The Ultimate Guide To Boneworks (Lore, Secrets, And Unlockables) for BONEWORKS

The Ultimate Guide To Boneworks (Lore, Secrets, And Unlockables)


In this guide, i will be talking about the lore and story of titles from Stress Level 0 as I believe that there is a deeper story hidden behind them which could be the greatest in any vr game today! I will mainly be talking about Boneworks however but I will be making references to other games such as Duck Season or making segments dedicated to it. however if it doesn’t connect to the main lore connected to all of the games I won’t mention it.


(Taken from Boneworks)

Hey everyone! I have added two new segments for the new update as soon as I could and I hope they can help you unlock the two new Sandbox stages not including one other one which I don’t even know how I got it.

Hope you guys enjoy the guide and if you do be sure to rate the guide up and favourite it!


WARNING: There’s gonna be a lot of typos, it’s a steam guide, what do you expect 🙂

Welcome to the guide! I’m excited that you have decided to click on this and i hope you enjoy! In this guide we will be talking about concepts and theories of Boneworks that gives the game a more story and meaning. We will also be talking about concepts and theories from Duck Season as it plays a big roll in the story of Boneworks and the story of the whole universe which both game co-exist with a few other unreleased games that are coming soon such as DeadFM and The Hall Of The Machine King.

While talking about other games in the series, we won’t be going in depth on anything that is irrelevant to the story in Boneworks or the bigger story behind it.

While this guide explains the lore and story of this title, it also shows you how to obtain the hidden collectables throughout the game in the most amount of detail as possible!

Part 1: Lore, Theories and Story

(Taken from Boneworks)
In this part of the guide, I will be explaining the lore and story of the title Boneworks. For most of us, the title’s story is quite confusing and trying to figure things out or trying to understand events that happen in the game can be quite hard and complicated, which is why your here. In this guide, I hope to make it an easy and relaxing experience learning the story of the title.

While explaining THIS title’s lore and story, I will also be explaining how this all fits in with the bigger picture, the story of the Stress Level 0 Universe! Honestly, the story of the universe behind the title is much more interesting and mysterious, but I tend to make this hole guide as interesting as possible!

(Taken from Boneworks)

So follow me through this part of the guide as I explain the lore and story, of Boneworks! Enjoy!

Background Information Of Duck Season

So Duck Season if you don’t know is a title by Stress Level 0 where you play as a boy in 1988,. Your Mum has just rented a game called Duck Season and you only have one day so you better make it worth it. Progress through the game by shooting rounds of ducks while your dog friend, dances.

As you progress through the game, you notice it slowly get stranger till you realise by 7 pm (in-game time) that the dog isn’t as innocent as he seems to be. And of course, if you decide to shoot the dog you will find your self having a bit of a bad time at the end of game which the best result you can get out of shooting the dog is your mother dying and you running away from home.

Duck Season is also the first title where the monkey and the cat showed up and is the only game where they have done anything major so far.

(Taken from Duck Season. Monkey)
(Taken from Duck Season. Cat)

The game hides other secrets which we discuss later throughout the guide but that basically all there is to it. Even though the idea of it is so simple, the story behind the game is quite complex.

The Monkey

The monkey as i have mentioned before is a believed to be antagonist (bad boi) from the title Duck Season who makes an appearance in the title Boneworks. They can be found in the MythOs city during levels such as the break room and the streets.

The reason why they are believed to be an antagonist is because of the message left by the mysterious character ‘X’ in the title Duck Season telling us not to trust the monkey and cat tricksters.

They also try to give us a fake ending in Duck Season as well telling us that we had banished the ancient cryptid (unknown who they were talking about). In the title Boneworks, if you either through the monkey into the reclamation bin or delete it with the utility gun a audio clip of something growling will start playing (believed to be the monkey).

(Credit to Ninu on Youtube. Monkey growling)

There is not much more we know about the monkey except they seem to be associated with the cat and also that they seem to possibly be travelling across games or titles. (Thanks @richardjmurray for giving me most of this information on the monkey)

The Cat ‘9’

The cat who we will call ‘9’ because it’s easier to type is a character from the title Duck Season who, from what we know, is meant to be some sort of antagonist. Like the monkey, this character hasn’t actually done anything major at this point. As far as we know they have only entered the void way from the DeadFM door.

Just like the monkey, the character ‘X’ told us not to trust them (with no reasoning behind it). It might not seem believable or the right thing to trust this character that just tells these things with no evidence, but the way ‘9’ writes their message before they enter the void way just seems so chaotic and gives that feeling that nothing good can come out of this. Link below shows you the cat clock message!

(Cat clock message)

Besides this ‘9’ hasn’t done anything but we shall see in the future as they will obviously play some sort of role in the future. Write what you think in the comments!

The Entity ‘X’

(Taken from Boneworks)

‘X’ is a mentioned character in the title Duck Season who we don;t know too much about at this moment. So far from what we can tell, they are trying to help us, but can we really trust them? In the title Duck Season in a message they leave us they say they will contact us in the next game. Now they don’t contact us through speech however, they only talk to us through small, almost meaningless hidden phrases through out the title Boneworks. Below I have left some messages/ images of their symbol they have left in Boneworks.

(Taken from Boneworks)

There is a message under a boneworks crate that can be found on the huge climb in the same stage which is also in purple which says “go forth and create chaos” which I believe is from ‘X’ as it’s got the same color as the purple ‘X’ symbol. Also there is nothing in the crate.

(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)

So far, these are the only ones I have found at the moment, please tell me in the comments if you find anymore around the title!

Worlds Connected

Okay so you know the games that you have in your steam library, let’s call them titles for now, because it makes the rest of what I’m gonna say less confusing. In the title Boneworks, outside of the the program MythOs and the program Boneworks, there is a real world. We’re shown this in the first cut scene of the game when Ford blocks up the door in the real world with crates with a Sabrelake sticker, then he proceeds to put the vr on and then we as in the player find our selves in MythOs, the virtual city.

Knowing that there is a world outside of the program MythOs, could that mean that the world outside of MythOs could be the same world as the world outside of the game Duck Season? You might be thinking, ‘but the characters look more cartoon’y in Duck Season, so if the people look different then how can it be the same world?’ . My answer to that is, what if they actually don’t. When watching the VHS tapes Duck Season we see real people, not cartoon’y characters. Inside of the house there is a picture of the mother and child from the Duck Season game trailer, but why would people just have a random picture of people that were in an advert unless they are the people in the advert. What if we just see the mother and the child as cartoon’ish characters but really they look just as real as the people in Boneworks. If this is the case then this gives a more likely chance that the worlds between the titles Boneworks and Duck Season are connected. Game Theory had a bit more of a look about the speculation of the photo of the people from the adverts which i will leave a link to below.

More evidence that the worlds may be connects include that in the Tower stage in the title Boneworks, inside the what seems to be a game store you can find the same game cartridges from the title Duck Season. You can also find concept art for Duck Season, Boneworks and The Hall Of The Machine King. Doesn’t the fact the same games exist in each world kinda give a bit more proof that the worlds may be connected.

(This was taken from Boneworks)
(This was taken from Boneworks. Boneworks concept art)
(This was taken from Boneworks. Duck Season concept art)
(This was taken from Boneworks. Game cartridges)

One last piece of evidence that I think seals the deal is that the same companies (Gammon, Monogon and SabreLake) all exist in each title. In the title Duck Season, the company Gammon makes the game cartridges and also made the console you play on. In the title Boneworks, Gammon is only seen time to time, like at the start of the game where it requires you to throw objects into the correct bin, then the Gammon USB shows up and when you try to pick it up it glitches out. You also see the Gammon USB at the end of the title as well. Sabrelake however isn’t shown that often in the title Duck Season, there is a secret room that you can access where you can see concept art for the titles Boneworks and The Hall Of The Machine King where there is a clip board conversation which seems to be between two Monogon Employees where they talk about fixing an error, they also make some reference to Sabrelake but it doesn’t seem to important, just about how they could possibly access the voidway, ok so maybe just not important for now. In the title Boneworks the Sabrelake symbol can be seen on the mystery boxes and in the first cut scene. The fact that the companies all co-exist with each other in both game titles shows that the worlds are connected.

The Clipboards

In the Lore and Story of the Boneworks universe, we know that these clipboards are a way of communication through games, and titles.

In the 1.5 updates, some new clipboards have been added with some small but new information. On the first clipboard we have someone trying to contact us from outside of MythOS using the clipboards. They tell us to go to Time Tower as it’s the only known working resurrection spot in Myth. The reason why they tell us this, I don’t know but it is possible that this could be the mysterious character ‘X’, however it is a bit unlikely as they usually leave their ‘X’ sign and not their name.

(Taken from Boneworks)

On the second clipboard, we have a survey which seems to be provided by the company (Monogon) for their employees. The thing that gets me is the last question, ‘extradimensional entities’. The only other ‘entities’ we know of are the monkey and the cat ‘9’ which with this we could possibly see a connection with Monogon and these ‘entities.’

(Taken from Boneworks)

On the last clipboard it’s just a simple message from worker to his fellow employees, nothing really interesting about it.

(Taken from Boneworks)

The Void Way

The void way is one of the hardest or possibly the hardest subject when it comes to the Boneworks/ Duck Season lore. My basic definition of what I believe the void way is that it is the gateway between games for entities inside the games to travel through (not travelling through titles). One of the reasons why the void way could be used is to access programs or games that are we are not normally able to access (like how we have to use the void way to enter Boneworks).

One other character that has accessed the void way is the cat from the title Duck Season which uses it to travel to DeadFM, which we don’t know quite what that is yet. We know this from the note they leave us after they had travelled through say that they had accessed the void way and that there were greater dangers approaching. with this message there were also cat poor prints leading into the DeadFM door. Next to the DeadFM door, there was also the Boneworks door and a door that seems to belong to The Hall Of The Machine King. I don’t have screenshots of the doors in Duck Season sadly (cause I accidentally triggered scary ending and I’m too ♥♥♥♥♥ to go back 🙁 ) so I have left a link to a video showing them below.

(Credit to 8-Bit-Ninja on Youtube for this video)

If the Boneworks door leads to another program, is it possible that the DeadFM door would take you to a program called DeadFM and the same with Hall Of The Machine King? Well that’s a bit of a rhetorical question because it cant be really answered with what we have for now but leave your opinion in the comments section. Chances are if they are programs or games, the titles that they mainly exist in will be named the same as the program as it has been in the past two games.

Void Energy

(Taken from Boneworks)

Void energy is a material that is used to build the foundation of MythOs and Boneworks. It is unknown where the origin of the material is or where it comes from but it is extremely powerful as one small bit of, exists in multiple places at once. Using this energy, the player can also exist in multiple places at once. The whole Idea of MythOs is to live a different life and escape the real world and live as many different lives as you want.

(Taken from Boneworks)

Void energy is also quite possibly the key to immortality or everlasting life. It’s described at the start of the game with the writing on the walls that the void can give the player immortality live past their death in the real world, which is what happens at the end of the game. However this isn’t referencing the void energy directly, I think it’s obvious that the void would be made out void energy the same as the void way. Of course, there also traces of void energy around these things.

The Theory Of Immortality

Disclaimer: This has been hard for me to try to explain this in the most translatable way so if you guys and gals can’t understand what I’m trying to say in this segment tell me in the comments and I’ll see what I can do!

(Taken from Boneworks)

The theory of immortality is the theory that someone can live past death in the real world and live forever in the void being able to be resurrected after death for ever. The source of this power is the void/ void energy.

Void energy is so powerful it allows to exist in multiple places at once which MythOs actually uses this power so that we can live multiple lives at once which a bit of an unknown fact or uncommon fact. With this power, it also allows us to live in MythOs without being alive in the real world however to do this you must basically plug yourself directly into the void/ Boneworks back end.

This power of being able to live past death in the real world is used at the end of the title Boneworks where the character Ford links himself to the Boneworks back end and when he is shot at the end of the game he lives on. Of cause, this kinda backlashes as he is now unable to come back to the real world for reason we discuss later.

Like I said at the start, this segment has been really scuffed because I don’t know how to explain in the best way possible.

Other Doors Of The Void

In the title Boneworks in a normal play through you will only come across the Boneworks door which lead to, you know, the Boneworks program. But what if I told you that there at least two other hidden doors that can be found using the nimbus gun.

In the sewer stage, there is an area which is pretty small and headcrabs fall on you from above, if you use the nimbus gun to get to where the headcrabs are coming from you will see that there to locked gateways. Behind each gate there is a door that is surrounded by void matter with a slightly visble path leading towards it. If you use the nimbus gun to get into the room you will notice that you will no longer be able to see the stage and without the nimbus gun you will be trapped in the room. You are not able to open the doors and they are both two different colors, red and blue.

(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)

Could it be possible that Monogon were trying to create new gateways to the void way? Leave you opinion in the comments section!

If you open the door slightly and look around on the other side, you can see some sort of image but it seems to be some sort of filler for what’s meant to be there.

An Explanation Of The Main Objective

The main objective/ task that our main character Ford can be confusing as there isn’t too much clear confirmation in the title but from the little evidence we have, we are able to piece together some sort of explanation of what Ford is trying to achieve which leads on much larger things! So let’s get into it!

So at the start of the game in the break room stage we are given these strange messages on the walls which already give us a bit of an explanation to what the plot of the game is. The messages tell us that someone is trying to shutdown the system clock and get access to the void. Why though? Well from other messages on the walls, the person writes things such as that the void could be the key to immortality but nobody has tried because we are to afraid.

(Taken from Boneworks)

But who is trying to do this? You! obviously! In my opinion, the messages on the wall is just the main character’s thinking presented on the wall. Later on in the game we are contacted by a co-worker and they talk about and ask how are you still in MythOS city. They also say the system clock has been frozen and that you can reset it manually of you can reach time tower. However this isn’t what we want to do, we wanna access the void.

(Taken from Boneworks)

Another character later in the game also says how she had the same idea and that we just jumped on it first and that she wants us to leave a way in, which we don’t.

Anyway, the whole reason why we still go to time tower if we don’t want to reset the clock is so we can access the void way, which takes us to Boneworks, which is the access point of the void.

An Explanation For The Ending

(Taken from Boneworks)

The ending of Boneworks for most of us, is very confusing. Why did we get shot. What happens now. Well don’t worry as I have the answer for these questions! So just a little bit of a refresher, at the end of Boneworks, you watch a cinematic where three people breach the room you are playing vr in and shoot you in the head, after that you get the credits. However at the end, you plug yourself into the void, you now live for eternity, so what’s the point of them shooting you? So you can’t come back from Boneworks.

So what now? Well sadly, the character Ford, now immortal, is also trapped in the game, forever. Which kinda sucks. But that’s the truth.

When playing in the experimental version of the title. When you go through the exit door in the main menu, it takes you to a replica of the room you see Ford playing the vr in the real world.

(Taken from Boneworks)

The reason why I say it is a replica is because I believe it is all but an attempt at tricking the main character into thinking they are back in the real world, safe and sound. But, there really is no escape. This is a pretty sad ending but technically Ford got what he wanted, he is now immortal and everlasting in MythOs.

Part 2: Not-Confirmed Theories

In this part of the guide I will be talking about the rumours of ‘Boneworks‘, which can’t really be proven as there is only little information and evidence, which is the point of this part of the guide. ‘Not-Confirmed Theories’. However in the future these theories may be added to the completely canon theories earlier in the guide so yeah, cool.

(I don’t actually own this, nor do i know who made it, I will try to give the credit to whoever made this masterpiece!)

The Cult Of The Void Melons

(Taken from Boneworks)

In Boneworks, we are constantly reminded of the existence of void melons through writing on the walls of every stage, to places in stages such as ‘The Sewer‘, where we find machines that are used to crush up melons and turn it into juice. The only people or entities that seem to be able to use these machines are the null men. We don’t ever see them using the machines but they are always seen together. Another stage where we can see null men hanging around the watermelon juice grinders is in ‘The Warehouse‘.

A clip board in the stage ‘The Streets‘ talks about the null men stealing lights for melons. But why?

(Taken from Boneworks)

Some people suggest the theory that someone that isn’t present in the title Boneworks is controlling the null men and making them create the void melons. But yet again, why? With the information we have so far there is no reasoning behind them making the void melons but there is some evidence that there is a character controlling the null men. I believe in the stage ‘The Tower‘, one of the forgettable NPC says something about the null men being controlled by somebody, supporting the idea that the reasoning that the null men are creating these melons farms could be to do with the mysterious character controlling them.

Our Reality Collides Into The Titles (WIP)

This segment is a WIP.

The Infinite Paradox Theory (WIP)

This segment is a WIP.

Part 3: Hidden Unlockables

In this part of the guide, I will be showing you how to unlock all the collectables in the title Boneworks. However at the moment this part of the guide is not quite finished as I am quite lazy. But don’t worry, I will have this part of the guide finished in no time! I will try to explain the steps of getting the secret items in as much details as possible and at the same time make it easy to understand.

(Taken from Boneworks)

If you have found any collectables that I have not shown in this part of the guide, let me know in the comments section! I should also mention that this part of the guide does not tell you how to get everything in the game, only hidden items.

I should also say that if you have the nimbus gun (an unlockable found in the time tower stage), it makes it incredibly easier to get these hidden items as it allows you to fly through the map and also no-clip through walls. However, it is quite a challenge to unlock it as you need lot’s of ammo.

How To Unlock The Experimental Version

So as I have mentioned before in the guide, there is an experimental version of the title Boneworks which allows you to get access of upcoming content and gets updates quite frequently. Before you start the steps however, you should first back up your save files so if you loose progress you can get it back.

(Taken from my Desktop)

All you have to do besides making a back up save is go into your library, right click on Boneworks, go into properties, go into the betas section, type in the password in the screenshot, and then you will be able to select the experimental version. It will then update itself and once that’s done you will be able to access the experimental version of Boneworks.

This version of Boneworks gets updates constantly so if you want the newest things now unlock the experimental mode!

How To Unlock The ‘Blank Box’ Module

In the newest update. Stress Level 0 changed how to unlock Sandbox Mode, originally. this was how you did it but they changed it and made it easier but if you want to unlock the Blank Box, follow me!

First you have to go to the very first level (The Breakroom) which don’t worry you don’t have to restart the game, just select the level in the menu. Once you load in, at the very start bit where you have to through the objects into the two reclamation bins, through them all into the blue one. After that proceed through the level as you normally would and go through the blue portal/ gateway.

(Taken from Boneworks)

Once you have gone through the portal in loaded in, you’ll find yourself in The Museum and fro this all you have to do is go through the level normally until you get to this segment here.

(Taken from Boneworks)

Once you get here, enter the hallway and you will see s slightly different shaded set of panes on the wall opposite of where the entry the room with the puzzle in it. If you through all the items in the blue bin previously you should be able to push through.

(Taken from Boneworks)

Once you push through and enter the room you will notice a crate in there. Break it with the sledgehammer in the same room and it will give you the Blank Box module and once you grab that all you have to do is go through the rest of the level and through it in the reclamation bin.

(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)

However, once you finished the stage, you can’t plug it in anywhere but you can spawn it in with the utility gun. Instead what this module does is unlocks a brand new sandbox room which is literally a just a blank room.

(Taken from Boneworks)

How To Unlock The ‘Sandbox Mode’ Module

This is the updated way of getting the Sandbox Mode module which is quiet easier than it use to be. So follow me and I’ll show you how to unlock it!

First all you have to do is go through The Museum stage until you reach the reclamation bin (the bin with the blue grid in it). Then there will be a box with a crowbar, pistol and null body module there waiting for you. Put these into the bin and complete the stage.

(Taken from Boneworks)

Once you finish the stage go back to the main menu. Once you get to the main menu there will be a crate waiting for you. Smash it open and you will get the Sandbox Mode module. Plug this into the correct slot in the machine at the left side of the room and then you have unlocked Sandbox Mode!

How To Unlock The ‘Gun Range’ Module

(Taken from Boneworks. Believe it or not, this is actually taken from the ‘Firing Range‘)

Now this section is quite sort due to the unlock being quite easy, all you have to do is get to the end of another Sandbox stage and you get the module. But, I thought I might cover it anyway just for anyone that isn’t quite sure. For this you will want to make sure you have the Sandbox stage called ‘REDACTEDCHAMBER’ (there is no space in the name, trust me I’m not stupid). I don’t know how you unlock this because when the update that released this came out I already had it unlocked some how. You will need to have this Sandbox stage unlocked as you have to complete it to get the module. Unlike other sandbox stages, you can’t use the utility gun if you have it unlocked sadly so you kind of actually have to try, which even I have to admit, i hate having to play the game normally.

(Taken from Boneworks)

Once you start up the stage, you basically just have to use the thinking process of the human brain to complete it which requires you to do two things. One, shoot the three targets at the front quickly enough that the lights all stay green. You can use the slow-mo ability to make this a lot easier.

(Taken from Boneworks)

Two, you have to find a battery which is hidden in a box on a moving platform which is at the very top of the room. The battery is used to power the door you have to open. To get the battery, you can either do what is intended and do the small parkour course set up to get it. Or, use the physics gun which is found near the boxing bag, to just simply grab the box from where it is. (Sorry I don’t have a screenshot for the battery).

Once you have done those two things, you can then open the door at the front which leads you to an area that looks extremely similar to the door to the voidway found in the stage ‘Time Tower’. What is different is that there are headsets waiting for you there and the door is less barricaded then the original.

(Taken from Boneworks)

There is also some new writing on the wall but that’s not really important. The door also doesn’t lead to the voidway. Instead it takes you to the rest of the stage where you spawn on top of the roof of the build you were in and there are more headsets and some zombie Fords. Kill them and then go through the air vents to get back where you started and you will find that the room has changed a bit. Nothing major has happened in the room so don’t worry if you are in a worry and you want to hurry up and finish the level.

(Taken from Boneworks)

After you have gotten back where you started at just do what you just did except for the bit where you are trying to open the door as that’s still already done. After going through the stage a few times you will notice that the next time you go through the clonevoidway door there will be a crate waiting for you. Smash it open and you will find the module for the‘Firing Range’.

(Taken from Boneworks)

Go through the vents again and go the voidway door but don’t go through. Once you get there you will need to go back to the starting room as a reclamation bin should spawn on one of the walls. Use the physics gun to get the module in the bin and then make you way to the exit. This will then spawn you in the ‘Firing Range’ and you are able to leave when ever.

(Taken from Boneworks)

How To Unlock The ‘Tuscany Demo’ Module

That’s right. The thing from the Oculus store which I have never played is now a sandbox map on Boneworks and is quite easy to unlock. Before you try to unlock it though you should look at my previous segment as there is important stuff in there that you will need to have a look at first.

(Taken from Boneworks)

So to unlock this you will need to go to the ‘Firing Range‘, the sandbox map you need to unlock first before doing this. Once your there you will need to complete the time trials near the end of the Sandbox stage. After that, the module will be waiting for you, you then have to do is escape the waves of enemies that attack you after you complete the time trail, though the module into the reclamation bin and get to the exit warp near the gun range.

(Taken from Boneworks)

Once you go through the portal you will spawn in the ‘Tuscany Demo Sandbox’ stage and you can leave when ever you want. Below are some nice pictures i took while exploring the map.

(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks, it’s a reference to the movie ‘The Truman Show’. See image below to get what I mean)
(Taken from ‘The Truman Show)
(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)

Hidden Items In ‘The Museum’

(Taken from Boneworks)

The stage the museum is a part of the title that people seem to forget that it has hidden items that are spread throughout it. The collectables in this stage are quite easy compared to the others. The hardest to figure out would be the one where you have to get a ball to one side too another without it being destroyed by the mysterious machine, which I will explain how to do it in the easiest way possible.

Remember to through the collectables in the reclamation bin (the big hole with the blue grid) so you can use them in the sandbox mode or spawn them in with the utility gun.

(Taken from Boneworks)

The first item is probably the easiest hidden item in the game to find which is a module for the ‘null men’ but for some reason some people tend to miss it. All you have to do for this one is collect the ammo that is by the side of the vending machine and put it in the slot that the module is contained in and you have got it.

(Taken from Boneworks)

The next item can be found in the advanced physics area near the end of the stage, to get in the area you must open the box on the bench out the front of the advanced physics door which gives you a key to unlock the door. Once your in, right when you enter there is a little area blocked off by glass which has a little ball that you are able to control with the controller on the bench.

(Taken from Boneworks)

You will noticed inside the glass area there is also a machine hanging from the roof. What it does is if you move the ball onto the area that doesn’t have a grid on it, it will chase the ball and suck it up. After the second time it sucks it up I think it disables the ball so you have limited chances. The best way to get the ball to the other side is to use the little circles and and cogs in the area as shelter as the machine can’t suck the ball up if it’s next to them as it blocks it off, once it ties to suck the ball up, it will have short cool down where it can not move which is when you try to progress to the other grid path on the other side of the area. Once you reach it, there is a yellow block standing up straight. Push it over with the ball and you will notice a box will fall on the other side of the glass area.

(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)

This is a module for a ball like enemy which charges at you and other enemies which seems to make no appearance in game. The only other appearance is that they are road by the holographic soldiers.

(Taken from Boneworks)

A little tip is that you can also get hidden unlockables from barrels. Only problem is that they don’t always give you an item and the drop is random. But on the bright side, you can get some items that can’t be unlocked from hidden crates throughout the game.

(Taken from Boneworks)

Another tip is that if you put a bin under where the door falls down before the shooting range, you can get the weapons from there and put them all in the reclamation bin and keep them in sandbox mode, which some of them are hidden unlockables.

(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)

You can unlock the balloon gun in the anti gravity part of the advanced area if you have the nimbus gun, otherwise you have to unlock it the hard way in The Streets.

(Taken from Boneworks)

Hidden Items In ‘The Streets’

(Taken from Boneworks)

The streets, being the first actual stage in the game where you have to fight enemies and such, honestly has the hardest secret item to unlock and some really fun ones too.

Now the first unlockable is the hardest in the level to unlock but seems quite simple to start off with. What you have to do is rotate this large box so that the crate falls out of it by using these huge balloon like things however this later proves to be quite difficult and the best advice I can really give you here is to stay determine and try to launch the balloons from a further distance so that they have more force behind them and try to rotate the box towards the fences.

(Taken from Boneworks)

The crate that falls contains a turret module.

(Taken from Boneworks)

The next secret item is found in the playroom which is the balloon gun, the funnest thing in this whole stage.

(Taken from Boneworks)

To unlock the balloon gun, you have to climb up the wall with the arrows pointing up on it by using the play equipment near by, and try to do parkour off the panels hanging from the roof. Now the panels hanging from the roof are quite sensitive which what I mean by that is any sudden movements can make the whole panel shake so you have to be extremely cautious when doing this part. My advice for this is to take your time and try to time all your jumps.

(Taken from Boneworks)

The next item is not very far from the playroom (Literally the next room after it). The annoying thing about this one however is that it has two parts to it. First you must climb up the grip wall and do more jumping on unstable panels but at least these ones have a bit of support though they are made out of wood.

(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)

Once you get to the top you will see a crate, break it and it will give you a key which you use to open the door below which then takes you to the real secret item which is a medieval double sided axe. (It’s the second crate (the one in the room you just unlocked)).

(Taken from Boneworks)

The last item is found at the vehicle that launches you into the other part of the stage where the exit is. To unlock this, all you have to do is fall into a gap and there’s the crate.

(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)

However, this is one of the unlocks from the museum stage, the ball that charges at the player and other enemies. But the crate in this stage is probably easier to get to I suppose.

(Taken from Boneworks)

In the break room that you encounter near the start of The Streets stage (The room where there is a model of a house), there is a small ball you can find on the model of the house that gives you the gym ball (The large version)

(Taken from Boneworks)

Another unlockable I forgot to mention during the start of this segment (as it’s right at the start) is the pick axe which is actually pretty difficult to unlock unless your really good at climbing. Near the area where you fall out of the trash disposal on top of one of the alley ways there is a crate.

(Taken from Boneworks)

All you have to do is climb up the alley way using the yellow pipes. However some of them are hard to reach and if you fall you have to do it all over again. Try and follow the path my fingers are showing if you can as I’ve found it the easiest way.

(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)

Once you reach the top, you will see the Boneworks crate and once you break you will get the pick axe.

(Taken from Boneworks)
(Taken from Boneworks)

Credits and Sources

Thanks everyone for reading the guide I would appreciate it heaps if you would rate it and more stuff is to be added in the future. Below are all the links to the videos I’ve used. Check out the people who made the videos and show them some love!

Channel: GameTheory
Link to channel:

Channel: The 8-Bit Ninja
Link to channel:

Channel: ninu
Link to channel:

Channel: Fynnpire
Link to channel:

Guide Updates

Below are a list of the updates that have taken place in this guide. The updates closest to the top are the newest.

Update 1.16 24/06/2020
-Added segment: The Clipboards

Update 1.15 17/04/2020
-Finished segment: Cult Of The Void Melons

Update 1.14.1 12/04/2020
-Added more pictures to segment: How To Unlock The ‘Tuscany Demo’ Module

Update 1.14 10/04/2020
-Added segment: How To Unlock The ‘Firing Range’ Module
-Added segment: How To Unlock The ‘Tuscany Demo’ Module

Update 1.13 WIP 2/04/2020
-Added new part: Unconfirmed-Theories
-Added segment: The Cult Of The Void Melons
-Added segment: Our Reality Collides With The Titles
-Added segment: The Infinite Paradox Theory
-Changed name of ‘Lore and Story’, to ‘Lore, Theory and Story’
-Changed layout of guide

Update 1.12.1 28/2/2020
-Added new items to: Hidden Items In ‘The Streets’

Update 1.12 20/2/2020
-Removed segment: How to Unlock Sandbox Mode (Experimental Vers)
-Added segment: How To Unlock The ‘Blank Box’ Module
-Changed Name Of ‘How To Unlock Sandbox Mode (Normal Way)’ to ‘How To Unlock The ‘Sandbox Module”

Update 1.11.01 19/2/2020
-Small change in: How To Unlock The Experimental Version (outdated info about exclusives)

Update 1.11 18/2/2020
-Added segment: Theory Of Immortality

Update 1.1.01 17/2/2020
-Removed segment: Dictionary
-Added segment: How To Unlock Sandbox Mode (Experimental Vers)
-Small change in: How To Unlock The Experimental Version

Update 1.1 16/2/2020
-Added segment: How To Unlock Sandbox Mode (Normal Way)
-Made small changes around the guide for punctuation reasons

Update 1.09 16/2/2020
-Added segment: Dictionary

Update 1.08.01 16/2/2020
-Changed segment: Notices

Update 1.08 15/2/2020
-Added segment: Hidden Items In ‘The Streets’

Update 1.07 15/2/2020
-Added segment: Void Energy
-Made some small changed around the guide for punctuation reasons

Update 1.06.01 14/2/2020
-Removed segment: The Theory Of Immortality (Needs more work before public)
-Made some small changes around the guide, nothing too big

Update 1.06 13/2/2020
-Added segment: An Explanation Of The Main Objective

Update 1.05 12/2/2020
-Added segment: An Explanation Of The Ending
-Added segment: How To Unlock The Experimental Version

Update 1.04.01 12/2/2020
-Small changes to the segment: The Entity ‘X’

Update 1.04 Date: 11/2/2020 Major Update
-Added new part: Hidden Unlockables
-Added new part: Lore and Story
-Added new segment: Hidden items In ‘The Museum
-Changed name to: The Ultimate Guide to Boneworks (Lore, Secrets, And Unlockables)

Update 1.03.02 9/2/2020
-Updated the ‘Notices’ segment

Update 1.03.01 2/2/2020
-Removed section: Background Information On Boneworks (felt like if you are reading the guide, you don’t need background info on the game your playing)
-Changed segment name from, ‘Things To Know First’ to, ‘Welcome’
-Changed segment info in: Welcome

Update 1.03 Date 1/2/2020
-Added section: The Entity ‘X’

Update 1.02 Date 29/1/2020
-Added segment: Background Information On Duck Season
-Added segment: Background Information On Boneworks

Update 1.01.02 Date 29/1/2020

-Changed guide name to: The Lore Of The Stress Level 0 Universe (Boneworks and others)

Update 1.01.01 Date: 29/1/2020

-Changed guide name to: The Story Of The Stress Level 0 Universe (Boneworks and others)
-Changed guide description to something more fitting.
-Changed segment: Introduction to: Some Important Things To Know First

Update 1.01 Date: 28/1/2020

-Added segment: The Cat ‘9’
-Added segment: Credits And Sources
-Added segment: Guide Updates
-Made small punctuation changes to to segments (does not change information in segments)