Dishonored RHCP Guide

Throwing stun 'nades for Dishonored RHCP

Throwing stun ‘nades


Prerequisits:’Grab’ perkIngredients:RatStun mineSimply use ‘Grab’ on a rat, drop it on the ground (the word is DROP, not throw).Equip ur left hand with a stun mine, aim at the rat and use it.-> Stun mine attached to a dead rat.Use ‘Grab’ on the mined rat, approach ur enemy and throw mined rat from afar.Author note:Though it is not such a big thing, i found it to be very useful when trying to achive ‘Ghost’.I’ve learned about the ability to use mines on rat from an achievement, that asks u to kill an enemy by attaching an arc mine to a rat, though i never used it in such a way.While on the last task befor sailing to B. Manor i found 4 witches hiding in a ‘secret’ hangar. To that point I had 1 sleep dart left. Leaving them as they were resulted in an ambush after installing the energy coil onto the engine, thus ruining finishing the mission with ‘Ghost’. Killing those 4 also wasnt an option, and there I came up with this idea. 🙂

4 witches
