Insurgency: Sandstorm Guide

The Voice Lines for Insurgency: Sandstorm

The Voice Lines


The Insurgency: Sandstorm Voice Lines with translation. The project has died but I (EnDelta) could redo it. I’m waiting for help to translate all Arabic lines. Contact me.

Mercenary – Radial Menu

The Mercenary voice-over by Alexander Mercury

▫ 01 \ Affirmative

  1. ▫ Okay!
  2. ▫ Да!

  3. ▫ Понял!

  4. ▫ Alright!
  5. ▫ Got it!

▫ 02 \ Negative

  1. ▫ No!
  2. ▫ Negative!
  3. ▫ Нет!

  4. ▫ What?!
  5. ▫ I can’t do that!
  6. ▫ Huh!

▫ 03 \ Enemy spotted

  • ▫ Contact, north!
  • ▫ Contact, northeast!
  • ▫ Contact, east!
  • ▫ Contact, southeast!
  • ▫ Contact, south!
  • ▫ Contact, southwest!
  • ▫ Contact, west!
  • ▫ Contact, northwest!

▫ 04 \ Enemy down

  1. ▫ Enemy down!
  2. ▫ Dead!
  3. ▫ Enemy dead!
  4. ▫ Okay, down!
  5. ▫ Я его завалил!

    I clipped him!

▫ 05 \ Enemy down (Melee combat)

  1. ▫ Ah…⚹⚹⚹⚹! A-ah!
  2. ▫ Dead! D…dead!
  3. ▫ Господи!


▫ 06 \ Need help

  1. ▫ I need help!
  2. ▫ Give me backup!
  3. ▫ Hey, I need backup!

▫ 07 \ Need smoke

  1. ▫ We need smoke!
  2. ▫ Use your smoke! Use it!
  3. ▫ Throw the smoke, yalla (يلا)!

    Throw the smoke, come on!

▫ 08 \ Pick me up

  1. ▫ Stop! Wait! Подожди!

    Stop! Wait! Wait!
  2. ▫ I come with you, hold on!
  3. ▫ I come with you!

▫ 09 \ Get in

  1. ▫ Быстрее!

  2. ▫ We need to go, come on!
  3. ▫ Alright, get in!

▫ 10 \ Intimidate

  1. ▫ Give up, now! Drop your weapon!
  2. ▫ Just surrender! Сдавайся!

    Just surrender! Give up!
  3. ▫ Get down on the ground
  4. ▫ You going to die, idiot! Why not give up?!
  5. ▫ Ha-ha! Run!
  6. ▫ Выходи! Драться будем!

    Come here! We will fight!
  7. ▫ Чо, ты ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, а?!

    Wut, are you ⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, uh?!
  8. ▫ Чо молчите?! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹?!

    Why you’re silent?! ⚹⚹⚹⚹ yourselves?!
  9. ▫ Беги к мамочке! Беги, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Run to mommy! Run, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  10. ▫ Бегите, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Run, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

▫ 11 \ Intimidate in response

  1. ▫ Oh, you like to talk, uh?!
  2. ▫ Заткнись!

    Shut up!
  3. ▫ Come here, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Come here, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹ you!
  5. ▫ You’re wasting your breath!
  6. ▫ Выходи! ⚹⚹⚹⚹ прячешься, а?!

    Come here! Why the ⚹⚹⚹⚹ are you hiding, uh?!
  7. ▫ Чо ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, а?!

    Wut, are you chicken (⚹⚹⚹⚹), uh?!
  8. ▫ Выходи, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Come here, ⚹⚹⚹⚹face!
  9. ▫ Заткни ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Shut the ⚹⚹⚹⚹face up, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  10. ▫ Заткнись!

    Shut up!
  11. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹ you!
  12. ▫ Соси ⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Suck a ⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  13. ▫ Вот ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ карась! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    A ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ carp! What an annoying nerd, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

▫ 12 \ [Commander] Need an observer

  1. ▫ Get me the radio!
  2. ▫ Observer, let’s get some fire support!
  3. ▫ Where is an Observer?!
  4. ▫ Yalla (يلا), I need an Observer

    Come on, I need an Observer
  5. ▫ I need a ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ radio, давай!

    I need a ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ radio, come on!
  6. ▫ Where is that Observer, uh?!
  7. ▫ Can I get the radio?
  8. ▫ Radio?!
  9. ▫ Observer?!
  10. ▫ Ребята, come on! Радио, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹?!

    Guys, come on! Radio, for ⚹⚹⚹⚹’s sake?!
  11. ▫ Observer?!

▫ 13 \ [Observer] Suggest call for a Fire Support

  1. ▫ We have fire support! Let’s ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ use it, uh?!
  2. ▫ We should call for fire support!
  3. ▫ Посмотри в бинокль! Вызывай подмогу!

    Look through the binoculars! Call something in!
  4. ▫ Come on! Let’s get some mortars or something!
  5. ▫ You want me to request fire support?!
  6. ▫ I can order fire support! What do you want?!
  7. ▫ Commander, I call something in?!
  8. ▫ Observer ready!
  9. ▫ Right here, давай!

    Right here, come on!
  10. ▫ Ready!
  11. ▫ Commander, you want me to call something in?!

Mercenary – Radial Menu: Suppressed

The Mercenary voice-over by Alexander Mercury

▫ 01 \ Affirmative

  1. ▫ Да! Okay!

    Yes! Okay!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Okay! Okay!
  3. ▫ Uh! I’m ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ trying!
  4. ▫ Fine!
  5. ▫ Yes! Yes!

▫ 02 \ Negative

  1. ▫ Go ⚹⚹⚹⚹ yourself!
  2. ▫ No!
  3. ▫ Negative!
  4. ▫ That ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ stupid!
  5. ▫ Да ну ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! No!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹ this! No!

▫ 03 \ Enemy spotted

  1. ▫ На север! Север!

    North! North!
  2. ▫ North! North!

  1. ▫ Северо-восток! Они на северо-востоке!

    Northeast! They northeast!
  2. ▫ Northeast! There, northeast!

  1. ▫ На восток, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    East, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  2. ▫ East! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

  1. ▫ На юго-восток!

  2. ▫ Southeast!

  1. ▫ На юг!

  2. ▫ South!

  1. ▫ ⚹⚹-⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ юго-зап… Юго-запад!

    ⚹⚹…⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ Southwes… Southwest!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹… Southwest! Southwest!

  1. ▫ Они на западе!

    They west!
  2. ▫ They west!

  1. ▫ Эй! Эй! Северо-запад!

    Hey! Hey! Northwest!
  2. ▫ Hey! Hey! Northwest!

▫ 04 \ Enemy down

  1. ▫ We’ve killed them!
  2. ▫ A ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ dead!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  4. ▫ Сдохни!

  5. ▫ Я завалил его!

    I clipped him!

▫ 05 \ Enemy down (Melee combat)

  1. ▫ Господи! Ах!

    Oh, God! Ah!
  2. ▫ Too slow, huh!
  3. ▫ Dead! DEAD!

▫ 06 \ Need help

  1. ▫ Help me! Help me!
  2. ▫ Ah…help!
  3. ▫ Get over here, now!

▫ 07 \ Need smoke

  1. ▫ We’re getting ⚹⚹⚹⚹ up! Use smoke!
  2. ▫ Get! Smoke!
  3. ▫ Идиоты, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! Smoke!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ idiots! Smoke!

▫ 08 \ Pick me up

  1. ▫ Stop!
  2. ▫ Don’t go! Don’t go!
  3. ▫ Pick me up! Pick me up, uh?!

▫ 09 \ Get in

  1. ▫ Get the ⚹⚹⚹⚹ in, uh!
  2. ▫ Двигай! Двигай!

    Move it! Move it!
  3. ▫ Oh, come on!

▫ 10 \ Intimidate

  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

  2. ▫ Go ⚹⚹⚹⚹ off!
  3. ▫ You want to kill me?!
  4. ▫ Kill them! Kill them!
  5. ▫ You missed!
  6. ▫ Давай, выходи!

    Come here, come on!
  7. ▫ Выходи, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Come here, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  8. ▫ Ты где, ⚹⚹⚹⚹?!

    Where are you, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹?!

▫ 11 \ Intimidate in response

  1. ▫ I’ll kill you!
  2. ▫ I should be scared?! Uh?!
  3. ▫ Okay! Just keep talking!
  4. ▫ What is this, uh?! You want me to say something?!
  5. ▫ What do you want from me, uh?!
  6. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Кому домой в гробу полетишь, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹?!

    Hey, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! Who’s will wait you in a ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ coffin?!
  7. ▫ Завали ⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Shut your ⚹⚹⚹⚹face up, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  8. ▫ А! ⚹⚹⚹ тебе в глаз, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Ah! Stab your eye with a ⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  9. ▫ Я тебе анал ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    I’ll stab your anus, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  10. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹ тебе, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! Умри, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹ you, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Die, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  11. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹ bag!

▫ 12 \ [Commander] Need an observer

  1. ▫ Okay, uh! I need an Observer!
  2. ▫ Observer?! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  3. ▫ Observer?! Observer!
  4. ▫ I need the radio!
  5. ▫ Uh… Ge…get me the ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ radio, now!
  6. ▫ For ⚹⚹⚹⚹’s sake! Radio!
  7. ▫ Where is the… J…just bring me the radio, damn it!
  8. ▫ The radio, ублюдки! The radio!

    The radio, bastards! The radio!
  9. ▫ Get me the radio or we’re all ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ dead!
  10. ▫ Observer?!
  11. ▫ Radio?!
  12. ▫ Observer?!

▫ 13 \ [Observer] Suggest call for a Fire Support

  1. ▫ Are you going to order something?!
  2. ▫ Say what you want! Ты идиот!

    Say what you want! You’re an idiot!
  3. ▫ Fire support! Get fire support!
  4. ▫ Don’t just stand there! Order fire support!
  5. ▫ Смотри в бинокль, быстрее! Call it in!

    Look through the binoculars, quickly! Call it in!
  6. ▫ Order it!
  7. ▫ Я готов! Я готов!

    I’m ready! I’m ready!
  8. ▫ Commander! Some fire support, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Commander! Some fire support, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ idiot!
  9. ▫ We don’t have helicopters, but we can try something, right?!
  10. ▫ Do you want fire support?!

Mercenary – Interactions

The Mercenary voice-over by Alexander Mercury

▫ 01 \ Reloading

  1. ▫ Reloading!
  2. ▫ I’m reloading!
  3. ▫ Hey, cover me!
  4. ▫ Wait!
  5. ▫ I have to reload!
  6. ▫ New magazine!
  7. ▫ New mag in!
  8. ▫ New mag!
  9. ▫ –
  10. ▫ Okay, I’m reloading!
  11. ▫ Changing magazine!
  12. ▫ Меняю магазин!

    Changing magazine!
  13. ▫ Перезаряжаю!

  14. ▫ Я перезаряжаю!

    I’m reloading!
  15. ▫ Погоди! Погоди!

    Wait! Wait!
  16. ▫ Loading!
  17. ▫ I’m loading up!
  18. ▫ Okay!
  19. ▫ Чёрт!

  20. ▫ Эх… Дерьмо!

    Uh… Crap!
  21. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹…
  22. ▫ –
  23. ▫ –
  24. ▫ –
  25. ▫ –
  26. ▫ I’m reloading!
  27. ▫ Loading! Loading!
  28. ▫ Loading up!
  29. ▫ –
  30. ▫ –

▫ 02 \ Flashbang

  1. ▫ Flash out!
  2. ▫ Кидаю флэш!

    Throwing flash!
  3. ▫ Flashbang!
  4. ▫ Flash! Flash! Flash!
  5. ▫ Flashing!
  6. ▫ Get ready!
  7. ▫ Wait for it!
  8. ▫ Стой, flash out!

    Stop, flash out!
  9. ▫ Flash out!
  10. ▫ I’m flashing!

▫ 03 \ Grenade

  1. ▫ Frag out!
  2. ▫ Кидаю гранату!

    Throwing a grenade!
  3. ▫ I’m throwing frag!
  4. ▫ Frag! Frag out!
  5. ▫ Get back! Throwing frag!
  6. ▫ Stand back! Stand back!
  7. ▫ I’ll blow it up!
  8. ▫ –

▫ 04 \ Incendiary

  1. ▫ I’ll burn it!
  2. ▫ I’m using an incendiary!
  3. ▫ Incendiary!
  4. ▫ Burning it!
  5. ▫ Look out! Look out!

▫ 05 \ Molotov

  1. ▫ Molotov going out!
  2. ▫ Throwing Molotov!
  3. ▫ Кидаю огонь! Get back!

    Throwing fire! Get back!
  4. ▫ God sake, move away!
  5. ▫ I’m burning it!
  6. ▫ Move away!

▫ 06 \ Mine

  1. ▫ Mine down!
  2. ▫ Mine out!
  3. ▫ Watch out, putting a mine down!
  4. ▫ Don’t drive over here, okay?!
  5. ▫ Эх, старый кусок дерьма!

    Eh, old piece of crap!

▫ 07 \ Bomb

  1. ▫ Explosive ready!
  2. ▫ Using an explosive!
  3. ▫ Get the ⚹⚹⚹⚹ away!
  4. ▫ Свали, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! Move away!

    Move the ⚹⚹⚹⚹ away! Move away!
  5. ▫ Cover your ears! Get ready!

▫ 08 \ Smoke

  1. ▫ Smoke out!
  2. ▫ Кидаю дым!

    Throwing smoke!
  3. ▫ Use your smoke, ребята!

    Use your smoke, guys!
  4. ▫ Wait! Let the smoke spread!
  5. ▫ Wait! Wait! Use the smoke!
  6. ▫ I’m throwing smoke!
  7. ▫ Hey, smoke it up! Smoke it up!
  8. ▫ –
  9. ▫ Smoke it up!

▫ 09 \ Tossing back an explosive

  1. ▫ Move! Move! Move!
  2. ▫ Подойди! ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Get closer! ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  3. ▫ Ублюдки!

  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  5. ▫ –
  6. ▫ –

▫ 10 \ Swing

▫ –

▫ 11 \ Heavy swing

▫ –

▫ 12 \ [Vehicle] Enter

  1. ▫ I’m in!
  2. ▫ In!
  3. ▫ Okay, go!
  4. ▫ I’m ready!
  5. ▫ Вперёд!


▫ 13 \ [Vehicle] Machine gun

  1. ▫ I’m on the gun!
  2. ▫ Gun is mine!
  3. ▫ I’ll take the gun!
  4. ▫ On gun!
  5. ▫ Ну, всё! Держитесь!

    That’s it! Hold your butts!

▫ 14 \ [Vehicle] Leave

  1. ▫ Move!
  2. ▫ Get moving!
  3. ▫ Alright, move!
  4. ▫ Come on! Yalla (يلا)!

    Come on! Come on!
  5. ▫ I’m getting out!

▫ 15 \ Breaching

  1. ▫ Breaching!
  2. ▫ Выдвигается!

    Moving in!
  3. ▫ Moving in!
  4. ▫ Go!
  5. ▫ Breach! Breach!
  6. ▫ Давай!

    Come on!
  7. ▫ Быстрее, go!

    Quickly, go!
  8. ▫ –

▫ 16 \ Resupplied

  1. ▫ Ready!
  2. ▫ Okay, I’m ready!
  3. ▫ Готов!

  4. ▫ Alright, let’s go!
  5. ▫ Сделаем это!

    Let’s get this done!

▫ 17 \ Searching weapon cache

  1. ▫ Wow, what the ⚹⚹⚹⚹ is it?!
  2. ▫ Uh, they got C4 in here! Hold on!
  3. ▫ Uh, I’ll find the bomb!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ они тут собрали!

    Holy ⚹⚹⚹⚹! How much they’ve collected here!
  5. ▫ Hey! This ⚹⚹⚹⚹ everywhere! Hang on!

▫ 18 \ [Status] Fine

  1. ▫ I’m alright!
  2. ▫ Everything is fine!
  3. ▫ I’m over here! I’m fine!
  4. ▫ Готов к бою!

    Ready to fight!
  5. ▫ Good, over here!

▫ 19 \ [Status] Suppressed

  1. ▫ Still alive!
  2. ▫ Just getting warmed up!
  3. ▫ Ready to move, let’s go!
  4. ▫ Where the ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ go now?!
  5. ▫ Я в порядке! Пошли уже, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    I’m fine! Get the ⚹⚹⚹⚹ move on!

▫ 20 \ [Status] Wounded

  1. ▫ I’m hit!
  2. ▫ Wounded!
  3. ▫ Ай! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! They shot me!

    Ouch! ⚹⚹⚹⚹! They shot me!
  4. ▫ Ah, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! I been shot!
  5. ▫ А-а, ⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹…

    Ah, ⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹…

Mercenary – Interactions: Suppressed

The Mercenary voice-over by Alexander Mercury

▫ 01 \ Reloading

  1. ▫ Reloading!
  2. ▫ Reloading! Reloading!
  3. ▫ Okay! Okay! Reloading!
  4. ▫ Loading!
  5. ▫ Заряжаю! Заряжаю!

    Loading! Loading!
  6. ▫ Погоди, я заряжаю!

    Wait, I’m loading up!
  7. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹…
  8. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  9. ▫ Уроды, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Freaks, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  10. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ cover me!
  11. ▫ О, Господи!

    Oh, God!
  12. ▫ Заряжаю!

  13. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  14. ▫ Чёрт! Чёрт!

    Hell! Dammit!
  15. ▫ Да, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹ this!
  16. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, cover me!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, cover me!
  17. ▫ Damn it!
  18. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  19. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  20. ▫ Oh, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  21. ▫ Oh… ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  22. ▫ –
  23. ▫ –
  24. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹ you! You piece of ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  25. ▫ Loading!
  26. ▫ Да, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

  27. ▫ Hey, cover me!
  28. ▫ –
  29. ▫ –

▫ 02 \ Flashbang

  1. ▫ I’ll flash them!
  2. ▫ Flash! Flash!
  3. ▫ Flashbang!
  4. ▫ Не смотри!

    Don’t look!
  5. ▫ Берегись!

    Watch out!
  6. ▫ Flash out!
  7. ▫ Flashing!
  8. ▫ Сюда смотри!

    Look at this!

▫ 03 \ Grenade

  1. ▫ Get back! Get back!
  2. ▫ Get the ⚹⚹⚹⚹ out the way!
  3. ▫ Watch out!
  4. ▫ Frag!
  5. ▫ This is a grenade!
  6. ▫ I’ll frag them!
  7. ▫ Frag out! Frag out! Уходи!

    Frag out! Frag out! Get back!
  8. ▫ Вот тебе, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Eat this, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  9. ▫ Получай, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Take this, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

▫ 04 \ Incendiary

  1. ▫ Hey, incendiary!
  2. ▫ Incendiary grenade!
  3. ▫ Flame grenade! Flame grenade!
  4. ▫ Watch out!
  5. ▫ Throwing incendiary!

▫ 05 \ Molotov

  1. ▫ I’ll burn it!
  2. ▫ Кидаю Молотов!

    Throwing the Molotov!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ move!
  4. ▫ Molotov!
  5. ▫ Burn you ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  6. ▫ I’m burning it!

▫ 06 \ Mine

  1. ▫ Mine!
  2. ▫ I’m using a mine!
  3. ▫ Ah, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! This better work!
  4. ▫ Mine is down! Mine is down!
  5. ▫ Mine over here!

▫ 07 \ Bomb

  1. ▫ This is a bomb!
  2. ▫ I’m blowing it up!
  3. ▫ Уходите, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, оттуда!

    Get the ⚹⚹⚹⚹ out of there!
  4. ▫ Hey, get ready!
  5. ▫ Получайте, ублюдки!

    Take this, you bastards!

▫ 08 \ Smoke

  1. ▫ Hey, throw your ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ smoke grenades!
  2. ▫ Smoke!
  3. ▫ Get smoke out there! Давай! Давай!

    Get smoke out there! Come on! Come on!
  4. ▫ Hey, use the smoke! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  5. ▫ Дым – немедленно!

    Smoke – immediately!
  6. ▫ I’ll cover it!
  7. ▫ Wait, I’m using smoke!
  8. ▫ –
  9. ▫ Smoke!
  10. ▫ Use the smoke, yalla (يلا)!

    Use the smoke, come on!

▫ 09 \ [Vehicle] Enter

  1. ▫ Drive! Drive! Idiot!
  2. ▫ Go!
  3. ▫ Are we leaving?!
  4. ▫ I’m here! I’m here!
  5. ▫ I’m inside!

▫ 10 \ [Vehicle] Leave

  1. ▫ Move! Move!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, на ⚹⚹⚹ всё это!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹ this all!
  3. ▫ Run! Just move!
  4. ▫ Oh, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

Mercenary – Bot

The Mercenary voice-over by Alexander Mercury

▫ 01 \ Contact

  1. ▫ Contact!
  2. ▫ Противник!

  3. ▫ Враг!

  4. ▫ Enemy!
  5. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ kill them!
  6. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, that’s them!
  7. ▫ There!
  8. ▫ Oh, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  9. ▫ Just shoot them, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  10. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!


▫ 02 \ Spot

  1. ▫ Hey!
  2. ▫ Look!
  3. ▫ Смотри!

  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, over there!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, over there!
  5. ▫ There!

▫ 03 \ Spot a light

  1. ▫ Flashlight!
  2. ▫ That’s a light!
  3. ▫ Light!
  4. ▫ Фонарик!

  5. ▫ Look out, light!

▫ 04 \ Startled

  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  3. ▫ –
  4. ▫ Drop it!
  5. ▫ Сдохни!

  6. ▫ Эй, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  7. ▫ Господи!
  8. ▫ Стой!

  9. ▫ Stop!
  10. ▫ Стой!

  11. ▫ –
  12. ▫ –
  13. ▫ Wait! Wait!

▫ 05 \ Engage

  1. ▫ Move!
  2. ▫ Давай!

    Come on!
  3. ▫ Gas them!
  4. ▫ Come on!
  5. ▫ Get over there!
  6. ▫ Go!
  7. ▫ Yalla (يلا)!

    Come on!
  8. ▫ Двигай! Двигай! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Move it! Move it! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  9. ▫ Да убейте их!

    Kill them for ⚹⚹⚹⚹’s sake!
  10. ▫ Атакуй!

  11. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ go! Go!
  12. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, двигай!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, move!

▫ 06 \ Hear an enemy

  1. ▫ They here!
  2. ▫ We’ve contact!
  3. ▫ They close!
  4. ▫ They there! Right there!
  5. ▫ Right there!
  6. ▫ Enemy close!
  7. ▫ Враг рядом!

    Enemy close!
  8. ▫ They coming, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  9. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  10. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

▫ 07 \ Flanking

  1. ▫ Flanking!
  2. ▫ I’ll flank them!
  3. ▫ Give me cover!
  4. ▫ Обхожу противника!

    Flanking the enemy!
  5. ▫ Выдвигаюсь!

    On the way!

▫ 08 \ Retreating

  1. ▫ Fall back!
  2. ▫ Отходим!

    Get back!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹ it, run!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Uh!
  5. ▫ Run!
  6. ▫ Get back! Find cover!
  7. ▫ Get out of here! Go!
  8. ▫ На ⚹⚹⚹ это!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹ this!
  9. ▫ Отступаем!

  10. ▫ Ублюдки!


▫ 09 \ Suppressing

  1. ▫ Covering!
  2. ▫ I’ll cover!
  3. ▫ Come on!
  4. ▫ Suppressing!
  5. ▫ Подавляю!

  6. ▫ Firing!
  7. ▫ Веду бой!

  8. ▫ Shoot them!
  9. ▫ Fire! Them! Now! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

Mercenary – Commander

The Mercenary voice-over by Alexander Mercury

▫ 01 \ Ask status

  1. ▫ Report status!
  2. ▫ Доложить! Is everyone alright?!

    Report in! Is everyone alright?!
  3. ▫ Is everyone hurt?!
  4. ▫ Everyone give status!
  5. ▫ Are we ready to go?!
  6. ▫ Доложить! Is everything alright?!

    Report in! Is everything alright?!

▫ 02 \ Order explosive mortars

  1. ▫ Call an explosive mortars!
  2. ▫ We need explosive mortars right there!
  3. ▫ Хорошо! Explosive mortars! This location!

    Okay! Explosive mortars! This location!

▫ 03 \ Order smoke mortars

  1. ▫ Ask for smoke mortars!
  2. ▫ Ask smoke mortars! Fire there!
  3. ▫ Get smoke mortars! That target!

▫ 04 \ Order chemical mortars

  1. ▫ Fire chemical mortars!
  2. ▫ Uh… We’ll gas them! Fire right there!
  3. ▫ Get gas on that spot! Быстрее!

    Get gas on that spot! Quickly!

▫ 05 \ Order grenade drones

  1. ▫ Tell them, we need a bombing run!
  2. ▫ See?! Get the bombing run right there!
  3. ▫ Bomb them! Get those drones out here!

▫ 06 \ Order I.E.D. drone

  1. ▫ Get an explosive drone!
  2. ▫ Send an explosive drone!
  3. ▫ Explosive drone should do it!

▫ 07 \ Order rocket barrage

  1. ▫ Rocket barrage on that location!
  2. ▫ Okay, I think we need a rocket strike there!
  3. ▫ How about some rockets, huh?!

Mercenary – Commander: Suppressed

The Mercenary voice-over by Alexander Mercury

▫ 01 \ Ask status

  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, you’re alive?!
  2. ▫ Who still alive?!
  3. ▫ Is everyone okay?! Hey?!
  4. ▫ Who’s been shot?! Anyone?!
  5. ▫ Hey, Alakhwhah (الإخوة)! Say something!

    Hey, Brothers! Say something!

▫ 02 \ Order explosive mortars

  1. ▫ Explosive strike there!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ hit them with an explosive shells!
  3. ▫ Blow the ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ up! Fire explosive shells!

▫ 03 \ Order smoke mortars

  1. ▫ We need smoke mortars! There!
  2. ▫ We need smoke! Call it in!
  3. ▫ Smoke! Get smoke!

▫ 04 \ Order chemical mortars

  1. ▫ Do it chemical strike there!
  2. ▫ Gas them! Gas them! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  3. ▫ Use the gas! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ fire there!

▫ 05 \ Order grenade drones

  1. ▫ Get…get bombing drones there!
  2. ▫ Observer, call in the bombing run!
  3. ▫ Bomb them! Bomb them!

▫ 06 \ Order I.E.D. drone

  1. ▫ Observer, I need an explosive drone there!
  2. ▫ Get the drone, давай!

    Get the drone, come on!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹… Just get the drone!

▫ 07 \ Order rocket barrage

  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, get me rocket barrage there!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, get me rocket barrage there!
  2. ▫ Observer?! ⚹⚹⚹⚹…⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ rockets!
  3. ▫ Давай им ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! Call in the rockets!

    Let’s ⚹⚹⚹⚹ them up! Call in the rockets!

Mercenary – Observer

The Mercenary voice-over by Alexander Mercury

▫ 01 \ Request explosive mortars

  1. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Requesting explosive rounds on this location, over!
  2. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Give us an explosive strike here, over!
  3. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Can you fire explosive rounds at this target, over?!

▫ 02 \ Request smoke mortars

  1. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Requesting smoke rounds on this target, over!
  2. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! I need smoke cover here, over!
  3. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! We need smoke on this spot, over!

▫ 03 \ Request chemical mortars

  1. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Requesting chemical rounds on this location, over!
  2. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Chemical rounds needed right here, over!
  3. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Fire chemical rounds here, over!

▫ 04 \ Request grenade drones

  1. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Requesting a bombing run on this spot, over!
  2. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Can you put a bombing run here, over?!
  3. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Do your bombing run here and hurry up, over!

▫ 05 \ Request I.E.D. drone

  1. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Requesting an explosive drone on this position!
  2. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Fly a drone over there and blow them up, over!
  3. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Send an explosive drone there, over!

▫ 06 \ Request rocket barrage

  1. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Requesting a rocket strike at this target, over!
  2. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Fire a rockets at this spot, over!
  3. ▫ Outpost, this is Observer! Get those rockets going! This spot, over!

▫ 07 \ Thank outpost

  1. ▫ Thanks, Outpost! Observer out!
  2. ▫ Thank you! Shukran (شكراً)! Observer out!

    Thank you! Thank you! Observer out!
  3. ▫ Спасибо, Outpost! Observer out!

    Thanks, Outpost! Observer out!
  4. ▫ Понял! Observer out!

    Understood! Observer out!
  5. ▫ Uh… Okay! Да! Observer out!

    Uh… Okay! Yes! Observer out!
  6. ▫ Yes! Yes! We saw it! Observer out!
  7. ▫ Good work! Observer out!
  8. ▫ Nice job! Observer out!
  9. ▫ Okay! Okay, Alakhwhah (الإخوة)! Observer out!

    Okay! Okay, Brothers! Observer out!
  10. ▫ Shukran (شكراً)! Observer out!

    Thank you! Observer out!
  11. ▫ Thanks, Outpost! Observer out!

Mercenary – Observer: Suppressed

The Mercenary voice-over by Alexander Mercury

▫ 01 \ Request explosive mortars

  1. ▫ Outpost, will you please use the ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ explosive mortars!
  2. ▫ We need to fire an explosive mortars! Right now! This position!
  3. ▫ Outpost, we need a mortars! Fire an explosive mortars, давай!

    Outpost, we need a mortars! Fire an explosive mortars, come on!

▫ 02 \ Request smoke mortars

  1. ▫ Fire smoke rounds, hurry! Those ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ can see us!
  2. ▫ They ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ us up, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! We need smoke cover, come on!
  3. ▫ They ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ our asses! Fire! Smoke! Now!

▫ 03 \ Request chemical mortars

  1. ▫ We want a chemical strike down there, don’t hold back!
  2. ▫ Him them with the gas, dammit! We need a ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ gas!
  3. ▫ Load chemical rounds and ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ fire them, давай!

    Load chemical rounds and ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ fire them, come on!

▫ 04 \ Request grenade drones

  1. ▫ Okay, we’re going to need the bomb a drones! Are they ready?!
  2. ▫ Hey, can you send the drones?! Send the drones!
  3. ▫ Drop the bombs on them! We need a drones!

▫ 05 \ Request I.E.D. drone

  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, okay, hey! We need an explosive drone down here! Take them out!
  2. ▫ Ah, explosive drone, Outpost! Come on, get it over here!
  3. ▫ You’re have drones, right?! Do want an explosive on it!

▫ 06 \ Request rocket barrage

  1. ▫ Drop some ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ rockets on them, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Drop some ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ rockets on them, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  2. ▫ What’s them out?! Взорви их! Use the rockets!

    What’s them out?! Blow them up! Use the rockets!
  3. ▫ Rockets! Use the rockets, придурок! The rockets!

    Rockets! Use the rockets, fool! The rockets!

▫ 07 \ Thank outpost

  1. ▫ Alright!
  2. ▫ Okay, okay!
  3. ▫ Fine, yes!
  4. ▫ Thanks, Alakhwhah (الإخوة)!

    Thanks, Brothers!
  5. ▫ Понял! Понял!

    Got it! Got it!
  6. ▫ Bye! Bye!
  7. ▫ Как скажешь!

    Whatever you say!
  8. ▫ Okay, shukran (شكراً)!

    Okay, thank you!

Mercenary – Gameplay

The Mercenary voice-over by Alexander Mercury

▫ 01 \ Pregame

  1. ▫ Ready?!
  2. ▫ Okay, grab your things!
  3. ▫ Get your gear!
  4. ▫ We need to move, get ready!
  5. ▫ You’re ready, да?!

    You’re ready, yeah?!
  6. ▫ Listen, take only what you need, okay?!
  7. ▫ Приготовится!

    Get ready!
  8. ▫ Okay!

▫ 02 \ Versus round start

  1. ▫ Move, go!
  2. ▫ Давай!

    Come on!
  3. ▫ Let’s go then!
  4. ▫ Get moving!
  5. ▫ Come on!

▫ 03 \ Coop round start

  1. ▫ Be safe, okay?!
  2. ▫ Go!
  3. ▫ Take it slow, alright?!
  4. ▫ Are we going?
  5. ▫ Двигай, come on!

    Move it, come on!

▫ 04 \ Entering combat area

  1. ▫ Давай!

    Come on!
  2. ▫ Come on!
  3. ▫ Move!
  4. ▫ Быстрее! We need to move!

    Quickly! We need to move!
  5. ▫ You’re ready?!
  6. ▫ Готовы?!

    You’re ready?!
  7. ▫ Get ready!
  8. ▫ Hey, be careful, okay?!
  9. [unrecognized phrase] We’re ahead!
  10. ▫ Check weapons!
  11. ▫ Okay… Let’s ⚹⚹⚹⚹ them up!
  12. ▫ Go! Get over there!
  13. [unrecognized phrase] Run, chuckball!
  14. ▫ Time to go!
  15. ▫ Hey, come on, hurry up!

▫ 05 \ Entering combat area (Response)

  1. ▫ Okay!
  2. ▫ Да!

  3. ▫ Понял!

    Got it!
  4. ▫ Let’s have fun, huh!
  5. ▫ Don’t ⚹⚹⚹⚹ around! Be careful!
  6. ▫ Stay safe!
  7. ▫ Come on! Yalla (يلا)!

    Come on! Come on!
  8. ▫ Let’s do this!
  9. ▫ Alright, go!
  10. ▫ Let’s go then, come on!
  11. ▫ Just move! Stop talking!
  12. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ move! Go!
  13. ▫ Hurry up!
  14. ▫ Eyes open!
  15. ▫ Готовьтесь!

    Get ready!
  16. ▫ Move!
  17. ▫ Готовы?!

    You’re ready?!

▫ 06 \ Missing commander

  1. ▫ Whe…where is a commander?!
  2. ▫ Идиоты, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! We need a commander!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ idiots! We need a commander!
  3. ▫ No commander means – no fire support, you ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  4. ▫ Who is our commander?! Anyone?! No?!
  5. ▫ Who is a commander, uh?! Who’s in charge here?!

▫ 07 \ Restricted area

  1. ▫ Да ну ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹?! Are you running away?!

    What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹?! Are you running away?!
  2. ▫ Get back here, idiot!
  3. ▫ You should be over here! Get back!
  4. ▫ Wrong way, Alakhwha (الإخو)! Get back to us!

    Wrong way, Brother! Get back to us!
  5. ▫ Get back to team! Focus on objective!

▫ 08 \ [Objective] Clear

  1. ▫ Clear! Clear!
  2. ▫ We’re clear!
  3. ▫ Чисто! Чисто!

    Clear! Clear!
  4. ▫ Отличная работа, ребята!

    Great job, guys!
  5. ▫ Ha-ha-ha! Got it!

▫ 09 \ [Objective] Hostile

  1. ▫ Contact!
  2. ▫ Enemy in objective!
  3. ▫ They here, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Son of a ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  5. ▫ Oh… Someone go kill them!

▫ 10 \ [Objective] Clear (Suppressed)

  1. ▫ Clear! Clear! Clear!
  2. ▫ It’s clear!
  3. ▫ Okay, good! We need to move on!
  4. ▫ Huh! Неудачники!

    Huh! Losers!
  5. ▫ Чисто! Чисто!

    Clear! Clear!

▫ 11 \ [Objective] Hostile (Suppressed)

  1. ▫ Враг! Враг!

    Enemy! Enemy!
  2. ▫ Enemy!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, seriously?!
  4. ▫ Да ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, где вы?!

    Where the ⚹⚹⚹⚹ are you?!
  5. ▫ They here!

▫ 12 \ Low on reinforcements

  1. ▫ Our reinforcements are low!
  2. ▫ We’re getting low reinforcements!
  3. [unrecognized phrase] What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹, ребята?! We’re ally have some any men?!

    What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹, guys?! We’re ally have some any men?!
  4. ▫ Stop ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ dying! We’re low on reinforcements!
  5. ▫ We need to fight harder! They ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ us up!

▫ 13 \ No more reinforcements

  1. ▫ We have no more reinforcements!
  2. ▫ We’re out of reinforcements, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    We’re out of reinforcements, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  3. ▫ What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹?! You’re all dead?!
  4. ▫ Hey, is anyone else coming?!
  5. [unrecognized phrase] The… ⚹⚹⚹⚹ this!
  6. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹?! Did you’re all die already?!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹?! Did you’re all die already?!

▫ 14 \ Last one standing

  1. ▫ Did you all ran away! What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹?!
  2. ▫ Alakhwhah (الإخوة)?! Hey! Hey!

    Brothers?! Hey! Hey!
  3. ▫ What?! Are you all dead?!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹ this! I’m not getting paid after die!
  5. ▫ Чёрт! You’re all ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ died!

    Hell! You’re all ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ died!
  6. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Нет! Нет! Нет!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! No! No! No!
  7. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Where the hell all day?!
  8. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

▫ 15 \ Last one succeeds

  1. ▫ Hah! You’re ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ got them! Ha!
  2. ▫ That ⚹⚹⚹⚹ them off!
  3. ▫ That’s one way to do it!
  4. ▫ Ha! Look at that!
  5. ▫ Стой, we’re coming!

    Stop, we’re coming!
  6. ▫ They here and they run away! Ждите!

    They here and they run away! Wait for us!
  7. ▫ Hey, don’t get crazy! There is more work to do!
  8. ▫ Uh, отлично!

    Uh, excellent!

▫ 16 \ Objective complete

  1. ▫ Objective complete
  2. ▫ Oh, we have it! Good!
  3. ▫ Сделано!

  4. ▫ Alright, next one!
  5. ▫ Good! Good work!
  6. ▫ Great! Nice!
  7. ▫ Отличная работа!

    Great work!
  8. ▫ Okay!
  9. ▫ It’s taken!
  10. ▫ Secured

▫ 17 \ [Counterattack] Begins

  1. ▫ Counterattack incoming!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, counterattack!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, counterattack!
  3. ▫ Wait! More enemies incoming!
  4. ▫ Hold your positions! There is counterattack coming!
  5. ▫ Стой, don’t move up! A counterattack!

    Stop, don’t move up! A counterattack!
  6. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ не ссыте! Hold your objective!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ don’t ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Hold your objective!
  7. ▫ Come on you ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! We can do this!
  8. ▫ There is more?!
  9. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹ you’re kidding me, uh?!

▫ 18 \ [Counterattack] Ends

  1. ▫ Counterattack is over!
  2. ▫ That’s it! They done the counterattack! Move! Move!
  3. ▫ Sound’s like they’re finished!
  4. ▫ They done! They done!
  5. ▫ Attack is finished! Двигай!

    Attack is finished! Move it!
  6. ▫ Ха-ха! Идиоты, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Ha-ha! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ idiots!
  7. ▫ Ah, да ну ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Ah, ⚹⚹⚹⚹ this!
  8. ▫ Бегите, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Run, you ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  9. ▫ See?! Not so bad!
  10. ▫ Хорошо! They’re retreating!

    Good! They’re retreating!
  11. ▫ Смотри – бегут крысы!

    Look – the rats are running!
  12. ▫ Ах, лучше бы я в пилоты пошёл, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Oh, I’d rather be a ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ pilot!
  13. ▫ Чо, побежали крысы, да?!

    Wut, the rats run, right?!

▫ 19 \ Advancing to new objective

  1. ▫ We took it! Now – move up!
  2. ▫ Next position! Давай! Давай! Давай!

    Next position! Go! Go! Go!
  3. ▫ Ребята, we’re not finished! Keep moving forward!

    Guys, we’re not finished! Keep moving forward!
  4. ▫ Хорошо! At least do the next one!

    Good! At least do the next one!
  5. ▫ Keep going! Don’t stop!

▫ 20 \ Retreating to new objective

  1. ▫ Fall back to next position!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, we lost it! Fall back!

    Son of a ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, we lost it! Fall back!
  3. ▫ Move back! Defend our next position!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, they took it! Get back! Get back!
  5. ▫ Stop ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ losing them!

▫ 21 \ Attacking cache

  1. ▫ We breach the cache! Destroy it!
  2. ▫ Destroy the cache! Destroy it!
  3. ▫ There it is! Blow it up!
  4. ▫ Now, blow up that ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ cache!
  5. ▫ Come on! Get explosive! We need blow up the cache!

▫ 22 \ Defending cache

  1. ▫ They breach the cache, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    They breach the cache, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  2. ▫ Fall back! Fall back to the cache!
  3. ▫ Oh, ⚹⚹⚹⚹, defend the cache! They trying to blow it up!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, they’ve got to the cache!
  5. ▫ Ну всё, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹… I think we’re ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    That’s it, ⚹⚹⚹⚹… I think we’re ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  6. ▫ Ну всё… We’re ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    That’s it… We’re ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

▫ 23 \ Objective destroyed

▫ Alpha
  1. ▫ We destroyed A! We did it!
  2. ▫ I destroyed A! It’s gone!
  3. ▫ Okay, we took out A!
▫ Bravo
  1. ▫ Great, we destroyed B!
  2. ▫ Alright, I took out B!
  3. ▫ B has been destroyed! Great work!
▫ Charlie
  1. ▫ Good job! We blown up C!
  2. ▫ Just took out C!
  3. ▫ C has been destroyed! Good!
▫ Delta
  1. ▫ Hey, we took out D!
  2. ▫ I blown up D!
  3. ▫ D just blown up! We got it!
▫ Echo
  1. ▫ Okay, we destroyed E!
  2. ▫ I destroyed E!
  3. ▫ E is gone! Ha-ha!
▫ Foxtrot
  1. ▫ Да, we got F! F is destroyed!

    Yes, we got F! F is destroyed!
  2. ▫ I took out F! I blown it up!
  3. ▫ F has been destroyed! We got it!
▫ Generic
  1. ▫ Objective destroyed!
  2. ▫ Ah, got it!
  3. ▫ Great! Move up, now!
  4. ▫ Target destroyed!
  5. ▫ We… Blown it up!

▫ 24 \ Friendly objective destroyed

▫ Alpha
  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, they blown up A!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, A is destroyed!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, A is destroyed!
  3. ▫ Ah, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! A is gone!
  4. ▫ They just took out A!
  5. ▫ A is gone! They destroyed it!
▫ Bravo
  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, we lost B! It’s gone!
  2. ▫ They took out B!
  3. ▫ Enemy just destroyed B!
▫ Charlie
  1. ▫ We lost C! They blown it up!
  2. ▫ Enemy has destroyed C!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, they just took out C!
▫ Delta
  1. ▫ Enemy has destroyed D! Dammit!
  2. ▫ Hey, they blown up D!
  3. ▫ D is destroyed! They got D!
▫ Echo
  1. ▫ We lost E! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ gone!
  2. ▫ Enemy just destroyed E! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Enemy just destroyed E! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  3. ▫ Да ну ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! Did they blown up E?!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹ this! Did they blown up E?!
  4. ▫ They blown up E!
  5. ▫ Enemy just destroyed E!
▫ Foxtrot
  1. ▫ F has been destroyed! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  2. ▫ Enemy just took out F!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, we lost F!
▫ Generic
  1. ▫ Our objective is destroyed
  2. ▫ Ай, ⚹⚹⚹… A blown up, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Oh, ⚹⚹⚹⚹… A blown up, ⚹⚹⚹⚹ this!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, they took out our objective!
  4. ▫ We lost it! It ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ blown up!
  5. ▫ What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹?! Is it gone?!

▫ 25 \ Losing objective

▫ Alpha
  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, they on A!

    Son of a ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, they on A!
  2. ▫ Hey, they on A!
  3. ▫ Enemy is taking A!
  4. ▫ We’re losing A!
▫ Bravo
  1. ▫ They on B!
  2. ▫ Oh, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Enemy at B!
  3. ▫ Enemy is capturing B!
▫ Charlie
  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, they are on C!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, they are on C!
  2. ▫ There at C!
  3. ▫ Enemy on C!
  4. ▫ Losing C, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
▫ Delta
  1. ▫ We have enemy at D!
  2. ▫ They’re at D!
  3. ▫ Hey, enemy is taking D!
▫ Echo
  1. ▫ Enemy on E!
  2. ▫ We have enemy at E!
  3. ▫ They capturing E!
▫ Foxtrot
  1. ▫ Ah! Losing F!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, they taking F!
  3. ▫ Enemy is at F!
▫ Generic
  1. ▫ Enemy on our objective!
  2. ▫ Ah, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! They capturing it!
  3. ▫ Oh, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! We’re losing an objective!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, enemy at objective!
  5. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, they capturing!

    Son of a ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, they capturing!

▫ 26 \ Lost objective

▫ Alpha
  1. ▫ We lost A!
  2. ▫ Чёрт, they took A!

    Hell, they took A!
  3. ▫ They captured A, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
▫ Bravo
  1. ▫ We lost B!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, they got B!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, they got B!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, they captured B!
  4. ▫ Hey, the enemy just took B!
▫ Charlie
  1. ▫ Enemy captured C!
  2. ▫ They just took C! Dammit!
  3. ▫ We lost C!
▫ Delta
  1. ▫ Чёрт, they got D!

    Hell, they got D!
  2. ▫ They took D!
  3. ▫ Ah, we lost D!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, the enemy has captured D!
▫ Echo
  1. ▫ We lost E! Чёрт!

    We lost E! Dammit!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! They just captured E!
  3. ▫ E was just taken! We lost it!
▫ Foxtrot
  1. ▫ They took F!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹! They got F!
  3. ▫ Enemy captured F!
▫ Generic
  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, objective taken!
  2. ▫ We lost objective!
  3. ▫ Да ну на ⚹⚹⚹! Those ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ took it!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹ this! Those ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ took it!
  4. ▫ They just took it, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  5. ▫ Objective is lost!

▫ 27 \ Taking objective

▫ Alpha
  1. ▫ We’re on A!
  2. ▫ I’m on A
  3. ▫ Securing A!
▫ Bravo
  1. ▫ Capturing B!
  2. ▫ I’m at B!
  3. ▫ Taking B!
▫ Charlie
  1. ▫ Okay, we’re at C!
  2. ▫ I’m on C!
  3. ▫ Getting C!
▫ Delta
  1. ▫ We’re at D!
  2. ▫ Securing D!
  3. ▫ We’re getting D
▫ Echo
  1. ▫ We’re capturing E!
  2. ▫ Okay, I’m at E!
  3. ▫ Getting E!
▫ Foxtrot
  1. ▫ We at F!
  2. ▫ I’m at F!
  3. ▫ Capturing F!
▫ Generic
  1. ▫ Taking objective!
  2. ▫ We’re here!
  3. ▫ I’m on it!
  4. ▫ Capturing!
  5. ▫ Securing! Securing!
  6. ▫ Clearing!
  7. ▫ Alright, clearing!
  8. ▫ Here we are!
  9. ▫ Okay, capturing!
  10. ▫ Держитесь, we’re capturing!

    Hang on, we’re capturing!
  11. ▫ On it!

▫ 28 \ Took objective

▫ Alpha
  1. ▫ We got A!
  2. ▫ I captured A, отлично!

    I captured A, excellent!
  3. ▫ I captured A!
  4. ▫ A is ours!
▫ Bravo
  1. ▫ Oh, God! Alright, we have B!
  2. ▫ We secured B!
  3. ▫ We’ve taken B!
▫ Charlie
  1. ▫ C is clear!
  2. ▫ Okay, we took C!
  3. ▫ C is taken! We got it!
▫ Delta
  1. ▫ Okay, we just got D!
  2. ▫ We captured D!
  3. ▫ D is secured! Хорошая работа!

    D is secured! Good job!
  4. ▫ D is secured!
▫ Echo
  1. ▫ We’ve taken E!
  2. ▫ We just captured E!
  3. ▫ E is ours!
▫ Foxtrot
  1. ▫ Okay, we captured F!
  2. ▫ F is secured! We have it! We have it!
  3. ▫ We took F! We took F!
▫ Generic
  1. ▫ It’s ours! Good!
  2. ▫ Objective captured!
  3. ▫ Good work! Move on!
  4. ▫ Okay, next one! Давай!

    Okay, next one! Come on!
  5. ▫ Хорошо! Хорошо! Хорошо!

    Good! Good! Good!
  6. ▫ Alright! Давай!

    Alright! Come on!
  7. ▫ Come on, let’s keep going!
  8. ▫ Don’t stop now, давай!

    Don’t stop now, come on!
  9. ▫ Secured!
  10. ▫ Clear!
  11. ▫ Clear!

Mercenary – Fire Support

The Mercenary voice-over by Alexander Mercury

▫ 01 \ Destroyed Enemy support

  1. ▫ Helicopter is coming down, look out!
  2. ▫ We got it! We got it!
  3. ▫ Ха-ха! Получай!

    Ha-ha! Eat this!
  4. ▫ It’s coming down! You get out the ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ way, you ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  5. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, we got them!
  6. ▫ Helicopter is hit!
  7. ▫ Hey! Hey! Hey, look out! It’s coming down!
  8. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, it’s gonna crash!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, it’s gonna crash!

▫ 02 \ Lost Friendly support

  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, drone down!
  2. ▫ Ah, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! They got the drone!
  3. ▫ Ах, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! Our drone is down!

    Ah, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Our drone is down!
  4. ▫ Ah, they ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ shot it down!
  5. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, they got it!
  6. ▫ Drone has been hit!
  7. ▫ Ах, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹… They hit the drone!

    Ah, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹… They hit the drone!
  8. ▫ What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹?! Did they shot the drone!

▫ 03 \ Incoming Enemy shells

  1. ▫ That’s artillery!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, they using artillery!

    Son of a ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, they using artillery!
  3. ▫ Ах, чёрт! Artillery!

    Ah, hell! Artillery!
  4. ▫ They using artillery on us!
  5. ▫ Incoming!
  6. ▫ We have incoming shells!
  7. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! Get to cover, Alakhwhah (الإخوة)!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! Get to cover, Brothers!
  8. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! They firing at us!
  9. ▫ Enemy artillery!
  10. ▫ Oh, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Here it comes!

▫ 04 \ Incoming Friendly shells

  1. ▫ Hey, our mortars are firing!
  2. ▫ Mortar fire! Wait for it!
  3. ▫ Get to cover! We’re using our mortars!
  4. ▫ Yalla (يلا)! Yalla (يلا)! Hey, stay back!

    Move it! Move it! Hey, stay back!
  5. ▫ Mortars!
  6. ▫ It’s our mortars! Incoming!
  7. ▫ Wait! Wait, until they land!
  8. ▫ Ah, ⚹⚹⚹⚹ them up, Outpost!
  9. ▫ Watch out! Our shells don’t care who you are!
  10. ▫ Ну, всё! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ вам!

    Well, that’s it! You ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

▫ 05 \ Chemical gas spotted

  1. ▫ Hey, these our gas!
  2. ▫ Gas!
  3. ▫ Газ! Газ! Газ!

    Gas! Gas! Gas!
  4. ▫ Put on a masks! Маски!

    Put on a masks! Masks!
  5. ▫ Masks! Get masks on!
  6. ▫ Hope you brought masks!
  7. ▫ Masks on! Masks on!
  8. ▫ Put your ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ masks on!
  9. ▫ Put on the masks!

▫ 06 \ Incoming jet

  1. ▫ Oh, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Incoming!
  2. ▫ Ah, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Airstrike!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! That’s a jet!
  4. ▫ That ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ thing is back!
  5. ▫ Get to cover! Find cover!
  6. ▫ It’s gonna hit us!
  7. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! Incoming!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Incoming!
  8. ▫ Cover!

▫ 07 \ Incoming gunship

  1. ▫ They going to ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ kill us!
  2. ▫ Oh, ⚹⚹… That’s a ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ gunship!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Shoot it down! Shoot it down!
  4. ▫ Oh, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Gunship!
  5. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, gunship!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, gunship!
  6. ▫ Да, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹ do we do?!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹ this! What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹ do we do?!
  7. ▫ Get to cover! Get to cover!
  8. ▫ Shoot that ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! Shoot him!

    Shoot that ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! Shoot him!

▫ 08 \ Incoming minigun support

  1. ▫ Чёрт, helicopter incoming!

    Hell, helicopter incoming!
  2. ▫ Sent helicopter!
  3. ▫ Aim for the rotors!
  4. ▫ Take it up! Shoot it down!
  5. ▫ Helicopter!
  6. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! They going to hit us!
  7. ▫ Hey, does anyone have any rockets left?!
  8. ▫ Hey, they going to ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ kill us!

▫ 09 \ Incoming grenade drones

  1. ▫ Hey, bombing run!
  2. ▫ Stay out of the way!
  3. ▫ Incoming drones!
  4. ▫ Careful, bombing run!
  5. ▫ Here it come!
  6. ▫ Okay! Okay! It’s coming!
  7. ▫ Drones!
  8. ▫ Stay back, they going to blow it up!

▫ 10 \ Incoming I.E.D. drone

  1. ▫ Oh, explosive drone!
  2. ▫ Drone, incoming!
  3. ▫ Our drone is coming! Be careful!
  4. ▫ They know what we look like, right?!
  5. ▫ Hey, stay clear of that thing!
  6. ▫ Быстрее! Find them! Find them!

    Quickly! Find them! Find them!
  7. ▫ There is drone coming!
  8. ▫ Drone is looking for them! Get back!

Mercenary – Reactions

The Mercenary voice-over by Alexander Mercury

▫ 01 \ Spot frag

  1. ▫ Grenade!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  3. ▫ Grenade! Grenade!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

  5. ▫ Граната!


▫ 02 \ Spot remote

  1. ▫ Explosive!
  2. ▫ Get away from it!
  3. ▫ Bomb!
  4. ▫ Бомба!

  5. ▫ Сейчас рванёт!

    It’s gonna blow!

▫ 03 \ Spot rocket

  1. ▫ Rocket!
  2. ▫ Incoming!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, ракета!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, rocket!
  4. ▫ Uh… Ох, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Uh… Oh, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  5. ▫ Ракета!


▫ 04 \ Spot dud

  1. ▫ Is that a ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ dud!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! A dud?!
  3. ▫ Да ну на ⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹ that!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! It’s a dud!
  5. ▫ Dud! Dud!

▫ 05 \ Enemy vehicle crash

  1. ▫ Enemy! Look!
  2. ▫ That’s them!
  3. ▫ That’s their car!
  4. ▫ Shoot them! That’s them!
  5. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹ look!

▫ 06 \ Firing machine gun

  1. ▫ Сдохните!

  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ die!
  3. ▫ –
  4. ▫ –
  5. ▫ –

▫ 07 \ Low ammo

  1. ▫ Last mag!
  2. ▫ Последний магазин!

    Last magazine!
  3. ▫ Hey, last magazine!
  4. ▫ I’m low! I’m low!
  5. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹! I’m low on ammo!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹! I’m low on ammo!

▫ 08 \ Friendly fire

  1. ▫ Ah! Idiot! Ну ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹?!

    Ah! Idiot! What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹?!
  2. ▫ Ah! You ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  3. ▫ Ah, что же ты ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ делаешь?! A!

    Ah, what the ⚹⚹⚹⚹ are you doing?! Ah!
  4. ▫ Стой! Стой! Стой!

    Stop! Stop! Stop!
  5. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, ты безмозглый ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ что ли, а?

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, you’re a brainless ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ idiot, aren’t you?

▫ 09 \ Sorry almost hit

  1. ▫ Извини!

  2. ▫ Oh, ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Sorry!
  3. ▫ That was me, sorry!
  4. ▫ Move, idiot!
  5. ▫ Come on! Move! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

▫ 10 \ Friendly down

  1. ▫ Man down!
  2. ▫ We lost one!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  4. ▫ Ах, нашего подбили!

    Ah, friendly hit!
  5. ▫ У нас потери!

    We have casualties!
  6. ▫ A ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ kill them!
  7. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! Stay back! Stay back!
  8. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, look out!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, look out!
  9. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

▫ 11 \ Witness gruesome death

  1. ▫ Ah!
  2. ▫ Господи!

  3. ▫ Да ну ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹?!

    What the⚹⚹⚹⚹?!
  4. ▫ Holy ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  5. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Holy ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

▫ 12 \ Blinded

  1. ▫ –
  2. ▫ –
  3. ▫ –
  4. ▫ Ах, да ну ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹?!

    Oh, what the ⚹⚹⚹⚹?!
  5. ▫ Flashbang!
  6. ▫ Флэшка! Граната!

    Flash! Grenade!
  7. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

  8. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  9. ▫ –
  10. ▫ –
  11. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

▫ 13 \ Suppressed by explosion

  1. ▫ Чёрт, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Hell, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, чёрт!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, damn!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!


▫ 14 \ Suppressed by firesupport

  1. ▫ Найдите укрытие!

    Find cover!
  2. ▫ Cover! Cover!
  3. ▫ Get inside!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  5. ▫ Двигай!


▫ 15 \ Suppressed by gunfire

  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

  2. ▫ Чёрт!

  3. ▫ Да, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹ this!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

  5. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹ на!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹ you!
  6. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

  7. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, что за ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, what the ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  8. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  9. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹, господи помоги!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, God help me!
  10. ▫ Что за ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹?!

    What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹?!
  11. ▫ What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹?!
  12. ▫ Oh, damn, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  13. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  14. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

  15. ▫ –
  16. ▫ Враг!

  17. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹?! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  18. ▫ Ах ты ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Oh, you ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  19. ▫ Соси ⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Suck the ⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  20. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹ тебе в нос, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Stab your nose with a ⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  21. ▫ –
  22. ▫ –
  23. ▫ –
  24. ▫ –
  25. ▫ –
  26. ▫ –
  27. ▫ –
  28. ▫ –
  29. ▫ –
  30. ▫ –
  31. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹ bag!
  32. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

  33. ▫ Нет!

  34. ▫ –
  35. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ в рот, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ in the mouth, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  36. ▫ –
  37. ▫ –
  38. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹! ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  39. ▫ –
  40. ▫ –
  41. ▫ О, Господи!

    Oh, God!

▫ 16 \ Suppressed by machinegun

  1. ▫ Пулемётчик!

  2. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ machinegun!
  3. ▫ Чёрт, machinegun!

    Hell, machinegun!
  4. ▫ Kill that machinegun for ⚹⚹⚹⚹’s sake!
  5. ▫ Machinegun! Machinegun!

▫ 17 \ Suppressed by sniper

  1. ▫ Sniper!
  2. ▫ Sniper!
  3. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, это снайпер!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, this is a sniper!
  4. ▫ Sniper! Sniper!
  5. ▫ В укрытие, снайпер!

    Get to cover, a sniper!

▫ 18 \ Smoke cough

  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

▫ –

▫ 19 \ Chemical cough

▫ –

▫ 20 \ Friendly vehicle crash

  1. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

  2. ▫ The ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ idiot!
  3. ▫ Are you ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ kidding me?!
  4. ▫ What the ⚹⚹… Hey, ⚹⚹⚹⚹ off!
  5. ▫ Куда ты прёшь?!

    Where the hell are you going?!

▫ 21 \ Motor accident

  1. ▫ What the ⚹⚹⚹⚹ was that?!
  2. ▫ Hey, idiot! Carefull!
  3. ▫ Hah, what the ⚹⚹⚹⚹?!
  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  5. ▫ –

▫ 22 \ Receive damage

  1. ▫ Ah, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  2. ▫ Ай, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Ouch, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  3. ▫ Долбаный ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
  4. ▫ Ah! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ карась!

    Ah! ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹ carp!
  5. ▫ Ах, гори в аду, ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

    Ah, burn in hell, ⚹⚹⚹⚹⚹!
▫ –

▫ 23 \ Burn pain

  1. ▫ –
  2. ▫ –
  3. ▫ Чёрт!

  4. ▫ ⚹⚹⚹⚹!

  5. ▫ –

▫ 24 \ Incapacitated pain

  1. ▫ –
  2. ▫ Мама!

▫ –

▫ 25 \ Death grunt

▫ –

▫ 26 \ Death shout

▫ –

▫ 27 \ Death squeal

▫ –

▫ 28 \ Flame death

▫ –

Tutorial mission

The Cleric voice-over by Michael Tsarouhas

Spec Ops – Radial Menu

The Spec Ops voice-over by Adam James

Spec Ops – Radial Menu: Suppressed

The Spec Ops voice-over by Adam James

Spec Ops – Interactions

The Spec Ops voice-over by Adam James

Spec Ops – Interactions: Suppressed

The Spec Ops voice-over by Adam James

Spec Ops – Bot

The Spec Ops voice-over by Adam James

Spec Ops – Commander

The Spec Ops voice-over by Adam James

Spec Ops – Commander: Suppressed

The Spec Ops voice-over by Adam James

Spec Ops – Observer

The Spec Ops voice-over by Adam James

Spec Ops – Observer: Suppressed

The Spec Ops voice-over by Adam James

Spec Ops – Gameplay

The Spec Ops voice-over by Adam James

Spec Ops – Fire Support

The Spec Ops voice-over by Adam James

Spec Ops – Reactions

The Spec Ops voice-over by Adam James

Militia – Radial Menu

The Militia voice-over by Lara Sawalha

Militia – Radial Menu: Suppressed

The Militia voice-over by Lara Sawalha

Militia – Interactions

The Militia voice-over by Lara Sawalha

Militia – Interactions: Suppressed

The Militia voice-over by Lara Sawalha

Militia – Bot

The Militia voice-over by Lara Sawalha

Militia – Commander

The Militia voice-over by Lara Sawalha

Militia – Commander: Suppressed

The Militia voice-over by Lara Sawalha

Militia – Observer

The Militia voice-over by Lara Sawalha

Militia – Observer: Suppressed

The Militia voice-over by Lara Sawalha

Militia – Gameplay

The Militia voice-over by Lara Sawalha

Militia – Fire Support

The Militia voice-over by Lara Sawalha

Militia – Reactions

The Militia voice-over by Lara Sawalha

Rebel – Radial Menu

The Rebel voice-over by Elham Ehsas

Rebel – Radial Menu: Suppressed

The Rebel voice-over by Elham Ehsas

Rebel – Interactions

The Rebel voice-over by Elham Ehsas

Rebel – Interactions: Suppressed

The Rebel voice-over by Elham Ehsas

Rebel – Bot

The Rebel voice-over by Elham Ehsas

Rebel – Commander

The Rebel voice-over by Elham Ehsas

Rebel – Commander: Suppressed

The Rebel voice-over by Elham Ehsas

Rebel – Observer

The Rebel voice-over by Elham Ehsas

Rebel – Observer: Suppressed

The Rebel voice-over by Elham Ehsas

Rebel – Gameplay

The Rebel voice-over by Elham Ehsas

Rebel – Fire Support

The Rebel voice-over by Elham Ehsas

Rebel – Reactions

The Rebel voice-over by Elham Ehsas

Regular – Radial Menu

The Regular voice-over by Waleed Elgadi

Regular – Radial Menu: Suppressed

The Regular voice-over by Waleed Elgadi

Regular – Interactions

The Regular voice-over by Waleed Elgadi

Regular – Interactions: Suppressed

The Regular voice-over by Waleed Elgadi

Regular – Bot

The Regular voice-over by Waleed Elgadi

Regular – Commander

The Regular voice-over by Waleed Elgadi

Regular – Commander: Suppressed

The Regular voice-over by Waleed Elgadi

Regular – Observer

The Regular voice-over by Waleed Elgadi

Regular – Observer: Suppressed

The Regular voice-over by Waleed Elgadi

Regular – Gameplay

The Regular voice-over by Waleed Elgadi

Regular – Fire Support

The Regular voice-over by Waleed Elgadi

Regular – Reactions

The Regular voice-over by Waleed Elgadi

Operative – Radial Menu

The Operative voice-over by Uriel Emil

Operative – Radial Menu: Suppressed

The Operative voice-over by Uriel Emil

Operative – Interactions

The Operative voice-over by Uriel Emil

Operative – Interactions: Suppressed

The Operative voice-over by Uriel Emil

Operative – Bot

The Operative voice-over by Uriel Emil

Operative – Commander

The Operative voice-over by Uriel Emil

Operative – Commander: Suppressed

The Operative voice-over by Uriel Emil

Operative – Observer

The Operative voice-over by Uriel Emil

Operative – Observer: Suppressed

The Operative voice-over by Uriel Emil

Operative – Gameplay

The Operative voice-over by Uriel Emil

Operative – Fire Support

The Operative voice-over by Uriel Emil

Operative – Reactions

The Operative voice-over by Uriel Emil

Warlock (Jet)

The Warlock voice-over by Derek Hagen

Assassin (Helicopter)

The Assassin voice-over by Janine Harouni

Cleric (Helicopter)

The Cleric voice-over by Michael Tsarouhas

Station (Security Forces)

The Station voice-over by Arnab Chanda

Outpost (Insurgents)

The Outpost voice-over by Waleed Elgadi

Special Thanks

▫ NWI developers for amazing games
▫ To all voice actors!
▫ EnDelta for an idea and implementation
▫ Valdyr for the beautiful screenshots