Undertale Guide

Tips on beating Sans. for Undertale

Tips on beating Sans.


Simply tips on how to beats Sans in a Genocide Route. I hope this helps!

Battle Basics

In this Fight, an important thing to remember is that the battle will ONLY progress when you Attack.
Whenever you heal or Check, Sans gets an attack where he does not have a speech bubble, so the battle does not progress closer to the end.

This can be frustrating because if you heal every turn, then the battle is essentially at a standstill where you are losing your items very quickly.

To avoid situations like that, you should simply practice. Get used to his attacks and feel free to die. This is a VERY hard boss fight to not die at least once in, so don’t feel bad about it!

Getting used to his attacks means that you will…
A) Know what they are.
B) Know at least a couple patterns.
C) Know how much damage you are going to be taking when you get hit.

Sans is an enemy who only deal one damage with every hit, but he can damage you for every frame that you are in his attacks. Is there a way to change this with a certain item? I’ll get into that later…

Now in this battle there is a special effect known as KARMA (KR for short) and it acts a little bit strange.

KARMA is what gets rid of your invincibility and it acts as a type a poison to your Health.
An easy way to think about it is that every time you get hit, your health, instead of just draining, gets turned purple and then slowly drains. Your health will drain even when you are choosing what to do for your Turn. Whenever you heal with KARMA damage, your health will start going up at the yellow part, negating some of the purple. Because of KARMA, Sans can only kill you when you are at 1 HP. Your last point of HP cannot be affect by KARMA, but when you have only the one point, affected purple health WILL drain faster whenever you get hit. Once the affected health is gone, and you are at 1 HP, and getting hit by any of Sans attacks will result in a GAME OVER.

Of course it is a little more complicated than that, but these are just the basics.


Deciding what Healing Items to bring to a Fight is very important.

I am going to be looking at the items that I use for the battle and will have a small pros and cons list for each.

Legendary Hero

Pros: 40 HP when eaten. Attack up by 4. Bought at MTT Resort, which is close to the fight.

Cons: Attack up doesn’t matter against Sans. Because it is bought at MTT Resort, you still have to actually PAY for it.

Face Steak

Pros: 60 HP when eaten. Bought at MTT Resort, which is close to the fight.

Cons: You can only buy one. You have to actually PAY for it.

Butterscotch Pie

Pros: Full HP when eaten. Free.

Cons: You have to remember to pick it up at the start of the game, and then you have to keep it for the whole game. There is also only one of them.

Snowman Piece

Pros: 45 HP when eaten. Free. You get to kill a Snowman.

Cons: There are only 3 in the game. You must get them all from the Snowman in Snowdin. You have to kill a Snowman to get them.

I have my inventory filled with the Face Steak, Pie, all three of the Snowman Pieces, and the rest are Legendary Heroes.
I use the Legendary Heroes for basic quick healing, the Snowman Pieces for if I need a little more health and don’t want to waste turns, the Steak for if I’m REALLY in trouble, and the Pie for near the end of the Fight.

This is simply my personal item set up, and I find it works very well.


In all honesty, equipment does not really matter in this fight. No matter what Sans will do 1 damage and no matter what it will take one hit to kill him.

Some may say to use the Torn Notebook and the Cloudy Glasses against him, because they up your invincibility frames, but in the Sans fight their effects are hardly noticable, so I reccomend to use whatever you want for this one.

Things To Watch Out For

The one thing that probably helps the most in this Battle is to simply BE AWARE.

The Halfway Point

This is an really good spot to heal if you need to do so. Sans will not attack as long as you do not attack him, so you have as many free turns to heal as you need.

After the Halfway Point

Sans will begin to attack you while you are in your menu. Watch our for bones covering your options along with the Buttons themselves. These attacks do NOT do KARMA damage, but still take away 1 HP per frame you are in them.

The Start

Sans opens with his famous “It’s a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like these… Kids like you… Should be burning in hell.”
But watch out! Because he changes it up sometimes after you die, there is even a point where he does his opening attack halfway through what he says.
After a few deaths, Sans will simply say something along the lines of “You Ready?” before attacking.

Pay attention to these little things that change after a death, because some of them actually make a huge difference.
