Hearts of Iron IV Guide

The Ultimate guide to PRC in hoi4 for Hearts of Iron IV

The Ultimate guide to PRC in hoi4


In this guide, i will teach you a strategy on how to become a superpower by the end of WW2 as PRC. Are you ready kids? Let’s go then!


Now the first thing you want to do when you’ve just started a new game as the PRC is to train Juntuan ONLY! Put them on high priority and trade with the Soviets and British raj if possible. Boost communism in Japan right from the start. Also, research Mass Assault Doctrine tree.

Wait for your political power to increase until you can justify war goal to conquer Shanxi. Wait for your political power to increase to 150 and change your conscriptiion law to limited conscription. Once you finish justifying war goals on Shanxi, declare war on them immediately. Shanxi is an easy grab, you should be able to conquer it in less then 10 days. After you’ve defeated Shanxi and taken over all their states, request to join the Comintern and the Soviets will accept.

Justify war goals against Xibei San Ma and Tibet now and improve relations with Japan continuosly. Declare war on Xibei San Ma and take over them, it would be a piece of cake as the PRC army is way more superior then their’s.

You would have just enough time to move your troops to the border of TIbet before you can declare war on them. Before you declare war on them, justify war goals on Sinkiang, Nepal and Bhutan first. Tibet would be child’s play and after you conquer them, move your troops ot the border with Sinkiang.

Have 5 divisions maximum at the border with Nepal and 1 division at the border with Bhutan. All the rest of your troops should be at the border with Sinkiang. Once you’ve finished justifying war goals on them, declare war. It doesn’t matter who you declare war on first. You can call the Soviets to help you take down SInkiang if you don’t feel brave enough. Just like before, all 3 nations will be a piece of cake.


Once you took all 3 nations, Japan should be at War with China now. Stage a coup on Japan in South Korea as they should have quite a lot of communism now. China will ask you to join them in the United Chinese front, REJECT them! Instead, wait for Japan to push down China and justify war goal on China just before Japan takes Nanking. The war goal will last less than a month (for me it was 28 days). Move all your divisions to the border with China and declare war on them.

China will be significantly weakened due to the Japanese taking Nanking and try to take as much of China as possible before they surrenders. During the treaty, you should be able to take 2 states or so for your contribution to the War.

Change your conscription law to All Adults Serve after the war and build up your massive army. After some time, the coup you staged in Japan earlier will happen and the whole of Manchuria and Korea will be part of the newly formed “Japanese People’s Republic”. The newly formed communist state of Japan will take almost half of Japan’s divisions and resources, weakening them. They will also join the Comintern. When they join the comintern, join war with them and the time will be approximately 1939, with a 100% world tension.


When you declare war on Japan, call the whole of Comintern and try to push from Beijing downwards. Soon, the allies will send divisions to help out and you will slowly push Japan out of China. The British Raj will also take over parts in south-west china in the former Yunnan.

Once you’ve pushed Japan out of China, launch a naval invasion on their mainland IMMEDIATELY. Create another small army of 20-30 divisions and launch a foreshadowing attack on Nagasaki from Shanghai, but make sure to send a lot of fighter planes to Kamikaze in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. After you’ve taken the port of Nagasaki, move your entire army there and launch a full scale invasion on Japan. As your main army is trying to move north, send your alternative army of 20-30 divisions to launch a naval invasion on Tokyo. Oncn they reached Tokyo, DO NOT draw an offensive line as they will be cut- off and eventually die from running out of supplies. Instead, just draw a simple front line and the troops will automatically move north and south. Assign about 11 divisions to move to Hokkaido (Northern Japan) and the rest to move to Osaka. Move your main army to Hiroshima and once you’ve conquered the whole of Japan mainland, Japan and the rest of the axis powers should have capitulated.

In the peace treaty, try to take at least 1 state in each continent, if you can’t, it’s fine, you’ve already beaten the giant.

Alternate end-game

This is truly optional but before you invade mainland Japan, you can try taking Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq and during the treaty, you can take all 3 nations in the middle east.

Thank you

Thank you for spending time to read my guide, I’ve spent a long time making it and figuring out the strategy, it make not seem very long but I’ve spent a lot of time typing it 😛 I hope you guys enjoyed it!
