Totally Accurate Battlegrounds Guide

The Way of the Ninja/Samurai/Pirate for Totally Accurate Battlegrounds

The Way of the Ninja/Samurai/Pirate


This guide will teach you the stragety, and the way, of the ninja/samurai/pirate champions of tabg! Guns? We don’t need em’!

What is a TABG Ninja/Samurai/Pirate?

Ways to Locate a Ninja/Samurai/Pirate:
Loudly playing slavic music
Will often use dual weapons
Might have a ninja hat or ski hat on
Most importantly, relies ONLY on melee weapons! (With some exceptions though)

A TABG Ninja/Samurai/Pirate (NSP) is a type of playstyle where you rely fully on melee weapons, maybe a katana (my personal favorite) or dual frying pans! They may also use guns on some occasions if the gun is a flintlock, crossbow, or a tazer type of weapon.

This playstyle has gotten me two round wins so far and is fun af to play as. However, there are three main traits of a NSP one must master…

Whats makes a ninja?

A ninja is someone who knows his way around the map, and can quietly sneak up on people then blast tripakoski in their ears while they slash them up. It’s the most satisfying thing a person can feel in tabg when you jump off a build with a katana and land that katana on their head as you are landing down, killing them instantly

Find high places
Don’t play slavic music unless your fighting, so you can hear their footsteps
Flashbangs and smoke grenades are preferred.
Try to practice hitting people on the head in the shooting range.
Try to wait until two people finished fighting, and while the winner is standing perfectly still, collecting his reward, death arrived at his front door.

What makes a Samurai?

A proper samurai knows three things:
Loudly playing music
Loves that “G” button
Knows how to look cool

A good samurai knows how to kill an enemy with ease, and also knows how to let the enemy know that he is an action movie badass through jumping off walls to avoid gunfire, and dodging all your bullets like he is in the matrix.
He can also make great use of grenades to confuse and trap the enemy

In short: He is a cool badass

You’ll be surprised how much stuff you can easily climb, climb anything and jump off it to confuse the enemy while dodging bullets.
Use cover as much as possible
Always try to avoid combats in open fields unless there are many rocks and he is unaware.
Copy and paste “omae wa mou shindeiru” and paste it whenever you charge somebody.

What makes a Pirate?

A well seasoned pirate is one who, despite the ninja and samurai, uses firearms, however, a good pirate will not rely on large weapons, he will only rely on his flintlocks or maybe a blunderbuss.

A pirate will always use dual guns when he can and slam that G key down along with them. However, a melee weapon is also needed for a pirate to rely on. A katana or a sabre works best. In short, he is a gunslinging samurai.

Use laser pointers, although it does not look very cool.
If you can get a periscope, use it.

Whats make an NSP?

A well NSP is someone who can incorporate the traits of the ninja, samurai and pirate all in one person. This is the height of intelligence and is unbeatable. Nobody has ever survived this level of badass, and all of those who have attempted have spontaniously exploded, or gave up within 10 minutes…

However, rumours said that the perfect NSP loadout is a katana, a pickle costume and a level 4 helmet…