General Note: If the options do not appear in this route, that means those are irrelevant in achieving the endings for this route.
Call Hideki.
Stay and talk with Hideki.
Accept Hideki’s invitation.
Watch in silence.
Ask about the «preceeding meetings».
Get out of his hands.
Find the way out by yourself.
Follow Tomayo’s advice and go home.
Tell him I’ve already stayed too long and go home.
Try to wake up.
Ask about the ring.
General Note: If the options do not appear in this route, that means those are irrelevant in achieving the endings for this route.
Stay and see what comes next.
Try to persuade him to let you go.
His family and parents.
Father’s name.
Take and drink.
Insist on leaving.
Go to Yuki.
Ask him to stop it.
Try to leave.
Try to get out.
His interests and hobbies.
Your own name.
Tell him I don’t want to drink anymore.
Try to stand up and go.
Stay with Aki.
Bear the pain in silence.
General Note: If the options do not appear in this route, that means those are irrelevant in achieving the endings for this route.
Explore the Midworld.
Sadao and his behavior…
Forgive him.
Listen to the story.
Ask about my soul.
Watch in silence.
Take the spider.
Face it.
Use my inner power.
Accept the truth.
Listen to the story.
Do it myself.
Go back home.
What is this place – the Midworld?
Say I need to think about it.
Try to tear out the knife.
Skip his story.
Ask who he is.
Try to wake up.
Try to talk Sadao out of it.
Doubt Akira’s words.
Tell Sadao I’m very tired.
Ask Sadao for help.
General Note: If the options do not appear in this route, that means those are irrelevant in achieving the endings for this route.
Yes, of course.
Follow Tomayo’s advice and go home.
Stay with Tomayo.
Agree with Tomayo.
Tell him I can handle it by myself.
Doubt his words.
I don’t want to take too much of your time.
Stay and talk with Hideki.
Stay with Aki.
Argue with him.
Stay with Aki.
Fall into Akira’s arms.
General Note: If the options do not appear in this route, that means those are irrelevant in achieving the endings for this route.
Slap him in the face.
Stay with Aki.
Stay with Aki.
Argue with him.
Stay with Aki.
Fall into Akira’s arms.
Bear the pain in silence.
Doubt Akira’s words.
Calm down and say something.
Go to Yuki.
Stay with Tomayo.
Agree with Tomayo.
Tell him I can handle it by myself.
Doubt his words.
Ask him to stop it.
Accept the truth.