Call of Duty: Black Ops III Guide

Tips for Call of Duty: Zombies for Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Tips for Call of Duty: Zombies


This guide is for any zombies player, new or experienced. It can let you know things you dont already know and could also bore you because you have heard it a million times. But the point is its a guide you get for free from another person so its still a win win 🙂


I have been playing zombies for 7 years. Yes, one year after the release of World at War. My highest round is something over 100 on origins. On black ops 3 it is 56 at the moment. I am an experienced zombie player but im still learning as the time goes on. Thank you for looking at my guide and I hope it helps you 🙂

2.0-Tip one: Composure

One of the most basic tips in zombies is to stay calm. Most people panic when their screen turns red and end up running around like a lunatic. There is no need to do this, it is just going to get you down sooner, be composed and stay calm, and remember, it’s just a game 😉

2.1-Tip two: The Set-up

If you find yourself thinking, how do people get to high rounds when I can’t get past round 20? Well this could be down to many reasons.

The first reason could be your perk choice.
Refer to 2.2 for the different perk combinations

The second reason could be your weapon choice.
I can tell you now the best weapons are the Drakon, Haymaker, Dingo, sometimes the BRM and the Locus. There are some other obvious ones like the wunderwaffe, apothicans servant, the bows.
Weapons to avoid- Ray gun. Why? It makes crawlers and it kills you. The wolf bow, it becomes ineffective fast. And other obvious bad weapons (Launchers etc.)

The third reason could be your second upgrade/bullet modification.
These mods are changing to completely balance them out so there is no under powered one and that there is no OP one, I am sure they are meant to all be even, this is just my PoV when i play.
The best mods in order- Blast furnace, Turned, Dead Wire, Thunder Blast and fireworks.
Be wise with what weapons you put these on, a one shot kill weapon is not good for turned, but a gun with a lot of bullets that you dont need to use is. Blast furnace is good on shotguns beacause of the huge damage burst. The rest is simple to figure out if you use them yourself.

The fourth reason could be how you start your rounds.

Power ups:
Double Points-If you have one zombie left and a double points, kill the zombie and save the double points.
Nukes- Only use a nuke if there is one zombie or two zombies left, never if there is more unless you have a double points active, then you can use it at any time as long as the double points doesnt expire before all of the zombies die, so if its flashing and you are on round 8 at the start, dont take it.
Instakill- You dont need to get this at low rounds when you are getting points, because you are getting points, obviously.
Max Ammo- Let everyone reload before you use this, but if you are in a sticky situation then take it. If you get a max ammo and then get another one straight after, dont take the second one, it lowers the frequency of them dropping for a while, probably I dont really know but it feels like it does 🙂

Getting points
Shadows of evil:
3 shots to the leg and a knife at round one.
7 shots to the body and a knife at round two.
15 shots to the body and a knife at round three.

The Giant and Der Eisendrache
5 shots to the body and a knife on round one.
8 shots to the body and a knife at round two.
16 shots to the body and a knife on round three.

Dont be the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ that goes to someone elses window to steal their points, thats just a ♥♥♥♥ move and it isnt necessary unless they have asked you to.

2.2-Tip Three: Perk Choice

For solo, never buy quick revive at the start. Why? Because if you ♥♥♥♥ up and die with quick revive, thats a quick revive charge down, and you can only get 3 goes on the machine, giving a total of 4 downs without gobble gums. So you wait until you have jug unlocked and have enough for quick revive, then you are sorted.
Your perk choice for solo can be varied, you will always need quick revive and jug. The other two can differ depending on your stratergy and your map. I love to camp so normally I get Speed Cola and Double Tap. However if you want to train Stamin-up and another perk could be good for you. And yes on The Giant Stamin-up can be purchasable through throwing monkeys into each tele porter and teleporting and pressing the red button near pack a punch, but you can get deadshot instead if you arent lucky, meaning you need to use OTH (On the House) to get it.
The Perk set up for Multiplayer should vary depending on your play style, which can be the Medic, as I like to call it. The camper. And the trainer. There could be others but these are the main ones
The Medic- This set consits of stammin-up, Juggernaught, Quick revive and depending on the map widows wine. Basically what you do is run around and revive people that need it.
The camper- your role is to sit somewhere mainly where the zombies bottleneck. Bottlenecking is where the zombies are forced down a small gap so you can shoot multiple at once. Your perks should be Juggernaught, Speed Cola, Double Tap and Mule Kick, or dead shot if you feel like its better.
The trainer- For this you find a spot where you can run around and let the zombies follow you and when the zombies are all together you shoot. The Perks for this tend to be Stamin-Up, Speed Cola, Double Tap, Juggernaught and or Mule Kick.

2.3-Tip Four: GobbleGums

So, Gobblegums, the pay to win sytsem of zombies? No. It is only pay to win if you are bad. Any player can see that it is just to make the first rounds go faster, thats all really. One of the best GobbleGums is Alchemical Anthisis. This means that every time you get 10 points, you get one bullet, meaning you have infinite ammo for 60 seconds, which has two uses, so for 120 seconds.

People ask about how to get free perkaholics. The answer is simple, play the game and get liquid divinium and open up vats. There is a small alteration that increases your chances of getting more gobblegums and it is to use only one vat at a time, so you get a power boost and get the rest of the vats, it has worked for me in the past as i got 2 perkaholics from 1 vat, by getting a power boost which unlocks the other vats and then getting x2 reward and a perkaholic.

Farming GobbleGums- The best thing to do is hop on the giant, get to the power room, get two good weapons and get jug and quick revive and hold off for as long as possible there whilst using the trap to kill the zombies, and when you get 2 liquid divinium end the game. This increases your average rounds and makes your stats look better and gives you two Attempts at the almight Perkaholic.

The best GobbleGums are In-plain sight, Perkaholic, Alchemical Anthisis, Fire Sale, Double points, nukes. With these unlocked and ready to use you can have a good run on every run.

To save GobbleGums you can use one and before you get downed, close the game from the windows desktop so your gobblegums dont get used up, which enables you to do all of the challenges with one gobblegum, however you will not be on the leaderboards for the round you got to.

2.4-Tip Five: Teamwork

This doesnt aplly to you solo players. But if you play mulitplayer and want to have a good game, dont tilt your team mates, the enemy is the zombies.

If your team mates are the people that steal zombies kills and dont feed the heads, then I to be honest would leave the game. The key is to be friendly if none of your friends have the game, and make friends of the players that are good, and then you have people you know to depend on and to play with for fun and for serious rounds. Make sure the timzones arent too large though 😉

2.5-Tip Six: Being Over-Confident

This is something that gets me a lot. I was on round 52 and was bored, so i decided to go on twitter and got into an argument with someone, so I decided to prove him wrong whilst playing zombies; shooting every seven seconds with the electric bow. And this didnt end well as I ran out of ammo without realising and I died, so the moral of the story is dont look at your phone for 5 minutes straight and play zombies at high rounds 🙂

2.6-Tip Seven: Prestige and leveling

A quick way to level up is to do high round runs. It gives a lot of exp. Another way is to do challenges, your daily ones and your side achievments. I went up an entire presige in a day just by getting high rounds, its really simple and fun to do if you dont get bored easily.
When you go to prestige, you need to get to level 35, and then max that level. After clicking prestige you get to premantly unlock a GobbleGum or a weapon, and you get one unlock per prestige. The best Gum to unlock is Alchemical, the last one you get at level 35. You dont need to unlock any others unless you use it a lot and it takes a lit to unlock, same with the weapons. You only need to get the weapons you use the most and that arent hard to get.

Prestiging isnt a good option if you do not play zombies often, it only provides bragging rights and lock all of your weapons and non-obtainable gums. (the default ones)

2.7-Tip Eight: Know Your Map

This tip is simple but not used often. When you search online you want to play with people who you dont know. You also expect them to kind of know what they are doing. But there is nothing more frustrating than someone that kills all of the zombies instead of feeding the dragon heads, for example. People use the excuse of that they want to learn, which is viable, but in my opinion it is only viable when playing solo or with friends. The best way to learn a map is play it on solo so you dont have to rely on anyone. Or you can play with friends that know what to do. Another way of learning how to play maps is watching streamers or youtubers. I learnt Der Eisendrache completely two weeks before the PC/XBOX release. There can be things that streamers who get to high rounds do that you can copy that will help you greatly.

2.8-Tip Nine: The Mystery box

So, the mystery box. The container that has been in the game since the first map, Nacht Der Untoten. People think that if you jump 360 knife the box you will get a good weapon. Wrong. It is all chance. There is no method to increasing your RNG. However there is a method to using a box.

Firstly, if you use the box make sure you can pick up whats inside, dont use it in a risky situation, wait until the round is over or get a wall gun.

Secondly, there is a method to using the box. Say you are on round 5 and your’e playing on the giant, a map that can require early starting points to ensure your late game with upgrades and etc. If you use the box once and get an XM, then use the box again by all means. But if you use the box and get something like a Dingo, there is no need to use the box again, this enables you to buy Jug and Quick Revive and any other perks you want, and then you should box again, otherwise you can just be wasting half of your Jug money on one spin

Lastly, if you haev two of your desired guns and one is out of ammo, but you want it for the late game, like a drakon, dont use the box, train or let you team mates kill the zombies so you dont have to lose your weapon. There is also no need to use the box until you are fully set up and want something like the throwable wonder weapon, for example cymbol monkeys.

The Respin Cycle- This is a gobble gum that lets you re roll the box. I would suggest using this when you are going for a long run and that you want a good set up. It is also good to use with randoms as they will most likely box hog (which is using the box over and over). But in any other situation, it isnt good, its just a waste of a slot in your Gobble Gum arsenal as it isnt hard to get 950 points, and your pretty much only saving 450 each use.

2.9-Tip Ten: World At War

This tip isnt related to Black Ops 3 but it is related to Zombies. The game WaW is moddable on PC, this means that you can add custom maps. Custom maps give a new experiance to zombies and make the game much more fun. I would wait for a ~fire ;)~ sale if you are wanting to get this game as it is availiable for £20 at the moment, but in a sale it is only £10.

If you have Dota 2 items/ CS:GO items/TF2 items, I know a guy that sells Rust and Call of Duty World at War for a cheap price, his profile is: [link]

This is not advertising as such, im helping you have fun and him get money, I guess.