Age of Empires II (2013) Guide

[tip] Flawless start in Single Player for Age of Empires II (2013)

[tip] Flawless start in Single Player


Disclaimer: This might to some people be considered as an exploit and if you want to play legit then you’re free to not use this tip.Are you stuck in a campaign mission? Are you just INCHES away from beating the hardest bot dificulty? This is a tip i found myself you can use especially at the beginning of a game or if you just advanced in age and have a lot to upgrade for example. Many probably already know about this but for those who don’t, this is for you!Depending on your keyboard, if you have a standard fullsized keyboard the location of the ‘PAUSE , BREAK’ button is more or less the same.Extremely short gif showing in use Gyazo GIF link[]

How to

The pause button on your keyboard does what you might think but not in all games; it pauses.
Here i’ve shown where it is on most ‘standard’ sized keyboards, layout may differ depending on models. Small keyboards, on laptop or just small model ones generally dont have this button.
(Click image!)

Whenever you need, press the button and your game will pause. Note that the pause menu does not appear. This means that you can still interact with everything and set units or upgrades on queue. Time is still frozen so dont click too many times thinking nothing happends! Once you have done the necessary clicking, simply click the “Pause” button again and the game will resume and act as if you did all the clicks in a milisecond, Simple!

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