The Witcher Adventure Game Guide

The Witcher Adventure Game - 100% Achievement Guide for The Witcher Adventure Game

The Witcher Adventure Game – 100% Achievement Guide


A basic guide of how to get 100% of the achievements for this game.


The Witcher Adventure Game is an adaption of the existing boardgame, based on the Witcher world.

Playing as one of four characters, you travel from location to location, completing tasks, fighting monsters and supporting other players in order to achieve your own goals.

Gameplay and mechanics have been covered in other, more detailed guides, so I suggest you take a look at them in order to wrap your head around things.


Don’t Walk Away

Become Delayed 50 Times.
Becoming delayed is the penalty from various foul fates or monster encounters. Simply keep playing and you’ll run into enough of these to get the achievement.


Complete 100 Quests In All Games.
You’ll get this by going for the other achievements. Simply finish 100 main quests.

The Next Best Thing

Complete 100 Side Quests In All Games.
Each main quest you choose has a number of side quests with it. Complete 100 of those and you’ll get this achievement.

Helping Hand

Complete 100 Support Quests In All Games.
On multiplayer games (either against the computer or another player), land on the same space as another character and access their main quest card. You’ll be given the option to complete their support quest if you have the necessary resources. Do this on offline mode, but play as multiple characters.

Die Die My Darling

Flip 100 Wounds To Their Severe Sides In All Games.
Try and get into a position where you are fighting an enemy you cannot beat, yet can heal your wounds and grind this one out.

Where Am I Going To Put All This?

Collect 100 Gold In All Games.
Play as Dandelion and use the sing action continually for gold.

Welcome To Vivaldi Bank!

Collect 500 Gold In All Games.
Play as Dandelion and use the sing action continually for gold.

Vivaldi’s Best Client

Collect 1000 Gold In All Games.
Play as Dandelion and use the sing action continually for gold.

Shut Up And Takes My Money!

Lose 100 Gold Coins In All Games.
Various events and monsters will cause you to lose gold. If you need to farm for this achievement, get yourself in a position with Dandelion where you are continually losing against an enemy that robs you of money. Use the sing action to make more gold.

Shani Would Be Impressed

Heal 100 Wounds In All Games.
Use the rest action to heal wounds that you have accumulated. You’ll probably get this achievement after playing normally.

Nenneke Would Be Proud

Heal 100 Severe Wounds In All Games.
Use the rest action to heal wounds that you have accumulated. You’ll probably get this achievement after playing normally.


Collect 100 Blue Leads In All Games.
Keep travelling between two locations with the colour lead that you want to farm the colour without wasting actions.

Oxenfurt Lecturer

Collect 500 Blue Leads In All Games.
Keep travelling between two locations with the colour lead that you want to farm the colour without wasting actions.

Fount Of Knowledge

Collect 1000 Blue Leads In All Games.
Keep travelling between two locations with the colour lead that you want to farm the colour without wasting actions.

Budding Emissary

Collect 100 Purple Leads In All Games.
Keep travelling between two locations with the colour lead that you want to farm the colour without wasting actions.

Veteran Diplomat

Collect 500 Purple Leads In All Games.
Travelling between cities allows you to collect a lead based on the colours above the city names. Keep travelling between two locations with the colours that you need to grind for these achievements.

Advisor To Kings

Collect 1000 Purple Leads In All Games.
Keep travelling between two locations with the colour lead that you want to farm the colour without wasting actions.

Wanna Fight?

Collect 100 Red Leads In All Games.
Keep travelling between two locations with the colour lead that you want to farm the colour without wasting actions.

Trust Me – You Don’t Want To Fight Me

Collect 500 Red Leads In All Games.
Keep travelling between two locations with the colour lead that you want to farm the colour without wasting actions.

Warned You!

Collect 1000 Red Leads In All Games.
Keep travelling between two locations with the colour lead that you want to farm the colour without wasting actions.

Prince Of Darkness

Place 13 FF Tokens In Total On Other Player Hero Sheets In All Games.
You’ll have the option to do this as you come across various encounters.

Achievements (Cont.)


Receive 100 Wounds In All Games.
You can receive wounds from monsters or investigations. Keep playing and you’ll rack up enough to unlock this achievement.

BDSM Aficionado

Receive 100 Severe Wounds In All Games.
You can receive severe wounds from monsters or investigations. Keep playing and you’ll rack up enough to unlock this achievement.

Luck Never Made A Man Wise

Remove 100 Foul Fate Tokens From A Hero Sheet In All Games.
Various investigations and developments will allow you to do this. Simply keep getting into situations where you earn foul fates and continue to get rid of them.

Bright Glow Flickering Over The Tombstones Of My Enemies

Win 10 Online Games.
The easiest way to get this is to find someone who is also going for the achievement. Play a single game with them and win/lose as quickly as possible.

Harsh Light Inundanting The Coffins Of My Enemies

Win 20 Online Games.
The easiest way to get this is to find someone who is also going for the achievement. Play a single game with them and win/lose as quickly as possible.

White Flame Dancing On The Graves Of My Enemies

Win 50 Online Games.
The easiest way to get this is to find someone who is also going for the achievement. Play a single game with them and win/lose as quickly as possible.

Local Champion

Win 10 Offline Games.
Just play solo to quickly gain this achievement.

Not In My House!

Win 20 Offline Games.
Just play solo to quickly gain this achievement.

Master Of My Domain

Win 50 Offline Games.
Just play solo to quickly gain this achievement.

We’re Just Getting Started!

Score 50 VP In A Single Game.
Play as Geralt, gain all your developments and begin to farm monsters.

First One There Wins A Horse!

Score 100 VP In A Single Game.
Play as Geralt, gain all your developments and begin to farm monsters.

You Had My Curiosity – Now You’ve Got My Attention

Score 150 VP In A Single Game.
Play as Geralt, gain all your developments and begin to farm monsters.

A True Veteran

Score 500 VP In All Games.
You’ll probably get this going for the other achievements. If not, simply play as Geralt and kill monsters.

King Of The Hill

Score 1000 VP In All Games.
You’ll probably get this going for the other achievements. If not, simply play as Geralt and kill monsters.

Simply The Best

Score 2000 VP In All Games.
You’ll probably get this going for the other achievements. If not, simply play as Geralt and kill monsters.

Don’t Let Them Bring You Down

Lose 100 VP In All Games.
Losing VP will happen when you lose against certain monsters, or after certain events. Keep playing and you’ll get this achievement.


I installed this game as a complete newbie to the Witcher series.

Despite the strange concept (a video game of a board game based on a book) and the slightly tricky mechanics, I’d recommend this game rather highly.

It’s a fun time waster for solo play, against the computer can end up being more of an immersive experience. The online scene is pretty scarce, but I imagine with a group of friends playing this it would be markedly more fun.