Slime Rancher Guide

The Lovable Blobs for Slime Rancher

The Lovable Blobs


Find out more about our favourite blobbies! What they like, need and even where to find them!


This guide is designed for people to build an understanding about each slime!

Hopefully this guide will help you on your ranching adventure!

This guide is outdated and is not planned to be updated as I no longer play the game, sorry and thank you all for the support on this guide!

Pink Slime

Name: Pink Slime
Type: Docile
Diet: Everything
Favourite Food: N/A
Favourite Toy: Beach Ball

Risks to Rancher: None (Other than killing you with cuteness)

Can be found in: The Dry Reef , The Moss Blanket , The Indigo Quarry , The Ancient Ruins and The Glass Desert

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Pink Slimes are the most common slime found on the Far, Far Range. They’re cheerful, docile, and the easiest of all slimes to ranch. A pink slime will eat anything you put in front of it, though they have no favorite food, and their plorts are the least valuable of all slimes.

  • Pink slimes can eat anything and everything, unlike other slimes, so by creating largos with pink slimes you are able to produce plorts by feeding them anything! Good for any slimes that have a food type that is hard to come by.
  • If trying to produce mass pink plorts it is best to create largos to avoid mission impossible slimes! (More info in the point below)
  • If keeping a large number of pink slimes in a corral be sure to have the high walls and/or an air net upgrades, this is due to their tendancy to form high totems and escape. The jukebox upgrade may also help, but isn’t quite as effective!
  • Pink Plorts are used in almost all Slime Science gadgets, making them a valuable resource once The Lab is unlocked, be sure to gather some or get a corral ready!

Phosphor Slime

Name: Phosphor Slime

Type: Docile
Diet: Fruit
Favourite Food: Cuberry
Favourite Toy: Night Light

Risks to Rancher: Phosphor Slimes only come out at night, so if exposed to sunlight they will dissapear along with their plorts, meaning a rancher could lose their entire corral if not careful.

Can be found in: (Only at night time) The Dry Reef , The Moss Blanket , The Indigo Quarry , The Ancient Ruins and The Glass Desert

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Phosphor slimes come out at night, flying about the moonlit range upon their translucent wings. Phosphor slimes have a luminescent slime core that pulses with a soft glow, making them easy to spot. It’s for this reason ranchers sometimes refer to them as ‘low stars’.

  • Due to their need to be in the dark be sure to get the Solar Shield upgrade on the corral they are kept in, or simply keep them in The Grotto- where there is no sunlight!
  • Phosphor Slimes will attempt to put those little wings to good use and fly up and out of their corral, to avoid this purchase the Air Net and High walls corral upgrades along with a music box to reduce their agitation!

Tabby Slime

Name: Tabby Slime

Type: Docile
Diet: Meat
Favourite Food: Stony Hen
Favourite Toy: Yarn Ball

Risks to Rancher: They do not hurt the rancher in any way, however they will take items of food that they don’t and run off with them. Keep an eye on your belongings!

Can be found in: The Dry Reef , The Moss Blanket , The Ancient Ruins and The Glass Desert

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Tabby slimes share many curious similarities to domesticated house cats of Earth. With their perky ears, striped backs, and swaying tails, you’d almost mistake them for a true feline… If they weren’t made entirely of gooey slime, of course.

  • Hen-hens take longer to reproduce than it is to grow Fruit and Veg, as it is their food source it is best to create a largo with something that eats veggies or fruits, allowing faster plort creation!
  • Make sure Hen-hens are tucked away and your Tabby Slimes corrald or they will not last long in the paws of the stripey devils!
  • Letting a Tabby Slime bump into you unlocks the Boop! achievement.
  • Tabby Slimes can jump high, be sure to get the high wall and air net upgrades to keep them securely stored.

Honey Slime

Name: Honey Slime

Type: Docile
Diet: Fruit
Favourite Food: Mint Mango
Favourite Toy: Buzzy Bee

Risks to Rancher: Honey plorts taste so good that they attract slimes from all around, they can only be a risk to their rancher by attracting attention as well as creating a higher risk of largos/tarrs.
Can be found in: The Moss Blanket

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Honey slimes are an odd breed of slime composed of a hyper-sweet slime compound. Most slime scientists believe this to be the result of their slime cells replicating the natural sugars found in the fruits and floral nectars of the Far, Far Range. Most ranchers agree their plorts taste great on cereal.

  • As slimes are attracted to Honey Plorts from further distances than normal Plorts it is recommended that Honey Slime corrals have the High Wall and Air Net upgrades to reduce the risk of any slimes escaping the corral or any getting in!
  • Honey Slimes seem to get hungry less often than other Slimes, so no need to constantly worry about feeding them!

Puddle Slime

Name: Puddle Slime

Type: Docile
Diet: Water
Favourite Food: Water
Favourite Toy: Rubber Ducky
Risks to Rancher: They are no risk to their rancher, however puddle plorts evaporate if out of water for too long!

Can be found in: (Only in pools of water) The Dry Reef , The Moss Blanket , The Indigo Quarry , The Ancient Ruins and The Glass Desert

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Puddle slimes are a rare species of slime that live in fresh water pools found on the range. These slimes don’t eat fruits, veggies, or meat like most other slimes. Instead, puddle slimes absorb water into their bodies while they sit on the surface of a pool.

Puddle slimes need fresh water to survive and will quickly evaporate if left on any other surface for too long.

  • Puddle Slimes are extremely shy! Awh! This means they can only plort if they are in a pond with 3 puddle slimes or less. A Rubber Ducky toy will reduce how shy they are, and may allow them to plort with more slimes around.
  • Puddle Slimes do not require a lot of care, living entirely off of their base pond corral they are a cheap low effort source of income!
  • Ponds cannot be upgraded, meaning you will have to manually collect plorts; it is suggested to not crowd the pond too much to make this process more difficult.
  • The Docks is a great place to keep Puddle Slimes as it has a water feature which is an unlimited water source that can house Puddle Slimes, it also comes with a Rubber Ducky- making it essentially a free Pond! Yey for free things!

Hunter Slime

Name: Hunter Slime

Type: Docile
Favourite Food: Roostro
Favourite Toy: Stuffed Chicken

Risks to Rancher: A newly created hunter largo will always be feral! A rancher should be prepared with a few chickens on hand to calm them down. They are also known to have a keen senses when finding food, so finding a good location for a corral can be challenging.

Can be found in: The Moss Blanket and The Glass Desert

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

The Hunter Slime is the wild cousin of the Tabby Slime. A much more capable creature than the playful tabbies, the hunter slime excels at stalking the chickens of the Far, Far Range.

A hunter slime’s slimological makeup allows for a natural cloaking ability that renders it almost completely invisible. Their only tell is in their giant, almond eyes, which can often be seen hovering in the dark. This effect is often described by unsuspecting ranchers as “aaaahhhhHHHH!”

  • Hunter Slimes detect their meals at a distance, as a result you should invest in High Walls or Air Net upgrade on their corrals, or position their home far from chicken sources.
  • Because of their masking abilities, you can barely see them sometimes, especially at night. To find these ninjas try looking for their faces!
  • Hungry hunter largos will become feral, be sure to have food on hand or a taming bell!
  • Hunter Slimes make a distinctive sound (a whoosh) when they turn invisible. Listening for that sound could help you find one!

Quantum Slime

Name: Quantum Slime

Type: Docile
Diet: Fruit
Favourite Food: Phase Lemon
Favourite Toy: Puzzle Cube

Risks to Rancher: Quantum Slimes become primed taking over the reality of a ghost, ranchers need to act fast, feeding them or splashing them with fresh water as a temporary measure.

Can be found in: The Ancient Ruins and The Glass Desert

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Quantum Slimes appear to have resulted from some sort of event that took place in the Ancient Ruins long ago. At all times, the quantum slime is capable of emitting other possible realities of their being. Called ‘ghosts’, these other realities can come true, with the quantum slime aligning with the reality of the ghost, effectively teleporting.

  • When hungry Quantum Slimes will become agitated and begin to teleport, to prevent this occurance you need to feed them or splash them with water.
  • Do not fret if you see clones/ghosts exiting the corral, they do this all the time, but they will not use them to teleport unless agitated, they will just dissapear. (If you have a quantum and rad largo, the radioactive aura will not effect you on the ghosts).
  • It is best and easier to ranch them away from other slimes.
  • The ghosts will continue to travel in a linear path the same direction the slime was moving when it changed, if the slime was jumping the ghost would go upwards! Look to the sky!

Tangle Slime

Name: Tangle Slime

Type: Docile
Favourite Food: Painted Hen
Favourite Toy: Sol Mate

Risks to Rancher: The tangle slime can be a handful on the ranch if they’re not well-fed at all times. They are capabale of using their vines underground to snatch food from outside their corrals and the flowers on their head can produce a noxious pollen cloud that causes other slimes to go into “sneezing fits”. When slimes sneeze from the pollen their agitation rapidly increases, causing more boom slime explosions, crystal slime spikes, and all around jumpiness.

Can be found in: The Glass Desert

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Though the tangle slime may look innocent with its wide smile and colorful flower atop its head, it’s actually a fearsome predator with a big appetite for tasty meat. The tangle slime earned its name from the twisting vines that it can produce to grab things in the environment.

It’s unknown what caused the tangle slime to become such a fearsome predator in the barren wastes of the Glass Desert. However, if the land once resembled the lush greenery of the oases within, perhaps the tangle slime evolved in a much different environment than what you see today

  • The Overgrowth is the best place to corral Tangle Slimes as they can reach out of their corral to eat, they are far from spawning Hen-hens.
  • Their primary diet is Meat, turning them into a Largo that has a favourite Fruit or Veg is recommended so they can munch all day!
  • It is also really important to keep tangle slimes away from other slimes! They can cause unwanted Largo’s and even Tarr due to their vines grabbing other plorts!
  • They seemingly can move each other out of their corral using their vines if they’re crowded together and hungry, and can also move other slimes outside of their corrals into theirs rarely. Keep an eye on them!

Dervish Slime

Name: Dervish Slime

Type: Docile
Diet: Fruit
Favourite Food: Prickle Pear
Favourite Toy: Gyro Top

Risks to Rancher: Dervish slimes can cause total chaos on a ranch if not cared for properly. In addition to frequently riding atop whirlwinds at high speed and collecting objects along the way, a highly agitated dervish slime can produce giant cyclones of air that vacuum up and toss about anything they touch.

Can be found in:The Glass Desert

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

A dervish slime is a swirling, whirling bundle of energy in slimy form. Dervish slimes are commonly found in the Glass Desert, cruising across its dusty dunes at high speed atop little whirlwinds.

One thing is for certain: wherever the dervish slime needs to go, it gets there in a hurry.

  • Be careful around Dervish slimes due to the fact that when agitated they can create large cyclones independant of the Slime, which reduces visibility and can sweep up Food, Slimes, and Plorts.

Rock Slime

Name: Rock Slime

Type: Harmful
Diet: Veggies
Favourite Food: Heart Beet
Favourite Toy: Big Rock

Risks to Rancher:Thanks to the spikes on their heads rock slimes are ‘sharp’, meaning when a rancher steps on them or touches them they will get hurt. Be mindful that rock slimes also enjoy tumbling around, so when you see a rock slime revving up for a tumble, it’s best to get out of the way.

Can be found in: The Dry Reef , The Indigo Quarry , The Ancient Ruins and The Glass Desert

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Rock slimes earned their name from the rocky crown of sharp spikes atop their slimy bodies. But their affection for minerals doesn’t end with their appearance: rock slimes are strict vegetarians, favoring the satisfying crunch of the heart beet most of all.

  • Due to the fact these slimes can do damage upon touching them it is best to have a plort collector upgrade on their corrals!
  • Rock slimes can’t easily jump out of corrals, meaning you can rely on not having the high walls upgrade as long as you do not keep many rock slimes in one corral.
  • It is not recommended that rock slimes are turned into largos, as they would take up more space than usual if done so.

Boom Slime

Name: Boom Slime

Type: Harmful
Diet: Meat
Favourite Food: Briar Hen
Favourite Toy: Bomb Ball

Risks to Rancher: Boom slimes (like the name suggests) are constantly building toward an inevitable explosion! This can make them quite hazardous to ranchers.

Can be found in: , The Moss Blanket , The Indigo Quarry , The Glass Desert

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Boom Slimes are often heard before they’re seen. The slime cells of a boom slime are constantly vibrating, causing their slime to increasingly crackle with energy before ultimately exploding. However, the boom slime always comes out unscathed, though always a little dazed.

  • Boom Slimes do explode and deal damage, avoid being close to one or close to the corral when they are about to blow!
  • As it is dangerous to enter the corral, it is suggested to have a plort collector to avoid harm.
  • To reduce their explosion rate it is a good idea to purchase a music box upgrade on their corral.

Rad Slime

Name: Rad Slime

Type: Harmful
Diet: Veggies
Favourite Food: Oca Oca
Favourite Toy: Power Cell

Risks to Rancher:A rad slime’s radioactive aura can induce rad poisoning to a rancher if they are too close to the slime (within the aura) for too long.

Can be found in: The Indigo Quarry

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

It’s unknown if rad slimes, sometimes called ‘raddies,’ came to be from external radiation sources or from something naturally occurring within the Far, Far Range. Regardless, rad slimes emit such a potent aura of radiation they glow in the dark!

  • Stay out of the radioactive auro as much as possible! It is best to not hang around them to avoid taking damage.
  • To further protective yourself from radioactivity it is advised to purchase the port collector upgrade on the corral you are containing your slimes!

Crystal Slime

Name: Crystal Slime
Type: Harmful
Diet: Veggies
Favourite Food: Odd Onion
Favourite Toy: Crystal Ball

Risks to Rancher:The sharp crystals upon the crystal slime’s crown will deal damage if touched, a smart rancher would keep their distance. The crystal slimes also constantly creates large patches of dangerous crystals in the environment around them, which are just as deadly!

Can be found in: The Indigo Quarry (Only in Cinder Grove and on Ash Isle)

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Believed to be a cousin of the rock slime, the crystal slime is covered in a crown of shimmering, crystal spikes. These spikes seem to form from the crystal slime generating a tremendous amount of internal heat and warping the minerals around them; a truly alien behaviour.

  • It is highly advised to have a water tank upgrade to clear out their crystal formations.
  • Plort Collector is necessary if you want to keep them in a corral, or else you’ll take a massive amount of damage! Spikes hurt…
  • Keep your distance, do not touch them, no matter how pretty they may look!

Mosaic Slime

Name: Mosaic Slime

Type: Harmful
Diet: Veggies
Favourite Food: Silver Parsnip
Favourite Toy: Disco Ball

Risks to Rancher:Their glass tiles create a shimmering effect in daylight that attracts other slimes to them. Depending on the attracted slimes, it could create risk for Tarr to be produced.

Can be found in: The Glass Desert (Quite rare until certain Oases are restored)

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

The mosaic slime gets its name from the glittering array of glass tiles that cover its body. This glass produces a similar anomaly found in the desert itself, making the mosaic slime beautiful, but quite dangerous.

  • Glints can be destroyed and the ability to produce more temporarily nullified by splashing the Mosaic slime with Water or Ancient Water.
  • Keep away from other slimes to avoid Tarr production, as slimes are highly attracted to mosaic slimes!

Fire Slime

Name: Fire Slime

Type: Harmful
Diet: Ash
Favourite Food: Ash
Favourite Toy: Charcoal Brick

Risks to Rancher:A fire slime’s naturally burning state makes them bad companions for other slimes as their fiery touch will send a slime flying.

Can be found in:The Glass Desert

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Fire slimes are a rare breed of slime that lives on ash. Fire slimes will eat just about any food, but not without it being burned into ash first. The only way to feed a fire slime is to use an incinerator with an ash trough upgrade. Fire slimes need ash to survive and will quickly snuff out if left on any other surface for too long. When keeping fire slimes in an ash trough, simply burn any food item to produce some ash and fill the trough.

  • Fire Slimes do not have a hard limit of how many can be in the same Ash Trough. So you can keep as many fire slimes in them as you want, but remember to feed them by burning food to refill their ash!
  • While water will extinguish the fire from the fire slimes, it will also extinguish the fire plorts, causing them to burst instantly. Therefore it is recommended to simply take the risk of getting burned when vaccing up Fire Plorts to avoid losing them entirely!
  • Giving Fire Slimes a Charcoal Brick will often cause them to jump out of their trough trying to get near it.

Gold Slime

Name: Gold Slime

Type: Special
Diet: Gilded Ginger
Favourite Food: Gilded Ginger

Favourite Toy: N/A

Risks to Rancher: Gold Slimes produce no direct risks to a rancher but their appearance often induces panic (and lots of it) and leads to big mistakes! These can sometimes be fatal.

Can be found in: The Dry Reef , The Moss Blanket , The Indigo Quarry , The Ancient Ruins and The Glass Desert (Extremely Rare!)

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

The most exclusive and sought after of all slime species is easily the Gold Slime. Very little is known about these slippery creatures as they have proven impossible to capture. Gold Slimes are quick as a flash and will immediately begin to flee ranchers on sight. If a rancher is to profit from an encounter with a Gold Slime, they need to think quick.

  • Gold Slimes cannot be captured, but can be corralled and even ranched if one is very careful and watches out for them closely!
  • If a Gold Slime is hit in the face, it will despawn instantly, you need to sneak up on it! Shooting them with any extra inventory items besides Water or Slime Science Resources is a good source of income. But you’ve got to be quick, since they’ll run away if they see you!
  • You can get the Achievement: Hat Trick by getting three plorts from the same golden slime.
  • Gold Slimes respond to Slime Toys, and Fashion Pods work on Gold Slimes!
  • Gilded Gingers can be used to get extra plorts from it, or to get a Gold Gordo on your ranch.
  • Gold Plorts cannot be used to create Largos. No big goldy blob today my friend.

Lucky Slime

Name: Lucky Slime

Type: Special

Plort: N/A

Diet: Meat

Favourite Food: N/A

Favourite Toy: N/A

Risks to Rancher: Lucky slimes pose the same risk to ranchers as other rare slimes. Mostly, accidents in pursuit which can lead to fatal mistakes. The promise of a small fortune when encountering a lucky slime has led to more than a few ranchers head-first into the slime sea. Splash splash!

Can be found in: The Dry Reef , The Moss Blanket , The Indigo Quarry , The Ancient Ruins and The Glass Desert (Extremely Rare!)

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Lucky slimes are a strange variant of tabby slimes that seem to have a fascination with shiny objects, particularly newbuck coins. A lucky slime gobbles up any coin it can find, giving it a distinct jingling sound as it moves about. However, coins don’t make for a balanced diet and a lucky slime will still greedily devour meat of any kind. in doing so, its body bursts with a shower of newbucks, leaving little room left in its slimy tummy. This burst often sends the lucky slime flying into the air. Upon detecting a rancher, the lucky slime will soon make a hasty retreat. No known rancher has been skilled enough, or perhaps lucky enough, to capture one of these slippery slimes.

  • Lucky Slimes cannot be be sucked up into the Vacpack.
  • Shooting any kind of Meat at it will make it shoot into the sky, dropping around 150 Newbucks! Monies! And if you are lucky enough, the lucky slime may land near you and you can feed it again, and again, and again.

The Tarr

Name: The Tarr

Type: Hostile

Plort: Clone of itself.

Diet: Slimes , Meat and Ranchers.

Favourite Food: Ranchers

Favourite Toy: N/A

Risks to Rancher: The Tarr are the biggest threat to ranchers, going as far as to devour them along with seeking out other slimes to consume and replicate themselves.

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

The Tarr are formed when a Largo eats a Plort unlike the ones it produces (ex. a Pink Tabby Largo eats a Honey Plort). A terrible transformation occurs that turns the slime into a sludge filled with a swirling, prismatic array of colors and a relentless appetite. The Tarr seek only to consume and replicate. Because of this it can spread rapidly throughout the ranch.
The only way to stop a Tarr (outside of incinerating it or throwing it into The Slime Sea) is with fresh water. One splash will stop a Tarr from spawning new Tarr, and repeated splashes will destroy it entirely. However, one splash of fresh water does not kill the Tarr and it will continue to expand.
Alternatively, many ranchers recommend running away with their arms waving, screaming.

  • You can purify a Tarr with water, it is recommended to get the Water Tank upgrade for the Vacpack and keep it filled with water at all times!
  • If unable to get the upgrade a rancher can vaccum the Tarr and shoot it into water, an incierator or as far away from themselves as possible!
  • The Pulse Wave Upgrade can also be another way of avoiding Tarr since it can keep them away if they get too close.
  • If you manage to hold onto a Tarr for 15 seconds, you unlock the Achievement: Once Bitten, Twice…Bitten.
  • The Tarr do not eat Gold Slimes or Gordo Slimes, but they do eat Lucky Slimes.
  • Tarr are marginally less threatening than Feral Slimes, since they target other Slimes as well as the player and can be dispatched with water! If there are too many Feral Slimes in a Danger Zone, it may be worth converting one to a Tarr, have a Tarr outbreak, then shooting the Tarr with water to dispose of them yourself!

Feral Slimes

Name: Feral Slimes
Type: Hostile

Plort: N/A

Diet: N/A

Favourite Food: N/A

Favourite Toy: N/A

Can be found in: Certain places on the Range
When a Hunter Largo gets created, or agitated.

Spawn Locations:

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Pink Rocks – In the canyon that leads to the Sandy Area and in a path behind a Slime door that leads to the area with the Mosaic Slime statue puzzle in the Glass Desert. (Replaces the Boom Rock Largos during the day)
Pink Phosphors – On the island near the first Tabby Gordo (only at night) and in the cave that leads to the Indigo Quarry.
Pink Booms – In a cave on the way to another section of the Moss Blanket with flowers.
Pink Rads – In the area with cliffs after the broken bridge in the Indigo Quarry at day.
Boom Rads – In the area with cliffs after the broken bridge in the Indigo Quarry at night.
Boom Rocks – In a path behind a Slime door that leads to the area with the Mosaic Slime statue puzzle in the Glass Desert. (Replaces the Pink Rock Largos at night)
Rock Tabbies – In the area accessed with going through little islands near the Grotto’s teleporter that has a blue Treasure Pod.
Honey Hunters and Boom Hunters – In a whole section dedicated to them in the Moss Blanket.
Hunter Largos – Possibly everywhere, when a hunter slime eats other slime’s plort, or when other slimes eat a hunter slime’s plort.

Risks to Rancher:Feral slimes can pose a serious risk to ranchers if they’re not dealt with quickly and carefully, or avoided altogether. Feral slimes will attempt to bite ranchers at close range or jump in the air and try to stomp them with their… butts? Ok… They also will attempt to chase briefly. A rancher needs to act fast and feed the feral slime something tasty to avoid trouble.

Originally posted by Slimepedia:

Feral slimes are largos with a mean streak that will attack a rancher on sight. It’s not known what exactly causes a largo to become so grumpy that it goes feral, but it’s suspected that they’ve simply gone too long without a bite to eat. Like so many things with slimes, food is everything.
If a feral slime eats, it will revert to a normal largo.

  • You can easily recognise them by their angry faces, red eyes and flashing indicators.
  • When encountering them, it’s good to have a food item with you, so you can calm them down.
  • A Rock Feral can also intentionally spike you, so be wary!
  • The best option is to just sprint out of the area, towards your destination. Ferals are fast, but any rancher can outrun them as long as you save your energy for the emergencies!
  • Most naturally spawning Feral Slimes are pink and another slime mixed together, so you can feed them anything to calm them down.
  • Hunter Ferals can be created possibly everywhere as they are a result of making a Hunter Largo, so watch out for that!
  • As a last resort, you may feed a feral slime a Plort it doesn’t produce to create a Tarr and evade them while they’re busy running from it.

That’s all for now folks!

Hope you enjoyed learning a little more about our favourite blobbies, once again any feedback is appreciated as this is my very first guide!

Sorry if I missed anything.

That’s all! Byebye!