Earthfall Guide

The Overwhelming Guide for Earthfall

The Overwhelming Guide


I have completed every single chapter of Earthfall on Overwhelming by myself with just bots. I will use the info i have learned and will try and help you get a better understanding of it.

What is changed in Overwhelming

Not too much the objectives are the same. However the Aliens will have more damage output, more hp, and they spawn a little more in swarms. A major change when it comes to overwhelming is printers. What is changed with printers? Well here is an example.



As you can see, the weapons the printer prints are different, however some printers will have the same things they normally print on all difficulties.

Weapon Files

HonkSuplex here, and I’m gonna go in-depth about all the weapons. (I’m going by how much their ammo is with the ammo skill because I forgot how much they normally had)
Thanks to SunnyC for timing the reload time on each weapon w/ the Lock n Load Skill


SW22A: Pistol
Ammo Count: 17/Infinite
Rarity: Common
Firing Rate: Fast
Recoil: Low
Range: High
Accuracy: 20% (when incapacitated: 10-15%)
Damage: Weak
Reload Time: 1.28 sec. (Dual: 1.47 sec.)
Extra Info: In certain situations, the SW22A can be a better choice than the Vendetta such as in some swarms fights due to its fast firing rate and bigger magazine.
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️

Vendetta: 50cal. Pistol
Ammo Count: 9/Infinite
Rarity: Uncommon
Firing Rate: Medium
Recoil: Low
Range: High
Accuracy: 25% (when incapacitated: 15-20 %)
Reload Time: 1.16 sec. (Dual:1.47 sec.)
Extra Info: They are dual-wield-able
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️☄️

Rarity: Common
Speed: Medium 1/2
Damage: Strong
Swings per 10 seconds: 27
Extra Info: Nothing really to say about the Machete…
Great For Overwhelming?:☄️☄️

Combat Shovel/Utilishovel
Rarity: Common
Speed: Fast
Damage: Medium 1/2
Swings per 10 seconds: 25
Extra Info: You can hit enemies all around you, even that are off-screen! Great for swarms.
Great For Overwhelming?:☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️

Fire Axe
Rarity: Common
Speed: Very Fast
Damage: Strong
Swings per 10 seconds: 17
Extra Info: Fastest melee weapon, but you can only hit what you’re directly pointing at, and it’s also great for attacking drones from their back.
Great For Overwhelming?:☄️☄️

Berg 930: Basic Shotgun
Rarity: Common
Ammo Count: 11/55
Firing Rate: None
Recoil: Medium 1/2
Range: Low
Accuracy: 90%
Damage: Medium 1/2
Reload Time: 6.70 sec.
Extra Info: With its bigger blast than the EF18, you’re most likely to get head/brainshots.
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️☄️

EF18: Auto-shotgun
Ammo Count: 16/62
Rarity: Uncommon
Firing Rate: Medium
Recoil: Medium 1/2
Range: High
Accuracy: 85%
Damage: Strong
Reload Time: 7.86 sec.
Extra Info: If you combine this with a Stimshot, you’ll feel like death on two legs.
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️☄️☄️☄️

MP5x: Standard SMG
Ammo Count: 66/330
Rarity: Common
Firing Rate: Medium (Dual: Fast)
Recoil: Medium (Dual: Very High)
Range: Medium 1/2
Accuracy: 40%
Damage: Medium
Reload Time: 1.72 sec. (Dual: 1.52 sec.)
Extra Info: Kill 2,500 drones with dual-pistols and you’ll be able to dual-wield these.
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️☄️☄️

xP9D: Compact SMG
Ammo Count: 77/385
Rarity: Uncommon
Firing Rate: Fast
Recoil: High
Range: Medium 1/2
Accuracy: 70%
Damage: Medium 1/2
Reload Time: 1.52 sec.
Extra Info: It fires faster than the MP5x, but has higher recoil. And you can’t dual wield them.
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️☄️☄️☄️

AK47: Russian Assault Rifle
Ammo Count: 44/176
Rarity: Rare
Firing Rate: Medium 1/2
Recoil: Low
Range: Medium
Accuracy: 75%
Damage: Medium 1/2
Reload Time: 1.53 sec.
Extra Info: Unlike the AK67, it can’t be printed and runs out of ammo fast, but it has faster firing rate and a bigger magazine.
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️☄️☄️

AK67: Assault Rifle
Ammo Count: 36/141
Rarity: Uncommon
Firing Rate: Slow 1/2
Recoil: Low
Range: Medium
Accuracy: 80%
Damage: Strong
Reload Time: 1.49 sec.
Extra Info: It can be printed, which is really useful so you won’t have to take up the entire ammo box.
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️☄️☄️

Combat CVA: Combat Rifle
Ammo Count: 33/231
Rarity: Rare
Firing Rate: Burst
Recoil: Medium
Range: High
Accuracy: 65%
Damage: Strong
Reload Time: 1.72 sec.
Extra Info: FPS killer
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️☄️☄️

Glintec: Sniper Rifle
Ammo Count: 11/66
Rarity: Rare
Firing Rate: Very Slow
Recoil: Medium 1/2
Range: Super-High
Accuracy: 95%
Damage: Strong 1/2
Reload time: Super-Short
Extra Info: Its bullets can pierce through (almost) anything, so you can free a player from a Thresher and/or Whiplash if they’re the other side of a wall.
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️☄️☄️☄️

F4-NG: Grenade Launcher
Ammo Count: 8/31
Rarity: L E G E N D A R Y
Firing Rate: None
Recoil: None
Range: Medium
Accuracy: ???
Damage: D E A D L Y
Reload Time: 2.77 sec.
Extra Info: If you use ADS (Aim Down Sights), the grenade will bounce and roll instead of exploding on impact. This and the Valkyrie, are currently the only primary weapons that can cause a Thresher & Whiplash to go flying (if they’re shot under their feet).
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️

Valkyrie: Plasma Rifle
Ammo Count: 55
Rarity: Very Rare
Firing Rate: Medium
Recoil: None
Range: Super-High
Accuracy: ???
Damage: D E A D L Y (to aliens only)
Reload Time: None
Extra Info: Players will not take any damage if they get shot by this weapon. This and the F4-NG, are currently the only primary weapons that can cause a Thresher & Whiplash to go flying (if they’re shot under their feet).
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️

Reaper: Flamethrower
Ammo Count: 178
Rarity: Very Rare
Firing Rate: None
Recoil: None
Range: Medium 1/2
Accuracy: ???
Damage: Strong
Reload Time: None
Extra Info: You can kill Sappers without making them explode if you use this, and this is probably the only weapon in the game that can’t set off car alarms.
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️

Harbinger: Heavy Machine Gun
Ammo Count: 413
Rarity: Very Rare
Firing Rate: Super-Fast
Recoil: High
Range: Medium 1/2
Accuracy: 35%
Damage: Medium
Reload Time: None
Extra Info: Not only using ADS makes the barrel spin, but it increases the weapon’s range by a lot!
Great for Overwhelming?:☄️☄️☄️☄️

The actual tips

Always aim for the head: Incase it wasn’t already obvious your enemys wont go down with just 3 shots to the body. Ammo is very scarce when it comes to this game so id suggest practice.

Down teammates that are in red hp: If you aren’t in the middle of a swarm then take the time to shoot down a teammate with red hp, it will bring them back up a bit to green, its not much but maybe it could just save your game.

Save stimshots as a last resort: If your team is in endanger of all going down then use the stimshot and put ur foot down. Id also suggest using these for running to the escape.

Stick together: I don’t need to explain this one.

Have an escape route: If your camping in a spot for an event then id suggest planning with your team where to run incase you start to get overwhelmed.

Save ammo for weapons like the Valkyrie and F4-NG: I don’t need to explain this one.

Learn how to dodge enemy spit: So incase you didn’t notice, the devs programmed the Spitter Drones and Beast to shoot ahead of their target if they are running forward. Once you see them about to finish the animation open fire, quickly move to your opposite direction.

If you need to retreat to another position do that. On certain maps its best to fight the boss at a different location than the event spot.

Don’t bother on healing all of your hp, run away from the swarm then use your medkit.

Unlock these skills: ‘Tis But A Scratch (Self Revive) Save this for when your down and your absolutely sure that your teammates cant get to you If someone else is still alive wait till all the aliens left your location then you self rev. Get Off Me (Free yourself from a Thresher) Akimbo MP5’s This skill is almost a must need on Data Recovery, Commando (Run with apex guns and items) This is useful for when you gotta run with a harbringer or reaper with a stimshot.

“Point the gun at the aliens idiot.” – Jonas: A smart quote considering the fact friendly fire is increased heavily on Overwhelming, you can accidentally down a teammate if you aren’t watching where your shooting that harbringer.

Let professional Host: The tip being that let your MVP on your team host since he/she will get more done without latency issues.

My Strats for completeing missions on OW

Supply Run: The first mission in the game, its kinda semi difficult on OW for your first time. Usually just play it like you normally would.

At the garage door horde id suggest retreating back to the house.

When cutting the boards a swarm is scripted to come the moment a survivor strikes the boards, they will come from left and right fence (FYI about 2-3 Sappers are scripted to spawn after you start to walk in the forest).

For the gate swarm id suggest retreating unless your team has some EF18’s or Combat CVAs to run and gun against the swarm.

For the final swarm id suggest staying on roofs and going to the cache to the left of the entrance if you must retreat.

Breakdown: Easier I suppose

Start the winch and retreat into the charging station, have someone with akimbo mp5s run out and fix it.

The van is like the payload from tf2 more ppl on it faster it goes.

For charging id suggest running out for a few minutes, you don’t need to check the van like 5 times just wait a few mins and then check and GTFO.

Data Recovery: Arguably the hardest mission in the first campaign.

Defend the little power room like you normally would and make sure you got akimbo mp5s for objective in next room.

Stay in the little room if a blackout spawns as they can be ♥♥♥♥♥♥ over easily in a small room with a team full of akimbo mp5s. Same for the next objective.

Id suggest printing some EF18s and CVAs for the escape and id suggest using a stimshot to run and open the door ahead.

Sunnyvale: Second hardest one in campaign one.

Activate the forklift then retreat back to the little cliffside and have two people watch your flank.

Unless you know how to successfully dodge a blackout I wouldn’t suggest running through the sewers after blowing the canisters,however that’s if a blackout spawned that is.

For the thermite hold your position until you start to get overrun, when you get overrun run down the hole in the fence to the right side.

Then retreat to the south side of the trailer park then use stims to run to the escape.

Radio Silence: For the gate activate then retreat back into the little garage.

For pushing the car I usually set up a defense position next to the truck.

For the cocoons id suggest everyone be in 4 different areas to destroy as many in a short amount of time.

For escape I activate then stimshot my way back to the hidden printer that prints harbringers and reapers and run back to the heli when it arrives.

Revelations: Defend the roof and have someone ready to repair the drawbridge.

(Once you drop down into the gunshop a Whiplash has a extremely high chance of spawning) Have 3 people watching the entrance to the gunshop and one person watching your flank for any thing that falls through hole.

Climb up ladders in church to evade the beast/blackout that spawns upon using power.

Activate the two poles, upon activating second one a blackout will spawn and id suggest escaping by jumping over the fence with the convienlty placed car.

Have two people on each side of church roof to exterminate any of the 3-4 Enragers that spawn. Make sure you watch the left side of the computer area for any Sappers.

For the escape id suggest spamming Arc Grenades and having one person distract the beast and open up the garage.

R&D: Easiest mission in game.

Play it anyway you want there isn’t a need for a walkthrough.

The Diversion: Stimshot yourself and put ur foot down and get to the dam, then deal with the power swarm by camping at the stairs.

Around the dam is a Valkyrie, also some harbringer at 2nd floor is useful for the beast or blackout that spawns after you blew up the cocoons.

For the escape grab anything you need and set it up way back on the highway (The one that is just at the entrance to the hatchery) then use stimshots to get to escape.

Into The Breach: Have one player set up a turret at front of gate and others providing cover.

You can destroy 4/5 of the Sapper Pools while on the catwalk.

For the valve part, stimshot yourself and disable it, oh and also don’t forget the special weapon on the truck in the garage.

For the Drill, set up some landmines near it if you happened to find any. Use a Valkyrie and have some turrets on that little trailer and just shoot Valkyrie on drill if you see some drones near it. Id toss some Arc Grenades behind the trailer for any drones incase you happened to find any.

Extermination: The hardest mission in the entire game. Play first part like normally would until you push cart uphill.

Make sure everyone’s line of fire is clear and no one is getting shot at when going up and make sure you eliminate any specials chasing you other wise your gonna run out of medical supplies quickly.

3 players is a desired number for the cart episode.
1st player, stimshot himself, turn off the valve and run ahead to grab the apex weapon, let him focus on the Blackout.
2nd player should use manual turret and provide cover. Place it just at the end of the tunnel before the valve bridge.
3rd player is advised to use Flamer (Reaper), burn Sappers and actually push the cart.
(Thank you to Lord Of War for this strat)


Drilling the shards: Arguably the easiest part in this mission, you get ♥♥♥♥ ton of supplies and a health station. Use Valkyries scattered around along with a harbringer in the mineshaft, with any luck you wont ♥♥♥♥ up here.

Just set up fire works and shoot the winch and stim the hell out.

Congratulations you completed the hardest mission in the game, take pride in yourself.

Inferno: Id say this has the same amount of difficulty as Supply Run.

As soon as you open the train door a swarm comes so may I suggest you have your guy/gal with the Smg or Glintec be infront.

Once you finish checking the electric thing 3 Sappers will rush from the train to the right.

For printing the replacement thing i’d suggest retreating back into the resistance warehouse.

Same thing when you turn on the electric field.

When you cut open the door id suggest laying down some landmines as they are printable on the printer.

Go on top of the balcony when you turn on the power and start printing, run around the warehouse if the balcony gets overrun.

Go on the very top floor of the watertower to have the most success at destroying the cocoons in a short amount of times, kill Sappers when they are on the bridge as their fire will be in your favor.

Use the supplies you find in the shed to cover the drill from enemies.

Use the Valkyrie to clear path through the tunnel, if your fast you pass the beast before he gets to the exit.

For more information

View this guide on extra info about Earthfall.
