The Isle Guide

The Isle Wiki for The Isle

The Isle Wiki


Everything you need to know about THE ISLE


First of all, not all of this content is done by me. Most of it infact is done by other contributers to the Isle Wiki on Fandom.

As I’ve seen that not many people from the general community are aware of this website, I’d love to share this amazing guide with you all. Here is the link to the original:


Here we go!

Carnivores and Herbivores

Carnivores have to find and hunt other players in order to survive. The player must kill the prey if it is not dead already, once it is dead the player can then feed from the corpse. This is the main drive for players to attack each other, to either chase off or kill the competition or to take down prey.

Carnivores generally have a higher damage output relative to size compared to herbivores.

Carnivores have a special addition to their progression called the Carnivore Tree. The “Alpha” of each branch has the ability to become a strain.

Herbivores are not under constant struggle to find food, therefore are much less likely to attack. Herbivore players have a tendency to band together much like real herd animals for safety. Sometimes herbivores will attack carnivores that venture too close in an effort to chase them away.

Herbivores generally have a lower damage output relative to size compared to carnivores. In this time herbivores are more vulnerable to carnivores for the high number of them and the lot of points for proceed from tier 3 to tier 4.

Unlike carnivores, herbivores will gain points by eating “special” plants, rather than simply gaining them over time.

Carnivore Progression Trees

Credit to The Golden Ammonite and Karmataurus for the branches below.

Crusher Branch – (???-???-Tyrannosaurus Rex) – Using this branch, you start out small and fast, and become lumbering and slow. The Alpha Species Rex will be the most powerful natural terrestrial predator. However, it is very slow and must rely on stealth and ambush. Some herbivores are part of this branch as well, but are not alphas.

Bleeder Branch – (Marshosaurus-Allosaurus-Acrocanthosaurus-Carcharodontosaurus/Giganotosaurus) – Using this branch, you maximize hit and run tactics by heavily increase the DOT bleed you deal. The Alpha Species couple, Carcharodontosaurus and Giganotosaurus, will have ridiculous levels of bleed damage, and will be able to hunt down large game.

Pounce Branch – (Velociraptor-Deinonychus-Dakotaraptor-Utahraptor) – Using this branch, you specialize in being a small jack of trades creature. Not the fastest or strongest, but well balanced. As a Utahraptor, The Alpha Species of the group, it will gain the ability to pounce on victims.

Venom Branch – (Herrerasaurus-Monolophosaurus-Dilophosaurus) – This branch uses primitive biological warfare such as a septic bite or an anticoagulant in their saliva, but the Alpha Species Dilophosaurus shall have a potent venom. It shall deliver this venom via bite to slow and weaken victims.

Speed Branch – (Ceratosaurus-Majungasaurus-Carnotaurus) – A heavily specialized group, you will deal increasingly less damage in exchange for greater speed. The Alpha Species of this group, the Carnotaurus, will deal very low damage but will be the fastest of all predators, able to strike quickly and run with ease.

Flight Branch – (Dimorphodon-Pteranodon-Quetzalcoatlus) – Take to the skies! This tree allows flight and great speed in exchange for fragility and relatively low damage. The Alpha Species of this group, the Quetzalcoatlus, will be able to lift small victims off the ground.

Aquatic Branch – (Austroraptor-Baryonyx-Suchomimus-Spinosaurus) – A water-loving group, these dinosaurs are highly specialized for hunting marine life. The Alpha Species, the Spinosaurus, will have two variants which will be a bipedal version and a aquatic version. The land version will be an apex predator with the ability to fish. The aquatic version will be able to run along the bottom of the water at high speeds, but will be slow on land.

Herbivore Progression Trees

So far, most herbivore progression trees are unknown. If anyone knows what some are, please inform me in the comments.

The Fauna


  • Acrocanthosaurus
  • Allosaurus
  • Ankylosaurus
  • Austroraptor
  • Baryonyx
  • Carnotaurus
  • Diabloceratops
  • Dryosaurus
  • Gallimimus
  • Herrerasaurus
  • Maiasaura
  • Pachycephalosaurus
  • Puertasaurus
  • Psittacosaurus
  • Shantungosaurus
  • Stegosaurus
  • Suchomimus
  • Therizinosaurus
  • Triceratops
  • Tyrannosaurus
  • Utahraptor

In Limbo:

  • Quetzalcoatlus

Fully Confirmed and Modelled:

  • Brachiosaurus
  • Brontosaurus
  • Camarasaurus
  • Carcharodontosaurus
  • Ceratosaurus
  • Compsognathus
  • Corythosaurus
  • Dakotaraptor
  • Deinosuchus
  • Dilophosaurus
  • Giganotosaurus
  • Kentrosaurus
  • Monolophosaurus
  • Pachyrhinosaurus
  • Spinosaurus
  • Styracosaurus
  • Titanoboa
  • Velociraptor

Rumored or Half Confirmed:

  • Avaceratops?
  • Beipiaosaurus?
  • Deinocheirus?
  • Deinonychus?
  • Diplodocus
  • Einiosaurus?
  • Falcarius?
  • Gigantoraptor?
  • Iguanodon?
  • Lambeosaurus?
  • Majungasaurus?
  • Marshosaurus?
  • Miragaia?
  • Nothronychus?
  • Ornithomimus?
  • Oviraptor?
  • Parasaurolophus?
  • Pelagornis? (mentioned only)
  • Protoceratops?
  • Saichania?
  • Scelidosaurus?
  • Troodon?



Acrocanthosaurus is a playable dinosaur. It is nearly as big as the Tyrannosaurus, but presumably slower. It is much more powerful than other theropods like the Allosaurus, a close cousin.

Models and Appearance


It is slightly larger than the Carnotaurus, however it’s movement speed is noticeably lower than the Austroraptor and Carnotaurus, but faster than the Tyrannosaurus and Suchomimus. It’s Physical damage is greater than that of the Carnotaurus but has lower bleed damage.

The Allosaurus Is a reasonable mid-ground predator, although not always agile enough to catch up with swift prey. An Allosaurus can overpower a Carnotaurus with relative ease as Allosaurus has a larger health pool, physical damage and enough agility.

It is notable for it’s bleed damage. The best way to hunt prey is to take a quick bite of it and then run. Repeat this and the victim should die of blood loss. Larger prey are not ideal unless a pack is present.

Ambush tactics are recommended for all predators; excluding the Tyrannosaurus, as his size is too great.

Models and Appearance


Ankylosaurus are small compared to most of the other dinosaurs and one of the slowest. It has a tail club which can be used to cripple an enemy.

Until your armor becomes impenetrable, it is recommended to stay in a herd and have protection from large carnivores. Each hit has a 95% chance of bone breaking on creatures of the same or smaller weight class.

Models and Appearance


The Austroraptor is a good choice for players who enjoy sneaking up on their prey and working with others in a meticulous fashion in order to bring their quarry down.

They are slower than the Carnotaurus and the Utahraptor and have very little damage output, so it is best to stay hidden with larger predators around.

Models and Appearance


The best way to hunt would be to ambush your prey. Avoid contact with bigger predators, including your larger relative, the Suchomimus.

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Carnotaurus is a good choice for a player who wishes to traverse the map quickly, or form a pack with other players when hunting.

Whilst they don’t have as much damage output as a Tyrannosaurus rex, their speed makes up for it.

Models and Appearance


They can stand their ground well on their own and can be quite dangerous when in a herd. The most dangerous predator to them is the mighty Tyrannosaurus, which can run faster than them and can kill one in just two bites.

It is much easier to fight a Carnotaurus alone.It is better to group in a herd and when there is trouble, make sure someone else gets hit instead of you. It also gives more eyes so spotting a predator can be much easier.

Models and Appearance


Small and harmless, the Dryosaurus is nearly defenseless. But its impressive speed can save it from most carnivores. Some players even considered the creatures as ‘cute’.

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The gallimimus is a relatively easy dinosaur to play as, considering it is a herbivore, all it really has to worry about is fleeing from predators.

The gallimimus can attack other players, though the damage output is minuscule.

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The best way to hunt is to hit and run, meaning that when you bite your prey, run away from it and then then repeat.

After taking several bites, wait for your prey to die of blood loss. It is recommended to hunt in a pack when against large dinosaurs.

Models and Appearance


It is best to run from larger carnivores like Carnotaurus and Tyrannosaurus, but can easily defeat smaller carnivores like Austroraptor.

It is essential to live in a herd for there will be more protection for you. Help the herd by scouting the area for predators, and when one is spotted, warn your herd mates.

Models and Appearance


It’s headbutt attack can cripple even large carnivores, though it is generally best to avoid them and run away when being attacked.

You can easily fight smaller carnivores however. It is recommended that you live in a herd so you can have extra protection. Try not to engage in combat.

Models and Appearance


Usually there are very few Puertasaurus around due to their incredibly slow movement and inability to sprint. They are usually played for their size and little else.

The Puertasaurus is the only dinosaur that currently can attack forwards and backwards. The Puertasaurus cannot likely be killed by anything on The Isle, even multiple Tyrannosaurus. They one hit kill anything in the game.

Models and Appearance


The Psittacosaurus is the weakest dinosaur as of right now in the game. It is about half the size of a Dryosaurus, and is one of the slowest dinosaurs in-game.

Luckily, you can blend into the grass very well just by resting. Predators are less likely to see you this way. It recommended to stay by lakes with forests filled with food and never leave them until you go up a tier.

Models and Appearance


The Shantungosaurus is a good choice for a player looking for a challenge.

The Shanty is not particularly fast, but can still attack their foes with a very high damage output that can smash most creatures in one stomp.

Therefore the usual tactic is to band up with other shantungosaurus in order to chase away hungry predators.

Models and Appearance

In-game Continued


They have many distinctive features, such as 2 rows of large, leaf shaped plates and a dangerous tail with 4 spikes called the thagomizer. This makes Stegosaurus a quite lethal herbivore. In The Isle, the players can choose a Stegosaurus as his/her dinosaur.

Models and Appearance


It has very little chance against fighting large carnivores as a Tyrannosaurus can easily overpower it. They are mostly aquatic and tend to live near rivers and lakes.

Unfortunately, a Suchomimus has no bonus attributes in swimming and it is impossible to ambush from the water as you will be too exposed.

The Suchomimus can overpower most medium sized prey with ease, and can best an Allosaurus or Carnotaurus in damage. The Suchomimus is faster than a Tyrannosaurus, but slower than all other current carnivores.

Models and Appearance


Its claw attacks can deal massive amounts of damage and can run very quickly. It has relatively low health and can be killed by a Tyrannosaurus in three bites, so it is best to avoid them.

When in combat, make sure you are facing your opponent. Your tail is the most vulnerable spot, so make sure that predators don’t get to it. The best way to avoid trouble is to be intimidating, so make yourself look big to carnivores and threaten to attack if they get closer.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work since some predators are not easily intimidated by your screeching.

Models and Appearance


It is very slow even when sprinting but is very tough even on it’s own. Even one attack can injure your foes. When in combat, always face the opponent.

Do not get tired or else you will fall prey to the enemy. Keep it from getting behind you for your backside is very vulnerable. As a herd, you will be practically invincible.

The best way to fight as a herd is to make a circle so no one will get to yours or your herd mates’ backsides. To avoid trouble, be intimidating and make as much threatening noise as possible.

The Triceratops is a very strong dinosaur that can give even the infamous T-Rex a run for his money so if you don’t have the privilege of a herd be sure to set in the fear factor by charging your opponent and giving your most aggressive call which is usually enough to scare them away.

Models and Appearance


The default Tyrannosaurus has a three-stage life cycle of juvenile, sub-adult, and adult. Outside of stats, the Tyrannosaurus physically changes as it grows. As T. rex grows, its snout becomes less elongated, its coloration morphs from black color to dark brown, and it losing its horizontal striping. A trait found exclusive to the juveniles are a row of iguana-like spikes spanning from the top of the head to the tip of the tail that is lost once it reaches sub-adulthood.

Tyrannosaurus (Juvenile)

As a juvenile, Tyrannosaurus is fast, but not as fast as the other Tier 3 and 4 dinosaurs. Recommended prey are small and medium dinosaurs, like the Dryosaurus and the Gallimimus. It is recommended that players use ambush tactics when hunting prey at this stage. It is advised to stay low when dangers are nearby as juveniles are vulnerable to other predators. A good strategy is to act friendly with adult Tyrannosaurus as they might adopt the player as one of their own. The juvenile Rex has 450 health.

Tyrannosaurus (Sub-Adult)

The Sub-adult stage is the second stage of the life-cycle of the rex. At this stage, Tyrannosaurus trades a portion of its speed for bite force. More dinosaurs can outrun sub-adult Tyrannosaurus, so it is recommended that the player ambushes their prey or go after slower dinosaurs. Most solo predators smaller than the sub-adult will avoid it, but packs can be lethal. The sub-adult has 1300 health.

Tyrannosaurus (Adult)

One of the most feared predators in The Isle, the Adult Tyrannosaurus is certainly one of the most lethal creatures to encounter and play as. The Tyrannosaurus is a good choice for those who want to strike fear into the hearts of other players. They generally aren’t seen in packs but on rare occasions a rex will travel with a Carnotaurus or two, or in pairs. Whilst they are the brutes of the game, they’re pretty slow and lack stamina. Therefore Carnotaurus and Gallimimus can easily escape a Tyrannosaurus. Tyrannosaurus was the most powerful dinosaur in the game. It has a whopping amount of heath, 2100. The in-game Rex is portrayed as 13.7 meters (45 feet); however, no evidence is currently known to support this.

Tyrannosaurus (TSL)

A rare and much weaker subspecies of the normal Tyrannosaurus, the TSL. rex is much more lightly built. It has a downy coat of feathers, not as much as the average feathered Tyrannosaurus has, and a more differently shaped body and skull. Recommended prey are hadrosaurs that can’t really fight back. It has 1700 health.

Models and Appearance

Tyrannosaurus (Hyperendrocrin)

One of the strains of Tyrannosaurus, it is probably the most powerful creature in the game right now, with an astonishing 25,000 health. For a more complete description, see Tyrannosaurus (Hyperendocrin).

Models and Appearance


Utahraptor are strong in numbers, so it is best to hunt in a pack when hunting large prey.

When hunting alone, try ambushing smaller dinosaurs like the Dryosaurus, Gallimimus, or the Herrerasaurus.

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Velociraptor is an dromaeosaurid theropod from the Campanian age of the Cretaceous period. It has two species; V.mongoliensis and V.osmolskae. It will likely possess a feathered version.

Models and Appearance

Fully Confirmed and Modelled


Brachiosaurus is an upcoming sauropod.

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Brontosaurus is an upcoming sauropod.

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Camarasaurus is an upcoming sauropod.

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Carchardontosaurus is an upcoming carnivore in The Isle. It will be an alternate skin for Giganotosaurus.

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The Ceratosaurus is an upcoming ceratosaurid.

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Compsognathus will serve as the carnivore equivalent to the Dryosaurus and Psittacosaurus.

Like them, the Compsognathus will be unable to attack, and thus will rely on scavenging to feed itself. To combat any potential issues from which may arise from this, Compsognathus will always spawn near corpses, and will have an easy time locating corpses to feed on.

Models and Appearance


The Corythosaurus is an upcoming lambeosaurine.

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Dakotaraptor is an upcoming dromaeosaurid in The Isle. It will be the feathered version of the Utahraptor as of right now, but may become its own creature at release.

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The Dilophosaurus is an upcoming dilophosaurid that will be playable in the Isle. (And it will be accurate, no venom spitting, frills or smallness.)

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Gigantosaurus is an upcoming bipedal carnivore in The Isle. It will be an alternate skin for Carcharodontosaurus.

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Kentrosaurus is an upcoming stegosaur in The Isle

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Monolophosaurus is a genus of tetanuran theropod from the Middle Jurassic of China.

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Pachyrhinosaurus is an upcoming ceratopsian.

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The Spinosaurus is an upcoming spinosaurid. The Spinosaurus will also have an outdated looking version that will rival the Tyrannosaurus.

Type A – Aquatic

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Type B – Terrestrial

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The Styracosaurus is an upcoming ceratopsian.

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