Total nonsense. But helpful! It took way too long to make the photo.
Welcome to the Guide
Welcome! Here you will find tons of important info answering the following questions:
- What is a “People Playground?”
- How do I play a “People Playground?”
- Can I eat it?
…And many more!
I hope you enjoy, because this is the first guide I’m actually trying to legitimately make because I’m terrible at this. I’m sorry in advance.
Frequently Answered (I Mean Asked) Questions
Here is where your many easy-to-answer questions will be answered!
Q: What is a “People Playground?”
A: People Playground is a game developed by…uhhhhhhhhhh…”mestiez.” (Or zooi? Not sure.) It’s a sandbox game, which means that you can do whatever you want in it. Please buy it.
Q: How do I play a “People Playground?”
A: You buy it on Steam for the normal price of $9.99! I have no idea if there’s a physical version, but I know it’s on Steam. Because that’s where I bought it from. Anyway, after you buy it, download it. And then start the game.
Q: Can I eat it?
A: I thought we removed this question.
Q: How many maps are there?
A: Eleven, but twelve if you count the secret achievement one. I call it “Alarm Hall.”
Q: Is there lore?
A: Yes, there is supposed lore about a dude who drowned in a submarine. That’s all I know. There is no lore.
Q: Have you run out of questions?
A: Yes.
Secrets and Lore (That There is None of)
All or most of the secrets (that I know of) no longer exist. I can give a few of them.
Sea Map: There was a strange unmovable instrument(?) at the bottom somewhere that supposedly played music. There was also a tile somewhere beneath the middle row of floodlights, but it’s either been removed or I can’t find it, and a creepy sound plays non-stop instead.
Blocks Map: There used to be a vase on the most upper right block at the edge.
Tower Map: There used to be a radio, and another tile that has now been replaced by a weird ID-looking thing. Also, a REALLY disturbing noise used to play called “random noise” in the files.
Humongous Map: Nothing really here, but some music can play randomly. Don’t know if it’s been removed, haven’t played on that map in forever.
Snow Map: If you make a black hole at the things on the top left of the map, it’ll turn the map into a void. (This also works if you try it on the floodlights on any map that isn’t Tiny or Void.)
That’s all I can think of, besides Void and Abyss having creepy ambiance.
Lore: A person drowned in a submarine, though it’s not official lore. I think. Don’t worry, there isn’t any.
Map Info
These will be in order by map selection.
- Abyss: Wide map with a low ceiling that has a giant pit in the middle with creepy noises at the bottom.
- Blocks: Large map with blocks scattered around, great for testing…I don’t know, human fall damage?
- Default: Basic map, similar to the Flat map (now removed), but not infinite.
- Humongous: Bigger than Default, don’t know what it’s good for because I really only kill people in this game.
- Hybrid: Big map that combines the Abyss (I think), Alarm Hall, Sea, and maybe Humongous. Not sure about the exact map combination.
- Sea: Pretty big map with a lot less land than every other map besides Void. It has a huge body of water in the middle, and I heard that humans drown faster since 1.12, so that’s cool. (Just checked, went from 2 minutes to 1 minute 30 seconds.)
- Slanted: A map with a huge slope. I’m mostly sure that the flat portion at the top of the slope didn’t exist in an earlier update, but I could be wrong.
- Small: It’s a small map. Nothing else here.
- Snow: Map that includes snow machines (I think), white ground instead of the usual black, and a snowy background. It’s cool. (Haha, pun originally not intended.)
- Tiny: Map that’s even smaller than Small.
- Tower: Huge tower in the center that people will die from the fall if you throw them off. A disturbing noise used to play (I think because of the radio), but it’s gone now.
- Void: Void.
- [REMOVED IN 1.11] Flat: A flat map that went on forever horizontally. (I never used it, though.)
- [REMOVED IN 1.11] Valley: A large room with a pit in the middle. There was no ceiling for some strange reason (you could go up forever), and there were two higher up areas on both sides of the map.
The maps without images are: Default, Humongous, Hybrid, Void, Flat, and Valley.
EXTRA INFO: While editing something in the Secrets and Lore section, I just now noticed that Valley was removed. Kinda sad about that.
Secret Map
To get to this secret map, you have to create a specific machine. I will not be including a picture of what the map looks like because it’s just a very long hall with lights at the ceiling.
The images below show the machine when functioning and the two radios.
Default Keybinds
You can find these settings in the pause menu or the main menu at the control tab in settings. Totally not putting this in the guide because I screwed up one on accident.
- Drag object – MOUSE0 (Left Click)
- Delete object – BACKSPACE
- Activate object under cursor / currently holding – F
- Toggle slow motion – G
- Toggle detail view – S
- Toggle time – Space
- Switch to first tool – ALPHA1 (Top Number Keys)
- Switch to second tool – ALPHA2
- Switch to third tool – ALPHA3
- Switch to 4th tool – ALPHA4
- Switch to 5th tool – ALPHA5
- Switch to 6th tool – ALPHA6
- Switch to 7th tool – ALPHA7
- Switch to 8th tool – ALPHA8
- Switch to 9th tool – ALPHA9
- Spawn left facing – Q
- Spawn right facing – E
- Rotate left – A
- Rotate right – D
- Speed up rotation / uniform resizing – LEFTSHIFT
- Undo – Z
- Snap (pause mode) – LEFTALT
- Copy – C
- Paste – Z
- Context menu – MOUSE1 (Right Click)
- Pause menu – ESCAPE
- Toggle toybox and tool bar – TAB
- Toggle between tools and powers – LEFTCONTROL
- Pan – MOUSE2 (Scroll Wheel)
- Move camera right – RIGHTARROW
- Move camera left – LEFTARROW
- Move camera up – UPARROW
- Move camera down – DOWNARROW
- Zoom in – KEYPADPLUS
- Zoom out – KEYPADMINUS
How to Play People Playground – A More In-Depth Explanation
To play the game, you have to buy it.
Then wait for it to install.
Then hit play on the Steam library. (Unless you somehow pirated it, I guess. Then start it however.)
You’ll be welcomed by a boring title screen with a few buttons and the words People Playground on the right.
Hit play.
Then choose one of the large variety of eleven maps.
Then choose map.
And now play.
Why did I make this section?
Spawnable Stuff Part 1
This will probably be the longest section. It includes a list of everything spawnable, along with their descriptions.
- Human – A human being, very fragile.
- Android – A humanoid robot. Larger, heavier, and more durable than a human.
- Gorse – A relatively small, awful creature. Gorses are intelligent and malicious. They also tend to smell of burnt glue.
- Laser sentry turret – Big automatic laser sentry turret.
- Sentry Turret – A sentry turret that targets anything that seems to be alive.
- Axe – An axe. Heavy and sharp.
- Baseball Bat – Wooden bat made to hit things.
- Chainsaw – Tool designed to saw through wood. It can’t actually saw through wood in this game.
- Crossbow Bolt – A crossbow bolt. Points to where it goes.
- Crystal – Sharp crystal shard.
- Energy Sword – A blade of energy contained in a material field.
- Hammer – Hammer made to fight with.
- Knife – Small knife.
- Plank – Plank.
- Rod – Metal rod.
- Spear – Sharp spear.
- Spike – Giant sharp spike.
- Stick – Light wooden stick.
- Sword – A sharp metal sword.
- Worm Staff – Burrows into alive items. An item added in collaboration with Mutilate-a-Doll 2.
- Wrench – A wrench you can slam against Androids to repair them.
- AK-47 – Classic automatic assault rifle.
- Assault Rifle – Automatic assault rifle.
- Beam Rifle – A beam forming energy weapon. Creates a short pulse of intense concentrated energy.
- Blaster – Blaster gun from the future.
- Blaster Rifle – Highly accurate blaster rifle that launches high speed bolts.
- Machine Blaster – An automatic laser machine rifle.
- Crossbow – A crossbow that launches a sharp bolt at high speed.
- Desert Eagle – Famous powerful handgun.
- Detached 120mm Cannon – Somehow functional 120mm cannon. It’s missing all the pieces except for the barrel.
- Detached Beam Cannon – Very powerful beam cannon. Becomes more powerful when charged. It’s missing all the pieces except for the barrel.
- Detached Laser Cannon – Powerful laser cannon. It’s missing all the pieces except for the barrel.
- Disassembler – Portable atomising weapon. Fires a miniscule projectile that, when embedded into the object, attempts to break down the surrounding molecular structure. Works best against soft objects.
- Fire Extinguisher – Extinguishes fires.
- Flamethrower – Handheld flamethrower. Not actually a flamethrower.
- Glock 17 – Small popular handgun.
- Grenade Launcher – A weapon that launches shells that explode on impact.
- Ion Cannon – “Handheld” energy weapon. Emits bouncy balls of energy.
- Light Machine Gun – A fully automatic light machine gun. Comes with the classic unending ammo belt.
- M1 Garand – Powerful semi-automatic rifle.
- Machine Gun – Rapid firing cannon.
- Minigun – Handheld rapid firing gatling gun.
- Pistol – A semi automatic pistol.
- PPSH – Famous Soviet submachine gun.
- Pulse Drum – Launches a powerful shockwave from its emitter. Any object in front of it receives a force directly proportional to its own mass. In short: heavy objects get pushed harder.
- Revolver: Classic handgun.
- Missile Launcher: Handheld seeking missile launcher. Launches a missile that follows the target. Locking is audibly and visually indicated.
- Rocket Launcher: Handheld rocket launcher. Launches explosive rockets as powerful as a grenade.
- Scherbenwerfer – Launches crystals.
- Shotgun – A shotgun.
- Sniper Rifle – A sniper rifle.
- Stormbaan – Handheld Tesla coil weapon. Gets more powerful the longer it is held.
- Stunner – Launches an energy packet capable of immobilising humans. It kind of looks like a megaphone.
- Submachine Gun – A submachine gun.
- Vector – Rapid firing KRISS Vector submachine gun.
- Reconstructor – Handheld short-ranged healing juice dispenser. Unlike life serum, does not mend flesh wounds and negates freezing poison and rigidity juice.
- Rigidifier – Handheld short-ranged rigidity juice dispenser. Unlike freeze poison, rigidity juice does not spread through blood, and instead turns a portion of the skin rigid and blue.
- Normal Sized Gun. (May only appear after getting the Inverse Teleportation achievement, I’m honestly not sure.)
- Atom Bomb – Small nuclear explosive. Burns and destroys everything in a 750m radius.
- Dynamite – An explosive with a large blast radius and a powerful shockwave.
- EMP Generator – Generates an electromagnetic pulse. Probably destroys itself doing so. The pulse will likely disable anything electronic in a 82.39700374531835 meter radius. Really specific.
- Energy Vessel Explosive – An explosive that absorbs all energy in the environment and violently releases it.
- Fireworks – A small fireworks rocket.
- General Purpose Bomb – Very powerful explosive.
- Handgrenade – Fragmentation explosive.
- Sticky Grenade – Grenade that sticks to most things when armed.
- Landmine – Probably the worst thing to step on.
- Pink Explosive – Like a normal explosive but pink.
- Red Barrel – It’s one of those red barrels that explode.
- Signal Flare – Flare for signaling.
- Spike Grenade – Grenade that violently launches small spikes in random directions.
- Stielhandgranate – World War era German handgrenade.
- Bus – Public transport bus.
- Car – Passenger car.
- Container Wagon – A heavy container train wagon. Does not move on its own.
- Tank – A very heavy combat tank that fires non-explosive shells.
- Truck – A large heavy truck with lots of space.
- Bicycle – An electric bi-wheeled unicycle with no chain??? How does it work.
Spawnable Stuff Part 2
- Activation Transformer – Transforms an electrical signal to an activation trigger signal. Basically: energy goes in, activation goes out.
- Electricity Transformer – Transforms activation trigger signals into electricity. Basically: activation goes in, electricity goes out.
- Aerial Faith Plate – Launches objects placed on it in the air.
- Battery – A small energy container.
- Blood Tank – A tank that can store liquid. Used to store blood. Activation will cycle to the next pressure mode. A red signal will cycle to the previous mode. (There’s more, but I’m not including it all.)
- Button – A button that activates when pressed.
- Small Button – Identical to the big one apart from the size and weight.
- Conveyor Belt – A belt that conveys.
- Dampening Box – Box that dampens movement when activated.
- Decimator – A device that emits a decimation field. The field is capable of phasing objects out of existence by deconstructing its individual atoms.
- Immobility Field – Casts a small field that holds objects in place relative to the emitter.
- Defibrillator – Hold one of the pads on the upper chest and activate. The heart will be restarted. This can be used to revive people during a short period after their death. This does not heal wounds.
- Detector – Triggers an activation signal when it detects anything in front of it. Range can be increased by powering it.
- Fire/Life/Metal/Motion Detector – Triggers an activation signal when it detects burning objects/living matter/anything metal/motion in front of it. Range can be increased by powering it.
- Electromagnet – An electromagnet that, when activated, attracts magnetic objects in a 15 meter radius.
- Fan – Giant hovering fan.
- Propeller – It propels itself. Somehow, this toy is more like a thruster than a fan. Unlike fans, propellers don’t vibrate or push other objects away.
- Flashlight – It’s a torch but that name is already used by the other torch.
- Floodlight – Toggleable floodlight. Brightens up the area and looks ominous.
- Blue/Green/Purple/Red/White/Yellow cathode light – It glows blue/green/purple/red/white/yellow.
- Generator – Generates incredible amounts of energy when activated.
- Industrial Generator – A generator thats ten times as powerful as the smaller version. This thing is so incredibly unstable and dangerous that it may cause unwanted behavior. Use with caution.
- Gyroscope Stabiliser – A device that, when activated, stays upright.
- Industrial Gyrostabiliser – A device that, when activated, has a static rotation. It is nearly impossible to rotate.
- Heart Monitor – Monitors heart rate of living beings. Connect the monitor to a limb using a blood vessel wire.
- Activation Fuse – Can only propagate an activation signal once.
- Lagbox – This device can control how long it takes for activation triggers to traverse through it. Defaults to 1 second instead of the regular 0.1 seconds.
- Timed Gate – This item blocks activation signals until the timer reaches zero. The timer is activated upon…activation. This should make the mech work.
- Gate – Regular gate. It lets signals through when its power level is above the set threshold.
- Key Trigger – Sends an activation signal when the set key is pressed or released, depending on configuration. May interfere with user set bindings.
- Laser Pointer – A green laser pointer that becomes dangerous when powered.
- Laser Receiver – This device emits an activation signal when it detects a laser pointer beam.
- Lightbulb – Old filament light bulb.
- Metronome – Ticks at a rate of 1 Hz. Frequency can be changed in the context menu. Sends an activation signal at the same rate. Becomes unpredictable when powered.
- Mini Thruster – Small thruster. Weaker and lighter than the bigger ones.
- Toggleable Mirror – A mirror that partially dissolves when powered.
- Servo – Motorised hinge that rotates from 0 degrees to a customisable target angle. The device is relatively heavy and speeds up when powered.
- Motorised Wheel – A suspended motorised wheel.
- Physics Gun – Handheld device that is capable of lifting objects from a great distance.
- Piston – Extends or retracts when activated. Faster when charged.
- Industrial Piston – A larger, more powerful piston.
- Power Gauge – Device that measures how much power it is receiving.
- Radio – Transmits and receives activation signals. Only communicates with other devices on the same channel.
- Resistor – Variable resistor. Can be adjusted by pulling the lever. When the lever is to the left, it lets 0% of the energy through. When it is to the right, it lets 100% through.
- Rotor – It rotates with a customisable speed. Reverses when activated with a red signal, otherwise it toggles activation state. Gets more torque when powered, the speed remains the same.
- Shock Detector – Sends an activation signal on impact.
- Siren – Emergency siren.
- Slider – Two objects attached by a …long piston. Moves freely.
- Tesla Coil – A powerful tesla coil.
- Text Display – An electronic display capable of showing any text.
- Holographic Display – A small holographic text display emitter.
- Thruster – A small thruster that propels itself forward when activated.
- Thrusterbed – A platform that, when activated, propels itself in the air.
- Winch – Machine that can extend or retract its cable. Activate to switch direction. Power to move. When powered by a red activation signal, it toggles an internal battery.
- BG/BR/RG Signal Converter – Activation signal channel converter. Converts blue to green/blue to red/red to green and vice versa.
Spawnable Stuff Part 3
- Acid Syringe – Eats flesh.
- Adrenaline Syringe – An adrenaline shot.
- Bone Eating Syringe – Chemical that eats bones.
- Coagulation Syringe – A serum that speeds up the blood clotting process. Will heal all bleeding wounds.
- Death Syringe – Kills living beings instantly.
- Freeze Syringe – Locks a creature’s joints.
- Knockout Syringe – A drug that temporarily disables a person.
- Life Syringe – Heals nearly anything.
- Pink Syringe – Nobody is sure what this syringe contains. Its effects appear inconsistent and unique to each container. It is pink.
- Ultra Strength Syringe – Makes living beings more durable. Might cause immortality.
- Zombie Syringe – A virus that turns living beings into zombies.
- Flask – Empty flask. It is made of indestructible divine substance that the creators call “polymethylmethacrylaat”
- Blood Flask – Flask full of human blood.
- Gorse Blood Flask – Flask full of Gorse blood. Do not ingest.
- Nitroglycerine Flask – A flask filled with nitroglycerine. Explosive and highly unstable.
- Oil Flask – Flask full of regular oil.
- 100kg Weight – A tonne of steel.
- Anchor – Heavy anchor designed to sink.
- Balloon – It’s filled with mysterious gas that’s lighter than whatever gas fills this room.
- Bell C4/D4/E4/F4/G4/A4/B4/C5 – Bell that rings the C4/D4/E4/F4/G4/A4/B4/C5 note.
- Bowling Ball – It’s a ball specifically designed for bowling. How thoughtful.
- Bowling Pin – Bowling pins are the target of the bowling ball in various bowling games including tenpins, five-pins, duckpins, and candlepins. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- Brick – Brick.
- Brick Wall – Destructible wall.
- Concrete slab – Tall, relatively lightweight concrete slab. It is brittle, but its weight makes useful for buildings.
- Brick Cube – 1×1 brick rectangle. I know it says cube, but the game is 2D.
- Bulletproof Sheet – A small sheet designed to stop bullets. It is not inpenetrable, but it is very resistant.
- Bus Chair – A chair that kind of looks like it belongs inside a bus.
- Clamp – An object that allows something to slide in inbetween. Only the coloured parts collide.
- Crate – Wooden crate.
- De staf van Sinterklaas – De staf van de goedheiligman zelf.
- Giant Wooden Bowl – Bowl.
- I-Beam – Big metal beam.
- Jukebox – An old jukebox.
- Metal Pole – 2 meter tall metal pole.
- Mirror – Reflects light.
- Glass Pane – A pane made of fragile glass.
- Plastic Barrel – Soft plastic barrel.
- Plate – Ceramic plate.
- Pumpkin – The spooky food.
- Ramp – It is a ramp.
- Small I-Beam – Small metal beam.
- Soap – Clean cuboid.
- Structural Pillar – A metal tube that is just a little taller than a human.
- Television – CRT television.
- Torch – One of those old torches. Prevents mobs from spawning.
- Wheel – Basic indestructible wooden wheel.
- Metal Wheel – It’s just a metal circle.
- Metal Cube – A metal square. It says cube, I know. I’ve explained this before.
- Metal Pyramid – Metal triangle. I know it says pyramid.
- Wing – Simple airfoil.
- Wooden Chair – Sit down.
- Wooden Pillar – 2 meter tall wooden pillar.
- Wooden Pole – Large wooden pole.
- Wooden Table – Regular table.
Nothing here, because it’s whatever you download from the workshop that isn’t a mod.
Tools and Powers
I should’ve added these earlier, but whatever.
- Drag – Drag and rotate objects.
- Hand – Gentler drag tool. Moves with less power. [REMOVED IN 1.16]
- Wire – A conducting wire.
- Copper wire – Destructible conductive wire.
- Blood vessel wire – A wire that transfers blood between limbs.
- Rigid cable – Indestructible rigid connection.
- Wooden strut – Destructible wooden strut.
- Propagation wire – Propagates an activation trigger from one object to another. Direction in which you link the cables is relevant. Signal is on the green (main) channel.
- Blue propagation wire – Propagates a signal on the blue channel.
- Red propagation wire – Propagates a signal on the red channel.
- Fixed cable – Indestructible cable that restricts positions and rotation on both objects.
- Steel binding – Destructible steel fixed wiring.
- Spring – Indestructible metal spring.
- Bandage – Stops bleeding, first of all, but it’s also a pretty stretchy wire.
- Pin – Pins objects to the background or other objects. Allows rotation.
- Wooden pin – Destructible pin.
- Pull – Attract everything in a small radius around you.
- Push – Repulse everything in a small radius around you.
- Lift – Lift everything around you with infinite force.
- Lightning – Fire lightning bolts by flicking across the screen.
- Pyrokinesis – Fire powers.
Environment Settings
This one’ll be shorter after the monster of spawnable objects before it.
Description: Should the floodlights be turned on?
Setting: On/Off
What it does: Toggles if the floodlights are on or off. Pretty creepy when they’re off. You’ll need to make some lighting yourself.
Descriptions: Toggle cosmetic rain/snow/fog.
Settings: On/Off
What they do: Toggles if rain/snow/fog are on or off. They don’t do anything besides some decor.
Description: Change the gravity.
Setting: Numerical, -40 to 40
What it does: Changes the gravity. You can have people stand on the ceiling!
Description: Change the chance the artificial sky generates a lightning bolt.
Setting: Numerical, 0 to 100
What it does: Changes how often lightning will strike the ground. 0 is not at all, and 100 is like once a second or something like that. It’s fast.
Player Statistics
This is reachable from the pause screen after entering a map. Pretty simple stats, which I’m sad about.
- Entities killed – How many entities you have killed. (I don’t know the specifics.)
- Entities revived: How many entities you have revived. (I, again, don’t know the specifics.)
- Items spawned: How many items (either everything besides entities or everything including entities) you have spawned.
- Nuclear explosions caused: How many atom bombs you have activated and let blow up (there could be another nuclear explosive, I don’t know.)
- Wires created: How many wires you’ve made.
- Contraptions saved: How many contraptions you have saved. (AKA how many times YOU have saved something and not downloaded it from the workshop.)
Only two of the stats were saved from before the update: entities killed and items spawned. Everything else (if you had the game before the update) is new data from this update and on.
The workshop includes user-created stuff and mods (more about that later.)
There are several tags that workshop items can have. All of them are:
- Machine
- Vehicle
- Building
- Destructible
- Realistic
- Fun
- Electronics
You can easily post something yourself, by saving something that you made in your game, naming it, and then uploading it to the workshop from the Local tab of the spawn menu.
Mods are things that can’t be added just by putting stuff together in-game. They’re made by coding and textures and stuff that I have no idea how to do and no patience to learn how to do them.
They have their own part of the workshop, and can retexture existing items, make new ones, and other stuff, like adding tools and powers.
But I don’t think maps are possible.
(Please create a map editor, mestiez.)
BONUS: Couple Neat Things
Step 1: Spawn a human/android and a gun.
Step 2: (This is best if you pause the game, but it’s not required.)
Step 3: Press F on one of their hands, and the gun will now be held by them.
(Optional) Step 4: Press F on their other hand when they’re holding it if it’s a large gun, though I’ve never done it.
You can also get rid of the gun’s weight with the “Make weightless” button in the context menu if you wish to make holding the gun easier for the human/android.
Step 1: Spawn a decimator.
Step 2: Spawn a generator. (Regular and industrial work the same.)
Step 3: Activate the generator and then the decimator.
Step 4: Black hole.
End Section
Thanks for reading this pointless guide that took way too long to make and has less humor in it than intended (sorry about that). I hope you enjoyed.
Add suggestions or whatever if the comments if you think I missed anything important.