This is a guide to give you The Last of Us feeling into New Vegas, considering the fact no one has bothered to make a mod feat TLoU on to Fallout
Age doesnt matter in fallout, but with this it DOES, the screenshot explains
Hair style
considering the fact that finding Joels exact hair style is well, difficult, this is the closest to get to, High-Riser hair style fits it
Facial Hair
Well obviously we all know you cant get he exact looks but the closest is Survivalist
Hair colour
well, Steel colour could do it if you want to play Fallout ASAP but finding the precise colour can make it more real (bit of black and grey)
Theres noooo way you can get Joels exact overalls but you can get a backpack close to his. as previewed on this picture, this is the closest to ever getting a good Joel Equiptment: Hunting Shotgun, Leather backpack (found by killing a merchant, i dont actually know if you need a DLC for it), Armored duster and 9mm pistol(GRA) <- because 9mm sucks and if you want it even better download Realistic gun damage from www.nexusmods.com