Basicly the cheat codes for this game. Enjoy, like, comment.
The cheats I know, tell if I missed one.
You must press ctrl+shift+enter
You MUST Type the way I do, Start with Caps, End with !
Helpmepresidentwashingsky! – Game cant be paused, I recommend one day = 2min.
Whereismyslushfund! – Improves your budget slightly
Ihopetheywillnotputschme! – Gives 100 5 star units to you.
Longlivetotherightofinterference! – Switches To The Selected Nation.
Welovetheworld! – Makes other nations like you.
Trustmeyeswecan! – Unions/Political Groups/Etc of your country will become green.
Mypeoplelikeme! – Plus ten percent happyness
Itoldyou2012wastheend! – Little Cutscene then the game ends.
Nelsonmandelapower! – Makes all non-rivals into allies.
How to get A Lot Of Money for free?
1) If you play with a poor nation like “Egypt” 😀 select a country like ” USA , China , Japan , Russia , England , Canada ” or any you want but these are the best to aid you.
2) Press [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[ENTER]
2) Type “Longlivetotherightofinterference!” the selected country will be all yours.
3) Select your Country “Egypt” then Right Click on It and from “Diplomacy >> Give Aids ” write the Donation you want but note that you can’t send more than “25% of GDP”.
4) Select your Country and repeat the Steps “2 & 3” That’s All.
5) Enjoy.
To get Nuke codes you invite the chief of army with the weird voice to a meeting, give him Wine or whatever, ask for chemical weapons first, then nuke warfare, then get the code, write it down, select target, type the code, launch 2-3 because they get intercepted y AA and AAA. Enjoy!
On some countries, specifically Japan and The U.S., go to farming, subsidize it by 5-15m (all sectors), then hit lift embargo on all countries. Don’t lift it, enact it. On Everyone. A month later, lift the embargo on everyone. Should give you crazy-high employment, low inflation, a high gdp, etc.