BioShock Infinite Guide

The Timeline of BioShock Infinite (w/Burial at Sea) + FAQ for BioShock Infinite

The Timeline of BioShock Infinite (w/Burial at Sea) + FAQ


Confused after playing BioShock Infinite? This guide is here to clear up any misconceptions and questions. OneDrive Version.[] v.1.27.3

1. Introduction and Information

This guide contains SPOILERS for BioShock Infinite as well as it’s DLC, Burial at Sea – Episodes 1 & 2. Play the DLC and base game before reading the guide, please! You will be extremely confused with the timeline if you do not understand the general idea and story of BioShock Infinite & Burial at Sea!

There’s no way I expect anyone to read this entire guide (it’s quite long). Instead, if you want to see something specifically, look for it. I tried to organize it to the best of my abilities. If you have a question about the game, try to look through the FAQ to find it. Confused about the order of events? Look at the Short Timeline. Not enough detail there, or perhaps it wasn’t fully explained? Find the same event in the Long Timeline.

In this guide I will be covering the large events that pertain to the plot of BioShock Infinite and Burial at Sea. There will be a lot of smaller events that I will completely leave out of this timeline. This guide was made so that people would be able to understand what happens in BioShock Infinite and how all the parts of the game connect, and how the game’s logic works. Let’s face it – this game is extremely confusing, and people who have just finished it for the first time will most likely be a bit lost. This guide assumes that everything in BioShock Infinite, and both Burial at Sea DLCs are canon with BioShock 1’s good ending.

Important Links
  • This guide is view-able in it’s intended original format on Microsoft OneDrive[] as a Microsoft Word Document.
    I HIGHLY recommend you view this version of the guide instead of this one. The OneDrive version will be the best looking one. You can download the guide from the link too.
  • This guide is available on Steam, in a Steam Guide format.
  • For anyone looking for a timeline that includes more events of lesser importance, check out the BioShock Wiki.[]
    Note that this timeline does not incorporate Burial at Sea at all. It also does not have the playable events of BioShock Infinte in it.

1.a Version History

January 15, 2016 – Version 0.00
  • I started writing this guide.
January 17, 2016 – Version 0.50
  • The BioShock Infinite Timeline was written.
  • A large portion of the FAQ was written.
January 18, 2016 – Version 0.60
  • More content is added to the timeline and FAQ.
January 19, 2016 – Version 1.00
  • Overhauled Timeline C.
  • More questions/answers added.
  • This guide was formatted for Steam Guides.
  • This guide was published.
January 21, 2016 – Version 1.10
  • Short Timeline Added.
January 22, 2016 – Version 1.20
  • Updated everything but the Long Timeline to Version 1.25.
January 23, 2016 – Version 1.26
  • Updated the Long Timeline to Version 1.25.
  • Added a really crude Visual Timeline, but it’ll have to do.
January 27, 2016 – Version 1.27
  • Added questions to the FAQ.

9/16/16 : probably wont ever update this guide anymore, i havent even touched it for 9 months.
sry guys if ur looking for an up to date guide. as of me writing this message, im pretty sure everything is more or less correct in this guide.

1.b Visual Timeline

Would you rather see a visual timeline? I’m not an artist, but

View post on

[] my attempt.

2. Short Timeline

If you haven’t played BioShock Infinite and Burial at Sea, you will most likely be confused by this timeline. You need some basic understanding of the game to be able to follow the timeline. This timeline has no author notes. If you’re looking for a more fleshed out timeline, go to the “Long Timeline” section.

Before Gameplay
  • Initial Timeline: Booker is present at the Wounded Knee Massacre. Booker is responsible for participating in killing Native Americans.
  • Initial Timeline: Booker is given a choice by a priest (Preacher Witting) to become baptized.
  • Timeline A: Booker rejects baptism.
  • Timeline B: Booker is baptized and reborn. Booker changes his name to Zachery Hale Comstock.
  • Timeline A: Anna is born. Anna’s mother/Booker’s wife, Annabelle DeWitt, dies during childbirth.
  • Simultaneously in Timeline B: The archangel Columbia comes to Comstock in a vision, showing him the floating city of Columbia and orders him to construct it. Construction on Columbia begins.
  • October 8, Timeline A: Booker gives up his daughter (Anna) to Robert Lutece to pay off his gambling debts.
  • Somewhere around this time, the universe splits and a new timeline is created, which we will call Timeline C.
  • Timeline B: Comstock comes to take Anna from Timeline A.
  • Timeline A: Booker changes his mind and goes back for Anna.
  • Anna’s pinky is cut off by the tear connecting Timeline A and B.
  • Simultaneously, in Timeline C: Anna’s head is cut off by the tear connecting Timeline A and C.
  • Timeline B: Elizabeth is imprisoned in Monument Tower.

2.a Playable Events of BioShock Infinite

  • Timeline B: The Luteces take Booker from Timeline A to Timeline B. The game begins here.
  • Somewhere around this time, the universe splits and a new timeline is created, which we will call Timeline B1.
  • Timeline B: Booker rescues Elizabeth.
  • Booker confronts Slate in the Hall of Heroes.
  • Chen Lin is found dead in Finkton.
  • Simultaneously in Timeline B1: Elizabeth is moved to Comstock House prior to Booker’s arrival in the Tower.
  • Booker teams up with Cornelius Slate.
  • Chen Lin is not interrogated and killed.
  • Somewhere around this time, the universe splits and a new timeline is created, which we will call Timeline B2.
  • Timeline B: Elizabeth opens a tear. Booker and Elizabeth travel to Timeline B1.
Gameplay in Timeline B1 Begins
  • Timeline B1: Chen Lin’s tools are taken by the Police.
  • Booker and Elizabeth find the tools in the lockup, but can’t take them back.
  • Simultaneously in Timeline B2: Booker and Slate burn down the Hall of Heroes.
  • Booker dies as a martyr for the Vox Populi.
  • Chen Lin’s tools are never confiscated by Columbian Police.
  • Timeline B1: Elizabeth opens a tear. Booker and Elizabeth travel to Timeline B2.
Gameplay in Timeline B2 Begins
  • Timeline B2: Booker aids in the revolt against Comstock with the Vox Populi.
  • Elizabeth kills Daisy Fitzroy.
  • Elizabeth is taken by Comstock via Songbird to Comstock House and begins to be indoctrinated.
  • Somewhere around this time, the universe splits and a new timeline is created, which we will call Timeline B3.
  • Timeline B2: Booker never reaches Elizabeth.
  • Elizabeth is indoctrinated.
Somewhere between 1913 – 1983
  • Timeline B2: Comstock dies.
  • Elizabeth rules over Columbia.
  • Timeline B2: During an attack on New York City, Elizabeth opens a tear to 1912. The Booker from 1912, Timeline B2 enters 1983 (time travel).
  • Elizabeth gives Booker a card, which tells the key to controlling Songbird.
  • Elizabeth sends Booker to 1912 in Timeline B3.
Gameplay in Timeline B3 Begins

  • Timeline B3: Booker saves Elizabeth in Comstock House.
  • Booker kills Comstock.
  • Booker, with the new information from the Elizabeth in 1983, controls Songbird and destroys the siphon.
  • Elizabeth takes Booker back to the baptism. Booker and Elizabeth enter the Initial Timeline.

Initial Timeline: Elizabeth drowns Booker. Elizabeth time travels to 1893 in Timeline C to kill the last living Comstock.

2.b Gameplay in Burial at Sea – Episode 1 Begins

  • Timeline C: Anna’s head is cut off by the tear connecting Timeline A and C.
  • Comstock asks the Luteces to open a tear to the Rapture Timeline, so that he might forget everything that just happened.
  • Comstock exits Timeline C and enters the Rapture Timeline.
  • Rapture Timeline: Comstock enters Rapture. Comstock returns to being Booker.

*Date is an estimate.

  • Rapture Timeline: Elizabeth visits Booker and hires him to find Sally.
  • The two go to the Cohen’s for information on her location.
  • Cohen sends them to the sunken Fontaine’s Department Store.
  • Booker finds Sally in the Housewares section.
  • The two close all the vents but one to the furnace system that Sally is hiding in.
  • Elizabeth turns up the furnace to force Sally out the single open vent.
  • Sally’s Big Daddy kills Booker.
Gameplay in Burial at Sea – Episode 2 Begins
  • Rapture Timeline: Elizabeth wakes up in Rapture with Atlas.
  • Elizabeth escapes by telling Atlas that she will rise the store to Rapture, but only if he gives her Sally.
  • Elizabeth uses a Lutece Device to enter Timeline B2.
  • Timeline B2: Elizabeth takes a spare Lutece Particle from The First Lady.
  • Elizabeth uses the same tear to return to the Rapture Timeline.
  • Rapture Timeline: Elizabeth raises the department store using the Lutece Particle.

  • Rapture Timeline: The Rapture Civil War breaks out.
  • Elizabeth is sent to retrieve the Ace in the Hole for Atlas
  • Elizabeth retrieves and deciphers the Ace for Atlas.
  • Atlas kills Elizabeth.
BioShock Infinite After Credits Scene Begins
  • Timeline A: Booker and Anna wake up in Booker’s office, with memory of the events of Columbia and Rapture.
  • Rapture Timeline: The events of BioShock 1, 2, and Minerva’s Den occur.

3. Long Timeline

This timeline is a bit different from a traditional timeline. Because of alternate (in-game) timelines, things will often occur simultaneously whilst in other (in-game) timelines, or timelines will intersect with each other. Due to the constant time traveling and intersecting of timelines, some events will seem out of order. For the most part, this timeline shows the events in the order which the game shows them to you. If a future timeline intersects with an event that had happened previously, I will state that it occurs, but not go into detail about it (E.g. Booker waking up in 1893 after the game, yet in a linear timeline it would occur before Booker gives Anna away). If you have played BioShock and its DLC it shouldn’t be confusing.

Before Gameplay
  • April 19: Booker DeWitt is born.
  • December 29: Booker is present at the Wounded Knee Massacre. Booker is responsible for participating in killing Native Americans.

Note: In every universe that Robert Lutece was born, Booker rejects baptism. In every universe that Rosalind was born, Booker accepts the baptism. This also works in vice-versa. The sex of the Lutece twin that is born does not define Booker’s choice. It just always works out in that way. E.g. There is no universe in which Robert is born, but Booker is baptized.

  • After the events of BioShock Infinite: Elizabeth drowns Booker.
  • Before the events of BioShock Infinite: Booker is given a choice by a priest (Preacher Witting) – to become baptized.

Note: In all timelines, Booker is given the choice to be baptized. It is a constant.

  • Timeline A: Booker rejects baptism.

Note: Somewhere before this time, Robert Lutece is born. This is constant.

  • Timeline B: Booker is baptized and reborn. Booker changes his name to Zachery Hale Comstock.

Note: Somewhere before this time, Rosalind Lutece is born. This is constant.
Note: In every universe that Robert Lutece was born, Booker rejects baptism. In every universe that Rosalind was born, Booker accepts the baptism. This also works in vice-versa. I entirely doubt that the sex of the Lutece twin that is born defines Booker’s choice. It just always works out in that way.

1892 – 1893
  • Timeline A: Anna is born. Anna’s mother/Booker’s wife, Annabelle DeWitt, dies during childbirth.

Annabelle DeWitt is the same person as Lady Comstock, in a different timeline.

  • Booker is lead into a depression, which turns him into a gambling alcoholic. Booker amasses a large debt.
  • Booker becomes a private investigator.
  • Simultaneously in Timeline B: The archangel Columbia comes to Comstock in a vision, showing him the floating city of Columbia and orders him to construct it. Comstock meets with the physicist Rosalind Lutece, who has found a way to suspend atoms (dubbed Lutece particles) in midair (a process dubbed quantum levitation) – atoms that “failed to fall”.

Note: Despite this, buildings in Columbia seem to rise and fall several meters when you observe them. All of the buildings and ships of Columbia use a Lutece particle to stay afloat. Buildings still use balloons for stability, and ships use thrusters and engines.

  • Rosalind realizes that her Lutece particle is also being observed from another dimension.
  • Rosalind Lutece (who lives in Timeline B) begins to communicate with her male counterpart, Robert Lutece (who lives in Timeline A) using Morse code.
  • Rosalind creates the Lutece Device, which can create tears to other dimensions. Comstock uses this device heavily to see into the future, as well as see into other dimensions. Comstock becomes a “prophet”, with all this new information.
  • Comstock uses the Lutece Device to see the future: a man with “AD” branded on his hand comes to take away Elizabeth.
  • May 1 – October 30, Timeline B: Comstock comes to the U.S. Congress and asks for funding to build Columbia – a flying city that would spread Christian and American values across the world. The construction of Columbia increases in speed as the U.S. Congress begins funding the flying city.
  • Archangel Columbia comes to Comstock and tells him that the seed of the prophet shall sit the throne and eventually rain fire down on the Sodom below. Because Comstock is sterile, Rosalind suggests that he take a child of his own from another universe, in which he is not sterile.
  • After the events of BioShock Infinite, October 8, Timeline A: Booker wakes up, with memory of his time in Columbia. Booker decides to check on Anna to see if she is in her crib. We don’t get to see her, but we can safely assume that she is in the crib.
  • October 8, Timeline A: Booker gives up his daughter (Anna) to Robert Lutece to pay off his gambling debts.

Note: Booker had previously fallen into a deep depression because of the death of his wife, and possibly because he was responsible for killing Native Americans during the Wounded Knee Massacre and his violent actions whilst being a Pinkerton Detective.

  • Somewhere around this time the universe splits and a new timeline is created, which we will call Timeline C.
  • Timeline A: Booker changes his mind about Anna. Booker runs to an alley where he sees a tear. Rosalind Lutece is in Columbia while Comstock and Robert Lutece are in New York, waiting for the device to be ready.
  • As Booker grabs Anna to take her back, Robert Lutece heads through the tear into Columbia. The tear closes while Booker is fighting with Comstock over Anna. Booker loses Anna to Comstock, and Anna’s pinkie becomes severed by the tear.

Note: Elizabeth can now open tears of her own. This is possibly because Elizabeth is now within two realities simultaneously, or that her finger was severed by the tear, or because it was severed while she was so young (if anyone could gain this power by simply being in two universes at once, Elizabeth could re-obtain the ability to open tears in Burial at Sea – Episode 2 by severing another part of her body to the tear in Suchong’s lab. This is not the case though. It is unknown exactly why she is able to open tears, or why nobody else tries to severe a body part to a tear to gain powers of their own).

3.a Long Timeline cont’d

  • Simultaneously in Timeline C: Booker fights with Comstock over Anna. When the tear closes, Anna’s head is severed instead of her pinky. The events of Burial at Sea occur.
  • Timeline B: Comstock presents Anna DeWitt, who has now been renamed “Elizabeth”, and claims that Lady Comstock miraculously gave birth to her in only a week. Elizabeth is also given the name of the “Lamb of Columbia”, and becomes part of the prophecy that Comstock foresaw with the use of Rosalind’s “Lutece Device” (tear-making machine).
  • Comstock becomes sterile and begins to age at a faster pace to due heavy exposure to the Lutece Device.

Note: Remember that Comstock used the Device more than anyone else – he uses it to see into the future so that he can create “prophecies” (seeing Booker come to Columbia to steal Elizabeth).

  • Timeline A: Booker brands his hand with “AD” (Anna DeWitt) so he will always remember what he did to Anna and becomes further depressed.
    Note: Despite branding his hand so he would never forget, he forgets what he did to Anna after entering Columbia.
  • Simultaneously in Timeline B: Elizabeth begins to open up tears to other dimensions.
  • Lady Comstock is murdered by Comstock so that she would not reveal Elizabeth’s true origins. It is leaked to the public that Daisy Fitzroy, who was currently a slave of Comstock’s working in Comstock House, had killed her.
  • Daisy Fitzroy flees to Finkton, and eventually creates the Vox Populi to revolt against the Founders and Comstock himself.
  • October 4: Fink discovers Big Daddies through the tears in Rapture, which inspires him to create Songbird – something that would keep Elizabeth from ever leaving her tower.
1895 – 1897
  • Timeline B: Construction on Columbia continues, and the Monument Tower on Monument Island is built to imprison Elizabeth. The tower is made in the image of the archangel Columbia.
1895 – July 6, 1912
  • Timeline B: Elizabeth practices and becomes skilled in: lock picking, decrypting messages, singing, medicine, painting, playing musical instruments (a flute and clarinet are both shown in her room). She spends lots of time readings books and becomes knowledgeable about life outside of her tower. She reads books about quantum mechanics written by Rosalind Lutece and familiarizes herself with the concepts. Elizabeth becomes extremely fascinated with Paris.
  • March 4, Timeline B: Fink accidentally gets Songbird to imprint on Elizabeth. Songbird crashes into Monument Tower, which disconnects its oxygen tube. Elizabeth reconnects it.
  • Timeline B: Columbia opens fire on Chinese citizens in Beijing, revealing that Columbia is really just a giant warship.
  • July 6, Timeline B: The U.S. government, outraged by Columbia’s involvement in China, recalls the city. Comstock is in return outraged, and secedes from the United States.

Note: July 6, the day that Columbia secedes, becomes an annual day of celebration. It is the same day (different year) that Booker comes to Columbia, as evident by the raffle and fair occurring as soon as Booker arrives.

1903 – 1912
  • Timeline B: Several conflicts arise between Daisy Fitzroy’s Vox Populi group and the Columbia Police.
  • Timeline B: The siphon is created by the Luteces by order of Comstock so that Elizabeth’s powers could be limited. A large siphon is installed in Monument Tower.

Note: Elizabeth is about 12/13 years old at this time. It is known that Elizabeth’s abilities became exceedingly powerful during puberty, so the siphon was likely created in response to her growing power.

  • Timeline B: The Luteces use their device to view the future. The twins see Columbia attacking New York, with Elizabeth ruling over Columbia. Robert creates an ultimatum. Either they put Elizabeth back in Timeline A, or Robert would depart from her.
  • October 31: The Luteces are killed by Jeremiah Fink by order of Comstock. Fink sabotages the Lutece device, which disperses them across multiple universes. The Luteces now have the power to exist in any place or time they wish.
  • July 6, Timeline B: Columbia celebrates its 10th anniversary of its secession from the United States.
  • The Lutece twins appear to Booker, and bring him into Timeline B (Columbia’s timeline) so that Booker might be able to return Elizabeth to Timeline A. This is the 123rd time that the Luteces have attempted this (there are 123 tallies on the blackboard during the Columbia fair coin flip, where the result is always heads). 122 previous Bookers have failed. When Booker is brought through the tear, he forgets most of his memories.

3.b Playable Events of BioShock Infinite

Playable Events of BioShock Infinite
  • Timeline B: Booker is brought to the Columbia Lighthouse off the coast of Maine by the Lutece twins, masked with ponchos and large rain hats. He does not recognize them.
  • Somewhere around this time, the universe splits and a new timeline is created, which we will call Timeline B1.
  • Simultaneously in Timeline B1: Elizabeth is moved to Comstock house.
  • Timeline B: Booker enters Columbia only to be recognized as the “False Prophet” by Jeremiah Fink during the July 6 raffle.
  • Booker makes his way to Monument Tower, where he was instructed to find Elizabeth. During his journey to the tower, Comstock addresses him and Booker’s nose begins to bleed (this is the first time it happens).
  • Booker escapes the Monument Tower with Elizabeth.
  • Simultaneously in Timeline B1: Booker does not find Elizabeth in the tower. He eventually finds Cornelius Slate who also participated in the Wounded Knee Massacre. The two team up together.
  • Somewhere after this time, the universe splits and a new timeline is created, which we will call Timeline B2.
  • Simultaneously in Timeline B2: The Hall of Heroes is burned down, and Booker DeWitt dies as a martyr for the Vox Populi. He becomes well respected and praised.
  • Chen Lin’s tools aren’t confiscated and he makes weapons for the Vox Populi.
  • Chen Lin and his wife die.
  • Timeline B: The two crash in Battleship Bay. Booker references someone named “Anna” (his daughter). Elizabeth doesn’t know who Anna is.
  • Booker convinces Elizabeth to come with him by telling her he will fly her to Paris aboard The First Lady.
  • Esther Mailer, a high ranking Columbian Police officer references Elizabeth as “Annabelle”.
  • Booker and Elizabeth are ambushed by Columbian Police.
  • Booker confronts Slate in the Hall of Heroes in order to get to The First Lady.
  • Slate claims Comstock lied about being at the Wounded Knee Massacre. Comstock was there, only he was under the name of Booker DeWitt.
  • Booker and Elizabeth board The First Lady airship, where Booker tries to take Elizabeth back to New York. Elizabeth realizes Booker is not going to Paris, where he had promised her they would travel to, and knocks out Booker. Elizabeth leaves the airship at Finkton.
  • The Vox Populi take over The First Lady. Their leader, Daisy Fitzroy strikes a deal with Booker. Booker agrees that if he can get Chen Lin’s (a weapon supplier for the Vox Populi) weapons to the Vox Populi, Daisy will give him back his airship.
  • Booker meets up with Elizabeth again. She resents him for what he did, but Booker promises to take her to Paris, so she agrees to stay with him and help him. She only sees Booker as “a means to an end”.
  • Booker and Elizabeth travel to Finkton. Jeremiah Fink tries to recruit Booker.
  • Booker and Elizabeth go to the Good Time Club, only to find that Chen Lin is dead. Elizabeth states that there seems to be a tear she can open to another dimension in which Chen Lin appears to be alive. The two go through the tear, leaving Timeline B behind, and enter Timeline B1.
Gameplay in Timeline B1 begins
  • Timeline B1: Booker and Elizabeth return to Chen Lin’s workshop. Chen Lin’s tools have been taken away by the police.
  • The two go to the Police lockup to find Chen Lin’s tools, but there is no way they can transport them back to Chen Lin.
  • Elizabeth opens a tear to Timeline B2, leaving behind Timeline B1. In this timeline, Chen Lin’s tools aren’t in the lockup, so the two reason that the tools must be back in the workshop.
Gameplay in timeline B2 begins
  • Timeline B2: Booker and Elizabeth return to Chen Lin’s workshop, only to find the bodies of Chen Lin and his wife dead.
  • Booker aids the Vox Populi in their revolt against the Founders, and lays siege to the Factory.
  • Burial at Sea Elizabeth enters Columbia through a tear in Rapture (from Rapture’s Timeline).

Note: This Elizabeth is the exact same Elizabeth that you play alongside for the entire game. The only difference is this Elizabeth is further into her life. I will not be writing about the events of Burial at Sea right here.

The events of the Burial at Sea – Episode 2 DLC occur alongside this timeline, until Elizabeth leaves for Rapture.
  • The Lutece twins visit Daisy Fitzroy, ordering her to threaten Jeremiah Fink’s son’s life so that Elizabeth would be forced to kill Daisy. Daisy had no intention of harming Fink’s son, but decides that now she must threaten him so that Elizabeth can kill her.
  • After entering the Factory, Daisy Fitzroy contacts Booker to tell him that Booker is dead, so he must be an imposter. Daisy would rather Booker be kept dead as a martyr to inspire the Vox Populi in their revolt. Daisy orders the Vox Populi to kill Booker.
  • Elizabeth murders Daisy Fitzroy so that Daisy would not harm an innocent child.
  • Elizabeth boards The First Lady with Booker and cuts her hair. She changes into Lady Comstock’s dress, as her old one is soaked in blood. The two depart, only to be attacked by Songbird. Booker realizes that he can’t get Elizabeth to New York unless Songbird is taken out of the equation.
  • Burial at Sea Elizabeth leaves for Rapture (to Rapture’s Timeline) through a tear in Columbia.
  • Booker and Elizabeth crash-land the airship in Emporia.
  • The Lutece twins tell Booker and Elizabeth that Songbird can only be controlled with a special instrument when certain notes are played. Booker and Elizabeth decide to go to Comstock House to try to control Songbird.
  • Booker and Elizabeth find out that they need the handprint of Lady Comstock to be able to enter the Comstock House.
  • Booker and Elizabeth go to the cemetery where Lady Comstock’s crypt is. When they try to unlock the crypt, a siphon appears and begins to leech off of Elizabeth’s power. Comstock revives Lady Comstock in a spectral form, both dead and alive. Lady Comstock uses tears to revive the dead. After being subdued, she leads Booker and Elizabeth around Emporia to find three truths about herself, Comstock, the Luteces, and Elizabeth, which were buried by Comstock. Booker and Elizabeth find these three truths.
  • Booker subdues Lady Comstock again, and Elizabeth apologizes to Lady Comstock. Lady Comstock accepts the apology and opens the door to Comstock House.
  • Booker and Elizabeth are intercepted by Songbird. Elizabeth gives herself to Songbird so that Songbird doesn’t kill Booker.
  • Somewhere around this time, the universe splits and a new timeline is created, which we will call Timeline B3.
  • Timeline B2: Booker is unable to get to Elizabeth. He is likely stopped by Songbird.
  • January, Timeline B2: Elizabeth is indoctrinated by Comstock. She eventually stops believing that Booker will come to save her.

3.c Playable Events of BioShock Infinite cont’d

Somewhere between 1913 – 1983
  • Timeline B2: Comstock dies, likely due to overexposure to the Lutece device.
  • Elizabeth rules over Columbia.

Note: Unfortunately, all the Voxophone recordings by Elizabeth in Comstock House are undated.

  • December 31 – January 1, Timeline B2: An elderly Elizabeth (I will refer to her Old Elizabeth) brings Booker from Timeline B2 through a tear into 1983, rewriting the past.

Note: This event is in Timeline B2. Elizabeth does nothing more than bring Booker forward in time. They do not change timelines. This is why there is no gameplay of Booker being stopped by Songbird – it doesn’t exist because of a temporal paradox.

  • Old Elizabeth shows Booker that Columbia is indeed a war machine that would rain down fire on New York City. Comstock’s prophecy is fulfilled. She hands Booker a card with a code on it as well as a picture of a cage.
  • Old Elizabeth sends Booker to Timeline B3.
Gameplay in Timeline B3 begins
  • Timeline B3: Booker stops Elizabeth from being indoctrinated by Comstock.
  • Booker and Elizabeth fight their way to The Hand of the Prophet, Comstock’s zeppelin.
  • Comstock attempts to convince Elizabeth that Booker is evil and that he is the reason that Elizabeth lost her pinky. Booker can’t remember anything, so he denies it all. Booker shows his loyalty to Elizabeth by telling her that he will destroy the siphon.
  • Booker bashes Comstock’s head. Comstock dies.
  • Elizabeth deciphers the note given by Old Elizabeth.

Note: Upon inspection of the game files, the actual code, when deciphered, translates to: “I am a code; I should probably be changed over for something much more official in the future, but I’ll do as a stand-in for now, I suppose.” This is most likely a joke, rather than a legitimate developer oversight.

  • Elizabeth takes a whistler, a pan flute-type instrument and plays the notes C A G E to summon Songbird and control it.
  • Booker fends off the Vox Populi attacks on The Hand of the Prophet, with the help of the summoned Songbird.
  • Booker uses the whistler to crash Songbird into Monument Tower, destroying the Siphon.
  • Elizabeth opens a tear to bring herself, Booker, and Songbird into another dimension – the Sea of Doors. Booker and Elizabeth find themselves in a place that looks a lot like Rapture.

Note: Booker and Elizabeth are between universes right now. They are not in any universe/dimension. Think of it as the space outside of the multiverse.

  • Songbird is crushed under the ocean’s pressure. Songbird dies.

Note: In the Welcome Center, the Electro Bolt plasmid is not in the Gatherer’s Garden, and the passageway connecting the Welcome Center to Medical Pavilion is destroyed. An alive Little Sister can be seen mourning her Big Daddy outside one of the windows. This is NOT the same universe that BioShock 1 takes place in – they are in the Sea of Doors.

  • Elizabeth and Booker take a bathysphere to the surface.
  • Elizabeth opens the door to the lighthouse with a key that she always had with her, just could never see until now.
  • Booker and Elizabeth find themselves surrounded by Rapture lighthouses. They continue on their path and enter another Rapture lighthouse.
  • Booker and Elizabeth exit on the other side, into a Sea of Columbia lighthouses.
  • Elizabeth states that all the worlds are similar, and yet different. Each one has constants and variables. Each world is unique in some way.
  • Elizabeth shows Booker his past, so Booker could see who he was before he lost his memory. Booker rejects the baptism, gives up Anna, and becomes an alcoholic gambler. Booker is horrified by his past. Booker decides to kill Comstock as a baby.
  • Elizabeth and Booker travel back in time to 1891-1892, to the time just before Booker makes a decision about his baptism.
  • Elizabeth takes Booker back to the baptism site. She shows him how Booker is the same man as Comstock. Elizabeth drowns Booker.
  • Elizabeth travels back in time to 1893, Timeline C in order to kill the last Comstock (This event isn’t seen in game).

How can she travel back in time forwards? Well, imagine she was going backwards along the path of her own life, all the way up to the part where she (as Anna) gets taken by Comstock and moved to Columbia (mind you, she isn’t getting younger while this is happening).

3.d Burial at Sea’s Story Begins

  • Timeline C: Elizabeth is present at the fight between Comstock and Booker that occurs in the New York alleyway.

Note: Instead of this fight occurring between Timelines A and B, it occurs between Timelines A and C. At this point in time, Timeline B still exists.

  • Anna’s head is severed, instead of her pinky. Anna dies.
  • Comstock is sent into a deep depression.
  • Timeline C: Comstock knows that his prophecy will never be fulfilled, and he asks the Luteces to open a tear to another reality in hopes that he might be able to forget everything.
  • The Lutece twins open a tear to Rapture.
    *Note: The year that Comstock goes to Rapture is somewhere around 1949. Comstock says he entered in “[19]49 for sure”, but because of his memory loss we really can’t be sure. This answer seems extremely incredible because he also guesses 1951 and 1948 as years he came to Rapture.
  • Comstock enters Rapture. He forgets most all of his past. Comstock leaves Timeline C for Rapture Timeline.

Note: This is the same Rapture as the one in BioShock 1 & 2.

Before December 31, 1958
  • Rapture Timeline: A young girl, named Sally, is orphaned by her parents to Little Sister’s Orphanage, a business front for Frank Fontaine and Fontaine Futuristics.
  • Comstock becomes Booker once again. Booker becomes a gambler.
  • September 12, Rapture Timeline: Frank Fontaine’s smuggling ring is busted by Ryan Security lead by Sullivan. Frank Fontaine fakes his own death. All of Frank Fontaine’s businesses are seized by the Rapture City Council and shut down. All of the orphans were released to roam the streets.
  • Sally roams the streets and finds Booker DeWitt. Booker feeds her once, and then adopts her.
  • Booker takes Sally to Sir Prize, a casino. While Booker is not paying attention, Sally is kidnapped by Sander Cohen and is sold to someone with money to buy her in Fonatine’s Department Store. Cohen leaves Sally at the store.
  • Sullivan reports to Booker that Sally is dead.
  • October 8: Elizabeth enters Rapture through a tear in the Silver Fin Restaurant inside the Fontaine Department Store.
  • Tears begin to start appearing in Rapture. Doctor Yi Suchong takes note of these, and realizes that Jeremiah Fink in Columbia, Timeline B, has been stealing his research on Plasmids.
    Note: These tears are created by the Elizabeth who just had her pinky severed, not the one who recently entered Rapture. Due to the order of the events of BioShock Infinite and the DLC, the tears cannot be due to Elizabeth’s new presence in Rapture.
  • December 2: Fontaine’s Department Store is sunk into the ocean.
  • December 23: Sander Cohen brings Sally to the department store, and leaves her there.

3.e Gameplay in Burial at Sea – Episode 1 Begins

Note: Burial at Sea occurs alongside the events of BioShock Infinite, and it intersects Timeline B2.

  • December 31, Rapture Timeline: Elizabeth visits Booker, inquiring about Sally. She hires Booker to find Sally.
  • Elizabeth claims her informer, Sander Cohen, has information about the whereabouts of Sally. Booker and Elizabeth go to Sander Cohen’s club, Cohen’s, to confront Cohen.
  • Cohen agrees to help out Booker and Elizabeth, as long as they dance for him.
  • Booker and Elizabeth’s dancing are not to Cohens standards, so he knocks them out and sends them on their way to Fontaine’s Department Store (where Sally is located) via Cohen’s bathysphere.
  • Cohen informs the two via shortwave radio that Sally is in the Housewares section of the store, which is in a completely different building than the one the bathysphere docked at. The two decide they must use the tram to get to the Housewares building.
  • Booker’s nose bleeds.
  • Booker and Elizabeth find the path to the tram is blocked – they must first acquire the Old Man Winter plasmid to clear the gap. The two are attacked by splicers that Ryan trapped inside the store prior to sinking it.
  • Booker arrives at the room where the Old Man Winter is supposedly kept, there are none to be found. Elizabeth opens a tear to a dimension where the Old Man Winter is there. Booker takes the plasmid through the tear.

Note: This is the first tear that Elizabeth opens in Burial at Sea. When asked about it, she tells Booker that it is a plasmid called “Tear”, which lets her make things that might not be there.

  • Using the Old Man Winter plasmid, the two make a path to the tram and travel to the Housewares section of the store. Upon arriving, they spot Sally, who has been chased into a vent by a splicer.
  • Elizabeth creates a plan to get Sally. By closing all the vents in the store except for one and turning up the heat, Sally will be forced to exit the one open vent.
  • Booker and Elizabeth go throughout the store shutting all the vents except the one in the toys section.
  • Elizabeth turns up the furnace heat, scorching Sally.
  • Booker tries to grab Sally and pull her from the vent, but does not succeed. As Booker had feared, Sally has become a Little Sister.
  • Sally’s Big Daddy, a bouncer, charges Booker.
  • Booker defeats the big daddy, and once more tries to rescue Sally.
  • Booker remembers his past. Booker sees that he is a regretful Comstock, who accidentally aided in killing Anna.
  • The Luteces appear to Comstock and criticize him for running away from his troubles.
  • Booker genuinely apologizes to Elizabeth. Elizabeth rejects his apology (because Comstock tried to steal her, when he wasn’t her real father) and says he will forever be sorry.
  • The Big Daddy impales Comstock with his drill. Comstock dies.
Burial at Sea – Episode 1 ends
  • Rapture Timeline: The bouncer charges Elizabeth and she is impaled by a rebar. Elizabeth dies.
  • Atlas’ army attacks the bouncer. The bouncer dies.
  • In the Sea of Doors, Elizabeth chooses to return to Rapture, so that she can rescue Sally, whom she previously only used to get back at Comstock. The Luteces return Elizabeth back to Rapture.

3.f Gameplay in Burial at Sea – Episode 2 Begins

  • Rapture Timeline: Elizabeth begins to dream that she is in Paris. Elizabeth spots Sally and chases her down, hoping that she can right her actions with her. As she catches up to Sally, her dream takes a darker turn and quickly becomes a nightmare.
    While looking for Sally, Elizabeth spots multiple objects from her past, as well as her future that begin to haunt her. These include: the rowboat the Luteces use, a surgical chair, a large poster showing a lobotomy, a statue resembling the Monument Tower, Booker’s office door, and the furnace controls from Burial at Sea – Episode 1 which Elizabeth used to burn Sally.
  • Elizabeth wakes up in Rapture, shortly after the events of Burial at Sea – Episode 1. Atlas (Frank Fontaine) and his men are looking around, looting Comstock’s body. One of Fontaine’s men shoots Elizabeth twice, but both times his revolver is not loaded (by chance). A vision of Booker appears to Elizabeth who guides her out of the situation. Booker tells Elizabeth to tell Atlas that she was Suchong’s assistant, and that Elizabeth can get Atlas and his army back to Rapture, as long as they give her Sally in return. Atlas agrees, and his gang packs up and leaves.
  • Elizabeth finds her dead body impaled on a rebar. After dying, Elizabeth’s quantum super-position collapsed into one final Elizabeth. Elizabeth is again mortal, but now has no omniscience (she can’t see behind the doors anymore) and can no longer open tears. Fortunately, she can still remember what is behind some of the doors. Elizabeth analyzes her hand to find her pinky, which was previously never there due to it being severed by the tear in New York. Booker tells Elizabeth that he is merely a figment of her subconscious.
  • Elizabeth’s nose bleeds because she is alive while she should be dead (causing conflicting memories and thus the hemorrhaging). This is the first time she experiences a nose bleed.
  • Elizabeth makes her way to Suchong’s lab in the Silver Fin Restaurant. When she arrives, she sees that Suchong had been watching herself and others through tears to Columbia. In the restaurant, Elizabeth finds an operational Lutece device.
  • Elizabeth decides to travel through the device to Columbia, and use a Lutece particle from the city to raise the Housewares store back up to Rapture.
  • Elizabeth retrieves the parts required to fix Lutece device and repairs it. Elizabeth enters the tear to Columbia. Elizabeth travels from Rapture Timeline to Timeline B2.
  • Elizabeth arrives on The First Lady. She grabs the spare Lutece Particle onboard and attempts to go back to Rapture. Suchong claims that it is very costly to operate the machine, so Elizabeth must do something for him. Suchong asks Elizabeth to grab a hair sample from Fink’s laboratory so that Suchong might be able to imprint the Big Daddies and Little Sisters onto each other (Suchong thinks the key to bonding is in the DNA of a successfully bonded subject – Elizabeth and Songbird).
  • Elizabeth witnesses the Luteces visit Daisy Fitzroy, who get her to threaten Fink’s son’s life. This causes Elizabeth to murder Daisy later.
  • Elizabeth goes to Fink’s lab and grabs a sample of her own hair. While she is here, she learns how she and Songbird imprinted on each other.
  • While going to Fink’s lab, Elizabeth sees Booker and herself travelling up a different elevator. Elizabeth remarks to Booker (her subconscious) that he was her only friend. Booker (her subconscious) states that Booker would have missed Elizabeth.
  • In the lab, Elizabeth finds that Fink and Suchong worked together to create Vigors, Plasmids, and develop the Vita-Chamber as well as Songbird.
  • Elizabeth exits Timeline B2 and enters the Rapture Timeline. She gives the hair sample to Suchong through a pneumo line.
  • Andrew Ryan offers Elizabeth to work for him or die to his men that he sent to Housewares. Elizabeth rejects his offer and sneaks away.
  • Elizabeth realizes that she must bring the Lutece particle to where the load bearing columns meet, in Fontaine’s office, so that the structure can successfully rise.
  • Elizabeth makes her way to the office knowing that after she places the particle, Atlas would kill her. She places the particle and the structure begins to rise. Atlas’ men capture Elizabeth and bring her to him.
  • Elizabeth is overdosed on truth serum and she is knocked out for 2 weeks.
  • January 13, Rapture Timeline: Elizabeth wakes up while the Rapture civil war is in motion.
  • Atlas demands to know where the Ace in the Hole is, but Elizabeth doesn’t know. Atlas threatens her with performing a lobotomy on her and making her forget everything that she ever was. Elizabeth is unmoved and even dares him to do so.
  • Atlas threatens to perform the lobotomy on Sally. Just before he is able to begin, Elizabeth remembers what’s behind one of the doors – and tells him that the location of the Ace is in Suchong’s lab. Atlas sends Elizabeth to go fetch it for him.
  • Elizabeth arrives at the lab and realize that Big Daddies need the ADAM of their Little Sisters to live. Elizabeth helps bond a Little Sister to a Big Daddy.
  • While recording an audio log, Suchong slaps one of the Little Sisters in his lab who had begun to annoy him. The Big Daddy sees this and attacks Suchong. Suchong dies.
    Note: This audio diary can be found in BioShock 1. This is also the only time you ever see someone record an audio diary.
  • Elizabeth takes the Ace, which is simply a piece of paper with an encoded phrase on it. She returns it to Atlas, fully knowing that Atlas plans to kill her. Atlas strikes her down with a wrench and demands she tell him what the code means.
  • Elizabeth finds herself in the future on the plane Jack hijacks and sees the note Jack is holding in BioShock 1. She recognizes the phrase “Would You Kindly”. She repeats the phrase to Atlas, who schemes a plan to make Jack come to Rapture and kill Andrew Ryan. Atlas strikes Elizabeth again, fatally and leaves Sally with her while he leaves. Elizabeth has one last vision, of Jack by the Rapture lighthouse, rescuing Sally as well as other orphaned girls from Rapture. Elizabeth dies, content that Sally later leaves Rapture to eventually lead a full life.

Burial at Sea – Episode 2 ends

3.g Epilogue

BioShock Infinite after credits scene begins in Timeline A

  • Timeline A: After being drowned, Booker wakes up at his desk with memory of all his past experiences in Columbia. He calls out for Anna, who may or may not be in her crib.
  • Simultaneously, Anna, with all her memories of Columbia and Rapture, wakes up in her crib.

Note: We can say this because Booker seems to wake up in the same way after dying in BioShock Infinite. It would only make sense that Anna is also reset by the paradox. “What paradox?” you might ask – check the FAQ.
Note: This is the last event that occurs in the BioShock Infinite universe.

BioShock Infinite after credits scene ends

  • Rapture Timeline: The events of BioShock 1 take place.

End of the BioShock Timeline

Author’s Note: Now that the events of BioShock Infinite have taken place, the Timeline looks a bit different.
After Booker is present at the Wounded Knee Massacre, he goes to the site of the baptism. Booker is never given a choice to take or reject a baptism, so by default he leaves unbaptized.
Booker is not killed by Elizabeth.
“But you said that the choice of baptism a constant!”
It is only a constant prior to the events of BioShock Infinite. After the paradox occurs, the decision in its entirety is removed. No decision means no choice, and Booker defaults to not being baptized. He is not unbaptized by choice, but by lack of choice.

4. BioShock Infinite FAQ

Q: What is Comstock’s goal? Why is he doing this?

A: Comstock was visited by the fictional archangel Columbia who instructed Comstock to carry out a prophecy. Basically, the archangel tells Comstock that the world (phrased as the Sodom below) has corrupted and that Comstock must build an ark (just like Noah did). After the ark is complete, the ark (Columbia) would “drown in fire the mountains of man”, meaning that Columbia would begin to brutally attack the world and wipe the entire slate clean (as seen in Booker’s vision, as well as when he is taken into the future by Elizabeth in Comstock House). Comstock knows that Columbia will not be able to rain hell upon the world in his lifetime, as he has begun to age much faster due to exposure to the Lutece Device. Because of this, the archangel instructs Comstock that he would need an heir of his blood to “sit the throne” for Columbia to survive. Comstock is sterile due to his exposure to the Lutece Device, so he must take Anna from Timeline A to fulfil this part of the prophecy. If Booker takes Elizabeth away from him, she will not be able to sit the throne of Columbia, and Comstock will fail to follow the archangel’s instructions. In short, Comstock is merely following the archangel’s orders.
Note: There is no proof that an archangel came to Comstock at all. It is entirely possible that Comstock just made the entire story up, but this wouldn’t make much sense.

Q: Who are the Founders?

A: The Founders are the major political party and major citizen faction of Columbia. They model their ideals after the Founding Fathers of the United States. Their party stands for ultra-nationalism, religious zealotry of Father Comstock, jingoism, militarism, elitism, and extreme xenophobia. Their enemy is the Vox Populi. They believe that Elizabeth will eventually lead Columbia to cleanse the “Sodom below” and rebuild the world in Columbia’s image.

Q: Is the archangel Columbia really an archangel in the Christian religion? Is Elizabeth the archangel?

A: No. There are only 7 archangels in the Christian religion and none are named Columbia. There is also no evidence to support that Elizabeth is the archangel Columbia. It is also impossible due to the order of the events of BioShock Infinite.

Q: How was Columbia able to secede from the United States?

A: To my limited American knowledge, it is illegal to secede from the United States (or it just simply isn’t going to happen). The difference with Columbia is that it is a flying city. The game states that after “seceding”, the city just disappeared into the clouds. I guess there isn’t much you can do to stop that.

Q: Why did Elizabeth leave The First Lady instead of just going to Paris?

A: She most likely knew that Booker was going to wake up soon and wanted to put as much space as possible between herself and Booker. She didn’t throw Booker out because she wasn’t a killer.

Q: What was the Luteces’ plan after Booker deliver’s Elizabeth to New York?

A: Evidence from the game suggests that the Luteces’ plan was to bring Elizabeth back to the timeline from which she originated (Timeline A). There isn’t any reason that Booker would have to bring her to New York specifically, so there is likely some unexplained plot with the Luteces. Most likely, Rosalind sees the future and realizes that by bringing Booker into Timeline B, Booker will be able to kill Comstock and set everything straight. She either compromises with Robert, who agrees, or she keeps the information from him and it just so happens that the events of BioShock Infinite turn out exactly the way she wanted them to.
Note: There isn’t really evidence to come to a conclusion, it is only a theory.

Q: Why does Booker/Comstock/Elizabeth’s nose bleed?

A: When two memories conflict with each other, due to memories existing in other universes where the bleeding person dies, the brain has trouble coping and hemorrhages. The blood just happens to come out the nose. Comstock/Elizabeth’s nose only bleed in Burial at Sea.

Q: Elizabeth is not Comstock’s daughter. How can Comstock hope to fulfil the prophecy if his daughter isn’t really the one sitting on the throne?

A: Elizabeth is Anna. Booker is Comstock. Comstock takes Booker’s biological child, Anna, and renames her Elizabeth. Elizabeth is just as much related to Booker as she is to Comstock.

Q: Why is Elizabeth being kept captive in Monument Tower?

A: If Elizabeth isn’t kept hidden away in the Monument Tower she might try to escape or be stolen away from Comstock. Elizabeth is required to fulfill the Columbia’s prophecy, so Comstock’s plan is for her to sit there until he needs to indoctrinate her.

Q: Didn’t Booker already “wipe away the debt” when he gave Anna to Comstock? What debt is he repaying by returning Elizabeth to New York? (from /u/JayD21)

A: He’s not repaying a debt. 20 years after giving up Anna, Booker enters a tear that the Luteces open for him, so that the events of BioShock Infinite can happen. When someone uses a tear to go to an alternate reality, they forget a lot of their memories. Either A: Booker doesn’t remember he has no debt, and just assumes he has one because it’s one of the first things he sees while in the Columbia timeline (which makes him obliged to do what the Luteces tell him to do) or B: Booker does in fact have a debt, and the Luteces have agreed to pay it for him by returning Elizabeth to New York. Obviously, Booker isn’t going to return Elizabeth to NY, the Luteces just needed to manipulate him to going to her so that the events of BioShock Infinite can occur. Either way, it doesn’t matter. The phrase is just the Luteces way of getting Booker to do what they want (BioShock 1, anyone?).

4.a BioShock Infinite FAQ cont’d

Q: Who is the dead body in the lighthouse? (from /u/JayD21)

A: An assassin sent by Comstock to kill Booker before he arrives in Columbia (Comstock knows that Booker is coming by using the Lutece Device to see into the future). Before the Luteces pull Booker into the Columbia timeline, they must first kill the assassin in the lighthouse so that Booker doesn’t die before arriving in Columbia. The note on the assassin’s face is left by the Luteces: “don’t disappoint us”. Because the Booker we play as is the 123rd Booker to be brought into Columbia, we can assume that the Luteces had previously killed 122 hired assassins in the lighthouse.

Q: Why is Chen Lin dead in one universe, yet alive in another?

A: Chen Lin’s life is dependent on his wife. In Timeline B, Chen Lin is married to an Asian woman. In Timeline B1, he married a Caucasian woman. The woman in Timeline B1 happens to be Scofield Sansmark’s sister. Scofield Sansmark is Fink’s Head of Security. This explains why Lin isn’t found tortured and dead in Fink’s Good Time Club.

Q: Why can the Luteces be wherever they want to be after death, yet Elizabeth can’t after she dies? (/u/pathogeN7)

A: The Luteces can go wherever they want due to the way that they died. Comstock told Fink to sabotage the Lutece device, spreading their existence all over space and time. It now seems that the two Luteces we see in the events of BioShock Infinite are the only Luteces to exist now. Elizabeth did not die like the Luteces, she died in a conventional way, so her rules are different. It’s simply the story’s logic works.

Q: How to the Luteces go to different universes/travel in space/time?

A: Using tears. You just never see/hear it happen. I don’t see any other way in the BioShock universe to travel across different timelines and dimensions.

Q: Why did Comstock kill the Luteces?

A: The Luteces knew too much. They used their Lutece Device to see Columbia attacking New York, just like in Booker’s vision and the scene in Comstock House (in the future with old Elizabeth). To right this, Robert decides to give Rosalind an ultimatum: either Robert leaves Rosalind, or they make Elizabeth go back to her original universe (this would make Comstock’s prophecy fail). After deciding, Comstock uncovers the plot and has them killed.

Q: At the end of BioShock Infinite, why do we only see a few Elizabeths and only one Booker?

A: Technically we should be able to see an infinite amount of Elizabeths and Bookers, but that would be impossible to show in a game. So that scene is a representation of what is happening. The singular Booker in that scene represents all Bookers. The Elizabeths in that scene are also all Elizabeths. Think of it as if all the Bookers and all the Elizabeths merged into their respective persons.

Q: The bird or the cage? Why do people say that the cage is the “correct” decision?

A: The bird or the cage choice is supposed to change depending on the play through that you are doing. The first time you would instinctively choose the bird over the cage because you want Elizabeth to be free. You are lead to believe that the bird symbolizes Elizabeth and the cage is Monument Tower, which Elizabeth has just escaped from. Later on in the game, you figure out that “C A G E” are the four notes that control Songbird – the four notes that need to be played to set Elizabeth free. The bird on the other hand has a literal meaning. It is referencing Songbird, who has kept Elizabeth confined to her cage (Monument Tower) for her entire life. After realizing this, it makes more sense to pick cage over bird during your second play through.

Q: Do any of my decisions in BioShock Infinite matter?

A: No. They have no outcome on the story. Here are all the results of the decisions:

  • Throwing the Ball at Fink during the July 6 raffle lets you see the interracial couple outside the arcade, on Battleship Bay, who will thank you for what you chose (despite both choices ending the same – you never throw the ball). If you choose to throw it at the couple, they will not appear to you later.
  • Choosing the bird or the cage has no impact at all on anything other than the appearance of Elizabeth’s pendant. Despite your choice in BioShock Infinite, Elizabeth will always wear the bird pendant during Burial at Sea (likely an oversight by the developers – the Elizabeth in Burial at Sea is definitely the same one that is in the main BioShock Infinite game).
  • Demanding the ticket after the arcade causes the clerk to stab you through the hand with a knife. Elizabeth will later patch your hand up with her dress. Your right hand is bandaged for the rest of the game. When Booker and Elizabeth go to the Sea of Doors and see the other Booker and Elizabeth, Booker will also have a bandaged hand (I don’t know if having a non-bandaged hand causes the other Booker to also have a non-bandaged hand – feedback is required). If you pull your weapon on the clerk instead, you will not be stabbed and Elizabeth will not patch your hand up.
  • If you kill Slate at the Hall of Heroes, he will remark that you are still a “true soldier”. If you spare him, he calls you a “tin man”. If Slate is spared, he can be found again in the Good Time Club. Slate has been imprisoned and lobotomized. Killing him in the Good Time Club makes Elizabeth say “I guess that’s what he wanted”.

Q: Is BioShock Infinite Canon?

A: Yes. Read the Timeline above to see why.
We can safely say that BioShock 1’s good ending is canon to BioShock Infinite/Burial at Sea because of Elizabeth’s vision just before she dies in Episode 2. She sees Jack saving all the little sisters in Rapture.

4.b Confusing Questions

Questions that I don’t have good answers for, due to lack evidence.

Q: Why can’t Elizabeth or anyone else simply severe their finger in a tear to gain Elizabeth’s powers?

A: We don’t know. The only reason I can think of is that Anna’s finger was a special case. Perhaps it was because she was young, perhaps she was just in the right place at the right time. The game only implies that because her body exists in two different universes at once, she has the ability to open tears. There doesn’t seem to be much reasoning beyond that. It is true that Elizabeth’s power did peak during puberty, so age is a factor with the tear power. Therefore it is not outrageous to assume she can create tears because her finger was severed during infancy.

Q: Why don’t the Lutece twins just use a tear to go into Monument Tower and send Elizabeth through a tear to Timeline A? Why do they need Booker at all?

A: At first I thought that only the Lutece twins can go through their own tears, but Booker goes through one that they open at right before the game starts. This means that the Luteces can both open tears, and other people can go through them – not just the twins themselves. Maybe they can’t create tears there because of the working siphon in the tower (I doubt this, they could just go to the tower and shut it down and regain all their powers). There isn’t evidence to come to a good conclusion. Here is the most likely scenario:
Note: Tearing into the tower and then back into Timeline A with Elizabeth only stops Comstock in one universe.
Much like Elizabeth at the end of the game, the Lutece twins would not be content with only a single Comstock failing – because in an infinite amount of other universes, Comstock would succeed. To kill all Comstocks, the Luteces must bring in Booker who will eventually be drowned by Elizabeth so that no Booker can ever exist.

Q: Why don’t the Luteces just travel back in time and drown Booker?

A: There isn’t enough evidence to come to a good conclusion. The Luteces likely have a limit to their powers that Elizabeth doesn’t have (Perhaps they can’t travel that far back in time).

Q: How does Booker remember the events of Columbia after he dies and wakes up?

A: TV Trope: Ripple Effect Proof Memory. When time travel is used to rewrite the past, such as what Elizabeth did when she kills Booker, the character will retain their memory of the original timeline despite the events never happening because of a paradox. Since Booker and Elizabeth are the only ones who need to be reverted by the paradox, they should both (Booker definitely does) remember the previous events of Columbia.

Q: How is the last after-credits scene possible? Isn’t Booker dead?

A: Here is the most confusing, open to interpretation scene in all of BioShock Infinite.
Firstly, we must understand that the story of BioShock Infinite has a paradox in it: the actions of both Booker and Elizabeth seem to be impossible! By killing Booker, Elizabeth can never exist, and never kill Booker (grandfather paradox). Oddly enough, we know that Booker isn’t dead because he awakes in 1893 looking for Anna. So what on earth happened? Before reading on, I suggest you familiarize yourself with TV Trope: Ripple Effect Proof Memory.
Think of BioShock Infinite as if it were a computer, and the characters as if they were programs (credit to Steam Forum user Solarmech for the example). When an impossible operation occurs (such as the paradox in BioShock Infinite), the computer is forced to reset itself and roll back to an earlier date, just before the paradox occurs. The problem arises with Booker and Elizabeth – the causes of the paradox. The computer can’t reset until all the programs end first. For anyone that isn’t Booker or Elizabeth, the process is simple. The computer (a.k.a the BioShock Infinite universe) can just terminate them because they will never know that anything happened. They will be rolled back to the previous time. Booker and Elizabeth also need to rolled back, but they need to die first. Booker is already dead so there is no problem. Elizabeth on the other hand is special (in a quantum super-position) and can’t be rolled back, at least not until she dies (and the program is properly terminated).
After Elizabeth dies to the bouncer, she returns to Rapture as a mere mortal with no power. The next time she dies, the world of Columbia and everything outside of the Rapture Timeline is successfully rolled back.
Booker and Anna awake in 1893, with their memories (Ripple Effect Proof Memory). Rapture’s Timeline is not rolled back because the paradox does not occur in its reality. Rapture’s universe is not a branch of the Initial Timeline. It does not need to be rolled back. Since the events of BioShock 1 also occur on Rapture’s Timeline, we know for sure that it is never rolled back.

Q: Is Anna also alive in the after credits scene?

A: I can say with good confidence that just like how Booker is reset by the paradox, Elizabeth is also reset by the paradox. Anna should be alive in her crib in 1893 in Timeline A, after her death outside of Dr. Suchong’s Free Clinic in Burial at Sea – Episode 2.

Q: Booker was killed by Elizabeth before a decision was made, making it impossible Comstock to exist. Hypothetically, another Booker gets up to this point in time in his timeline, what happens?

A: Because of the temporal paradox, the Booker can never make a decision about the baptism. The Booker can’t become Comstock – there is no choice. The only logical path that this Booker takes is that he continues on with his life. Because there are 0 worlds were a baptism was accepted, Comstock never exists. There is now an infinite number of worlds where Booker gets on with his life normally. (credit to /u/lolmaster2000)
Note: Elizabeth killed Booker before a decision was made, killing all Bookers that were in their point in life AFTER the baptism. There was still an infinite number of Bookers that were before that point in their life.

Q: Do all Elizabeths possess the ability to open tears, or does only ‘our’ Elizabeth? (from Sonwaas)

A: Elizabeth Prime, ‘our’ Elizabeth opened tears FOR all the other Elizabeths to come and drown Booker. They can’t make their own tears.
It doesn’t really make sense if they were all Elizabeths from timelines in which the siphon is destroyed because they all vanish after drowning Booker, except ‘our’ Elizabeth. Our Elizabeth survives because she is in a quantum superposition, so the other ones should also not disappear because they would also be in a superposition.

Q: What happens to the Elizabeth who was taken to Comstock house in Timeline B1 when the Elizabeth from Timeline B enters her timeline? (from Sonwaas)

A: When someone enters another timeline, they collapse into one entity/person. This is why Booker can remember his own death in Timeline B2, they are the same person and he can remember his past life. This is also why when you time travel to the baptism site and Booker is drowned, Elizabeth is drowning a 38-year-old and not a 17-year-old. In Burial at Sea, my guess is that because Elizabeth is a quantum-superposition (or, at least one of them is) she does not collapse onto herself. Therefore, my guess is that the Elizabeth that is taken to Comstock House prior to Booker’s arrival in Columbia is still in Comstock House because of her superposition. If she were a normal Elizabeth intersecting a timeline with another normal Elizabeth, she would collapse into one Elizabeth.
Note: Remember that the Elizabeth in Burial at Sea is the same on that plays alongside you for the entire game.

5. Burial at Sea Parts 1 & 2 FAQ

Q: Why is Booker in Rapture in Burial at Sea?

A: Elizabeth decided to take matters into her own hands and fix the whole Giving-Anna-to-Comstock situation, attempting to make it so that it never happened. She goes back in time to the meeting, and Anna’s head gets cut off. In this timeline, Comstock becomes exceedingly depressed and asks the Luteces to send him to a place where he could have a fresh start, a universe where Columbia doesn’t exist. So they do, and Comstock is sent to Rapture. Comstock shaves his beard and returns to being Booker. Comstock forgets most of his past due to going through a tear to another dimension.

Q: Why is Elizabeth in Rapture with Booker(Comstock)?

A: Elizabeth, after (kind of) being the reason the Anna is killed, has changed. She sees that the Comstock in Rapture has returned to his old ways of gambling and has once again lost a small child, this time by the name of Sally. She is infuriated with Comstock and creates a huge plan to essentially make Comstock feel terrible. She shows Comstock that she is still alive, and that once again Comstock has given up/left his daughter (he adopted Sally). From this we can see that Elizabeth has become extremely sadistic. Even after she is given a sincere apology, she lets Comstock die humiliated and hating himself. Despite this entirely being her fault (her presence is the reason Anna’s head was chopped off), she finds it appropriate to blame Comstock.
It also seems like Elizabeth has made a promise to herself to eliminate all Comstocks ever. It just so happens that the one in Rapture is the very last one alive.

Q: How can the same Elizabeth be in the same universe twice?

A: Elizabeth plays by a different set of rules because of her tear powers. In these cases, Elizabeth can intersect with timelines in which she already exists and co-exist with that Elizabeth.

Q: During Burial at Sea Part 2, Elizabeth watches herself and Booker go up an elevator while she is going down. Can you see her, while playing as Booker in BioShock Infinite?

A: No. That portion of the game is uncontrollable. By logical reason we know that if Booker were to turn around, he would be able to see Elizabeth going down in the other elevator.

Q: How can Comstock be alive in Burial at Sea? Aren’t all Bookers dead?

A: A visual timeline would be great for this. What is happening is that Elizabeth has traveled in time to BEFORE the events of BioShock Infinite occur – therefore there is no paradox yet and the world hasn’t “reset”. Elizabeth’s intrusion into the timeline only happens once. Elizabeth’s interference leads to Anna’s head being severed instead of her pinkie, and the events of Burial at Sea to occur.

Q: Why do the Luteces ask Daisy Fitzroy to die for the greater good?

A: This was the Luteces’ way of speeding up Elizabeth’s character growth. If you couldn’t tell by the change of clothes and hair, Daisy’s death is a large turning point for Elizabeth. She quickly becomes more mature and hardened to ideas like the Booker’s need to kill. The Luteces seem to know that Elizabeth needs to lose her innocence by this point in the story.

Q: How can Elizabeth visit Columbia, if Columbia can’t exist due to the paradox?

A: Elizabeth visits Columbia DURING the timeline in which the events of BioShock Infinite occur, not after in another universe. The world has not been reverted yet because in this timeline, Booker has not previously been drowned by Elizabeth. You can’t meet Booker or Elizabeth in this timeline while playing as Elizabeth (and possibly kill Elizabeth, creating a paradox) because, as she states, Booker and Elizabeth in the timeline you play in simply don’t meet another Elizabeth. Just to clarify, the Elizabeth you play as in Burial at Sea is the same Elizabeth that is being referenced. Here’s a short timeline:

  • <The events of BioShock Infinite occur>
  • Elizabeth and Booker leave the Fink Factory in the First Lady.
  • Elizabeth drowns Booker.
  • Elizabeth travels through space and time to go to the meeting between Comstock and Booker where Anna’s head is lost.
  • <The events of Burial at Sea occur>
  • Elizabeth jumps through a tear in rapture to move through space and time to get to the same space and time as bullet point #2.

Note: There are temporarily two Elizabeths in the same universe – one is just further on into her life. They are the same Elizabeth.

Q: The game suggests that Sally was another version of Elizabeth. How does Sally still exist if Elizabeth Prime is killed? (from /u/RememberNobleGaming)

A: Sally is not Booker’s child. The game does not suggest that Sally is Anna/Elizabeth. Sally is just a little sister that Booker adopted, but then lost while gambling. This is just like how he lost Anna while gambling. Sally was orphaned from her real parents while in rapture to Little Sister’s Orphanage. When Frank Fontaine fakes his death, all his businesses were shut down. Sally was left to roam rapture until Booker decided to adopt her. She is neither Anna nor is she Elizabeth.

Q: Isn’t there an infinite number of Comstocks in Rapture Timelines? How does killing only one satisfy Elizabeth at all?

A: It seems to be that there is only one ever instance of Timeline C, where Comstock enters Rapture, despite this being a multiverse. This means that after all post-baptism-choice Bookers die, the one in Rapture is the only one remaining.

5.a Burial at Sea Parts 1 & 2 FAQ cont’d

Q: How can Elizabeth die in Burial at Sea? Isn’t she a god?

A: There are a few possible answers to this question. Firstly, when the siphon is first destroyed, Elizabeth states that she can see behind all the doors – she is omniscient, not immortal. Now that we know that, there are a few theories. It is possible that her powers are waning. We know that Elizabeth’s powers grew as she did, and they spiked during puberty. So it could make sense that they could also fall off. She simply can’t see that she is going to die (I doubt this theory). Secondly, it is possible that she doesn’t have the power to see when or how she dies – perhaps having that power is something that she wouldn’t be able to cope with, so her brain doesn’t acknowledge it. Her brain simply blots out the information so that she never has to think about it. If you knew exactly how and when you were to die, wouldn’t you try to avoid the situation as much as possible, altering “fate” or “destiny”? I guess we already know what Elizabeth is capable of… Lastly, it is possible she knows very well that she will die, but she sees that it is more important that Comstock feels terrible for what he did to Sally. We can’t really be sure, there’s no evidence to prove anything.

Q: Why isn’t Rapture Timeline rolled back by the paradox?

A: The Rapture universe/timeline always exists. It is independent from the events in BioShock Infinite. Keep in mind that when Comstock enters the Rapture timeline, he is merely intersecting with a timeline that has been always there. The Rapture timeline is NOT created when the tear to Rapture is opened. Whereas Timeline B is destroyed because it was created by a choice after the paradox, Rapture’s Timeline isn’t because it was not created by a choice.

Q: I have a general question about Rapture/I don’t understand what’s going on in Burial at Sea Part 2. (Questions like, “Why does Atlas want to go to Rapture?” or “What is the Ace in the Hole?”)

A: Play BioShock 1 and 2. If you already have and don’t have the answer to your question, I’m not the person to ask. I’ve only finished BioShock 1 and 2 once, and as of writing this I have not finished Minerva’s Den. I have also not read the (non-canon) BioShock book. I’m not well educated in the Rapture universe. Would you kindly direct your questions to /r/BioShock?

Q: I have a BioShock Infinite related question not listed here.

A: Comment on the steam guide or PM /u/7Gen.

6. Credits and Conclusion

Anything I missed? Do you have a question I didn’t answer? Please leave a comment. If I’ve made any mistakes in this guide, please comment on this guide (with proof, such as a voxophone recording or something – if you don’t have proof then I might disagree with what you say). You will be credited (add me on steam and I will add guide contributor list). Any feedback is also appreciated. Thanks.

  • Me – I compiled and wrote a lot of this (mostly the FAQ – a lot of the timeline was pulled from either the BioShock Wiki or timelines such as /u/haettenschweiler’s).
  • /r/Bioshock
  • BioShock Wiki – For hosting a basic Columbia Timeline and a bunch of other information about BioShock Infinite.
  • /u/haettenschweiler – for making

    BioShock Infinite Timeline Rev. 3

    [] which greatly helped me understand the BioShock Infinite timeline (although his timeline is incorrect and was made before Burial at Sea).

  • /u/JayD21
  • /u/RememberNobleGaming
  • /u/lolmaster2000
  • /u/pathogeN7
  • /u/2-4601
  • Steam Forum user Solarmech
  • Steam user Sonwaas
  • You – for reading or just browsing this guide.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this guide. It initially took me about 4 days to research and write. This guide contains over 12,000 words, and is about 30 pages long. Would you kindly give it a like on Steam?