Bastion Guide

The Kid and his weapons for Bastion

The Kid and his weapons


Here comes a guide about Kid’s weapons, modifications, skills and other stuff. You will certainly get informations that even a wikia won’t have. Anybody could check these datas… but they’re all in this guide (nearly).

From the author

Welcome, reader! If you ever wanted to know what a weapon modification really does or a skill is really usefull, you are in the right guide!

Here, you’ll be able to find any info on weapons and skills that I, the author, have been able to observe, with some hours of testing and 3 month of inactivity (^^”’). You can select the exact weapon you want info for by using the guide menu, or read the entire guide (well, I don’t recommand it since there’s a lot, but you really want to, go ahead and feel free).

Also, if you got a question on anything I’ve writen so far, or you saw an error somewhere, don’t hesitate to comment, I’ll answer as fast as I can. You can also comment for thanking me, but just reading my “little” work is good enough (and thank to you if you do so). ^^

Talking things
Can’t really have good screenshots without the interface… or even with it. (because it can be too fast, too big…)

So I’ll make simple images with the description of the skill. I’ll also change the images of every weapon to take the same dimensions of those.

Should I make a guide for spirits (drinks)? There’s a Bastion wikia that list all spirits, but some usefull tips that I’ve been able to see could be useful, like Bastion Bourbon + Leechade: health potions replenish 33% of maximum health instead of 30hp, better still better than Leechade alone when at last levels (I’m sure this tip is known of any player, that’s why I give it away here ^^”’). And giving my personnal combos could also be interesting for some people who can’t decide.

Note for the guide’s writer

This little section only made to contain what remains to be done in this guide. It’s a TO DO list, giving out what is left to do.

  • — I’LL DO IT —
  • Images: skills
  • Images: make better and reduced images for weapons
  • Calamity Canon: Mancer Missile: Try to get real damage per shells, not sure they’re good
  • Dueling Pistols: Duel Decider: Cripple?
  • Mods with “can”: estimate a %
  • Weapons: Skills: Affected by Whale Ale? (+25% skill damage)
  • Squirt Lure secret skill: Find a way for estimating health of turret… <_<
  • Galeon Mortar: Turret Surprise: Same… <_<
  • Introduce an unit for distances and AOE

The Kid

It’s the hero, it’s you. If you want him to strike, he strike. If you want him to fall, he fall. If… well, he does what you command him to do.

Base health: 51
Health bonus per level: 2
Base health regen: 30

Base number of health potion: 3
Base number of tonic potion: 3

Roll damage: 2
Can’t criticaly hit (can be an odd idea to fight with critical rolls… still good to know)

Weapons common stats and informations

During the game, you’ll unlock weapons that you’ll be able to upgrade & mod. There’s 11 weapons, all with specifics, pros & cons.

Weapons always do the same ammount of damage on every ennemy.
Do know how much damage you do with a weapon, you apply modificators multiplicatively (and not add modificators between them). And for each modificator applied, you round down every time the number isn’t an integer. When damages must be rounded, you round down.
An exemple with the Cael Hammer’s mobile attack:
Without mods: 10 damage
With first or second damage mod: 10*1.5 = 15 damage
With third damage mod: 10*1.75 = 17 damage (17.5 rounded down)
With first and second damage mod: 10*1.5 = 15, then 15*1.5 = 22 damage (22.5 rounded down)
With all damage mod: 10*1.5 = 15, then 15*1.5 = 22 damage (22.5 rounded down), then 22*1.75 = 38 damage (38.5 rounded down)

Some weapons are able to power-shot, giving more damage in a single shot.
Seems that power-shot modifier is applied and rounded down before calculating critical damage. (verify)
Got a theory for a common power-shot modifier, but since some weapons does more power-shot damage than intended and some others less damage than intended, my theory

You should know that critical strikes in Bastion represents an exceptional attack that make a lot of damage. If you take the right upgrades & spirits, you can make some critical hits.
Critical modifier: 200% of damage
Critical hit chances: 0%
All critical modifications are added directly to the specific stat. So a +50% critical damage and a +75% critical damage added together give 325% of base damage for critical hits.

There’s a lot of skills in Bastion, but you only can have one at the same time, so choose carefully.
There’s 2 skills for every weapon, and a certain number of secret skills that aren’t related to any weapon.
You never take damages from your own skills, even if it can be explosives skills, even if it comes from weapons who can be dangerous for yourself like the mortar or the canon. Exception: “Bomb Barrage” Galeon Mortar’s Skill

Type of damage
The list below is all the known type of damage, mods and effects applied to your attacks, mostly coming from mods and skills:

  • Armor penetrating damages: Applied to your attacks, an ennemy able to go in a state of defense can’t block and lower these damages. Doesn’t work on Lunkheads though (consider that their shells are another part of their bodies and doesn’t receive damage at all), consider taking target penetration instead.
  • Poison damages: Technically separated to your attacks, poison damages are amor penetrating and makes damage over time. Ennemies taking at least 1 damage receive poison damage.
  • Ricochet: Bullets will bounce on anything they touch another time.
  • Seek: Bullets will be locked on the nearest ennemy, tracking them.
  • +X Target Penetration: Bullets will go through X obstacles or ennemies they touch.
  • Scatter Eliminated: Bullets that are spreaded naturally will go perfectly in a straight line.
  • Area Damage: Bullets will explode on impact, doing damage in a short area.
  • Damage Fields: Bullets will explode on impact, creating a small area of damage over time.
  • Knockback: Victim goes back against his own will.
  • Stun: Victim won’t be able to do a single thing, even defend himself.
  • Cripple: Victim won’t be able to move as fast as he would like.
  • Root: Victim won’t be able to move, but will still be able to attack and rotate on himself.

/! Critical mods warning /!

Critical mods are be somewhat useless on some weapons… but especially on the Cael Hammer, because you gain more power by directly upgrading damages with some mod than by upgrading critical damages.
Here are 4 calculations from builds and testing with mobile and focus attacks for Cael Hammer:

Sledge Head, Alloy Shafts, Cael Engravings (full damage)
Mobile attack damage: 38
Mobile attack critical damages: 76
Focus attack maximum damage: 220
Focus attack critical damages: 440
Critical chances: only depending of spirits

Sledge Head, Alloy Shafts, Ura Engravings (damage oriented mix)
Mobile attack damage: 22
Mobile attack critical damages: 77
Focus attack maximum damage: 126
Focus attack critical damages: 441
Critical chances: 25% + spirits

Sledge Head, Craftman Shafts, Ura Engravings (critical oriented mix)
Mobile attack damage: 15
Mobile attack critical damages: 67
Focus attack maximum damage: 84
Focus attack critical damages: 378
Critical chances: 25% + spirits

Battle Head, Craftman Shafts, Ura Engravings (full critical)
Mobile attack damage: 10
Mobile attack critical damages: 45
Focus attack maximum damage: 56
Focus attack critical damages: 252
Critical chances: 35% + spirits

Results are obvious: it’s better to upgrades damages than critics on the Cael Hammer. On the other weapons, simply think if you prefer upgrade for some save DPS (like faster attack speed, reload, etc…) or give a chance to critical strikes. These choices can also affect the gameplay you need for each weapons.

Cael Hammer

The Kid’s old and thrusty friend. Your very first weapon you unlock that’s able to make a lot of damage with every swings when fully upgraded.
Come with two sets of attacks:
– mobile attacks : Normal attacks
– statics movements : Uppercut & Overhead strike
Since mobile attacks let you the ability to move when you swing your buddy in ennemy’s faces, attacking when you don’t move makes more damage & have a greater AOE.

Basic stats

Mobile attack: 10 damage, medium ROF
Uppercut: 15 damage, slow/medium ROF
Overhead strike: 20 damage, slow/medium ROF

1) [Sledge | Battle] Head

Effects: +50% Damage | +10% Critical hit

2) [Extended | Reverse] Grip

Effects: New Ability: Focus Attack | Uppercut attacks cause knockback

3) [Alloy | Craftman] Shafts

Effects: +50% Damage | +100% Critical Damage

4) [Chekered | Bell] Face

Effects: Attacks ignore armor | Overhead strike can stun

5) [Cael | Ura] Engravings

Effects: +75% Damge | +25% Critical Hit & +150% Critical Damage

Focus attack damage: 10 to 56 damage, charge attack

Note about stuns: Overhead strikes with Reverse grip are likely to stuns. I’ll say 66% chances of stun, without certainty.
Note about Focus Attack: Defend with your shield for charging (about 3 seconds for max impact), click for an extremely powerfull Overhead strike with an extended reach. There’s a little con: Kid’s will likely to rush on the target for this Overhead strike and you could miss because the ennemy could be too close of you. You should train yourself with this ability.
Note about Focus Attack & Stuns: Focus Attack aren’t Overhead strike. So stun effects doesn’t applies if you have Bell Face and Extended Grip mods at the same time.

Whirl Wind

“You spin my head right round, right round!”
Makes you spin with Cael Hammer for some seconds, making damage to any ennemy in your way.
Damage per spin: 15
Total number of spin: 6
Applies damage, critical damage & critical chance mods.

Stunning Wallop

“Aim directly for the head!”
An overhead strike with the Cael Hammer that stun all ennemies touched for several seconds.
Damage: 31
Applies damage, critical damage & critical chance mods.
Obtained on proving ground

Power Hammer

Sledge Head, Extended Grip, Alloy Shafts, Checkered Face, Cael Engravings
Maximum damage in one single hit!

Combat Hammer

Sledge Head, Reverse Grip, Alloy Shafts, Bell Face, Cael Engravings
If you’re able to master Uppercuts & Overhead Strikes, this is for you!

Fang Repeater

First shooting weapon, good at the start, but will be obsolete pretty fast and become only fancy. It works as a machine gun, but with fish bones instead.

Basic stats

Damage: 3 to 4
Range: Medium
Rate Of Fire: High
Reload Time: Short
Capacity: 8

1) [Double | Speed] Clip

Effects: +8 Ammo capacity | +55% Faster reload

2) [Heavy | Flurry] Bolts

Effects: +50% Damage | Improved firing rate, Wider attack spread

3) [Hollowed | Grooved] Chamber

Effects: +8 Ammo capacity | +55% Faster reload

4) [Reinforced | Multi-] Piston

Effects: +50% Damage | Improved firing rate, Wider attack spread

5) [Bounding | Tracking] Critters

Effects: Bolts ricochet on contact | Bolts seek out foes

Note about precision: Precision is a really necessary stats. Even if the fire rate bonus is really great, and even if the spread isn’t really wide, it can still be a pain in the ass if half of your bolts miss because of the spread.
Notes about reloading speed mods: No real advantage in having faster reload with this weapon. And with calculation, having a bigger clip is more reliable: if reloading speed mods are added between them, it gives a 110% faster reload, then a 220% load efficiency (ammo capacity/ reload speed), but having +16 ammo capacity gives a 300% load efficiency… (I hope you followed my track…). Multiplicatively, +55% reloading speed gives 155% of reloading speed, then +55 on those 155% gives 240,25% of reloading speed, so still not good enough.
Note about Tracking Critters: If you’re malicious enough, you can use tracking critters to hit behind your ennemies.

Bolt Burst

“Yeah, I can shot more bolts than my magasine can hold, and so what?”
Shot bolts all around you. And whatever the capacity of your repeater, you can really shoot more bolts than it can handle.
Damage per bolt: 6
Total bolts fired: 32
Can critically hit.
Applies damage, tracking & ricochet mods.

Snooze Dart

“Need for sleep? Just got the medicine for ya.”
In reality, it’s a stunning poisoned bolt, best used against strong single ennemies. (“Duck you man, it’s poison!” – “Yeah, whatever… you still get to sleep with this if given the time.”)
Damage over time total: 3 poison damage, 24 times (something like that)
Stun/Poison duration: really long
Applies tracking & ricochet mods.
Some ennemies can’t be stuned by it
Obtained on proving ground

Trigger Happy Repeater

Doudle Clip, Flurry Bolts, Hollowed Chamber, Multi-Piston, Tracking Critters
You wanna have fun? Unleash 24 bolts at a really high speed! And thanks to “Tracking Critters”, bolts can’t miss if you have a minimum distance between you and your ennemies.

Hard Repeater

Doudle Clip, Heavy Bolts, Hollowed Chamber, Reinforced Piston, Tracking Critters
Hit really hard, track your ennemies down.

Hard Repeater

Doudle Clip, Heavy Bolts, Hollowed Chamber, Reinforced Piston, Bounding Critters
Still hit hard, but it’s twice the fun if you are surrounded!

Bullhead shield

Well yeah, it’s a shield. But it’s also a weapon! And a necessary one: gives you the ability to block nearly everything! I said nearly… so not really everything, but I won’t spoil you what you can’t block. But I still haven’t said why it’s a weapon…

The Bullhead shield is a weapon because he can Counter Attack! and counter attacking is really usefull at some point of the game. (not when you are level 10 and got all weapons upgraded and all the gods on your back)

Well even the game himself says it’s a weapon… that’s why he appears here.

Damage on melee counter: 30
Damage on shots counter: completely depends of the ennemies shot, can do 4, 28, 30, 32 or 40 damages… really depends
Countered attacks can’t makes critical hits, even if you use spirits

Breaker’s Bow

After a machine-gun made out of bones, here’s a long distance weapon.
Shots are more powerfull, but the draw speed is low, so for maximum damage, try to line up a maximum of ennemies with every arrow as much as possible.

Basic stats

Damage: 4 to 28
Power-shot damage: up to 34
Draw time: long
Range: medium to very long (depends of the time drawing)
Reload time: instant
Penetration: 3 target

1) [Speed | Power] String

Effects: +25% Draw speed | +2 Target penetration per shot

2) [Stabweed | Scumbag] Arrowheads

Effects: +50% Damage | Arrows cause damage over time

3) [Supple | Reinforced] Bow Limbs

Effects: +25% Draw speed | +2 Target penetration per shot

4) [Cael | Ura] Fletching

Effects: +50% Damage | Arrows cause damage over time

5) [Dual | Hybrid]-Pulley System

Effects: Arrows cause knockback | Arrows can stun

Scumbag Arrowheads: 2 poison damage, 5 times (total: 10 damage per mod)
Ura Fletching: 4 poison damage, 5 times (total: 20 damage per mod)

Dancing Shot

“Wanna dance?”
A powerfull skill that make a shot bounce between ennemies. Can be charged.
Damage: up to 40
Hits: up to 10
Applies damage & poison mods.

Breaker Volley

“Let’s see how fast I can shot at you…”
Shot a succesion of arrows. Each arrow penetrates ennemies, maybe like normal attacks.
Total arrow fired: 5
Applies penetration, damage & poison mods.
Obtained on proving ground

Long Bow

Power String, Stabweed Arrowheads, Reinforced Bow Limbs, Cael Fletching, Hybrid-Pulley System
Nice for making high damages to a maximum number of ennemies, if only they where in a lane.

Short Bow

Speed String, Stabweed Arrowheads, Supple Bow Limbs, Cael Fletching, Dual-Pulley System
A better DPS than the Long Bow, but hit less enemies. Good when there’s only a few of them in a line. Slowing may also be a better choice against small group of enemies

Acid Bow

Power String, Scumbag Arrowheads, Reinforced Bow Limbs, Ura Fletching, Hybrid-Pulley System
Better against enemies who reduces damages to 1, but not as great as the Long Bow.

Hybrid Bow

Speed String, Scumbag Arrowheads, Reinforced Bow Limbs, Cael Fletching, Hybrid-Pulley System
Does it all, but not best in any cases he could be used.

War Machete

Your second melee weapon. A shorter reach and lower damages, but a high attack speed when tapping. Can be thrown to ennemies at short distance when you need to hit further.
Charging up is mostly for a higher reach distance, as for power-shots.

Basic stats

Melee: 5 damage, high speed attack
Thrown damage: 15 to 18
Thrown distance: Really close to long (depends of charging time)
Power-shot thrown damage: up to 23

1) [Keen | Serrated] Edge

Effects: +20% Critical hit chance | Attacks cripple foes, Attacks deal DOT

2) [Combat | Launch] Handle

Effects: +100% Critical hit damage | +1 Blade per throw

3) [Alloy | Scumbag] Tip

Effects: +20% Critical hit chance | Attacks cripple foes, Attacks deal DOT

4) [Reinforced | Split] Spine

Effects: +100% Critical hit damage | +1 Blade per throw

5) [Graver | Ura] Bolster

Effects: +50% Attack Speed | +50% Damage from Power-shot throws

Serrated Edge: 1 poison damage, 6 times (total damage: 6)
Scumbag Tip: 1 poison damage, 12 times (total damage: 12)
Scumbag Tip & Serrated Edge: both damages are applied separatly but works at the same time
Note on added blades per throw: Mods that adds blades per throws also make throws to be spread.

Graver Slash

“Who called a chief?”
You slash fast, but with this skill, you can cut a carrot into pieces in a flash!
Damage: 20
Attacks: 5
Speed attack: Faster than with Graver Bolster… insane
Applies poison mods.
Affected by critical damage & critical hits mods.

Ghost Blade

“Never believed in ghost stories? You don’t wanna see what I can do, then.”
Makes a ghost of yourself appear in front of you, going forward and making a continuous attack with the War Machete.
Damage: up to 56
Range: very long range
Doesn’t applies poison mods.
Affected by damage mods & critical hits upgrades.
Obtained on proving ground

Throwing Machete

Serrated Edge, Launch Handle, Scumbag Tip, Split Spine, Ura Bolster
Three blades for each throw, make them donate their blood.

Lightning Machete

Keen Edge, Combat Handle, Alloy Tip, Reinforced Spine, Graver Bolster
Unleash the fury! Slice every ennemy in dice if they come too close!

Werewolf Machete

Serrated Edge, Combat Handle, Scumbag Tip, Reinforced Spine, Graver Bolster
Best used with a Werewhiskey: you gain a lot in staying close of your enemies, since you’ll get critical hits & DOT at the same time. But if you have no critical chances with other spirits, you will lose half of the bonuses when you’re not low health.

Scrap Musket

Your ingame shotgun! Really good for taking down pack of little enemies or one big enemy at close range. It also increase the distance between you and them, having a knockback effect on every shot.
The Scrap Musket doesn’t make multiple shots: when you get it to level 5 and shoot, you see only one purple shoot line. So each shoot is a cone attack where damages depends of distance and not pellets.
Warning: Firing with your weapon makes you knockback too. If you are too close of a cliff, you will fall.


Damage: 3 to 25, depends of distance
Range: Medium
Capacity: 1
Reload time: Decent

1) [Rifled | Smoothbore] Barrel

Effects: +50% Range, -50% Spread | +35% Spread, -15% Range

2) [Heavy | Impact] Shells

Effects: +15% Damage | Shots cause greater knockback

3) [Tactical | Assault] Stock

Effects: Reduce penalty to long-range damage | +33% Faster Reload

4) [Reinforced | Expanded] Chamber

Effects: +15% Damage | Shots cause greater knockback

5) [Cael | Ura] Flintlock

Effects: Fire two shots at once | Shots cripple foes

Impact Shells & Expended Chamber: Doesn’t increase knockback applied on you.
Cael Flintlock: There’s only two real purpose in this mod. Firing two shot really fast let you the ability to make some rolls for escaping your ennemies during reload time because your reload time will take double the time, and you only take one knockback for those two shots.

Final warning

“I can make raining something else than water.”
Makes you shoot in the air, then making bullets fall everywhere, damaging your ennemies.
Damage: between 18 to 21 per pellet
Range: long radius
Can critically hit
Applies damage mods
Doesn’t applies cripple

Scrap Salvo

“Shot, and shot, and shot again, and shot another round, and…”
Getting tired of reloading after every shot? This skill is for you.
Number of attacks: 8
Attack speed: Fast
You can aim during the skill for redirecting shots
Obtained on proving ground

Concentred Musket

Rifled Barrel, Impact Shells, Assault Stock, Expanded Chamber, Ura Flintlock
The closer they are, the bigger they goes back. By having a more concentred shot, the knockback become greater.

Shrapnel Musket

Smoothbore Barrel, Heavy Shells, Assault Stock, Reinforced Chamber, Ura Flintlock
More damage spreaded in a large area. Really good for spreaded little ennemies.

Hole Maker Musket

Rifled Barrel, Heavy Shells, Tactical Stock, Reinforced Chamber, Ura Flintlock
Makes the biggest damages at close range, and moderate damage at long range. Really good against packed ennemies and close combat.

Dueling Pistols

You liked the very fast attacks of the War Machete? You can only love these two guns!
The faster you tap your button, the faster they shot. I can go to 6 bullets/sec myself on keyboard if I also use the aiming system… otherwise I only shoot 4 bullets/sec. You can also maintain the mouse button for a slow attack, but you’ll lose all the interest of this weapon.


Damage: 5
Attack speed: slow, or as fast as you can tap! (there’s still a limit… but you aren’t human if you reach it)
Range: long
Scattering angle: low (something like 10/15°)
Capacity: 12

1) [Expanded | Sealed] Cylinders

Effects: +4 Ammo capacity | Bullet scatter eliminated

2) [Speed-Loader | High-Caliber] Chambers

Effects: +25% Faster reload | +25% Damage

3) [Wild | Cauldron] Powder

Effects: Bullets ricochet on contact | +1 Target penetrations per shot

4) [Tranquilizer | Hunting] Barrels

Effects: Bullets cripple foes | +25% Damage

5) [Hollow-Jacket | Armor-Eater] Rounds

Effects: Bullets cause knockback | Bullets ignore armor

Duel Decider

“Do you want to see a magic trick? Start running then.”
Shot a powerfull bullet who seeks the nearest ennemy and hurt heavily.
Damage: 102 to 110
Range: Really long
The skill ignore armor and can critically hit
Applies damage, ricochet, target penetration & armor penetration mods

Slinger Storm

“Who said I was slow?”
Lazy to furiously tap your button? Use a Slinger Storm: shot bullets at maximum speed without having to go furious on any button.
Number of shots: 30
Obtained on proving ground

Death Bringers Pistols

Expended Cylinders, High-Caliber Chambers, Cauldron Powder, Hunting Barrels, Armor-Eater Rounds
My favorite! Let you shot harder through walls, and nobody can block your bullets (if you don’t fire through walls…)!

Party Leaders Pistols

Expended Cylinders, Speed-Loader Chambers, Wild Powder, Tranquilizer Barrels, Hollow-Jacket Rounds
A funny build that makes them keep their distances when you shoot at them, plus makes them slow. Goods against packs of ennemies, better against a single non-armored ennemy if you got a crazy index finger like mine!

Chirurgical Pistols

Sealed Cylinders, High-Caliber Chambers, Cauldron Powder, Tranquilizer Barrels, Hollow-Jacket Rounds
Less bullets, but more damage and precision. Slow & knockback bullets also make them stay in a distance, and better than the party leader for keeping single enemies at distance since there’s no spread, giving you full advantage of your range.

Brusher’s Pike

Last melee weapon you can customize in the game. A long spear for reaching ennemies when you try to keep your distances. Can be thrown like War Machete, but is really slower to reload, letting your remaining weapon for fighting when on reload.
I never liked this weapon anyway… maybe throwing is good, but would take anything else than that… :/


Melee damage: 30 damage
Melee Rate of Fire: low
Melee range: long (for a melee weapon)
Distance damage: 30 to 38, up to 50 by power-shot
Reload time: slow
Distance range: long

1) [Reinforced | Hollowed] Shaft

Effects: +15% Critical hit chance | +50% Faster throw reload

2) [Hunting | Battle] Grip

Effects: +50% Critical hit damage | Thrust attacks cause knockback

3) [Brusher | Ura] Bindings

Effects: +20% Faster thrust attacks | Throw attacks can stun

4) [Heavy | Light] Counterweight

Effects: +50% Damage | +50% Faster throw reload

5) [Barbed | Splitter] Spearhead

Effects: Attacks ignore armor | +1 Spear per throw

Note on Splitter Spearhead: Unlike the War Machete’s mods adding blades per throw, using this mod won’t spread spears and aiming is still perfect.

Pike Vault

“That won’t tickle.”
Jump, then fall on your ennemies. Use the skill button to jump, continue moving normaly to aim where you land, and you’ll fall down automatically after few seconds. Ennemies will lose focus on you’re in the air.
Damage: 55
Area Of Effect: very short
Can be casted while in the air.
Applies critical chance, critical damage, damage and armor penetration mods.

Brusher Sweep

“And if I were to use a broom, I could clean this room pretty fast!”
What would be a game with a spear in it without an quick spin attack?
Damage: 45
Number of spin: 1
Really strong knockback effect.
Really ineffective in reality: only use all possible attack direction instead of making a real rotation animation and area of effect. So you can’t touch a packed group of stinkeyes with this, for exemple (at least I was only able to kill 3 with 3 tonic…). I won’t give much more information and won’t investigate further for this skill.
Maybe armor penetrating by itself.
Applies critical chance, critical damage, damage and armor penetration mods.
Obtained on proving ground

Guard Spear

Hollowed Shaft, Battle Grip, Ura Bindings, Light Counterweight, Splitter Spearhead
Made for distance fighting: melee attacks for keeping your ennemies away, throwing attacks for stunning and damaging.

Contact Spear

Reinforced Shaft, Hunting Grip, Brusher Bindings, Heavy Counterweight, Barbed Spearhead
Completely to the opposite of the Guard Spear: maximum damage at each melee attacks, throw only when necessary, and critical hits got a little bonus.

Martial Spear

Hollowed Shaft, Battle Grip, Brusher Bindings, Heavy Counterweight, Barbed Spearhead
If you are mostly unlucky for critical hits, this build advantage throwing a little and still give you the same advantage than the Contact Spear, and even more with his knockback effect.

Army Carbine

My favorite weapon: able to shot at very long range or at very close range.
There’s two way for shooting: Hold then release the fire button for a precise shoot, or tap the fire button for a immediate shot, good when an enemy is too close.


Damage: 50
Power-shot aim damage: 62
Starting angle for aimed shots: 110° approximatively
Aiming time: medium/long
Range: very long
Reload time: short

1) [Power | Speed] Tuning

Effects: Bullets cause knockback | +30% Speed while aiming

2) [Cavalry | Marksman] Barrel

Effects: +35% Damage | +50% Aiming speed

3) [Reinforced | Insulated] Chamber

Effects: +10% Critical hit chance | +35% Faster reload

4) [Combat | Reflex] Scope

Effects: +35% Damage | +50% Aiming speed

5) [Boomer | Razor] Rounds

Effects: Bullets cause area damage | Bullets ignore armor

Note on Speed Tuning: You move as fast as you walk when you aim in the direction you go, and the bonus decrease up to the normal movement speed when aiming and moving backward.

Breaching Bullet

“Accidentaly, my cannon did BAM and then the guy did BOOM… since then I use burritos and peppers for my bullets now.”
Make an instant aiming shot (no need to hold button), then after 3 second, the target explode and damage every ennemy near him. (maybe the bullet give them gases? dunno…)
Damage for target: 101 armor penetrating
AOE damage: 101
AOE Range: Medium
Applies knockback, damage, critical chance and armor penetration mods.

Trigger Blitz

“Not for surgery”
A shot where aiming time is pretty fast, and make every enemy in the bullet trajectory bleed.
You have to hold down your special button for a precise shot. No power-shot.
Damage on hit: 1 (can criticaly hit…)
Damage over time: 1 poison damage (can’t criticaly hit…), 90 times (total damage: 90)
Slow target penetrating bullet
Applies knockback, critical chance and area of damage mods.
Boomer Rounds make the bullet explode at the first enemy hit, damaging and poisoning every enemy around.
Obtained on proving ground

Penetrator Carbine

Power Tuning, Cavalry Barrel, Reinforced Chamber, Combat Scope, Razor Rounds
Maximum damage with a chance to criticaly hit, and power-shoting is easy. Also hit any ennemy, even if they use armor. Only made for ennemies at great distance or ennemies you can fight in duel.

Explosive Carbine

Power Tuning, Cavalry Barrel, Reinforced Chamber, Combat Scope, Boomer Rounds
My favorite build for my favorite weapon! Like the Penetrator, but bullets explodes on impact so it can also kill pack of ennemies who are too close of you.

Great Dealer Carbine

Power Tuning, Cavalry Barrel, Insulated Chamber, Combat Scope, Boomer Rounds
If you completely distrust critical hits or you got a defensive spirits set, this is a variation of the Explosive Carbine.

Reflex Carbine

Speed Tuning, Maksman Barrel, Insulated Chamber, Reflex Scope, Razor Rounds
For fast shooting, can handle slow ennemies at middle range. Charging the aim is really fast but power-shotting is really hard.

Fire Bellow

Always wanted to be a dragon? Spite some fire on your ennemies with the Fire Bellow!
Usefull weapon for destroying big ammounts of little ennemies and flames penetrates armor, but not good for continuous fire… in common use.


Fire damage: 1 to 3 armor & target penetrating
Can’t critically hit
You can make a continuous fire by repeatedly tapping the mouse button. Or using an auto-fire, letting you the ability to fire a lot more when out of fire… but it’s like cheating.

1) [Sustainable | Volatile] Fuel

Effects: +20% Fuel generation | Flames Spread Wider

2) [Napalm | Thermite] Reservoir

Effects: Flames cause lasting burn | +1 Damage per flame

3) [Cooling | Modified] Intake

Effects: +20% Fuel generation | Flames cripple foes

4) [Contoured | Shielded] Grip

Effects: +25% Attack speed | Damage Resistance when firing

5) [Streamlined | Industrial] Furnace

Effects: Move faster while attacking | Large attack range increase, Cannot move and fire

Note on Volatile Fuel: You can also make wide attacks by yourself, this mod is only here for lazy people or to make a big spread attack more easily.
Note on Napalm Reservoir: 1 poison damage, 18 times (total damage: 19)
Note on Modified Intake: Biggest ennemy slow that I evaluated ingame.
Note on Streamlined Furnace: You move as fast as you walk when you fire in the direction you go, and the bonus decrease up to the normal movement speed when attacking and moving backward.
Note on Industrial Furnace: Nearly double range, if it’s not more.

Burning Carousel

“They said I could be anything… so I became a FIRE TORNADO!!!”
This skills makes you spin, burning everything near you while moving. The closer they are, the more cooked they become.
Damage: 3 per flame, approximatively
Flames per spin: 32
Number of spins: 9
Can’t critically hit
Applies lasting burn, damage, cripple & range mods.t

Ring of Fire

“It’s not for getting married.”
A quick spin that throw flames in every directions and with a longer range. Better range than the previous skill, but less damage in the end.
Damage: Between 9 and 11
Number of flames: 32
Range: Long
Can’t critically hit
Applies lasting burn, damage, cripple & range mods.
Industrial Furnace make the range of this skill nearly infinite (impossible to see where it ends… for the moment)
Obtained on proving ground

Firewall Bellow

Sustainable Fuel, Napalm Reservoir, Modified Intake, Contoured Grip, Industrial Furnace
Fire them up and slow them down at the same time. Make one roll or two and fire again.

Burner Bellow

Sustainable Fuel, Napalm Reservoir, Modified Intake, Shielded Grip, Industrial Furnace
Another version of the Firewall, but gives you protection instead.

Eternal Fire Bellow

Sustainable Fuel, Thermite Reservoir, Cooling Intake, Shielded Grip, Industrial Furnace
Tap on your button for an easy continuous fire.

Galleon Mortar

Your first real explosive weapon (excluding the Army Carbine), comes late in the game.
Powerfull, and able to go through any obstacle between you and your ennemies, you charge this weapon for aiming then release to shoot an explosive shell at a precise position.
Possible to power-shots, but only good for distant non-moving enemies.
Warning: you can charge’n’shot near you, but if you stay in the blast radius, you will lose health if you don’t have the Stonewall Propellant mod (last mod).


Damage: Between 90 and 100
Area of Damage: Medium
Power-shot damage: Between 112 and 120
Charge time: Really slow
Reload: Slow
Maximum range: Long

1) [Burstone | Rapid] Bombs

Effects: +25% Blast Radius | +25% Faster Reload

2) [Target | Blast] System

Effects: +50% Aiming Speed | +15% Critical hit chance

3) [Shrapnel | High-Explosive] Charges

Effects: +25% Blast Radius | +35% Damage

4) [Reactive | Dampened] Tubing

Effects: +100% Power Shot Damage | +15% Critical hit chance

5) [Inferno | Stonewall] Propellant

Effects: Bombs create damage fields | Immunity to bomb damage

Note about Reactive Tubing: = double damage for power-shoting. So if you master the power-shots of mortar, it’s like critical striking without being critical (think about it: x4 for a critical power-shot… it can be THE boss killer)
Note 2 about Reactive Tubing: It gives +100% damage to power-shots mininum and maximum damage. So, in reality, it can deal between 224 and 240, with impair numbers possible.
Note about Inferno Propellant: Damage field created, 10% of a fixed shell damage value rounded down, 10 times. Doesn’t damage you, not increased by blast radius mods. Multiple surfaces does all damages.

Turret Surprise

Charge, then fire a shot that will invocate a turret at the landing position.
Damage per bullet: 10
Bullet per shot: 3, spreaded
Rate of Fire: low
Life: Unknown
Applie field creation mod, dealing 1 damage per time.

Bomb Barrage

“Wanna see the fireworks?”
Shoot multiple shells in a single time. Great for some large bombing.
Number of shells: 5
Damage per shell: Between 100 and 110
Can power-shot
Applies all mods.
/! Can hurt you if you’re too close and not immune /!
Obtained on proving ground

Big Bro Mortar

Burstone Bombs, Blast System, High-Explosive Charges, Dampened Tubing, Stonewall Propellant
Maximum damage, and it won’t hurt you anymore.

Sky Killer Mortar

Rapid Bombs, Blast System, High-Explosive Charges, Reactive Tubing, Stonewall Propellant
Better DPS, but against smaller groups or distant enemies, you will try to power-shot as much as you can.

Cleaner Mortar

Burstone Bombs, Target System, Shrapnel Charges, Reactive Tubing, Stonewall Propellant
Made for cleaning crowds far from you. Power-shoting still pretty strong, more area than the Sky Killer, but less damage and no critical hit ability without spirits.

Calamity Canon

Last weapon you found: a rocket launcher! You start at the stone age with a hammer and a bone gun, and you end with rockets and mortar.
The Calamity Canon is a really powerfull weapon that shots comets (visually speaking). You must charge, then he will fire automatically the rocket.
In the Arsenal, it’s written “too unwieldy to lock onto target”, but you still can aim using your shield button.
Warning: if you shot enemies too close of you, you’ll lose huge ammount of health.


Damage:: 99
Area of Damage: small
Charge time: medium

1) [Supercharged | Stabilized] Emitter

Effects: Rockets cause knockback | Rockets will not launch automatically

2) [Turbo | Blast] Generator

Effects: +25% Charge-up speed | +20% Blast radius

3) [Speed | Power] Configuration

Effects: +35% Reload Speed | +10% Damage

4) [Efficient | Incendiary] Fuel Cell

Effects: +25% Charge-up speed | +20% Blast radius

5) [Tracking | Combustion] Processor

Effects: Rockets seek out foes | Rockets create damage fields

Note on Stabilized Emitter: You can’t roll when the shot is fully charged, cancel seems impossible, so you have to release the key and fire the comet anyway.
Note on Speed Configuration: I don’t really see any improvement with Speed Configuration… do you?

Mancer Missile

“Do you like explosions? So I put shells in shells in a shell, so when you shoot a shell, it explode then explode then explode.”
Fire a shell that explode in smaller shells, that divide in even smaller shells. (“yo dawg” reference, that’s why…). Think that it works more that a 3 time growing area of damage skill. The first shot make an hardened blast, the second blasts works as an bigger but weaker area of damage, and the last blasts an even bigger but even weaker area of damage.
Damage of alpha blast: 150
Number of second tier shells: 6
Damage of second tier blasts: 77 to 97
Number of last tier shells: 36 (seems every second tier shells divide in 6 little shells)
Damage of last tier blasts: 32 to 79 (odd…)
Can criticaly hit.
Applies seek & field creation mods only on first blast.
Also seems to applie blast radius mods only of first blast too…
Applies damage mod on all tier blast.

Calamity Rockets

“Gatling gun: Rocket edition!”
Fire a great ammount of comets in a short duration. Not as fast as the dueling pistol, but still make enough damage to destroy a country… if these comets wasn’t weaker.
Number of fire: 20
Damage per bullet: Between 25 and 35 damage
Area of damage: Small
Minimum knockback
Can criticaly hit.
Applies knockback, charge-up speed, damage & seek mods.
Obtained on proving ground

Blaster Canon

Supercharged Emitter, Turbo Generator, Speed Configuration, Efficient Fuel Cell, Tracking Processor
Shoot, and shoot, and shoot again!

Apocalypse Canon

Supercharged Emitter, Turbo Generator, Power Configuration, Efficieny Fuel Cell, Combustion Processor
Best DPS between Blaster Canon and Maximum Impact Canon, but doesn’t improve the blast radius.

Maximum Impact Canon

Supercharged Emitter, Blast Generator, Power Configuration, Incendiary Fuel Cell, Combustion Processor
Maximum radius, damage improved… but still a little slower.

Secret Skills

Those skills aren’t related to any weapon, so you can choose them with any weapon combination.

Squirt Lure
“Go, little dog! Make Daddy proud!”
Make a friendly little squirt appear, attacking any ennemy he sees. Good against other squirts.
Damage: 5 to 7
Life: at least 20, maybe like any little squirt
Affected by gods modificators
Not affected by Whale Ale’s spirit (+25% damage skill)

Mirror Shield
“Still not able to see myself well…”
Makes you spin with your shield on, countering any attacks made on you. You can move slowly when you spin.
Damage per counter: like Bullhead Shield
Affected by Bullhead Shield’s spirits
Not affected by Whale Ale’s spirit (+25% damage skill)

Trip mine
“Got some little surprises, kids.”
It’s a “steam-punk” looking mine that you apply at your feets in the direction you aim. The mine as no direction detecting: any ennemy who’s too close will trigger the mine, and it explode some seconds later.
Damage: 60 to 70
Can critically hit
Affected by Whale Ale’s spirit (+25% damage skill)

Hand Grenade
Aim in the direction you want, then use the skill. The grenade will always take the same range, even if you aim close or far from you.
Damage: 88
Range: medium
Can critically hit
Affected by Whale Ale’s spirit (+25% damage skill)

Sneaky Decoy
“You don’t see me.”
Enough to be alone? Use a decoy: looks (horribly) like you, and got focused like any other turret/pet friend.
Use this skill when ennemies focused you to redirect all the focus on the dummy and make you “invisible”. Then, you’ll have several second to land an attack, making an automatic critical hit.
Health: something between 30
Not affected by Whale Ale’s spirit (+25% damage skill)

Trapper Snare
“I dare you to move, motherducker, I double dare you!”
Well, you maybe thinks that the point of this skill is to place a trap, then make an ennemy go on it, then shot him like you never shot before… Wrong. This skill roots all ennemies around you for several seconds, letting you shot at them freely.
Warning: The ennemy can still rotate on himself.
Range: medium/long

Gel Canister
“Can we call this ‘mechanical love’?”
This comes from another world, for sure. You don’t know the real purpose of the white goo inside, but it seems a really strange turrets comes from it everytime you throw a canister… creepiest things is those turrets are able to speak! (I’m pretty sure you know the reference for this skill… if not, I let you search)
Aim in the direction you want, then use the skill. The canister will always take the same range, even if you aim close or far from you. The turrets will aim in the same direction you throw the canister, and will cover a certain angle.
Range of canister throw: close
Damage per shot: 3
Speed: very fast
Range: medium/long range
Angle covered: 120°, by observation
Health: 45
Not affected by gods modificators
Not affected by Whale Ale’s spirit (+25% damage skill)

My combos

Well, after all those informations on all these weapons, maybe you wanna know some of my combos I like? So here they comes, for fun or for dreams, with builds chosen for every weapon (written in each weapon section).
I’m not into skills: I made the 10 god Stranger’s dream with a bad skill… only used twice, and didn’t show any real effects. So choose your skills yourself, it’s up to you to decide what can help you in an harsh time (because you won’t have any bonus black tonic than the 3 or 5 at the start if you go against all gods… or only against Roathus).

Open Combos (from funny to deadly…)

Alpha & Omega
Combat Hammer | Cleaner Mortar
The old one for building, the new one for destroying
The first and the last weapon of your arsenal in your hands… touching meeting.

More Than Heavy
Sky Killer Mortar | Apocalypse Canon
He said it was overkill… and he isn’t wrong at all.
Really… you just want to kill them, don’t you?

Kid’s Dream Combos

Cael School
Power Hammer | Short Bow
Those who where sent to the Wall learned to destroy and reconstruct it… but some people maybe want it destroyed? Fight them, the old Caelian way!
Won with 10 gods, but really tricky

Zia’s Dream Combos

Wild Tamers
Martial Spear | Burner Bellow
The Wilds starting to bug you? Take some fire and a spear, and make them understand that their armor is useless.
Won with 10 gods, died twice… but no health potion where used

Zulf’s Dream Combos

Soldier of the Wall
Reflex Carbine | Big Bro Mortar
Let’s clean all these Ura! A carbine if they want to protect themselves! A mortar if they want to stay together! None shall pass today, and any day after that!
Won with 10 gods… not as good as I wished to be, but this carbine was really usefull on one particular reflection ^^

Ura School
Death Bringers Pistols | Werewolf Machete
Learned how to fight like a Ura? Use these weapons to fight back against them.

Stranger’s Dream Combos

Triple Canon Style
Explosive Carbine | Death Bringers Pistols
Two canon for the fast, one for the furious. Perforate them or blow them up. Your choice.
My 10 god achievement unlocker… but maybe not the best

All good things have an end

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading all this as much as I enjoyed making this guide. (if I didn’t enjoyed at all, it would already be deleted…)

Thank you all the unique visitors for reading this guide. Transistor, Supergiant’s next game, will be (or is already) out, and if I can take the datas as easily as I taken those from Bastion and the game got a gameplay somewhat similar, I’m pretty sure I’ll do a guide like this one. So, for finishing nicely…

I’ll see you in the next one.
