Sword With Sauce Guide

The John Wick Loadout for Sword With Sauce

The John Wick Loadout


This guide will tell u how to be a john wick…yea

What To Have?

Have the Same Apperance of this Loadout here.

Have You’re pistol with 3 pistol ammo pouches

and have 4 ammo pouches of wepon of choice (must be a gun)

How 2 play?

Just Storm into the area, with a pistol. but if a large amout of guards notice you, might as well use you’re primary weapon, and play on a custom diffuculty and make everything max exept there health, the guards health is up to you

In Conlusion…

if you manage to complet every map on you’re max diffuclty with the loadout ive given you, you would be the ansestor of john wick, or he is you’re ansestor…i dunno

P.S. be mlg while fighting
