Reassembly Guide

The Reassembly Guide to Fruition for Reassembly

The Reassembly Guide to Fruition


An in-depth exploration of the various features and things you can currently do in Reassembly!(it’s not done yet) I will remove this when it is done, comment on what else you want to see so I can finish it)

The Basics


It’s pretty straightforward, a few helpful commands:

  • Ctrl+c: Copies selected parts
  • Ctrl+v: Pastes selected parts
  • Ctrl+z: Undo
  • Ctrl+x: cut selected parts
  • Holding alt: allows you to click selected parts and automatically create a copy of those pieces
  • M: mirrors selected parts
  • Middle click: creates a copy of selected part
  • Double click: selects all attached parts

If you ever get frustrated with the cannon modules from faction 1, here is a picture of how you can fit them in a square area:
(Picture from MysticalMeerkat)

If you really want to make a station using the station module and asteroids, you must be in command mode, hover over a station that has asteroids and the big command module, press 3, then hold alt and click and drag the top left design (the station’s design) into one of the many slots below. Then exit the menu, go back to normal mode, press “i”, and select the station.
“Important”!! Don’t delete the asteroids on the station, because you won’t get them back. (they don’t show up in the upgrades menu)

  • WASD and arrow keys are your basic controls for the first control scheme.
    W is forward, S is backwards, A and D strafe left and right respectively. All of this is in relation to your mouse pointer which your ship auto turns to face.
  • If you don’t like that, you can press ” R ” to switch between keyturning controls and absolute controls.
  • In keyturning, A and D rotates your ship whilst Q and E strafe, W and S are unchanged.
  • In absolute controls, W moves your ship upwards, A left. S down D right and your ship faces your mouse pointer.
  • If you don’t like any of those current modes available, there is an option to make thrust in relation to ship orientation rather than mouse location. This option is in the cvars options menu (currently the location of your cvars.txt file is in C/users/your name/saved_games/reassembly/data/cvars.txt
  • To change the mode, open the cvars file using notepad or similar, and add kTranslationMouseRelative = 0 to the list, then save the text file and restart the game completely.

  • ” Z ” = Teleport
  • Keybindings for your ship’s weapons and modules are located by pressing B.
  • ” U ” accesses the “Upgrades” Screen it’s where you unlock parts and upgrade your P cap.
  • ” B ” accesses your “bindings” screen. You can adjust which weapons fire with each mouse button, Left right and middle.
  • ” 1 ” Accesses the ship designer for your current ship. If you need help with this please throw your computer out of the window and go to your nearest Toys-R-Us and pick up the jumbo sized Lego’s Once you’re comfortable with that you can upgrade to the smaller sized ones.
  • ” 3 ” or ” i ” Accesses your ship library as well as your build sequence if your ship has a factory attached. You can change out which ship you’re actively flying here as well as modify any ship in the library.
  • ” v ” shrinks the ui.
  • ” y ” Toggles auto zoom. You can zoom in and out by scrolling, If you don’t like the scroll up or down direction, there is another option in the cvars.txt file you must change
    Add kScrollWheelDirection = 0 to the list if you want to reverse the scroll wheel direction.
  • “Tab” cycles between combat and command mode.
  • In command mode you can hire/release ships into your fleet, they will follow you around and fight with you.
  • You can also press 3 in command mode while pointing at a friendly ship to access its build order or even modify it if you so desire.

Your fleet and you

The Factory

  • You’re probably here for a number of reasons, but one question might be burning your face is, WHY DON’T I TRADE RESOURCES ANYMORE!?

    Well let me tell you!
    You put a factory on your ship.

  • The factory allows you to spawn ships from the top 4 rightmost locations in your fleet menu.
  • Note the outlined number, that’s your current R capacity, you need more of it than what is necessary to spawn your ships.
  • To spawn a ship, you press f when you have enough resources and you have a factory equipped with enough space between it and the open to fit a small container or square. Command modules need somewhere to grow, don’t they?

    The Fleet

  • Press tab to switch to fleet mode.
  • ships with triangles around them are designated following you
  • Ships with squares and triangles indicate they have a factory and are following you
  • Ships with squares around them have factories and are not following you. If you try to invite a ship to your fleet by clicking it in fleet mode and you can’t, it’s either because you don’t have enough C to recruit it, or it doesn’t have any thrusters.
  • Clicking a ship with a triangle around it while in command mode (tab) will release the ship from your fleet, and that ship will cease following you and patrol the area it was released in.

  • Spawning a ship with a factory equipped is only half the battle. Once spawned, you must enter command mode, hover your mouse over your ally, and press 3. This will bring up your ally’s spawn menu. drag ships from the bottom slots into the 4 slots to force it to build specific designs (the design automatically makes a copy for your ally when you drag it, so no fear losing a design.
    *NOTE: If you don’t touch the ally, they will spawn any random ship hardcoded into it or sitting in your fleet.

  • Editing an ally ship when in their ship build mode is possible, and it will only edit that specific ship, you will not be able to make it have more P value than it currently has, and the game sometimes crashes.

    I don’t know how people are sneaking a few extra P into their fleets, but i’m going to guess they were uploaded a while ago, and due to recent updates (some of them have small rebalancing changes) the ships are now worth more P than they were when they were created.

    Also, if you do want to fight agents with your godships, just go to the main menu, hover your mouse over the save slot and hit R twice to regenerate the world

Meet ALL the factions!

I have a survey for naming the factions, only 9 people have responded so far…

Seven factions are currently playable without modifying the game’s files, with an additional three factions available by changing the game’s cvars.txt file.
To add the other factions to be playable (some instability will probably occur), add this to your cvars.txt file located in:
C /users /you /saved games /Reassembly /data /cvars.txt
and add this line of code:
kPlayableFactions = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}

Faction 1: Terrans

(first playable faction. Faction 1 / 8)

This faction includes a command module with the ability to reassemble while under fire, and a station command module that renders whatever is attached to it invulnerable. Currently the player cannot directly access the station command module, and the ship command module cannot regenerate while under fire.

Faction 2: Cultureian Farmers

(Second playable faction)

This faction is neutral, and normally hangs around the plant factions. Not only do they have the largest stations in the game, but they also have missile weapons that carry the largest explosive capacity (besides faction 15’s nukes). Some of their ships also use Faction 8’s hull parts.

Faction 3: The Reds/Huntis/Fire Nation

(Third playable faction)

This faction uses many small red, orange, and yellow parallelograms as hull. Their weapons are red, and none of them use shields. Their ships tend to have the most weaponry, though their weapons tend to be low damage and short range. They use a combination of weapons, but their most effective are their cheap laser drones. Capital ships also have the ability to spawn in a number of smaller ships using whatever resources they can gather. While this fleet has low armor, they recover destroyed parts very fast. They are usually found attacking other factions.
When selecting this faction in the start of the game shows red text “Warning: Hard Mode”.

Faction 4: Rachis/Tinkrell

(Fourth playable faction)

This faction is well known for its spinal mounted modular cannon, which are their main, and sometimes only, weapons. They have special, fleet-specific parts that can modify their cannons with increased damage and range. This means they in theory can have the most powerful weapons, though those weapons would be very large, expensive, and fragile. They regenerate their ships at a relatively slow rate.
Interestingly, plants in their starting territories will be teal instead of green.

Faction 5: Peaceful Plants

(First unplayable faction)

All the plants, currently they are not procedurally generated.
This faction consists of all the “regular” plants. They regrow lost parts, and reproduce by spawning seeds which fly around and attach to asteroids or sometimes station debris. They produce resources at a slow rate, which can be collected by waiting for them to wither and die. They also have no weapons, and only a harmless projectile seed launcher which is only used by Faction 2. Despite most of them functioning pretty much the same way, there are some plants with unique properties, which makes them even more effective at producing R.

Faction 6: The Borg

(First faction moddable to be playable)

These ships are usually rectangular in shape. Their hull parts are white, and their main weapons are bright blue lasers. They have only two methods of attack, the aforementioned lasers, and drone launchers. Their drones are also armed with lasers, an en masse can be very dangerous. Be careful when you are committing genocide on their buildings.
This race is playable by modifying the game’s cvars.txt file and adding Faction 6 to the kPlayableFactions key, and destroying a 1000-point capital ship belonging to the faction in-game.

Faction 7: The Flies/Gnats

(Second mod playable faction)

These are very dangerous in numbers. They have rather weak auto-cannons for weapons, but once they tractor a better weapon, they can become a real threat. Fortunately (for us), when they have obtained a transient, they no longer self-replicate.
Also they can teleport. The main core of the ships are factories, and they reproduce rapidly.

Faction 8: Terrans

F8 = F1

Faction 9: Asteroids

This faction is just environmental asteroids. Their parts are tough and plants can grow on them.

Faction 10: Doppelgangers/Outcasts

(Third mod playable faction)

Slightly modified faction 1 (10% stronger and slower firing weapons) consisting of every official tournament submission and a few sandbox submissions.
Note: There is no block palette for this faction in game, any attempt to change your ship will crash the game.

Faction 11: Crystalline

(Fifth playable faction)

With impressive amounts of hull health, long distance missile launchers and very powerful plasma cannons, they are arguably the most powerful faction in the game, surpassing even Faction 15 in brute strength. As such, they guard the center of the galaxy (difficulty increases as you approach the center), and some of the player’s deactivated stations.

Faction 12: The Bees/Cyberians

(6th playable faction)

This faction has the most powerful thrusters and second most powerful drones in the game. Main weaponry is short ranged spinal lasers. Sometimes they may eradicate species of plants surrounding them in order to make spaces for their building structures.

Faction 13: Hostile plants

(Fourth mod playable faction)

This faction has armed biomass and the territorial behavior, they have 2 main types of weapons, a forward firing laser and a hexagonal missile launcher. They have ships of their own, often weaponized with a couple spinal lasers. You may also occasionally see huge “plant planets” which may seem threatening at first, but have nothing going for them but their huge size. Sometimes you will encounter a patch of plants that grow seeds. these replicate without the need for asteroids, and can often get out of hand if not dealt with.
Note: your ship will not regrow when damaged.

Faction 14: Monocrystalline

(Third unplayable faction)

This faction is currently rarely seen on the game, and are so rare that they nearly don’t make an appearance at all. Their main weapon are charging burst-laser weaponry.

Faction 15: Sentinels

(7th playable faction)

Infamous for the nuclear option, this faction’s copper hull deals melee damage, and has flurry missiles and a long range powerful turreted laser.

Faction 16: The Jellyfish

(Fourth unplayable faction)

Incredibly weak with a limited palette, only found in palette form in the sandbox.

Faction 17: faction 10 but uncolored

Faction 100: Very large asteroids.

Make the unplayable factions playable!

Add this to the cvars.txt file then save it:
kPlayableFactions = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16}


delete the # in front of the k before saving it, or it will not work.
If you only want to have the working factions playable, use this code instead:
kPlayableFactions = {2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15}

If you want to skip the step finding ships to kill to unlock the faction, add this to the indicated folder:
{factions={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16}}

If that fails to unlock the faction, add

kFactionUnlockThreshold = 1

to the cvars.txt file, then run the game, load up a save, and press / then click in the console that appears and type

fleet 13 4000 5

and press enter, then press / again after clicking the screen, not the console.


Step 1:

Create a new faction as faction 12.

Step 2:

Find the new save folder. You may want to start the game and play around as the faction briefly before doing this.

Step 3:

replace the knownblock and palette id’s with this wall of code:

knownBlockIds={6032, 6031, 15118, 15103, 15102, 13099, 13097, 213, 13096, 217, 13095, 219, 11022, 13017, 13016, 13015, 13014, 13013, 13012, 13011, 13010, 11027, 302, 846, 830, 829, 248, 828, 826, 432, 428, 426, 420, 802, 12003, 12004, 12019, 12051, 12020, 12044, 12043, 301, 702, 701, 12027, 12028, 11012, 307, 201, 1507, 11007, 402, 317, 15119, 15126, 15127, 15134, 15135, 15030, 15034, 15035, 15033, 403, 12035, 803, 315, 15143, 304, 11017, 703, 804, 13018, 202, 203, 12036, 11018, 13054, 404, 15145, 12037, 204, 305, 15147, 805, 405, 12038, 11019, 12039, 306, 12040, 11020, 806, 273, 6018, 801, 261, 401, 311, 205, 11102, 834, 207, 12134, 1508, 406, 218, 704, 303, 221, 226, 831, 839, 223, 232, 309, 237, 844, 228, 227, 843, 15004, 234, 842, 11003, 881, 310, 891, 11004, 220, 215, 11005, 853, 242, 814, 251, 12121, 60100, 252, 12122, 312, 253, 836, 841, 60102, 60104, 411, 247, 254, 850, 12132, 415, 255, 856, 530, 12101, 832, 13110, 835, 855, 11100, 840, 245, 12102, 15003, 249, 412, 849, 11101, 313, 12106, 12107, 250, 421, 60110, 15008, 60112, 409, 407, 419, 410, 408, 900, 10130, 10182, 10171, 10160, 10152, 10141, 911, 924, 908, 904, 903, 907, 275, 813, 15009, 12133, 12059, 12060, 6002, 522, 567, 521, 566, 565, 552, 551, 520, 265, 523, 555, 554, 553, 525, 524, 569, 568, 416, 417, 556, 557, 558, 573, 571, 572, 847, 12131, 1506, 274, 11105, 418, 316, 845, 848, 14100, 15001, 15005, 15032, 13101, 13102, 854, 12111, 314, 224, 12112, 837, 231, 12113, 15002, 11002, 238, 11103, 413, 851, 263, 60101, 262, 414, 60103, 60105, 6010, 6014, 6019, 6022, 6026, 6034, 6038, 6030},
paletteIds={700, 12000, 14100, 701, 702, 703, 704, 6032, 6031, 6030, 201, 11012, 12028, 12027, 11022, 12020, 213, 420, 217, 426, 219, 15135, 15134, 15127, 15126, 15119, 15118, 15103, 15102, 428, 432, 12019, 12004, 12003, 13099, 248, 13097, 13096, 13095, 13016, 13015, 13014, 13013, 13012, 13011, 13010, 301, 302, 13017, 846, 830, 307, 829, 828, 826, 12051, 12044, 317, 802, 402, 12043, 1507, 11027, 11007, 15035, 15034, 15033, 15030, 15032, 273, 12035, 803, 315, 202, 304, 13018, 11017, 804, 203, 15145, 12036, 404, 13054, 11018, 12037, 204, 15147, 305, 405, 805, 11019, 12039, 12038, 306, 11020, 12040, 806, 6018, 801, 261, 401, 311, 205, 11102, 834, 207, 12134, 1508, 406, 218, 303, 221, 226, 831, 223, 839, 232, 237, 309, 844, 228, 227, 242, 843, 15004, 234, 842, 11003, 881, 310, 891, 11004, 220, 215, 11005, 853, 814, 251, 12121, 60100, 252, 12122, 312, 253, 841, 836, 60102, 60104, 411, 247, 850, 254, 12132, 415, 255, 856, 530, 12101, 12102, 13110, 835, 855, 832, 840, 849, 412, 15003, 249, 11100, 11101, 245, 313, 12106, 12107, 250, 421, 60110, 15008, 60112, 409, 407, 419, 410, 408, 10160, 10141, 10130, 900, 903, 904, 911, 924, 908, 10152, 10171, 10182, 907, 15009, 12133, 813, 275, 6002, 12059, 12060, 552, 551, 522, 521, 520, 567, 566, 565, 265, 523, 524, 525, 554, 569, 555, 553, 568, 416, 417, 573, 572, 556, 557, 571, 558, 1506, 12131, 847, 274, 418, 11105, 316, 845, 848, 15001, 15005, 15143, 13101, 13102, 854, 314, 12111, 224, 837, 12112, 231, 12113, 15002, 11002, 11103, 238, 413, 851, 263, 60101, 262, 414, 60103, 60105, 6010, 6014, 6019, 6022, 6026, 6034, 6038, 403},

The first number represents the faction number, i.e. 300-399 = faction 3, 14001 = faction 14, etc.

Save and close and bam. now you have all the faction parts!


Alternatively, this is what you need to do if you wish to add your own blocks into the game. (Note, you will not be able to upload into the wormhole with the faction you modify if you do this.

Step 2:

Find your cvars.txt file:

Step 3:

Add this to the cvars.txt file, save, then open and close the game:
kWriteBlocks = 1

Step 4:

Set kwriteblocks = 0 and add the second line into the file:

kWriteBlocks = 0
kGenerateBlocks = 0

Step 5:

Find your blocks.lua file (same folder as the cvars.txt, refresh the folder if necessary)
You are now ready to add new blocks! If you are feeling ambitious, you can make these new blocks yourself or import the codes other people have made for you, make sure to put them in your known and palette block ID’s as you see fit.

To overlap parts, follow the first picture referenced in this forum post (steam is censoring the imgur link for some reason):


  • Pulsespersec: More pulses result in faster beam cycles and refiring. Damage over time can, but will not neccessarily be affected by other factors (especially Decay) although burst damage will differ. No affect on deadliness. Generally speaking, higher numbers here will result in less burst damage but higher overall DPS.
  • Pulsesperburst: Determines length of each burst by number of pulses. Also increases the time between bursts. Bigger numbers mean less frequent, but bigger bursts. Damage over time should be the same, although burst will differ. No affect on deadliness.
  • Burstyness: Determines the ratio being firing and cooldown. 0 completely removes the burst element, essentially making it a continuous beam or rapid-fire pulse weapon, 1 is no beam at all, 0.5 is an even ratio between firing and cooldown. Significantly affects beam DPS. Does not affect Deadliness.
  • Pulseavailability: Seems to alter the duration of each pulse and has a significant effect on both DPS and Deadliness.
  • Power: Power consumption per second that beam is engaged. No effect on deadliness.
  • Damage: Base Damage per second that beam is engaged. Actual damage will vary depending on other values, especially Pulseavailability and Decay. Affects deadliness.
  • Decay: How long each beam pulse takes to shrink and disappear. Increasing this value significantly increases beam DPS but does not increase deadliness. Causes havoc with all your other calculations.