Locations of Handprints, Tips for boss fights, List of unlockables and more
How to unlock each character in Raid Mode
Overview of all character in Raid Mode
That’ll Leave a Mark (Raid Mode)
Start up stage 20 with a rocket launcher and fire at the enemy in the middle. The damage taken from all three targets add up the damage all together.
The pool is open (campaign)
To swim in the solarium you need to clean the pool first. In episode 3, go to the solarium at the top of the grand hall, solve the circuit wiring puzzle near the swimming pool, then go turn on the pool filtration system.
In episode 4, return to the solarium and the pool will be clean for Jill to take a swim.
If you dive below the surface, you can swim through tunnels in the barnacled pool shoggoth to reach the diving board and the far side of the pool area, where you will find grenades and other goodies.
Living on the edge (campaign)
You have to “stop an enemy bullet with your knife”. By “bullet”, Resident Evil means the bony, regenerating organic projectile from the ooze enemy type known as a tricorne. Get a good distance from one such tricome, then keep dodging and stabbing with Jill’s knife until you smash one of those so-called bullets.
Die another day (campaign)
A scagdead is a towering abomination with a buzzsaw arm and, in episode three, the comms officer you’re looking for has become one. He’s got a close-up attack that will kill you in one hit if you do not dodge it.
Rockets are for Losers (campaign)
All you need is a strong sniper rifle with full ammo. To win this boss fight you need to destroy the Malacoda’s tentacles. Always attack the dark purple tentacles on the right side. Do not use any of the rocket launchers from the wooden boxes! Stick to your normal weapons and keep shooting the tentacles until the Malacoda dies.
Boss Strategies
- Weak Spot: Head
- Suggested Weapon: Rifle
You should keep your distance in this battle and try not engaging in close combat. There are fire barrels scattered throughout the area so use them to your advantage to stun him and then melee him after he is stunned of course.
There are two ways you can use to kill this boss:
Nearby Window
Instead of going into the room and taking on him head-on, try the outer balcony and shoot the lock off the door and switch to your rifle when the boss shows up.
Take your aim and try to shoot the smaller head of the two (The one on the right hand side). Shooting the mis-coloured skin under the head will also do a decent amount of damage and he will run out of the room. Switch to your hand gun IF you have time and shoot the fire barrel once he passes by it to stun him and then pound upon him with a charged melee attack.
Now, make your way back to the window and jump into the room, he will come to get you so jump through the window again and keep on shooting him. Again, when he tries to leave, jump into the room lure him. Keep doing this until he is dead. Note that you will not be able to reload while jumping so time your reloads well.
Through Kitchen
Jump down onto the bottom platform and into the kitchen to beat the boss in the easiest way possible.
The scagdead will chase you, make your way to kitchen counter and jump through it on the other side. Since the scagdead can’t go over the counter, it will run across you.
Use this opportunity to aim for the smaller head of the two with your rifle or shotgun to yield maximum damage. He will turn around to chase you. Again jump to the other side of the counter and repeat the process until he’s dead.
- Weak Spot: Head
- Suggested Weapon: Shotgun or Machine Gun
Rachael is a slightly faster but more resilient ooze. And her attacks are in a pattern – that makes her an easy kill as long as you can dodge her attacks well.
The basic tactic you want to use against her is to dodge her attack, turn around, shoot and then dodge again. Dodging her attacks can be a hassle, but if you know what you are doing, then it’s not as she shrieks before launching any attack so you should be good.
- Weak Spot: Right Head
- Suggested Weapon: Rifle
After the elevator fight, switch your machine gun to hand gun. Equip your rifle and move towards the center of the building for the boss fight.
This fight is all about dodging the attacks of the boss and taking well-placed shots. It will run to you to do damage or often do slamming attacks when its health will be low. Work on your dodging skills to beat this one.
As he starts to run to you, its heads will be exposed. You want to take a well-placed shot at its smaller head (The right one) with the rifle. Take two or three shots then dodge him.
After you will drain half of his health, Parker will comment something about it, and Graghignazo’s attacking pattern will change.
You can’t dodge the slamming attack. What you can do is shoot the exposing paw during the slam and interrupt it. As you come closer to killing it, it will become more responsive, and you will only be able to take one shot, and it will come hurtling towards you.
FBC Hack
- Enemies: Dogs, Hunter, Farefarllo
- Suggested Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Shotgun and Machinegun
As Quint is setting up the computer, make your way to the ladder behind him. Climb it and jump across the box to wait for the fight to start.
Dogs will come out jumping from the windows. Use your machine gun to take them out. Dogs are fast paced attackers but weak so you can take them out quite easily and if by chance a dog approaches too near, you can always jump across the box and quickly turn around to shoot them.
The second wave will consist of dogs and hunters. Keep using your machine gun to take them out although you may want to switch to your shotgun to kill the hunters but machine gun will also do.
You will also notice a lever going down during this wave. Run across it and pull it back up. Climb up the stairs and across the box to get into the fight again.
The third wave will consist of dogs, hunters and farefarllo. Although the number of dogs in this wave will be less than the other two waves.
Take out the dogs quickly and then back yourself up the wall and only use your shotgun to take out hunters and farefarllo. If you get swarmed with them, the rocket launcher is there to the rescue.
Jump down to the box on the right hand side and pick up the other launcher and climb up the other stair to pick up the magnum and stay there. Use everything you have from launchers to magnum to shotgun to kill the remaining hunters and farefarllo to complete the boss fight.
Malacoda PT. 1
- Weak Spot: Tentacles
There are a total of two things that make this boss hard to beat. First, its tentacle’s slams deal way too much damage and second is that you have a timer to beat this boss.
Your best bet against this boss is the rocket launcher. It will only take four rockets to kill this boss, but sadly you don’t have a rocket launcher during this boss fight so what you want to do is either stick to the edge of the room or stay in the center to dodge its tentacle slams. Dodging plays a very vital role during this fight.
The helicopter will drop boxes that contains rocket launcher.
Equip your knife and cut down those boxes to get the rocket launcher. The next best thing you can do is move closer to the boss and aim for the head of the tentacles because the body of the tentacles keeps on moving and can dodge the rockets, and you do not have so much ammo in hand because the helicopter drops are scarce.
After taking down two tentacles, the tentacle slamming will become more and more aggressive causing you to shake your aim. Dodge and take your aim at the head of the tentacle to kill it. Four successful shots will kill the boss.
Since there is a timer in this boss fight and the ammo is rare. You want to take your time to take the shot and not miss anything. It is not as hard as it looks if you don’t miss the shots. That’s pretty much it!
Remember that you can pick up the spare rockets for later use if you have shot down the boss already.
Malacoda PT. 2
- Weak Spots: Head
There are a total of two portions in this boss fight when you will be shooting the tentacles.
The first wave will be the heli swooping on the right side of the boss. There will be two tentacles here. One will be constantly striking you while the other one will leave a projectile.
Keep your aim steady and don’t stop to shoot the tentacle for them to die. Shoot the second tentacle if it appears. After you have killed the both tentacles successfully, a third tentacle will emerge. Keep on dodging and shooting it until the helicopter above moves away.
The second portion of the boss will bring you close to the boss. Keep on firing it steadily to kill it.
- Weak Spots: Parasite on back
- Suggested Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Magnum, Shotgun, Rifle
What you want to look for is Norman’s disappearing move against you. After he disappears, you will get a warning that he is coming to you so better get ready to shoot as he shows up.
Another thing you also want to do is make sure you have your distance from him because his hand swings are lethal. He has quite a long reach through his arm, and he knock you off ground.
Another thing that you want to keep an eye on is his doppelganger (An image of himself). The real Norman will be the one with purple mist coming out of his mouth. Just keep shooting him and keep this points in mind to defeat him successfully.
There are 30 handprints in Resident Evil: Revelations. You can only find them
in Story Mode (campaign mode). They are invisible and can only be detected if
you use the GENESIS scanner on them.
Finding 1, 15, or 30 of the Secret Handprints will unlock special weapons and
Scan 1 hidden Hand print – Unlocks 1 Green Herb.
Scan 15 hidden Hand prints – Unlocks the PSG1 rifle.
Scan 30 hidden Hand prints – Unlocks the G18 handgun.
Handprints 1 – 9
Episode 1:
In episode 1 you can find 4 handprints.
1. The first handprint can be found during the beach scenario. After passing through the tunnel, there will be an FBC container ahead and to the right you will find the handprint
2. You have to go back almost to the beginning of the ship. It is in the corridor right after the first you room go through (from outside the ship). Before going through the door at the end, scan the left wall toward the bottom, the one that has blood on it.
3. Scan the vending machine in the crew quarters area
4. This handprint is in the room where Rachael is killed. You can find it next to the computer monitor.
Episode 2:
5. Scan inside the cockpit of the crashed plane
6. This handprint is found after you drop down into a larger area and are attacked by the wolves. Go along the path, Jessica will ask a question about Jill and before you jump down another ledge, scan the left alcove (with stalactite).
7. In the dining room/cafeteria there is a handprint on a turkey.
8. A handprint is in the bathroom of the room you woke up in, above the bathtub.
9. There is a handprint on one of the bridge’s windows which looks out on the ocean.
Handprints 10 – 20
Episode 3
10. In the “opera” room (the promenade deck), there will be a handprint on the wall near the main stairs (behind them).
11. Scan the wall directly opposite of the door leading to the emergency communications room/the note left by the communications officer.
12. This handprint can be found in the room after the pool after completing a wire puzzle to open the door. Move forward a little and scan the opposite wall on the right.
13. After breaking out the “Comms Boss” there is a handprint on the boxes in the room that he was held in.
14. During your encounter with the “Comms Boss” there is a handprint in the kitchen on the lower floor.
15. Head back to the solarium (the room with the pool). Swim through the water and to where you can climb up to the diving board. Scan the end of it.
Episode 4
16. In the casino, if you’re facing the escalators, the handprint is to the left on one of the slot machines.
17. On your way back to where you first found Rachael, check out the room where the Chris dummy was being held. Scan the Veltro sign.
Episode 5
18. Scan the projector screen in the room you have to unlock via the computer console.
19. right after you go back to playing as Jill. Step off the lift, move left, and scan the book on the cabinet.
Episode 6
20. Scan the panel that has to be undone with a screwdriver for a wire puzzle.
Handprints 21 – 30
Episode 7
21. After taking the elevator to the deck, scan the second table on the left (it has blood on it).
22. You can find his handprint at the very edge of the deck (near the UAV container).
Episode 8
23. After swimming to the surface for the first time and going up the ladder, the handprint will be inside the small room. It will be on the middle glass panel of the console.
24. Scan the the locker with no suit inside, After registering your fingerprint and entering the lab.
25. After the first encounter with a Scarmiglione (an enemy with a shield), you will find a handprint on the left side of the fish tank.
26. After using the elevator in the room with the fish tank, scan the left of the first archway for a handprint.
Episode 9
27. A little after gaining back control of Jill in the lab, you’ll end up in a room with a computer with a file in front of it. Scan the wall above the computer.
Episode 11
28. In the middle of this area, face away from the boss and scan the cylinder.
Episode 12
29. In the dining room with the bodies, scan the bloody wall near the broken clock.
30. The handprint is directly under the throne.
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