Amazing Frog? Guide

The Ultimate Amazing Frog V3 Guide for Amazing Frog?

The Ultimate Amazing Frog V3 Guide


This is the Ultimate Guide to Amazing Frog? (V3)Made by, Jax And ChiliRaider

How To Play

Basic Controller Controls: Left Joystick for movement, Right Joystick for Camera, Right Bumper for shooting, Right Bumper for Shooting, Left Trigger for a close up, Left Bumper + Left Trigger = Crosshair (for guns), Right Trigger to Throw. D-PAD controls: Down = Holster/Un-holster. Start button for Phone.

Xbox Controls: A to jump, X to reload and punch, B to stand back up, Y to interact.

Playstation Controls: X to jump, Square to reload and punch, Circle to stand back up, Triangle to interact.

The Keyboard and mouse controls are WASD to move, space to jump, shift to sprint, C to stand back up, K to holster/Un-holster, Pressing the Scroll Wheel for a close up, Right Click + Clicking the Scroll Wheel = Crosshair (for guns), R to throw, Escape for Phone.

You may notice that the steering wheels are on the left side, that’s because this game was made in the UK.

As of Now Punching is no longer in the game.

Floppy Disks

Floppy disks can be obtained around Swindon and Swindonshire, You may have already obtained some. Now you may be wondering, “How do i use them?” The way to use them is by interacting with the computer in the F.A.P.S Room in the Fayju building.

(If you find any Floppy Disks not listed, leave a comment so we can add them to the list)

(Note: Some of the Floppy Disks are missing from the pictures because they have already been collected, Sorry!)

White Vrog Floppy Disk – On the desk in the Blank Arena

Pink Dinghy Floppy Disk – On the desk in the Water Arena

Green FBMX Bike – On the desk in the Ramps Arena

Blue FBMX Bike – On top of a Circular ramp platform at the Frogopolis skate park

Purple FBMX Bike – On top of a small half pipe on a tall platform at the Frogopolis skate park

Inflatable Snowman Floppy Disk – On top of Zorb Mountain with 5 snowman circling it.

There are many Floppy Disks in the D*ck Lovett Car Dealership

Blue Crate – On top of the lockers in West County Customs

In the normal arena walk along the wall to the left of the spawn and you can collect many different shapes.

Beach ball Floppy Disk – On a picnic table by swindon on the sea.

Mushroom Floppy Disk – Obtained by popping 50 mushrooms near the flight school.

Classic Trampoline Floppy Disk – By the trampoline in the parking lot.

Traffic Cone Floppy Disk – In an ally way behind the Car Park.

Fart Gyms Trampoline Floppy Disk – On the table in the staff room of Fart Gyms.

Cannon Floppy Disk – On top of lightpole in car park

Soccer Ball Floppy Disk – On top of building overlooking D*ck Lovett Car Dealership

Swindon Council Dumpster – Under the roof at the entry of The Swindon Planning Office

fiBBa Dumpster – Underneath the red fiBBa dumpster at the Frogopolis skate park

Action Figure Onesies

There are no longer Brown Portaloos in Swindon.
Around Swindon you will find little action figure boxes, when you bring them into the “Fantasy Bazaar” building (near the Frog Milk Coffee Building) and put them in the box on the desk, you will be rewarded with a new onesie.

(If you find any Action Figures not listed, leave a comment so we can add them to the list)

(Note, Some of the Action Figures Are missing from the pictures because they have already been collected)

Naked Frog – Located behind the sofa in the hideout. This one shouldn’t be hard to find at all.

Santa Frog – Located on some railing in the spawn area

Police Frog – Located immediately to the left after you walk into the back of Frog Court

Grinch Frog – Located between two dumpsters below the spawn area.

Penguin Frog – Located on top of the West Country Customs. There is a ladder on the back so you can get up there.

Star Frog – Located in the changing rooms in Fart Gyms.

Captain America Frog – Located on the corner of a building overlooking the construction site.

Retro Frog – Located on top of the Fantasy Bazaar.

Mr. Frog – Located on top of Frog Milk Coffee Co.

Big Frog – Found on top of the Swindon wall.

Ballet Frog – Located under some chairs in the exercise room of the Fayju building.

Secret Onesies

(If you find any Secret Onesies not listed, leave a comment so we can add them to the list)

Christmas Onesie – Obtained by Smashing lots of Christmas Lights

fiBBa (Trash Bag) Onesie – Obtained by Throwing away lots of rubbish

Secret Features

As you may know, Swindonshire is constantly stuck in daytime. Its almost as if time is frozen! Well that is in fact true… unless you adventure to this giant stone clock located on the hill/mountain near the bridge.

The first thing you might see is the stone clock hand, that you can push to manually change the time.

There are also 2 stone buttons to change the settings of the clock.

Pushing the Left button freezes time and allows you to manually change the time.

Pushing the Right button starts the natural day/night cycle, and stops you from manually changing the time.