Whats my mission?
Your mission is to seek and find detached eyes, always put on a small pylone in the middle of a small room somewhere in the dungeon. Your progress is to put them on the pylones around the altar and unlock the next dungeon.see these small pylones in the background? these are the eyecatchers.
The Monsters
There are 6 Monsters in total, some are predictable and have a certain behaviour, other’s behaiviour can vary quite alot. I will go into detail for each monster in the following sections. Since I couldn’t find any usefull information about names and stuff i will name them the way i want.
The Hobo-Granny
This sweet girl is the very first you will encounter. She gets pulled by staring at her, ever played minecraft? Ever met an enderman? So you know how to bypass this ♥♥♥♥♥.
Attention: She can actually be very aggressive! When I played through this game I realized that sometimes shes quite chilled, you can walk past her, even tho you just looked at her for a moment, you can still look at her feet and keep track where she is. But in later levels she became very annoying, raging instantly as I step into the room wich let me to assume that there are actually 2 different Hobo-Grannys.
This dude appears and disappears at will, he usally forms in corners of rooms and stares at you, they actually have the most complex behaiviour patterns of all monsters. In lower levels they are used to appear, stare at you and disappear. The only way to die at this point is you walking into the shadow. So don’t do that.
In later levels they tend to stay alot longer, sometimes try to jumpscare you aswell, getting too close to them might kill you aswell so it’s best to have 1 meter personal space at this point. The dangerous behaiviour is adressed by repeadetly loud screamy noises. I recommend leaving the room after you heard the noise for the 2nd time! Each time the noise is heard he takes a few very quick steps towards you until he touches and kills you.
- possible Behaiviour
- Stare and melt (disappear)
- Stare and cause darkness/ wind (often in passages)
- Stare and melt, jumpscare (noise) before disappear
- Stare and melt, jumpscare+aggressive (see text above)
Barky Woofer
All you need to know about this little cuty here is that he’s fast, he has good eyes and he is fat.
He spawns in wide corridors where he can roam a little bit. If you happen to run into this doge you shall turn around and run (sprint). Since you will be out of breath quickly you should memorize where the next narrow passage is, they can not follow you since they are fat.
Here you see the Barky Woofer trying to get into the narrow path- silly.
Turning off the lamp did not help me at all, but it will be a real life saver for the next monster.
Shiny Teeth
Even tho he has no eyes this brother right here is attracted to light sources, encounter this mate with a bright lamp and he will be pulled instantly towards you. To escape simply turn off the lamp and run around some corners, if there is a room nearby go there and stay there until the loud music is gone.
He can actually open doors, he might even follow you through some doors. With a turned off lamp you can safely stand next to him, the smallest room without a door can save your life at this point, just try to not block his way. Are you camping in that room and the music is not gone yet? Chances are he is coming for you, he usally enters the room, stands in the very center and looks around a little bit (even tho hes blind). If your lamp is off you’re save, wait until he leaves the room.
Dirty Bubble
This is boy is a floating head, he is attracted to movement. He can see you while it’s dark, if you find yourself with this comrade in a room you should definetly wait until he turns around, his backhead is bloody and red so you can’t miss the opportunity to leave. These heads often have a set movement pattern wich should be easy to observe. It’s important to instantly stop walking when you come across this dude.You can stare at him as you like.
Here you can see him waiting for you to make a move, if pulled he floats towards you, eating your face. There is pretty much no way to escape since he can follow through narrow passages and is very fast, unless he gets stuck in a corner or you can close a door behind you- it’s certain death.
Don’t try to move slowly. I’m quite sure he is not attracted to turning movement, if you turn your head a little but you should be fine, let me know if this isn’t true!
Stoney Maloney
Stoney Maloney a.k.a. Swiggity Swooty is basically the ghost in super mario.
It moves when you turn away from it. You can actually touch it while watching at it, exposing your back attracts it instantly. It cannot open doors or play any loud music when attracted. Stoney Maloney usally sits on a small socket. You can either keep an eye on it while looting the room or try to get around it quickly and close the door behind.