to the new EA’s battlefront – no reload, overheat only. Some of them must be charged in order to be more effective, such as the pulse rifle or Han’s pistol;
★ New heroes are now in the game: Kylo Ren, Finn, Poe Dameron, Captain Phasma, Old Han, Grand Master Luke, General Hux…
★ Download: Click
Rising Conflict
★ Adds not only 3 new maps, but also a new era called “Rising Conflict” that works with all stock maps aside from Hoth and Endor;
★ The 3 maps it adds are Dantooine: Settlement, Yavin IV: Arena (from Battlefront 1) and Bonadan;
★ Download: Click [www.swbfgamers.com]
Battlefront Ultimate Commander
★ 3 new eras: “The Clone Wars”, “Imperial Civil War” and “The Old Republic”;
★ 200+ new playable units;
★ Improved AI;
★ A new difficulty is implemented;
★ Custom visual effects and sound effects;
★ Support for gamemodes such as Conquest, Capture The Flag, XL and Hero Assault;
★ 5+ new gamemodes;
★ Support for every Star Wars Battlefront (2004) maps;
★ New Hud;
★ Download: Click
The End
Thank you for reading my guide. Hopefully it helped you!
if you have any questions or doubts regarding any of these mods feel free to add me and I will do my best to answer them.