Wings of Prey Guide

The Olden Guide To Wings of Prey for Wings of Prey

The Olden Guide To Wings of Prey


Now, y’all have been looking for a guide thats not awful that explains how to play this game, which is war thunder’s counterpart, wings of prey. This guide will give out helpful pointers and tips for getting good at wings of prey. (I beat the battle of britian and thats enough to tell me how to basically play)

Wings Of Prey vs War Thunder

War thunder is Gaijins wings of prey counter part. The Only real difference is the controls. The Wings of Prey controls ARE BASICALLY WAR THUNDERS JOYSRICK CONTROLS!!! If any of you have played with Joystick/mouse joystick or have played Simulator Battles in war thunder, You should Know this. The controls ARE THE EXACT SAME! So those of you who have played simulator battles in War thunder SHOULD HAVE NO PROBLEM HERE, I have and I am good @ wings of Prey.

    Wings of Prey differences

  • Joystick themed controls
  • More Single player options than War thunder
  • More acess to planes, no NEED for research!
  • more campaign acess
  • realistic gameplay
  • Crew Radio interface (you can see what they are chatting about)
  • less degrading music
  • easier Eagle day, Follows history closely
  • Pilot bilbliography, in-depth into WW2 history
  • Launcher has some issues with Redemption code -_-
  • Unlimited Ammo, No penalty for jamming ur guns 🙂
  • You can set attempts
  • No G-forces (Arcade mode only)

      War thunder difference(in-game/out-of-game)

    • PVP battles avalible to everyone
    • Easier controls to some (mouse aim mode)
    • Unlimited PVP acess (unless specified)
    • Dynamic Campaign, more updates,
    • Ground units are avalible (with a good computer)
    • More airplane avalibility
    • WW2 Cronicles
    • Luftwaffe included with War thunder
    • Kills Internet when Downloading Launcher.updates (theres an ongoing debate about that)[]
    • More aircraft availibilty

    I Think ones better than the other as I like them both, BUT EVERYONES ENTITILED TO THIER OWN OPINION! (No need to start a riot or war…)[/u][/b]

Wings of prey-Taking off+Teammates.

Wings Of prey IS NOT A DIFFERENT FROM WAR THUNDER! (AS STATED EARILER). Theres the first basic to Flying your plane, you wanna become a ACE pilot like you see in history, U MUST LEARN ONE THING!
(Just kidding, u r ready! :D)

And THATS…… HOW TO TAKE OFF!!!!!!!!!!! Most figure it out instantly, (I did) when they only teach u how to land, but I got both. The trick to this is just like Simulator battles in war thinder, press I to turn on the aircraft engine, The Push throttle to WEP, then use the rudder to steer the plane so you dont crash intot he buildings, Teamates, or trees, SIMILAR TO WAR THUNDER’s controls for simulator! then pull up on the control yoke (DOWN arrow on keyboard) to pull off the ground.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! you just mastered the art of taking off the ground.

After some time in the Tutorial, Tuck has decied thaty YOU will be the leader of a flight group, U R THE LEADER! And you have wingmates who serve beside you loyally in combat. The cool part is that, The language of the commands reflects what country you are currently playing as (or almost). And that your wingsmates can say “no” (usually just outta a 50/50 chance or if thast something that pits them in danger/ if you try to make them do something thatsnot there.) to you or They will tell you ur making a mistake as in “THERES NO TARGET?!?”

Some basic commands you will need to know to be sucessful are

  • ATTACK the target! (END+HOME or HOME Buttons)-only works when a targets locked on/present
  • COVER ME! (END+DEL or DEL Buttons)
  • Proceed to destroy the current objective (I.e. enemy flight leader) (END+PAGE DOWN or PAGE DOWN)

Aerial Combat basics

You will need to know how to kill air/ ground targets alike. Remember you roll as you turn similar to simulator in WT. If You have played Simulator in WT, then you should have NO problem here.

When attacking aircraft, aim for thier lead angle indicator (similar to WT). And be sure to roll (turning)/ yaw when doing so, as Aircraft in Wings of prey appraently catch fire easily and therefore, if you aim for thier fusalage, you can set them afire easily. Simply attempt to position yourself so you are aiming at the guys lead angle, and simply FIRE ( button) IF you played simulator or Arcade battles with a Joystick or mouse Joystick, this shouldnt be new to you… Also, REmemebr the Stunts in war Thunder, Well, you can do them here. The barrel roll can be used to dodge someone whos chasing you. Simply press DOWN arrow key, and then roll to one side (LEFT/RIGHT arrow key) Remember to use WEP while doing manuvers and WATCH YOUR ALITITUDE!!!!!!! ITS SUPRISING EASY TO CRASH IN WINGS OF PREY.
*Also I would pay attention to this but, when trying to do a tight turn, THERES NO NEED to do a full fledged turn, just simply rotate ur aircraft using ur elevators (X button-right, Z button-left
another manuver I would strongly use is the Immelman loop/turn. This can be used to attack a target whos behind you, or t simply do a fancy turnaround so you dont crash into some tower… Similar to war thunder, you use pull the stick Up/down (Down arrow key-up, Up arrow key-down) and when you see the world is upside down, You roll your aircraft back to normal position. Given these controls its actually a little easier to do this compared to war Thunder. []

Also, remember that taregt camera in WT, well, theres a taregt camera here as well. Its useful form aiming at your targets weak points and overall aiming to kill it. NOTE; The target camera (U) can only be activated from main view (Press MMB or V to return to main view), regardless of what view you are in; cockpit, vitual cockpit, or Third-Person view (LOTS OF PEOPLE SCREW THIS UP). (as shown witht he spitfire Mk II above). It is reccomended that you kill aircraft with your taregt camera on, as this way, when u do PVP, you can catch your opponent off-guard, and SEND HIM STREAKING! The target camera appears whenever you are shooting something, it will show you what you are shooting. this can be a good reminder if you accidentally shoot ur teamates so you dont get the title “Teamkiller”[] (FOR WT TEAMKILLING HAS HARSH CONSEQUENCES ALL U TEAMKILLERS OUT THERE U HAVE BEEN WARNED!)


Air->Ground COMBAT

Often, besides aircraft, You will encounter ground units that u need to destroy. The attack is a little different as its harder to manuver and shoot them without crashing. The first Ground units you will encounter are German Destroyers that you must hit with bombs. It is NOT reccomended due to the Joystick-style controls that you attempt to strafe Ground forces since you will most likely end up crashing or doing nothing to harm it.
(here its Il-2 u must destroy the German ground vehicles to assist Soviet forces in Stalingrad.)

Similar to war thunder, there are bomb crosshairs, although these are easier to read. Once they hover over thier target (they will turn red when they do so) Drop ur bomb (A or SPACEBAR) and it will hit the target. Note! However! That just becuz the crosshairs turn red, doesnt mean the bomb will accurately hit though, The Crosshair center must be aligned directly on the target (similar thing in WT) to have Complete effect. Ships typicallly take at least 5-7 bombs * depending on the bombs given and what kind of ship it is.
*This is based on the Hurricane mission where you are told to destroy german Destroyers with 50 Kg bombs. actual numbers of hits vary.

In training, they will teach yiou how to launch rockets. Rockets are inacurate, unguided shots that deal damage to ground targets. (WT based). However, In wings of prey, It is nearly impossible to hit a plane with rockets (THERE ARE NO ACHIVEVEMENTS FOR DOING SO). So DONT! Use them to attack ground forces. There will be given a Rcket guide like in WT. The shorter lines you can aim at ur target, the more likely you will hit ur target. But you can stil hit ur target with the longer lines. To launch rockets, press R or ALT+SPACE. For best results just fire off all of them at multiple targets and one is bound to hit something. (unless you shoot far off.) When attacking ground units with bombs/rockets without a bomber, its reccomended that u cut ur throttle in half at least, to avoid crashing or being shot down.


we all know what a bomber is )hopefully)……

(Left-Bristol Blenheim[], Right-Heinkel HE 111 H[])

These are 2 of the most common bombers U will ever encounter in Wings of Prey.

To Bomb, its relatively simple. Like war thunder, simply switch ur view to bomber view (V or F7) and wait for the bomb crosshairs to align over the target, (beware; u cannot zoom in) and DROP YOUR BOMBS AND KILL THE TARGET!

(As I make more discoveries I will update this guide witht he latest information!)