A Simple guide on how to run The Ultimate DOOM and Custom Wads through Modern Source Ports with the Steam Overlay and getting it to work when playing Online.**NOTE**This still works with the current Unity Update, all you have to do when launching through steam is Select “Launch Dos Version”.
The one launcher to rule them all.
So to get started, this entire guide is based around ZDL.
ZDL is a simple launcher that allows you to choose your wad load order, which source port you wish to use and whatever IWAD you wish to use, like DOOM 2 or HEXEN, now for the uninformed, Wads are essentially a package full of sprites, levels and game data, incase you get confused.
Installing and setting up ZDL.
So to get started, i’ll presume you’ll have The Ultimate DOOM installed on Steam.
If for whatever reason you haven’t done this, go and do it and you’ll also need to open a .rar file, if you for whatever reason dont have 7zip or Winrar in 2018, that’s on you.
So to get started go to the Steam Library and Right Click The Ultimate DOOM and go to Properties.
Navigate to Local Files, then click on Browse Local Files.
Once this is open, open the file named Base, then minimize the window.
Proceed to this link [link]
Then once the page has opened, click on the download link shown in the photo below.
This will open a Github Download page, just simply click the link shown in the photo below
and you will receive a rar file named ZDL-
Once this is downloaded, open the minimized Ultimate DOOM folder and drag the contents of the rar file into it.
Then find dosbox.exe and delete it.
Then rename ZDL.exe to “dosbox.exe”, you may or may not have to add the “.exe”
You can now launch The Ultimate DOOM through steam and be greeted by a window that looks like this.
Now, you’ll need your desired source port, for this guide i’ll be using Zandronum.
It doesn’t matter where you install this, but for simplicity’s sake just install this into your Ultimate DOOM folder.
Once it’s installed, open up ZDL and click on settings, you should then see this:
Click on the “ADD” button on the left hand side and Name this new entry “Zandronum” then click browse and find “Zandronum.exe” which will be wherever you installed it.
Once that is done, Click the right hand side “ADD” button and name it DOOM, then click browse, then open up the base folder and select DOOM.wad.
If you wish to use DOOM 2, Heretic, Hexen or any other IWAD, you can drag their .wad files into the Ultimate DOOM folder and do the exact same thing you just did with DOOM.wad.
Now that’s all done, you can click on main up on the top left, it should automatically select your source port for you found in the top right.
Now all there is to do is click on the desired IWAD and click play on the bottom right.
Setting up Zandronum
WARNING The game will be very loud the first time you launch it, so turn your volume down a fair bit.
Now that the game has started, Press ESC and immediately go to to options.
Then immediately go to Set Video Options.
Once here, Change the renderer to OPENGL and change to your desired aspect ratio and resolution accordingly.
Once this is done, close and restart the game.
Once your back onto the main menu, go to Options, Hud Options go to Default Crosshair and make it Cross 1
Then finally go back to options, Player Options and proceed to turn off Auto Aim, it’s also here that you can set up a Player Name and Armour Colour for playing online.
Then finally go to Customise Controls and set them up however you want, but if you want an idea on what i personally use, here they are.
Now Zandronum is setup.
However certain wads require you to change your controls from time to time, so if you’re playing something new, just check to make sure everything is to your liking.
Using Custom Wads
This part is insanely easy, all you have to do is:
Open ZDL
On the left you should see “ADD” underneath the external files tab
Find and select your desired Custom Wad
Launch the game
You can also simply click and drag your desired wad into the external files section.
Some wads require you to load different wads in a certain order for it to work correctly, Most wads will come with a readme file that will tell you the load order, but if not, keep moving and shuffling the wads from top to bottom in the external files list to get it to work.
Playing Online With ZDL and Zandronum
Now this is where it becomes difficult, start by going into your zandronum install file, finding a folder named Doomseeker and opening the Doomseeker.exe
You will then be greeted with the Server Browser.
Find a Server you wish to join, double click on it and start downloading the neccesary wads required to play on it.
Once this is done, you can connect to the server and play online, but if you want the steam overlay, close this window, minimize doomseeker and open up ZDL.
Now go to your computers search bar and search for %appdata%
Then go to .doomseeker
You should see all the wads you’ve downloaded, now open up Doomseeker again and then find the server you wish to connect to and hover over Wads
It should look like this
Now using the .doomseeker file, drag every wad in order from top to bottom into ZDL
If done correctly, it should look something like this:
Now, before launching the game, go to doomseeker and find the servers IP by simply hovering over it.
Now simple launch the game and open the console using ~
Type Connect “IP” then press enter.
You should now be connected to the server found on doomseeker with the steam overlay available.